LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleStateType Constant Group Reference

Collection of state types. More...


const hyper INVALID = 0
 Indicates an invalid state. More...
const hyper ACTIVE = 1
 Indicates a window is currently the active window. More...
const hyper ARMED = 2
 Indicates that the object is armed. More...
const hyper BUSY = 4
 Indicates the current object is busy. More...
const hyper CHECKED = 8
 Indicates this object is currently checked. More...
const hyper DEFUNC = 16
 User interface object corresponding to this object no longer exists. More...
const hyper EDITABLE = 32
 Indicates the user can change the contents of this object. More...
const hyper ENABLED = 64
 Indicates this object is enabled. More...
const hyper EXPANDABLE = 128
 Indicates this object allows progressive disclosure of its children. More...
const hyper EXPANDED = 256
 Indicates this object is expanded. More...
const hyper FOCUSABLE = 512
 Object can accept the keyboard focus. More...
const hyper FOCUSED = 1024
 Indicates this object currently has the keyboard focus. More...
const hyper HORIZONTAL = 2048
 Indicates the orientation of this object is horizontal. More...
const hyper ICONIFIED = 4096
 Indicates this object is minimized and is represented only by an icon. More...
const hyper INDETERMINATE = 8192
 Sometimes UI elements can have a state indeterminate. More...
const hyper MANAGES_DESCENDANTS = 16384
 Indicates the most (all) children are transient and it is not necessary to add listener to the children. More...
const hyper MODAL = 32768
 Object is modal. More...
const hyper MULTI_LINE = 65536
 Indicates this (text) object can contain multiple lines of text. More...
const hyper MULTI_SELECTABLE = 131072
 More than one child may be selected at the same time. More...
const hyper OPAQUE = 262144
 Indicates this object paints every pixel within its rectangular region. More...
const hyper PRESSED = 524288
 Indicates this object is currently pressed. More...
const hyper RESIZABLE = 1048576
 Indicates the size of this object is not fixed. More...
const hyper SELECTABLE = 2097152
 Object is selectable. More...
const hyper SELECTED = 4194304
 Object is selected. More...
const hyper SENSITIVE = 8388608
 Indicates this object is sensitive. More...
const hyper SHOWING = 16777216
 Object is displayed on the screen. More...
const hyper SINGLE_LINE = 33554432
 Indicates this (text) object can contain only a single line of text. More...
const hyper STALE = 67108864
 Object information is stale and might not be up to date. More...
const hyper TRANSIENT = 134217728
 Indicates this object is transient. More...
const hyper VERTICAL = 268435456
 Indicates the orientation of this object is vertical. More...
const hyper VISIBLE = 536870912
 Object wants to be displayed on the screen. More...
const hyper MOVEABLE = 1073741824
 Indicates the position of the object is not fixed. More...
const hyper DEFAULT = 2147483648
 Indicates the object is the default button in a window. More...
const hyper OFFSCREEN = 4294967296
 Indicates the object is outside of the screen area. More...
const hyper COLLAPSE = 8589934592
 Indicates that the object is collapsed. More...
const hyper CHECKABLE = 17179869184
 Indicates this object is checkable, i.e. More...

Detailed Description

Collection of state types.

This list of constants defines the available set of states that an object that implements XAccessibleContext can be in.

The comments describing the states is taken verbatim from the Java Accessibility API 1.4 documentation.

We are using constants instead of a more typesafe enum. The reason for this is that IDL enums may not be extended. Therefore, in order to include future extensions to the set of roles we have to use constants here.

These states are giving values corresponding to the bits of a 64-bit value, since we OR them together to create bitsets to represent the combined state of an accessibility object .

OOo 1.1.2

Variable Documentation


const hyper ACTIVE = 1

Indicates a window is currently the active window.


const hyper ARMED = 2

Indicates that the object is armed.


const hyper BUSY = 4

Indicates the current object is busy.


const hyper CHECKABLE = 17179869184

Indicates this object is checkable, i.e.

it has the potential to be checked. See also the CHECKED state.


const hyper CHECKED = 8

Indicates this object is currently checked.


const hyper COLLAPSE = 8589934592

Indicates that the object is collapsed.


const hyper DEFAULT = 2147483648

Indicates the object is the default button in a window.


const hyper DEFUNC = 16

User interface object corresponding to this object no longer exists.

Indicates the user interface object corresponding to this object no longer exists.


const hyper EDITABLE = 32

Indicates the user can change the contents of this object.


const hyper ENABLED = 64

Indicates this object is enabled.


const hyper EXPANDABLE = 128

Indicates this object allows progressive disclosure of its children.


const hyper EXPANDED = 256

Indicates this object is expanded.


const hyper FOCUSABLE = 512

Object can accept the keyboard focus.

Indicates this object can accept keyboard focus, which means all events resulting from typing on the keyboard will normally be passed to it when it has focus.


const hyper FOCUSED = 1024

Indicates this object currently has the keyboard focus.


const hyper HORIZONTAL = 2048

Indicates the orientation of this object is horizontal.


const hyper ICONIFIED = 4096

Indicates this object is minimized and is represented only by an icon.


const hyper INDETERMINATE = 8192

Sometimes UI elements can have a state indeterminate.

This can happen e.g. if a check box reflects the bold state of text in a text processor. When the current selection contains text which is bold and also text which is not bold, the state is indeterminate.


const hyper INVALID = 0

Indicates an invalid state.


const hyper MANAGES_DESCENDANTS = 16384

Indicates the most (all) children are transient and it is not necessary to add listener to the children.

Only the active descendant (given by the event) should be not transient to make it possible to add listener to this object and recognize changes in this object.

The state is added to make a performance improvement. Now it is no longer necessary to iterate over all children to find out whether they are transient or not to decide whether to add listener or not. If there is an object with this state no one should iterate over the children to add listener. Only the active descendant should get listener if it is not transient.


const hyper MODAL = 32768

Object is modal.

Indicates something must be done with this object before the user can interact with an object in a different window.


const hyper MOVEABLE = 1073741824

Indicates the position of the object is not fixed.


const hyper MULTI_LINE = 65536

Indicates this (text) object can contain multiple lines of text.


const hyper MULTI_SELECTABLE = 131072

More than one child may be selected at the same time.

Indicates this object allows more than one of its children to be selected at the same time.


const hyper OFFSCREEN = 4294967296

Indicates the object is outside of the screen area.


const hyper OPAQUE = 262144

Indicates this object paints every pixel within its rectangular region.


const hyper PRESSED = 524288

Indicates this object is currently pressed.


const hyper RESIZABLE = 1048576

Indicates the size of this object is not fixed.


const hyper SELECTABLE = 2097152

Object is selectable.

Indicates this object is the child of an object that allows its children to be selected, and that this child is one of those children that can be selected.


const hyper SELECTED = 4194304

Object is selected.

Indicates this object is the child of an object that allows its children to be selected, and that this child is one of those children that has been selected.


const hyper SENSITIVE = 8388608

Indicates this object is sensitive.


const hyper SHOWING = 16777216

Object is displayed on the screen.

An object has set the SHOWING state if itself and all of its parents have set the VISIBLE state and it lies at least partly inside the visible area of its parent. It is, though, not necessarily visible on the screen because it may be occluded by other objects.


const hyper SINGLE_LINE = 33554432

Indicates this (text) object can contain only a single line of text.


const hyper STALE = 67108864

Object information is stale and might not be up to date.

Indicates that the information that is returned from this object might be out of sync with the application.


const hyper TRANSIENT = 134217728

Indicates this object is transient.


const hyper VERTICAL = 268435456

Indicates the orientation of this object is vertical.


const hyper VISIBLE = 536870912

Object wants to be displayed on the screen.

A set VISIBLE state indicates that an object wants to be displayed on the screen. It is displayed, as indicated by a set SHOWING state, if all of its parents have also set the VISIBLE state and the object lies at least partly in the visible area of its parent.