Implementation helper implementing interfaces css::lang::XTypeProvider and css::uno::XInterface inheriting from a BaseClass.
template<class BaseClass, class Ifc1, class Ifc2, class Ifc3>
class cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper3< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 >
Implementation helper implementing interfaces css::lang::XTypeProvider and css::uno::XInterface inheriting from a BaseClass.
All acquire() and release() calls are delegated to the BaseClass. Upon queryInterface(), if a demanded interface is not supported by this class directly, the request is delegated to the BaseClass.
- Attention
- The BaseClass has to be complete in a sense, that css::uno::XInterface and css::lang::XTypeProvider are implemented properly. The BaseClass must have at least one ctor that can be called with six or fewer arguments, of which none is of non-const reference type. also has to have a default ctor.
- Derive:
- Inherit from this class giving your additional interface(s) to be implemented as template argument(s). Your sub class defines method implementations for these interface(s).
template<class BaseClass , class Ifc1 , class Ifc2 , class Ifc3 >
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >