LibreOffice 24.2 SDK C/C++ API Reference
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 C_oslFileStatusStructure containing information about files and directories
 C_oslVolumeInfoStructure containing information about volumes
 C_rtl_LocaleThe implementation structure of a locale
 C_rtl_ModuleCountBackwards-compatibility remainder of a removed library unloading feature
 C_rtl_StandardModuleCountBackwards-compatibility remainder of a removed library unloading feature
 C_rtl_TextEncodingInfoInformation about a text encoding
 C_sal_SequenceThis is the binary specification of a SAL sequence
 C_typelib_CompoundMember_InitInit struct of compound members for typelib_typedescription_new()
 C_typelib_CompoundTypeDescriptionType description for exception types
 C_typelib_EnumTypeDescriptionType description of an enum
 C_typelib_IndirectTypeDescriptionType description of a sequence
 C_typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescriptionThe description of an interface attribute
 C_typelib_InterfaceMemberTypeDescriptionCommon base type description of typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription and typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription
 C_typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescriptionType description of an interface method
 C_typelib_InterfaceTypeDescriptionType description of an interface
 C_typelib_MethodParameterDescription of an interface method parameter
 C_typelib_Parameter_InitInit struct of interface methods for typelib_typedescription_new()
 C_typelib_StructMember_InitInit struct of members for typelib_typedescription_newStruct()
 C_typelib_StructTypeDescriptionType description for struct types
 C_typelib_TypeDescriptionFull type description of a type
 C_typelib_TypeDescriptionReferenceHolds a weak reference to a type description
 C_typelib_UikBinary typelib uik struct
 C_uno_AnyThis is the binary specification of a UNO any
 C_uno_EnvironmentThe binary specification of a UNO environment
 C_uno_ExtEnvironmentThe binary specification of a UNO environment supporting interface registration
 C_uno_InterfaceThe binary C uno interface description
 C_uno_MappingThis is the binary specification of a mapping
 Ccppu::AccessControlHelper class for retrieving access controller singleton from component context
 Ccppu::AntiEnvGuardEnvironment Anti-Guard Any entered Environment becomes left in the constructor and re-entered in the destructor
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::Array< T >Helper class to specify a type pointer for idl arrays
 Ccppu::BaseMutexBase class for all classes who want derive from cppu::WeakComponentImplHelperXX
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::BaseReferenceThis base class serves as a base class for all template reference classes and has been introduced due to compiler problems with templated operators ==, =!
 Ccppu::BootstrapExceptionAn exception indicating a bootstrap error
 Ccppu::PropertySetMixinImpl::BoundListenersA class used by subclasses of cppu::PropertySetMixin when implementing UNO interface type attribute setter functions
 Crtl::ByteSequenceC++ class representing a SAL byte sequence
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::CharPtrDetector< T1, T2 >
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::CharPtrDetector< char *, T >
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::CharPtrDetector< const char *, T >
 Cosl::ClearableGuard< T >Object lifetime scoped mutex object or interface lock with unlock
 Cosl::ConditionCondition variable
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T1, T2 >
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< const char[N], T >
 Ccppu::ContextEntry_InitContext entries init struct calling createComponentContext()
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::ContextLayerObjects of this class are used for applying a current context until they are destructed, i.e
 Crtl::CStringEqualEquality functor for classic c-strings (i.e., null-terminated char* strings)
 Crtl::CStringHashHashing functor for classic c-strings (i.e., null-terminated char* strings)
 Cosl::DirectoryCreationObserverBase class for observers of directory creation notifications
 Ccppu::detail::element_aliasThis is here to optimise space in the common case that there are zero or one listeners
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::Enable< T, bool >
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::Enable< T, true >
 Ccppu::EnvGuardEnvironment Guard The provided Environment becomes entered in the constructor and left in the destructor
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::EnvironmentC++ wrapper for binary C uno_Environment
 Cosl::FileBaseBase class for all File System specific objects
 Cosl::FileStatusThe FileStatus class
 Cosl::GetGlobalMutexA helper functor for the rtl_Instance template
 Cosl::Guard< T >Object lifetime scoped mutex object or interface lock
 Ccppu::IEventNotificationHookAn interface to extend event notification actions
 Ccppu::ImplementationEntryOne struct instance represents all data necessary for registering one service implementation
 Ccppu::IPropertyArrayHelperThis interface is used by the OPropertyHelper, to access the property description
 Crtl::MalformedUriExceptionAn exception indicating a malformed URI
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::MappingC++ wrapper for C uno_Mapping
 Cosl::MutexA mutual exclusion synchronization object
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::NonConstCharArrayDetector< T1, T2 >
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::NonConstCharArrayDetector< char[N], T >
 Ccppu::OBroadcastHelperVar< container, keyType >This struct contains the standard variables of a broadcaster
 Csalhelper::ODynamicLoader< API >The ODynamicLoader provides a special load on call mechanism for dynamic libraries which support a C-API
 Ccppu::OImplementationIdHelper class to implement IDs for XUnoTunnel
 Ccppu::OInterfaceContainerHelperA container of interfaces
 Ccppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelperThis is the iterator of an InterfaceContainerHelper
 Ccppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperSpecialized class for key type css::uno::Type, without explicit usage of STL symbols
 Ccppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperInt32Specialized class for key type sal_Int32, without explicit usage of STL symbols
 Ccppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperVar< key, hashImpl, equalImpl >A helper class to store interface references of different types
 Csalhelper::ORealDynamicLoaderThe ORealDynamicLoader is an implementation helper class for the template loader ODynamicLoader
 Crtl::OStringThis String class provide base functionality for C++ like 8-Bit character array handling
 Crtl::OStringBufferA string buffer implements a mutable sequence of characters
 Crtl::OStringHashA helper to use OStrings with hash maps
 Ccppu::OTypeCollectionHelper class to implement css::lang::XTypeProvider
 Crtl::OUStringThis String class provides base functionality for C++ like Unicode character array handling
 Crtl::OUStringBufferA string buffer implements a mutable sequence of characters
 Crtl::OUStringHashA helper to use OUStrings with hash maps
 Cosl::PipeRepresents a pipe
 Cosl::ProfileDeprecated API
 Crtl::Reference< reference_type >Template reference class for reference type
 Csalhelper::ReferenceObjectA base implementation for reference-counted objects
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::SalUnicodePtrDetector< T1, T2 >
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::SalUnicodePtrDetector< const sal_Unicode *, T >
 Crtl::libreoffice_internal::SalUnicodePtrDetector< sal_Unicode *, T >
 Cosl::SecurityEncapsulate security information for one user
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::Sequence< E >Template C++ class representing an IDL sequence
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::Sequence< bool >
 Csalhelper::SimpleReferenceObjectA simple base implementation for reference-counted objects
 Csalhelper::SingletonRef< SingletonClass >Template for implementing singleton classes
 Cosl::SocketAddrThe class should be understood as a reference to a socket address handle (struct sockaddr)
 Crtl::Static< T, Unique >Helper base class for a late-initialized (default-constructed) static variable, implementing the double-checked locking pattern correctly
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< T, InitAggregate >Helper class for a late-initialized static aggregate, e.g
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, AggImplInheritanceHelper10< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, ImplHelper10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, ImplInheritanceHelper10< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, WeakAggComponentImplHelper10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, WeakAggImplHelper10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, WeakComponentImplHelper10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, WeakImplHelper10< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, AggImplInheritanceHelper11< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, ImplHelper11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, ImplInheritanceHelper11< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, WeakAggComponentImplHelper11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, WeakAggImplHelper11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, WeakComponentImplHelper11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, WeakImplHelper11< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, AggImplInheritanceHelper12< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, ImplHelper12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, ImplInheritanceHelper12< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, WeakAggComponentImplHelper12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, WeakAggImplHelper12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, WeakComponentImplHelper12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, WeakImplHelper12< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13, AggImplInheritanceHelper13< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13, ImplHelper13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13, ImplInheritanceHelper13< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13, WeakAggImplHelper13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13, WeakImplHelper13< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, Ifc10, Ifc11, Ifc12, Ifc13 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, AggImplInheritanceHelper1< BaseClass, Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, ImplHelper1< Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, ImplInheritanceHelper1< BaseClass, Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper1< Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, WeakAggComponentImplHelper1< Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, WeakAggImplHelper1< Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, WeakComponentImplHelper1< Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData1< Ifc1, WeakImplHelper1< Ifc1 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, AggImplInheritanceHelper2< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, ImplHelper2< Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, ImplInheritanceHelper2< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper2< Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, WeakAggComponentImplHelper2< Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, WeakAggImplHelper2< Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, WeakComponentImplHelper2< Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData2< Ifc1, Ifc2, WeakImplHelper2< Ifc1, Ifc2 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, AggImplInheritanceHelper3< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, ImplHelper3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, ImplInheritanceHelper3< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, WeakAggComponentImplHelper3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, WeakAggImplHelper3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, WeakComponentImplHelper3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, WeakImplHelper3< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, AggImplInheritanceHelper4< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, ImplHelper4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, ImplInheritanceHelper4< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, WeakAggComponentImplHelper4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, WeakAggImplHelper4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, WeakComponentImplHelper4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, WeakImplHelper4< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, AggImplInheritanceHelper5< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, ImplHelper5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, ImplInheritanceHelper5< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, WeakAggComponentImplHelper5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, WeakAggImplHelper5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, WeakComponentImplHelper5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, WeakImplHelper5< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, AggImplInheritanceHelper6< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, ImplHelper6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, ImplInheritanceHelper6< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, WeakAggComponentImplHelper6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, WeakAggImplHelper6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, WeakComponentImplHelper6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, WeakImplHelper6< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, AggImplInheritanceHelper7< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, ImplHelper7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, ImplInheritanceHelper7< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, WeakAggComponentImplHelper7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, WeakAggImplHelper7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, WeakComponentImplHelper7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, WeakImplHelper7< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, AggImplInheritanceHelper8< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, ImplHelper8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, ImplInheritanceHelper8< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, WeakAggComponentImplHelper8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, WeakAggImplHelper8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, WeakComponentImplHelper8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, WeakImplHelper8< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, AggImplInheritanceHelper9< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, ImplHelper9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, ImplInheritanceHelper9< BaseClass, Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, PartialWeakComponentImplHelper9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, WeakAggComponentImplHelper9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, WeakAggImplHelper9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, WeakComponentImplHelper9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticAggregate< class_data, ImplClassData9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9, WeakImplHelper9< Ifc1, Ifc2, Ifc3, Ifc4, Ifc5, Ifc6, Ifc7, Ifc8, Ifc9 > > >
 Crtl::StaticWithArg< T, Data, Unique >Helper base class for a late-initialized (default-constructed) static variable, implementing the double-checked locking pattern correctly
 Crtl::StaticWithInit< T, InitData, Unique, Data >Helper base class for a late-initialized static variable, implementing the double-checked locking pattern correctly
 Cosl::ThreadA thread abstraction
 CTimeValueTime since Jan-01-1970
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::TypeC++ class representing an IDL meta type
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::TypeDescriptionC++ wrapper for typelib_TypeDescription
 Cuno_EnterableA struct pReserved needs to point to, if implementing a purpose environment
 Ccppu::UnoSequenceType< typename >A unique C++ type template representing the UNO sequence types in cppu::UnoType
 Ccppu::UnoType< T >Get the css::uno::Type instance representing a certain UNO type
 Ccppu::UnoUrlParse UNO URLs into their components
 Ccppu::UnoUrlDescriptorA descriptor as part of a UNO URL (connection descriptor or protocol descriptor)
 Crtl::UriA wrapper around the C functions from <rtl/uri.h>
 Cosl::VolumeInfoThe VolumeInfo class
 Ccom::sun::star::uno::WeakReferenceHelperThe WeakReferenceHelper holds a weak reference to an object