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AccessibleRole.idl File Reference

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module  com
module  com::sun
module  com::sun::star
 the module com::sun::star is the root module of the UNO API.
module  com::sun::star::accessibility
 UNO Accessibility API.

Constant Groups

constants  com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleRole
 Collection of roles.


const short UNKNOWN = 0
 Unknown role. More...
const short ALERT = 1
 Object is used to alert the user about something. More...
const short COLUMN_HEADER = 2
 The header for a column of data. More...
const short CANVAS = 3
 Object that can be drawn into and is used to trap events. More...
const short CHECK_BOX = 4
 Check box role. More...
const short CHECK_MENU_ITEM = 5
 This role is used for check buttons that are menu items. More...
const short COLOR_CHOOSER = 6
 A specialized dialog that lets the user choose a color. More...
const short COMBO_BOX = 7
 Combo box role. More...
const short DATE_EDITOR = 8
 Date editor role. More...
const short DESKTOP_ICON = 9
 An iconified internal frame in a DESKTOP_PANE. More...
const short DESKTOP_PANE = 10
 Desktop pane role. More...
const short DIRECTORY_PANE = 11
 Directory pane role. More...
const short DIALOG = 12
 Dialog box role. More...
const short DOCUMENT = 13
 View of a document. More...
const short EMBEDDED_OBJECT = 14
 Embedded (OLE) object. More...
const short END_NOTE = 15
 Text that is used as an endnote (footnote at the end of a chapter or section. More...
const short FILE_CHOOSER = 16
 File chooser role. More...
const short FILLER = 17
 Filler role. More...
const short FONT_CHOOSER = 18
 Font chooser role. More...
const short FOOTER = 19
 Footer of a document page. More...
const short FOOTNOTE = 20
 Text that is used as a footnote. More...
const short FRAME = 21
 Frame role. More...
const short GLASS_PANE = 22
 Glass pane role. More...
const short GRAPHIC = 23
 Graphical object. More...
const short GROUP_BOX = 24
 Group box role. More...
const short HEADER = 25
 Header of a document page. More...
const short HEADING = 26
 Chapter or section heading. More...
const short HYPER_LINK = 27
 A hypertext anchor. More...
const short ICON = 28
 A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components. More...
const short INTERNAL_FRAME = 29
 Internal frame role. More...
const short LABEL = 30
 An object used to present an icon or short string in an interface. More...
const short LAYERED_PANE = 31
 layered pane role. More...
const short LIST = 32
 List role. More...
const short LIST_ITEM = 33
 List item role. More...
const short MENU = 34
 Menu role. More...
const short MENU_BAR = 35
 Menu bar role. More...
const short MENU_ITEM = 36
 Menu item role. More...
const short OPTION_PANE = 37
 A specialized pane whose primary use is inside a DIALOG. More...
const short PAGE_TAB = 38
 Page tab role. More...
const short PAGE_TAB_LIST = 39
 Page tab list role. More...
const short PANEL = 40
 A generic container that is often used to group objects. More...
const short PARAGRAPH = 41
 Paragraph of text. More...
const short PASSWORD_TEXT = 42
 Password text role. More...
const short POPUP_MENU = 43
 Pop-up menu role. More...
const short PUSH_BUTTON = 44
 Push button role. More...
const short PROGRESS_BAR = 45
 An object used to indicate how much of a task has been completed. More...
const short RADIO_BUTTON = 46
 Radio button role. More...
const short RADIO_MENU_ITEM = 47
 This role is used for radio buttons that are menu items. More...
const short ROW_HEADER = 48
 The header for a row of data. More...
const short ROOT_PANE = 49
 Root pane role. More...
const short SCROLL_BAR = 50
 Scroll bar role. More...
const short SCROLL_PANE = 51
 Scroll pane role. More...
const short SHAPE = 52
 Object with graphical representation used to represent content on draw pages. More...
const short SEPARATOR = 53
 Separator role. More...
const short SLIDER = 54
 Slider role. More...
const short SPIN_BOX = 55
 Spin box role. More...
const short SPLIT_PANE = 56
 Split pane role. More...
const short STATUS_BAR = 57
 Status bar role. More...
const short TABLE = 58
 Table component. More...
const short TABLE_CELL = 59
 Single cell in a table. More...
const short TEXT = 60
 Text role. More...
const short TEXT_FRAME = 61
 Collection of objects that constitute a logical text entity. More...
const short TOGGLE_BUTTON = 62
 Toggle button role. More...
const short TOOL_BAR = 63
 Tool bar role. More...
const short TOOL_TIP = 64
 Tool tip role. More...
const short TREE = 65
 Tree role. More...
const short VIEW_PORT = 66
 Viewport role. More...
const short WINDOW = 67
 A top level window with no title or border. More...
const short BUTTON_DROPDOWN = 68
 Button dropdown role. More...
const short BUTTON_MENU = 69
 Button menu role. More...
const short CAPTION = 70
 Caption role. More...
const short CHART = 71
 Chart role. More...
const short EDIT_BAR = 72
 Edit bar role. More...
const short FORM = 73
 Form role. More...
const short IMAGE_MAP = 74
 Image map role. More...
const short NOTE = 75
 Note role. More...
const short PAGE = 76
 Page role. More...
const short RULER = 77
 Ruler role. More...
const short SECTION = 78
 Section role. More...
const short TREE_ITEM = 79
 Tree item role. More...
const short TREE_TABLE = 80
 Tree table role. More...
const short COMMENT = 81
 Comment role. More...
const short COMMENT_END = 82
 Comment end role. More...
 View of a presentation document. More...
 View of an spreadsheet document. More...
const short DOCUMENT_TEXT = 85
 View of a text document. More...
const short STATIC = 86
 Static text role. More...
const short NOTIFICATION = 87
 Notification text role. More...
const short BLOCK_QUOTE = 88
 Block quote role. More...