LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
▼Ncom | |
▼Nsun | |
▼Nstar | Module com::sun::star is the root module of the UNO API |
▶Naccessibility | UNO Accessibility API |
NAccessibleEventId | These constants identify the type of AccessibleEventObject objects |
NAccessibleRelationType | Collection of relation types |
NAccessibleRole | Collection of roles |
NAccessibleStateType | Collection of state types |
NAccessibleTableModelChangeType | Type of a change made to a table model |
NAccessibleTextType | Collection of types of text portions |
▶Nanimations | Interfaces for SMIL animations |
NAnimationAdditiveMode | Specifies the additive mode for the animation |
NAnimationCalcMode | Specifies the interpolation mode for the animation |
NAnimationColorSpace | Defines the color space that is used for interpolation |
NAnimationEndSync | |
NAnimationFill | This constants are used for the members fill() and fillDefault() of the an XTimeContainer |
NAnimationNodeType | This constants defines a type for an animation node |
NAnimationRestart | Defines the restart behavior |
NAnimationTransformType | Specifies the transformation type for an XAnimateTransform |
NAnimationValueType | |
NEventTrigger | |
NTransitionSubType | |
NTransitionType | |
Nauth | Security and authenticates interfaces |
▶Nawt | Java AWT-like user interface toolkit interface specifications for UNO |
NCharSet | These values are used to specify the characters which are available in a font and their codes |
NCommand | These values specify the different command types available |
NDeviceCapability | Defines which capabilities a device supports |
NFieldUnit | Attributes for the MetricField map units |
NFocusChangeReason | A combination of these values can be used to specify the reason for a focus change |
NFontEmphasisMark | These values are used to specify the kind of emphasis mark |
NFontFamily | These values are used to specify the general kind of font |
NFontPitch | These values are used to specify whether the width of a character is fixed or variable |
NFontRelief | These values are used to specify the kind of relief |
NFontStrikeout | These values are used to specify the kind of strikeout |
NFontType | These values are used to specify the technology of the font representation |
NFontUnderline | These values are used to specify the kind of underlining |
NFontWeight | These values are used to specify whether a font is thin or bold |
NFontWidth | These values are used to specify the width of the characters of a font |
Ngrid | Grid control |
NImageAlign | Alignment of an image |
NImageDrawMode | Defines modes how an image is drawn onto a device |
NImagePosition | Position of an image, relative to another object |
NImageScaleMode | Defines modes how an image displayed in a given area should be scaled to fit this area |
NImageStatus | These values are used to specify to which degree an image is available |
NInvalidateStyle | How to invalidate windows |
NKey | These values are used to specify distinct physical keys, plus some special values used by the macOS implementation |
NKeyFunction | These values are used to specify logical key functions |
NKeyGroup | These values are used to specify functional groups of keys |
NKeyModifier | These values are used to specify which modifier keys are pressed |
NLineEndFormat | These values are used to specify which line end format should be used in strings |
NMenuItemStyle | These values are used to specify the properties of a menu item |
NMessageBoxButtons | Defines constants for the possible message box button combinations |
NMessageBoxResults | These constants are used to specify a result of executing a XMessageBox |
NMouseButton | These values are used to specify which keys on the mouse are pressed |
NMouseWheelBehavior | Describes the scroll behavior of the mouse wheel for a control |
NPopupMenuDirection | These values are used to specify the direction in which a pop-up menu will grow |
NPosSize | These constants are used to flag the parameters of a rectangle |
NScrollBarOrientation | These constants are used to specify the orientation of a scroll bar |
NStyle | Style of a window |
NSystemPointer | Shape of a mouse pointer |
Ntab | Tab pages |
NTextAlign | Alignment of text |
Ntree | Hierarchical (tree) control |
NVclWindowPeerAttribute | Attributes for the VCL window implementation |
NVisualEffect | These values are used to specify the visual effect of controls |
NWindowAttribute | These values are used to specify the decorations of a window |
▶Nbeans | Java beans-like property access and introspection |
NMethodConcept | These constants are used to specify concepts of the introspection which apply to methods |
NPropertyAttribute | These values are used to specify the behavior of a Property |
NPropertyConcept | These constants are used to specify concepts of the introspection which apply to properties and to the methods which represent attributes |
NPropertySetInfoChange | Reasons for sending PropertySetInfoChangeEvents |
NTolerantPropertySetResultType | Possible failure types when using the com::sun::star::beans::XTolerantMultiPropertySet interface |
▶Nbridge | Interfaces for building bridges to other component models |
NModelDependent | These constants are used to specify model-dependent representations |
Noleautomation | Interfaces for UNO bridge to OLE automation |
▶Nchart | Charting diagram interfaces |
NChartAxisAssign | These values specify to which y-axis a data row is assigned |
NChartAxisMarks | With these constants you can specify how the tick-marks of an axis are displayed |
NChartAxisType | |
NChartDataCaption | These values specify how the captions of data points are displayed |
NChartSolidType | These values specify the type of solid shapes for data points of 3D bar charts |
NChartSymbolType | These values specify the type of the symbol used for data points |
NDataLabelPlacement | These values specify where the captions/labels of data points are displayed |
NErrorBarStyle | Style of error indicators |
NMissingValueTreatment | This specifies how empty or invalid cells in the provided data should be handled when plotted |
NTimeUnit | Specifies a unit for intervals on a date-time axis |
▶Nchart2 | New implementation of Charting diagram interfaces |
NAxisType | |
Ndata | Chart data provider interfaces |
NDataPointGeometry3D | These values specify the geometry of data points in 3D bar charts |
NMovingAverageType | |
NTickmarkStyle | |
▶Nconfiguration | Access to the tree of configuration data |
▶Nbackend | Interfaces for configuration backends |
NNodeAttribute | These values are used to specify the behavior of a node or property in a layer |
NSchemaAttribute | These values are used to specify the behavior of a node or property in the schema |
Nxml | XML files backend |
Nbootstrap | Deprecated bootstrapping mechanism |
Nconnection | Data exchange interfaces for inter-process communication |
Ncontainer | Interfaces for collections and containers |
Ncui | Common user interface elements |
▶Ndatatransfer | Clipboard and Drag&Drop interfaces |
▶Nclipboard | Clipboard specific interfaces |
NRenderingCapabilities | These flags describe the capabilities a system clipboard has to transfer data to other applications via the OS |
▶Ndnd | Drag&Drop specific interfaces |
NDNDConstants | These values represent the type of action or actions to be performed by a Drag and Drop operation |
▶Ndeployment | Interfaces for extension management |
NPrerequisites | |
Ntest | |
Nui | Interfaces for extension management dialogs |
▶Ndocument | Office document related interfaces |
NLinkUpdateModes | |
NMacroExecMode | Specify whether a macro can be executed |
NPrinterIndependentLayout | Whether the document printer metric is used |
NRedlineDisplayType | Which changes in a document are displayed |
NUpdateDocMode | Specify the way a document can be updated |
▶Ndrawing | Drawing and shape specific interfaces |
NBarCodeErrorCorrection | These constants identify the type of Error Correction for a Bar Code |
NCanvasFeature | |
NCaptionEscapeDirection | This flags describe escape direction for the line of a CaptionShape |
NCaptionType | This constants specifies the geometry of the line of a CaptionShape |
NEnhancedCustomShapeGluePointType | Defines which gluepoints are being offered by the EnhancedCustomShape |
NEnhancedCustomShapeMetalType | These constants define the way the attribute Metal of service EnhancedCustomShapeExtrusion is interpreted for rendering the shape |
NEnhancedCustomShapeParameterType | Defines how an EnhancedCustomShapeParameter has to be interpreted |
NEnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand | |
Nframework | The drawing framework is responsible for managing the resources used by the UI of the drawing applications |
NShadingPattern | The ShadingPattern determines the background color pattern against which characters and graphics are displayed, typically in tables |
▶Nembed | Interfaces related to embedded objects, both native UNO and OLE |
NActions | This constant set contains possible actions that could be approved by ActionsApproval implementation |
NAspects | The constant set contains possible aspects for an embedded object |
NElementModes | The constant set contains possible modes to open an element |
NEmbedMapUnits | List of possible map modes supported by embedded object |
NEmbedMisc | The constant set contains flags describing miscellaneous characteristics of embedded objects |
NEmbedStates | This constant set contains possible states for EmbeddedObject |
NEmbedUpdateModes | The constant set specifies possible modes of object update |
NEmbedVerbs | This constants set contains possible verbs for a contained object |
NEntryInitModes | This constant set contains possible modes to initialize object persistence |
NStorageFormats | The constant set contains IDs of formats that are supported by StorageFactory |
NVerbAttributes | The constant set specifies possible attributes of a verb |
▶Nform | Interfaces for managing forms and controls |
Nbinding | Collects functionality for binding form controls to external data sources |
Ncomponent | Collects form control model descriptions |
Ncontrol | Collects form control descriptions |
NFormComponentType | These constants specify the class types used to identify a component |
Ninspection | Collects services for inspecting form/components |
▶Nruntime | Collects functionality needed during a form's runtime, e.g |
NFormFeature | Operations on a user interface form, as supported by the XFormOperations interface |
Nsubmission | Collects functionality for submitting forms to external data sinks |
Nvalidation | Collects functionality to validate form components by help of external validator instances |
Nformula | Interfaces for mathematical formulas |
▶Nframe | Desktop environment framework interfaces |
NCommandGroup | Information about a supported command |
NDispatchResultState | Possible values for DispatchResultEvent |
NFrameSearchFlag | These types describe the algorithm to be used to search a frame |
NInfobarType | Infobar types |
NLayoutManagerEvents | Information about layout manager events |
▶Nstatus | Various status properties |
NItemState | These constants describe a state of an ItemStatus |
NUntitledNumbersConst | |
NWindowArrange | These constants are used to specify a style of window arrangement |
▶Ngallery | Interfaces for galleries of images and media objects |
NGalleryItemType | Constants that describe the type of graphic |
Ngeometry | Interfaces and data types to deal with basic geometric entities |
▶Ngraphic | Interfaces for graphic handling |
NGraphicColorMode | Describes different color modes which can be specified when requesting a graphic |
NGraphicType | Constants that describe the type of graphic |
▶Ni18n | Interface for internationalization |
NAmPmValue | Constants for AM/PM used in calls to XCalendar::getDisplayName() |
NBreakType | Constants to specify the type of a line break, used with LineBreakResults::breakType() |
NCalendarDisplayCode | Constants to use with XExtendedCalendar::getDisplayString() |
NCalendarDisplayIndex | Values to be passed to XCalendar::getDisplayName() |
NCalendarFieldIndex | Field indices to be passed to various XCalendar methods |
NCharacterIteratorMode | Constants to specify the type of character iteration |
NCharType | Constants to specify the character type that starts a character block |
NCollatorOptions | Options to be used with XCollator methods |
NCTLScriptType | CTL script type constants for layout engine, returned by XScriptTypeDetector::getCTLScriptType() |
NInputSequenceCheckMode | Input check mode constants to use with XInputSequenceChecker::checkInputSequence() |
NKCharacterType | Constants to identify the character type |
NKNumberFormatType | Attribute of number format, classifies the length of the formatted display string |
NKNumberFormatUsage | Category of number format code |
NKParseTokens | These constants specify the characters a name or identifier token to be parsed can have |
NKParseType | Constants to specify the type of a parsed token |
NLocaleItem | |
NMonths | Constants for month names used in calls to XCalendar::getDisplayName() |
NNativeNumberMode | Constants to use with XExtendedCalendar::getDisplayString() and the XNativeNumberSupplier methods |
NNumberFormatIndex | Do NOT insert any new values! Locale data number format creation must match these values! Number formatter internals must match these values! |
NreservedWords | Offsets into the sequence of strings returned by XLocaleData::getReservedWord() |
NScriptDirection | Script direction constants to use with XScriptTypeDetector methods |
NScriptType | Constants to specify the script type |
NTextConversionOption | Text conversion options to be used with XTextConversion |
NTextConversionType | These constants specify the conversion type to be used with XTextConversion |
NTransliterationModulesExtra | Extra transliteration module enumeration to use with XTransliteration::loadModule() |
NTransliterationType | Bitmask transliteration types used with XTransliteration::getType() and XTransliteration::getAvailableModules() methods |
NUnicodeType | Constants to classify Unicode characters, returned by XCharacterClassification::getType() |
NWeekdays | Constants for days of a week |
NWordType | Constants to specify the type of words |
Nimage | Interfaces for HTML image maps |
▶Ninspection | Interfaces for inspecting UNO objects via property handlers |
NPropertyControlType | Describes pre-defined possible control types to be used to display and enter property values within an ObjectInspector |
NPropertyLineElement | Describes elements of a single line in an object inspector, used to represent a single property |
Nio | General input/output interfaces |
Njava | Java to UNO connectivity interfaces |
▶Nlang | General UNO concepts like factories etc |
NSystemDependent | These constants are used to specify systems which depend on return values |
Nldap | Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) |
▶Nlinguistic2 | Spell checker, hyphenation and thesaurus interfaces |
NConversionDictionaryType | Conversion dictionary type to be used with XConversionDictionary |
NConversionPropertyType | Property type of an entry in a conversion dictionary |
NDictionaryEventFlags | Flags used for the event type in dictionary events |
NDictionaryListEventFlags | Constants representing a single dictionary-list event |
NLinguServiceEventFlags | To be used in lingu-service events |
NSpellFailure | These define the various return types for spell checking to fail verification |
Nloader | Component implementation loader interfaces |
▶Nlogging | Logging of events |
NLogLevel | Levels to distinguish between severities of logged events |
Nmail | Interfaces for Email connectivity |
Nmedia | Media type interfaces |
Nmozilla | Interfaces for Mozilla integration |
Noffice | Office document content related interfaces |
▶Npackages | Package file format interfaces |
Nmanifest | Interfaces for reading and writing manifest.xml files in ODF packages |
▶Nzip | For direct access to ZIP packages |
NZipConstants | Defines the constants used by the ZIP interfaces |
Nplugin | Netscape-like plugin interfaces |
▶Npresentation | Presentation specific interfaces |
NEffectCommands | |
NEffectNodeType | This constants defines a type for an animation effect node |
NEffectPresetClass | This constants defines the class for a preset animation effect |
NShapeAnimationSubType | Defines the whole shape or a subitem as a target for an effect |
NTextAnimationType | Defines how a target com::sun::star::text::XTextRange is animated inside an com::sun::star::animations::XIterateContainer |
Ntextfield | For text fields in presentation documents |
Nqa | Interfaces for QA and automated tests |
▶Nrdf | RDF (Resource Description Framework) and metadata interfaces |
NFileFormat | Constants to specify RDF file formats |
NURIs | Constants to specify some well-known URIs |
Nreflection | Runtime object inspection / core reflection interfaces |
Nregistry | Interfaces to access registration databases |
▶Nrendering | Interfaces and data structures for rendering |
NAnimationRepeat | This are the possible repeat modes for animations |
NBlendMode | These constants determine some extra ways how the primitive color is combined with the background |
NColorComponentTag | A collection of tags for the individual components of a color |
NColorSpaceType | Categories for color spaces |
NCompositeOperation | These constants determine how the primitive color is combined with the background |
NEmphasisMark | These constants control the automatic rendering of emphasis marks |
NFloatingPointBitmapFormat | This structure describes format of a floating point bitmap |
NInterpolationMode | These constants specify the interpolation type for animation frames |
NPanoseArmStyle | |
NPanoseContrast | |
NPanoseFamilyTypes | |
NPanoseLetterForm | |
NPanoseMidline | |
NPanoseProportion | |
NPanoseSerifStyle | |
NPanoseStrokeVariation | |
NPanoseWeight | |
NPanoseXHeight | |
NPathCapType | These constants determine which shape to use for start or end of a stroked path |
NPathJoinType | Determines which shape to use when joining path segments |
NRenderingIntent | The rendering intent for a color space |
NRepaintResult | These constants specify the result of the XCachedPrimitive render operation |
NTextDirection | Specifies main text direction in a text portion |
NTexturingMode | Enumeration of possible values to spread a texture across a primitive |
▶Nreport | Interfaces for reports generated from data sources |
NCalculation | Specifies how to calculate a value |
NForceNewPage | Specifies if the section will be printed on a separate page |
NGroupKeepTogether | Specifies if groups in a multi column report where the group has the property XGroup::KeepTogether set to WHOLE_GROUP or WITH_FIRST_DETAIL will keep together by page or column |
NGroupOn | Specifies how to group data |
Ninspection | Property handlers for reports |
NKeepTogether | Specifies that a group header, detail, and footer section is printed on the same page |
Nmeta | Report meta data |
NReportPrintOption | Specifies whether a page header or footer is printed on the same page as the report header or report footer |
NSectionPageBreak | Specifies that page breaks are allowed inside this section |
Nresource | Interfaces to access (UI) resource files |
Nscanner | Interfaces for scanner control |
▶Nscript | Scripting language bindings |
▶Nbrowse | Manage available scripts in some sort of hierarchy |
NBrowseNodeFactoryViewTypes | These constants define the three different types of views available from BrowseNodeFactory |
NBrowseNodeTypes | These constants define the three different types of nodes in the BrowseNode hierarchy |
NFailReason | These values specify the reason why a type conversion failed |
NModuleType | |
▶Nprovider | Interfaces for scripting providers |
NScriptFrameworkErrorType | Checked exception that represents an error encountered by the Scripting Framework whilst executing a script |
▶Nvba | VBA scripting |
NVBAEventId | Constants used to identify VBA document events |
NVBAScriptEventId | Identifies a VBA script event fired via XVBACompatibility::broadcastVBAScriptEvent(), and received by XVBAScriptListener::notifyVBAScriptEvent() |
▶Nsdb | Basic interfaces for database access |
▶Napplication | Application UI |
NCopyTableContinuation | Possible continuations when copying a table row via a CopyTableWizard failed |
NCopyTableOperation | Different basic operations a CopyTableWizard can do |
NDatabaseObject | Denotes different objects within a database document |
NDatabaseObjectContainer | Denotes different types of (maybe virtual) containers of database objects |
NBooleanComparisonMode | Different mode how boolean comparison predicates are to be generated by a SingleSelectQueryComposer |
NCommandType | Indicates the type of a command |
NErrorCondition | Defines error conditions for Base core components |
NRowChangeAction | Determines the type of change which is going to be performed |
NSQLFilterOperator | These constants are used to specify the filter operator which should be applied when creating a filter with the method XSingleSelectQueryComposer::setStructuredFilter() |
▶Ntools | Misc stuff |
NCompositionType | Which composition should be used when composing a table name |
▶Nsdbc | Database component interfaces |
NBestRowScope | Determines how long a row identifier is valid |
NBestRowType | Determines the type of the best row identifier |
NChangeAction | |
NColumnSearch | Indicates in which way a column can be used in the WHERE search |
NColumnType | Determines the type of a version column |
NColumnValue | Determines whether a column allows SQL NULL values or not |
NDataType | These constants are used to specify database data types which are used to identify the generic SQL types |
NDeferrability | Indicates the Deferrability of key constraints |
NFetchDirection | Indicates in which direction a result set should fetch next, just for optimization |
NIndexType | Indicates the type of index |
NKeyRule | Determines the rules for foreign key constraints |
NProcedureColumn | Indicates the type of a procedure column |
NProcedureResult | Determines whether a procedure returns a result or not |
NResultSetConcurrency | Describes the different scroll capabilities of a result set |
NResultSetType | Describes the different scroll capabilities of a result set |
NTransactionIsolation | Distinguishes different possible transaction isolation levels |
▶Nsdbcx | High-level database component interfaces |
NCheckOption | Determines the check option for a view |
NCompareBookmark | Describes the result of a comparison of two bookmarks |
NKeyType | Determines the type of a key |
NPrivilege | Defines a list of flags (bitmaps) which determines the access rights of a user or a user group |
NPrivilegeObject | Defines the list of objects for which a user may have access rights or not |
▶Nsecurity | Interface for authorisation and authentication |
NCertificateCharacters | Constant definition of a certificate characters |
NCertificateValidity | Constant definition of a certificate characters |
NKeyUsage | |
Nsetup | Setup specific interfaces |
▶Nsheet | Spreadsheet specific interfaces |
NAddressConvention | These constants specify which address convention to use in the formula parser |
NCellFlags | These constants select different types of cell contents |
NColorScaleEntryType | |
NConditionEntryType | |
NConditionFormatOperator | |
NConditionOperator2 | Used to specify the type of XSheetCondition2 |
NDataBarAxis | |
NDataBarEntryType | |
NDataPilotFieldGroupBy | These constants select different types for grouping members of a DataPilot field by date or time |
NDataPilotFieldLayoutMode | Describes the layout mode of the data field |
NDataPilotFieldReferenceItemType | Used to select the reference item |
NDataPilotFieldReferenceType | These constants select different types of References to calculate the data fields |
NDataPilotFieldShowItemsMode | These constants select different types of showing a selection of items |
NDataPilotFieldSortMode | Describes the sort mode of the data field |
NDataPilotOutputRangeType | Region type of DataPilot table range |
NDataPilotTablePositionType | In which sub-area a cell is positioned within a DataPilot table |
NDataResultFlags | Used to specify the result type of one element in the data pilot data array |
NDateType | |
NDimensionFlags | Used to specify flags for a dimension in a data pilot source |
NExternalLinkType | Constants designating the link type in ExternalLinkInfo, used with FormulaParser::ExternalLinks |
NFilterFieldType | |
NFilterOperator2 | Type of a single condition in a filter descriptor |
NFormulaLanguage | Constants designating the formula language used with XFormulaOpCodeMapper methods |
NFormulaMapGroup | Constants of bit masks used with XFormulaOpCodeMapper::getAvailableMappings() to specify for which group of symbols the mappings are to be obtained |
NFormulaMapGroupSpecialOffset | Constants designating the offsets within the sequence returned by XFormulaOpCodeMapper::getAvailableMappings() when called for group FormulaMapGroup::SPECIAL |
NFormulaResult | Used to select different result types of cell formulas |
NFunctionCategory | Used to specify the category of a spreadsheet function |
NGeneralFunction2 | Used to specify a function to be calculated from values |
NIconSetFormatEntry | |
NIconSetType | |
NMemberResultFlags | Used to give information about elements in data pilot member results |
NMoveDirection | Used to specify the direction of moving the current selection i.e |
NNamedRangeFlag | Used to specify the purpose of a named range |
Nopencl | |
NReferenceFlags | Defines flags for references |
NSpreadsheetViewObjectsMode | Constants that control how embedded objects are shown in the view |
NStatusBarFunction | Used to specify the function used to calculate a result in the spreadsheet's status bar |
NTableValidationVisibility | These constants specify whether and how a list of possible values of a cell should be shown |
Nsmarttags | Allows to put smart tags in document content |
▶Nstyle | Formatting and layout style and style sheet interfaces |
NCaseMap | These constants are used to specify a case-related mapping for formatting and displaying characters |
NFootnoteLineStyle | |
NLineNumberPosition | These constants are used to specify the position of the numbering of lines |
NLineSpacingMode | These constants specify the interpretation of LineHeight |
NNumberingType | These constants are used to specify which numbering style is used |
NParagraphStyleCategory | These constants are used to specify the category of paragraph styles in text documents |
Nsvg | Interfaces for import/export of Scalable Vector Format |
▶Nsystem | Host operating system integration interfaces |
NSimpleMailClientFlags | These constants are used to specify how the SimpleMailClient Service should behave |
NSystemShellExecuteFlags | Different settings for the SystemShellExecute service |
Nwindows | |
▶Ntable | Table specific interfaces (for text and spreadsheet) |
NBorderLineStyle | |
NCellJustifyMethod | Specifies how text inside a cell is justified |
NCellVertJustify2 | How cell contents are aligned vertically |
Ntask | Task management interfaces |
▶Ntext | Text specific interfaces |
NAuthorDisplayFormat | These constants are used to specify which parts of an author name are displayed in a field |
NBibliographyDataField | These values define parts of bibliographic data |
NBibliographyDataType | These values define the type of bibliographic data like book, journal, magazine, etc |
NChapterFormat | These constants define the display format of the chapter number in a chapter text field |
NCharacterCompressionType | These constants define character compression in Asian text |
NColumnSeparatorStyle | |
NControlCharacter | These constants are the codes for inserting control characters using XSimpleText::insertControlCharacter() interface |
NDateDisplayFormat | This constants define how a date field is formatted before it is displayed |
NDocumentStatistic | These constants are used to specify the type of a document statistic field |
Nfieldmaster | Text field masters |
NFilenameDisplayFormat | These constants are used to specify which parts of a URL are displayed in a field |
NFontEmphasis | Determines the type and position of an emphasis mark in Asian texts |
NFontRelief | Determines the relief type of a font |
NFootnoteNumbering | These constants are used to specify the footnote numbering |
NHoriOrientation | These enumeration values specify the horizontal orientation |
NLabelFollow | These enumeration values specify character following the list label |
NMailMergeType | Defines the possible output types/devices for mail merge |
NParagraphVertAlign | These enumeration values are used to specify the vertical alignment of paragraphs |
NPlaceholderType | These constants define how the place-holder text fields act in a document |
NPositionAndSpaceMode | These enumeration values specify the position and space mode for a numbering level |
NPositionLayoutDir | These values specify the layout direction, in which the position attributes of a shape are given |
NReferenceFieldPart | These constants define how the reference position is displayed in reference text fields |
NReferenceFieldSource | These constants define the type of the source of a reference field |
NRelOrientation | These values define the reference position of relative orientations |
NRubyPosition | These constants define the position of ruby text |
NSetVariableType | These constants define the type of a variable text field |
NSizeType | The height value of objects like text frames or table rows may be interpreted in different ways |
NTemplateDisplayFormat | These constants are used to specify which information about a template is displayed in a field |
▶Ntextfield | Text fields |
Ndocinfo | Document Properties text fields |
NType | Text field types |
NTextGridMode | This set of constants describes different modes for text grids |
NTextMarkupType | Constants to specify the type of text markup |
NTimeDisplayFormat | These constants define how a time field is formatted before it is displayed |
NUserDataPart | These constants define which part of the user data is displayed in a user data text field (service "") |
NUserFieldFormat | These constants describe how the content of a user text field is formatted |
NVertOrientation | These enumeration values are used to specify the vertical orientation |
NWrapInfluenceOnPosition | These values specify the influence of the wrapping style of a floating screen object when it's positioned |
NWritingMode2 | This set of constants describes different writing directions |
Ntiledrendering | |
▶Nucb | Universal Content Broker interfaces |
NCommandInfoChange | Reasons for sending CommandInfoChangeEvents |
NConnectionMode | These are the possible values for the property "ConnectionMode" |
NContentAction | Actions which can be transported with content events |
NContentInfoAttribute | These are the possible values for ContentInfo::Attributes |
NContentResultSetCapability | These values are used to specify the capabilities of an XDynamicResultSet |
NError | These codes are used to indicate errors |
NFetchError | These values are used to specify whether and which error has occurred while fetching data of some ContentResultSet rows |
NFileSystemNotation | The notational conventions used to denote file system paths on different file systems or operating systems |
NListActionType | These values are used to specify the type of change happened to a list |
NNameClash | These are the possible values for TransferInfo::NameClash |
NOpenMode | These are the possible values for OpenCommandArgument::Mode |
NRuleAction | These are the possible values for Rule::Action |
NRuleOperator | These are the possible values for RuleTerm::RuleOperator |
▶Nui | Dialogs and other UI elements |
NActionTriggerSeparatorType | Determines the type of a separator in an ActionTriggerContainer |
▶Ndialogs | Dialogs |
NCommonFilePickerElementIds | These constants are used to specify common controls of a FilePicker dialog |
NControlActions | Control actions for common and extended controls of a FilePicker |
NExecutableDialogResults | These constants are used to specify a result of executing a XExecutableDialog |
NExtendedFilePickerElementIds | |
NFilePreviewImageFormats | These constants are used to specify image formats supported by an implementation of the interface com::sun::star::ui::dialogs::XFilePreview |
NListboxControlActions | These constants are deprecated and should not be used anymore |
NTemplateDescription | The implementation of a FilePicker service may support the usage of different templates |
NWizardButton | Denotes the buttons found in a Wizard |
NWizardTravelType | Denotes ways to leave a Wizard's page |
NImageType | Determine the image set of an image manager |
NItemStyle | Styles which influence the appearance and the behavior of an user interface item |
NItemType | Determines the type of an item |
Ntest | |
NUIElementType | Determine the type of a user interface element which is controlled by a layout manager |
Nuno | Basic UNO interfaces |
Nuri | URI processing |
▶Nutil | Miscellaneous interfaces for sorting, connecting objects etc |
NEndianness | These constants describe the endianness of data structures |
NMeasureUnit | These constants are used to specify a measure |
NNumberFormat | Constants that are used to specify the type of a number format |
NSearchAlgorithms2 | Constants that define the search algorithm to be used with com::sun::star::util::SearchOptions2::SearchAlgorithms2 |
NSearchFlags | Flags for search methods |
▶Nview | Document view specific interfaces (e.g. selection access and printing) |
NDocumentZoomType | These constants specify how the document content is zoomed into the document view |
NDuplexMode | These constants specify available duplex modes |
Nxforms | Interfaces for XForms (XML-based forms) implementation |
▶Nxml | XML related interfaces |
▶Ncrypto | XML encryption interfaces |
NCipherID | The constant set contains identifiers of supported cipher-creation algorithms |
NDigestID | The constant set contains identifiers of supported digest-creation algorithms |
NKDFID | Constants to identify Key Derivation Function |
▶Nsax | XML encryption SAX interfaces |
NConstOfSecurityId | Represents the undefined security id |
Ncsax | Compressed SAX interfaces |
▶Ndom | XML Document Object Model |
Nevents | XML Document Object Model events |
Nviews | XML Document Object Model views |
Ninput | No idea what this does but it's all marked "internal" |
▶Nsax | SAX interfaces |
NFastToken | |
Nwrapper | Something related to creating DOMs from SAX interfaces? |
Nxpath | XPath interfaces |
Nxslt | XSLT interfaces |
▶Nxsd | W3C XML Schema-2 data type related interfaces |
NDataTypeClass | These constants specify the class used of an XDataType |
NWhiteSpaceTreatment | Possibilities how to treat whitespace in strings |
▼Norg | |
▼Nfreedesktop | |
NPackageKit |