struct | AllEventObject |
| This event is a wrapper for an original event in a forwarding event. More...
service | AllListenerAdapter |
| makes it possible to generate the adapters from specific interfaces to the interface XAllListener. More...
struct | ArrayWrapper |
| Allows a UNO sequence that is passed between different language boundaries to indicate it prefers to be represented as a multidimensional array with 0 or 1 based indices. More...
exception | BasicErrorException |
| is thrown in order to transport an error to Basic. More...
exception | CannotConvertException |
| This exception is thrown to indicate that a type conversion can not be performed. More...
exception | CannotCreateAdapterException |
| is thrown by an attacher if an adapter service cannot create the appropriate adapter. More...
struct | ContextInformation |
| provides information about a certain stack frame. More...
service | Converter |
| This service provides a widening converter converting from one type to another, if possible. More...
service | DocumentDialogLibraryContainer |
| defines a container of dialog libraries, which is to be made persistent in a sub storage of a document storage. More...
service | DocumentScriptLibraryContainer |
| defines a container of StarBasic script libraries, which is to be made persistent in a sub storage of a document storage. More...
service | Engine |
| service that any scripting engine must implement. More...
struct | EventListener |
struct | FinishEngineEvent |
| event contains the reasons and the data for the XEngineListener::finished() method. More...
struct | InterruptEngineEvent |
| describes an interrupt which occurs in the scripting engine. More...
service | Invocation |
| factory service that allows construction of Invocation objects. More...
service | InvocationAdapterFactory |
| Provides functionality to create an adapter that supports (a) special interface type(s) and maps calls to the interface's methods to an invocation interface. More...
struct | InvocationInfo |
| This struct is used to specify information about object members (methods or properties) accessed via XInvocation, such as names, types, or parameters. More...
service | JavaScript |
| service is implementation of a JavaScript interpreter. More...
exception | LibraryNotLoadedException |
| is thrown when an operation on a unloaded library is attempted which requires the library being loaded. More...
struct | ModuleInfo |
exception | ModuleSizeExceededRequest |
| Is used for interaction handle in case password protected modules exceed the size that can be stored in OpenOffice 2.x, 1.x formats. More...
struct | NativeObjectWrapper |
struct | ScriptEvent |
| script event that gets delivered whenever a script event takes place. More...
struct | ScriptEventDescriptor |
| describes an effect, especially a script to be executed, for a certain event given by the listener type and the name of the event method. More...
singleton | theServiceDocumenter |
| Provides documentation for UNO services. More...
interface | XAllListener |
| specifies a listener combining all methods of a listener interface in a single generic call. More...
interface | XAllListenerAdapterService |
| allows the generation of adapters from specific interfaces to the XAllListener interface. More...
interface | XAutomationInvocation |
interface | XDebugging |
| makes it possible to set breakpoints in an interpreter. More...
interface | XDefaultMethod |
| An object supporting this interface indicates to interested parties or clients the name of the default method for this object. More...
interface | XDefaultProperty |
| An object supporting this interface indicates to interested parties or clients the name of the default property for this object. More...
interface | XDirectInvocation |
| provides access to an object's methods and properties. More...
interface | XEngine |
| makes it possible to control a scripting engine. More...
interface | XEngineListener |
| makes it possible to receive events from a scripting engine. More...
interface | XErrorQuery |
interface | XEventAttacher |
| makes it possible to attach script events given by a sequence of ScriptEventDescriptor structures to a given interface. More...
interface | XEventAttacher2 |
interface | XEventAttacherManager |
| registers listeners for specified events. More...
interface | XInvocation |
| gives access to an object's methods and properties. More...
interface | XInvocation2 |
| Extension of XInvocation to provide additional information about the methods and properties that are accessible via XInvocation. More...
interface | XInvocationAdapterFactory |
| Interface to create adapter objects giving a type to be supported and a an invocation interface incoming calls are delegated to. More...
interface | XInvocationAdapterFactory2 |
| Interface to create adapter objects giving types to be supported and a an invocation interface incoming calls are delegated to. More...
interface | XLibraryAccess |
| provides access to additional scripting code. More...
interface | XLibraryContainer |
| Provides access to a library system. More...
interface | XLibraryContainer2 |
| Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide additional information about the libraries contained in a library container. More...
interface | XLibraryContainer3 |
| Extension of XLibraryContainer2. More...
interface | XLibraryContainerExport |
| Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide functionality to store a library to a location represented by a URL. More...
interface | XLibraryContainerPassword |
| Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide password functionality. More...
interface | XLibraryQueryExecutable |
interface | XPersistentLibraryContainer |
| describes a container of script libraries which is persistent. More...
interface | XScriptEventsAttacher |
| This interface can be used to attach script events to a number of objects that give access to the definition of events that should be attached to them, e.g., by supporting XEventsSupplier. More...
interface | XScriptEventsSupplier |
| Gives access to an event container represented by an XNameContainer containing ScriptEventDescriptor instances. More...
interface | XScriptListener |
| makes it possible to receive ScriptEvents. More...
interface | XServiceDocumenter |
| provides documentation for UNO services More...
interface | XStarBasicAccess |
| Interface representing a library and provides access to its modules. More...
interface | XStarBasicDialogInfo |
| Interface describing old style basic dialog (SI controls) in binary data. More...
interface | XStarBasicLibraryInfo |
| Interface representing a library and provides access to its modules. More...
interface | XStarBasicModuleInfo |
| Script Module containing some scripting code in a certain scripting language. More...
interface | XStorageBasedLibraryContainer |
| is the interface for an XLibraryContainer which can be made persistent in a com::sun::star::embed::XStorage. More...
interface | XTypeConverter |
| Interface to provide standard type conversions. More...