Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- p -
- package
: PlatformException
- packageRemoved()
: XPackageRegistry
- PageColumns
: PagePrintSettings
- PageCount
: TextDocumentView
- PageDescName
: ParagraphProperties
, TextTable
- PageFooter
: XReportDefinition
- PageFooterOn
: XReportDefinition
- PageFooterOption
: XReportDefinition
- PageHeader
: XReportDefinition
- PageHeaderOn
: XReportDefinition
- PageHeaderOption
: XReportDefinition
- PageId
: XWizardPage
- PageNumber
: PageShape
- PageNumberFormat
: DocumentSettings
- PageNumberOffset
: ParagraphProperties
, TextTable
- PageRange
: RenderOptions
- PageRows
: PagePrintSettings
- Pages
: PrintOptions
- PageScale
: TablePageStyle
- PageSize
: RenderDescriptor
- PageStyle
: Spreadsheet
- PageStyleLayout
: PageProperties
- PageStyleName
: ParagraphProperties
, ParagraphStyle
, FootnoteSettings
- PageToggle
: BaseFrameProperties
- paint()
: XStatusbarController
- paintBorder()
: XPaneBorderPainter
- paintBorderWithCallout()
: XPaneBorderPainter
- paintTile()
: XTiledRenderable
- PaintTransparent
: UnoControlEditModel
- Palette
: IntegerBitmapLayout
, XPathSettings
- PaperFormat
: PrinterDescriptor
- PaperOrientation
: PrinterDescriptor
- PaperSize
: PrinterDescriptor
- ParaAdjust
: XReportControlFormat
, ParagraphProperties
- ParaBackColor
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaBackGraphic
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaBackGraphicFilter
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaBackGraphicLocation
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaBackGraphicURL
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaBackTransparent
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaBottomMargin
: TableAutoFormatField
, ParagraphProperties
- ParaBottomMarginRelative
: ParagraphStyle
- ParaContextMargin
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaExpandSingleWord
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaFirstLineIndent
: ParagraphProperties
- Paragraph
: ParagraphTarget
, TextPosition
- ParagraphCount
: GenericTextDocument
- ParagraphProperties
: ParagraphStyle
- ParagraphStyleName
: NumberingLevel
- ParagraphSummation
: DocumentSettings
- ParaHyphenationMaxHyphens
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaHyphenationMaxLeadingChars
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaHyphenationMaxTrailingChars
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaHyphenationMinWordLength
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaHyphenationNoCaps
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaHyphenationNoLastWord
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaHyphenationZone
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaIndent
: CellProperties
- ParaInteropGrabBag
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaIsAutoFirstLineIndent
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaIsCharacterDistance
: ParagraphPropertiesAsian
- ParaIsConnectBorder
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaIsForbiddenRules
: ParagraphPropertiesAsian
- ParaIsHangingPunctuation
: ParagraphPropertiesAsian
- ParaIsHyphenation
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaIsNumberingRestart
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaKeepTogether
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaLastLineAdjust
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaLeftMargin
: TableAutoFormatField
, ParagraphProperties
- ParaLeftMarginRelative
: ParagraphStyle
- ParaLineNumberCount
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaLineNumberStartValue
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaLineSpacing
: ParagraphProperties
- Parameter
: XCommand
, Rule
- ParameterNameSubstitution
: ODBCConnectionProperties
- Parameters
: DatabaseParameterEvent
, ParametersRequest
- ParameterSeparator
: FormulaParser
- ParaOrphans
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaRegisterModeActive
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaRightMargin
: TableAutoFormatField
, ParagraphProperties
- ParaRightMarginRelative
: ParagraphStyle
- ParaShadowFormat
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaSplit
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaStyleConditions
: Style
- ParaStyleHeading
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel1
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel10
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel2
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel3
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel4
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel5
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel6
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel7
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel8
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleLevel9
: BaseIndex
- ParaStyleName
: ParagraphProperties
, FootnoteSettings
- ParaStyleSeparator
: BaseIndex
- ParaTabStops
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaTopMargin
: TableAutoFormatField
, ParagraphProperties
- ParaTopMarginRelative
: ParagraphStyle
- ParaUserDefinedAttributes
: ParagraphProperties
, ParaUserDefinedAttributesSupplier
- ParaVertAlignment
: ParagraphProperties
- ParaWidows
: ParagraphProperties
- Parent
: WindowDescriptor
- ParentIndex
: WindowDescriptor
- ParentNode
: TreeDataModelEvent
- ParentNumbering
: NumberingLevel
- ParentText
: CellProperties
, TextFrame
- ParentWindow
: DatasourceAdministrationDialog
- parse()
: XUriReferenceFactory
, XUriSchemeParser
, XDocumentBuilder
- parseAnyToken()
: XCharacterClassification
- parseFormula()
: XFormulaParser
- parsePredefinedToken()
: XCharacterClassification
- parseSmart()
: XURLTransformer
- parseStream()
: XFastParser
, XParser
- parseStrict()
: XURLTransformer
- parseURI()
: XDocumentBuilder
- PartialDocumentSignature
: DocumentSignatureInformation
- PartitiveMonths
: Calendar2
- Password
: MediaDescriptor
, DataSource
- password
: ConnectionProperties
- Password
: RowSet
, UserDescriptor
, AuthenticationRequest
, RecipientInfo
- PasswordMode
: DatabaseAccessDataSource
- Passwords
: UserRecord
- paste()
: XSheetPastable
- pasteCellRange()
: XSheetPastable
- pasteFormat()
: XSheetPastable
- pasteText()
: XAccessibleEditableText
- Path
: XAnimateMotion
, EnhancedCustomShapeGeometry
, NSSProfile
- Pattern
: XDataType
- pause()
: XToolkitExperimental
, XSlidePreviewCache
- Pause
: Presentation
- pause()
: XSlideShow
, XSlideShowController
- paused()
: XSlideShowListener
- Payload
: BarCode
- PenColor
: XSlideShowController
- PenWidth
: XSlideShowController
- Percent
: StackableDiagram
- PercentageError
: ChartStatistics
- PercentageNumberFormat
: DataPointProperties
, ChartDataPointProperties
- PercentDiagonal
: DataPointProperties
- Persistent
: ConfigurableUIElement
- PersistName
: OLE2Shape
- Perspective
: Diagram
, Dim3DDiagram
- PickListEntry
: MediaDescriptor
- Picture
: ContentControl
- Pitch
: FontDescriptor
- PixelPerMeterX
: DeviceInfo
- PixelPerMeterY
: DeviceInfo
- PlaceHolder
: JumpEdit
- PlaceholderDocPart
: ContentControl
- PlaceHolderType
: JumpEdit
- PlainText
: ContentControl
- PlaneStride
: FloatingPointBitmapLayout
, IntegerBitmapLayout
- PlayFull
: Shape
- Plugin
: XPathSettings
- PluginCommands
: PluginShape
- PluginMimeType
: PluginShape
- PluginURL
: PluginShape
- Points
: ChartDataRow
- Polar
: EnhancedCustomShapeHandle
- Polygon
: ImageMapPolygonObject
- PolygonCoords
: Symbol
- PolygonKind
: PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor
, PolyPolygonDescriptor
- PolyPolygon
: PolyPolygonDescriptor
- PolyPolygonBezier
: PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor
- pop()
: XGraphics
, XProgressHandler
- PopupTrigger
: MouseEvent
- Port
- Position
: BezierPoint
, EnhancedCustomShapeHandle
, GluePoint2
, GluePoint
, ListEntryEvent
, DesktopTask
, XAnnotation
, ColumnSettings
- position()
: XBlob
, XClob
- Position
: DataPilotItem
, DataPilotSourceDimension
, DataPilotSourceMember
, SheetCell
, SheetCellRange
, TablePageBreakData
, TabStop
, TableColumnSeparator
, ListAction
- PositionAbsolute
: GluePoint
- PositionAlignment
: GluePoint2
- PositionAndSpaceMode
: NumberingLevel
- PositionData
: DataPilotTablePositionData
- positioned()
: XPositioningListener
- PositionEndOfDoc
: FootnoteSettings
- PositionInParagraph
: TextPosition
- PositionLayoutDir
: Shape
- positionOfBlob()
: XBlob
- positionOfClob()
: XClob
- PositionProtected
: BaseFrameProperties
- PositionToggle
: HoriOrientationFormat
- PositionType
: DataPilotTablePositionData
- PositionX
: UnoControlDialogElement
, Position3D
, XReportComponent
- PositionY
: UnoControlDialogElement
, Position3D
, XReportComponent
- PositionZ
: Position3D
- PositiveError
: ErrorBar
- PosixError
: SystemShellExecuteException
- PosSizeExcludeLabels
: Diagram
- postChangeRequest()
: XConfigurationControllerRequestQueue
- PostData
: MediaDescriptor
- PostEquidistant
: IncrementData
, SubIncrement
- PostString
: MediaDescriptor
- Precision
: Column
, ColumnDescriptor
- preCommit()
: XTransactionListener
- Predicate
: Statement
- PredicateExpression
: FilterEvent
- predicateExpressionChanged()
: XFilterControllerListener
- PreEvaluated
: XFunction
- Preferred
: LayoutSize
- PreferredColor
: HighlightedRange
- preferredPlayerWindowSizeAvailable()
: XPlayerListener
- Prefix
: NumberingLevel
, FootnoteSettings
, NumberingLevel
- PreItemID
: MenuMultipleChange
- prepareCall()
: XConnection
- prepareCommand()
: XCommandPreparation
- PreparedStatement
: CallableStatement
- prepareStatement()
: XConnection
- prepareToggleFloatingMode()
: XDockableWindowListener
- PrependCurrencySymbol
: UnoControlCurrencyFieldModel
- prependListEntry()
: XStringListControl
- preRevert()
: XTransactionListener
- Presentation
: Presentation2
- PresentationOrder
: Shape
- PreserveIRI
: XImageControl
- preventDefault()
: XEvent
- Preview
: MediaDescriptor
- previous()
: XResultSet
- previousCharacters()
: XBreakIterator
- previousCharBlock()
: XBreakIterator
- previousEffect()
: XSlideShow
- previousScript()
: XBreakIterator
- PreviousValue
: InvalidRemovedParameterException
- previousWord()
: XBreakIterator
- Primary
: RelativePosition
, RelativeSize
- PrimaryButtonId
: LineDescriptor
- PrimaryButtonImage
: LineDescriptor
- PrimaryButtonImageURL
: LineDescriptor
- PrimaryKey
: DocumentIndexMark
- PrimaryKeyReading
: DocumentIndexMarkAsian
- Print
: BaseFrameProperties
- print()
: XPrintable
- Printable
: UnoControlButtonModel
, UnoControlCheckBoxModel
, UnoControlComboBoxModel
, UnoControlContainerModel
, UnoControlCurrencyFieldModel
, UnoControlDateFieldModel
, UnoControlEditModel
, UnoControlFileControlModel
, UnoControlFixedHyperlinkModel
, UnoControlFixedLineModel
, UnoControlFixedTextModel
, UnoControlFormattedFieldModel
, UnoControlGroupBoxModel
, UnoControlImageControlModel
, UnoControlListBoxModel
, UnoControlNumericFieldModel
, UnoControlPatternFieldModel
, UnoControlProgressBarModel
, UnoControlRadioButtonModel
, UnoControlRoadmapModel
, UnoControlScrollBarModel
, UnoControlSpinButtonModel
, UnoControlTimeFieldModel
, Shape
- PrintAllSheets
: XGlobalSheetSettings
- PrintAnnotationMode
: PrintSettings
- PrintAnnotations
: TablePageStyle
- PrintBlackFonts
: PrintSettings
- PrintBorder
: Scenario
- printBufferNodeTree()
: XSAXEventKeeper
- PrintCharts
: TablePageStyle
- PrintControls
: PrintSettings
- PrintDate
: XDocumentProperties
- PrintDownFirst
: TablePageStyle
- PrintDrawing
: TablePageStyle
- PrintDrawings
: PrintSettings
- PrintedBy
: XDocumentProperties
- PrintEmptyPages
: XGlobalSheetSettings
, PrintSettings
- PrinterIndependentLayout
: Settings
- PrinterName
: Settings
, PrintOptions
- PrinterPaperTray
: PageProperties
- PrinterSetup
: Settings
- PrintFaxName
: PrintSettings
- printFormula()
: XFormulaParser
- PrintFormulas
: TablePageStyle
- PrintGraphics
: PrintSettings
- PrintGrid
: TablePageStyle
- PrintHeaders
: TablePageStyle
- printJobEvent()
: XPrintJobListener
- PrintLeftPages
: PrintSettings
- PrintObjects
: TablePageStyle
- PrintOptions
: MailMerge
- printPage()
: XSVGPrinter
- PrintPageBackground
: PrintSettings
- printPages()
: XPagePrintable
- PrintPaperFromSetup
: PrintSettings
- PrintProspect
: PrintSettings
- PrintQuality
: Settings
- PrintRepeatedValues
: XReportComponent
- PrintReversed
: PrintSettings
- PrintRightPages
: PrintSettings
- PrintTables
: PrintSettings
- PrintWhenGroupChange
: XReportControlModel
- PrintZeroValues
: TablePageStyle
- Priority
: OpenCommandArgument
- Privileges
: RowSet
, Table
- processDictionaryEvent()
: XDictionaryEventListener
- processDictionaryListEvent()
: XDictionaryListEventListener
- processEventsToIdle()
: XToolkitExperimental
- processingInstruction()
: XElement
, XRoot
, XDocumentHandler
, XFastDocumentHandler
- processLinguServiceEvent()
: XLinguServiceEventListener
- processVbaEvent()
: XVBAEventProcessor
- ProgrammaticName
: PropertyCategoryDescriptor
, AliasProgrammaticPair
- Progress
: TimeFilterPair
- ProgressValue
: UnoControlProgressBarModel
- ProgressValueMax
: UnoControlProgressBarModel
- ProgressValueMin
: UnoControlProgressBarModel
- ProjectionMode
: EnhancedCustomShapeExtrusion
- ProjectName
: XVBACompatibility
- Prop
: FontHeight
- Properties
: TargetProperties
, ContentInfo
, MissingPropertiesException
, OpenCommandArgument
, SearchCommandArgument
- propertiesChange()
: XPropertiesChangeListener
- Property
: PropertyCommandArgument
, RuleTerm
- PropertyAttribute
: InvocationInfo
- propertyChange()
: XPropertyChangeListener
- PropertyHandle
: PropertyChangeEvent
, PropertyStateChangeEvent
- PropertyHierarchy
: GroupAccess
- PropertyName
: PropertyChangeEvent
, PropertyStateChangeEvent
, SortingInfo
- propertySetInfoChange()
: XPropertySetInfoChangeListener
- propertyStateChange()
: XPropertyStateChangeListener
- Proportion
: Panose
- ProposedNewName
: NameClashResolveRequest
- protect()
: XProtectable
- Protected
: PropertyInfo
, Scenario
- Protocol
- ProtocolErrorNumber
: RecipientInfo
- ProtocolErrorString
: RecipientInfo
- ProtocolType
: RecipientInfo
, SendInfo
, SendMediaTypes
- PublicId
: SAXParseException
- publish()
: XLogHandler
- Publisher
: XDocumentProperties2
- Purge
: FolderListEntry
- push()
: XGraphics
, XProgressHandler
- PushButtonFont
: XStyleSettings
- PushButtonType
: UnoControlButtonModel
- put()
: XMap
- putGraphic()
: XGraphicMapper
- Px
: IntegerBezierSegment2D
, RealBezierSegment2D
- Py
: IntegerBezierSegment2D
, RealBezierSegment2D