LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
CAccessibleRelation | An AccessibleRelation object defines a one-to-many relation |
CAccessibleTableModelChange | This structure lets an event give access to a change of a table model |
CActionTrigger | Describes a trigger for an (user inter-)action |
CActionTriggerSeparator | Describes a separator entry |
CAffineMatrix2D | This structure defines a 2 by 3 affine matrix |
CAffineMatrix3D | This structure defines a 3 by 4 affine matrix |
CAliasProgrammaticPair | Entry from a component which implements the XLocalizedAliases |
CAllPermission | The AllPermission is a permission that implies all other permissions |
CAmbiguous< T > | A value of a given type that can be ambiguous |
CAnimationAttributes | This structure contains attributes needed to run an animation |
CARGBColor | ARGB color quad |
CArrayWrapper | Allows a UNO sequence that is passed between different language boundaries to indicate it prefers to be represented as a multidimensional array with 0 or 1 based indices |
CAtomClassRequest | Used to describe which atoms the user wants to know about |
CAtomDescription | String and the corresponding registered atom |
CAttribute | A struct to keep information of an element's attribute |
CAttributeData | Store the type and value of an XML attribute inside a XNameContainer |
CBarCode | This struct defines the attributes of a Bar Code |
CBezierPoint | This is a point on a Bezier curve |
▶CBorderLine | Describes the line type for a single cell edge |
CBorderLine2 | A border line, extended with line style |
CBorderWidths | Border area by offsets from each side |
CBoundary | Start and end position of a word |
CBoundVolume | Three-dimensional boundary volume with two positions |
CCalendar | A calendar as returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getAllCalendars() |
CCalendar2 | Calendar items as returned in a sequence by XLocaleData3::getAllCalendars2() |
▶CCalendarItem | One entry in a calendar, for example, a day of week or a month or an era |
CCalendarItem2 | One entry in a calendar, for example, a day of week or a month or an era |
CCameraGeometry | Three-dimensional camera |
CCaret | This structure contains the caret information |
CCellAddress | Cell address within a spreadsheet document |
CCellProtection | Describes the kind of protection for a protectable cell |
CCellRangeAddress | Cell range address within a spreadsheet document |
CCertAltNameEntry | Struct contains a single entry within a Subject Alternative Name Extension of a X509 certificate |
▶CCharacterProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style of characters |
CAxis | |
CDataPoint | |
CRegressionCurveEquation | |
CChartAxis | Specifies the axes in a diagram |
▶CChartDataPointProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a data point (e.g., a single bar in a bar chart) |
CChartDataRowProperties | Properties for a group of graphic elements which belong to a data row (also known as data series) |
CChartPieSegmentProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a pie segment |
CChartLegend | Legend of a chart |
▶CTextProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering the text area inside a shape |
CDefaults | This is a set of properties to access the defaults of a drawing document |
▶CText | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of an optional text inside a Shape |
▶CCaptionShape | The CaptionShape represents a rectangular drawing shape with an additional set of lines |
CCellAnnotationShape | Shape of a cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell |
CClosedBezierShape | This service is for a closed Bezier shape |
CConnectorShape | This service is for a ConnectorShape, a specialized Shape, which can be connected to other Shapes or GluePoints |
CCustomShape | This service is for a CustomShape |
CEllipseShape | This service is for an ellipse or circle shape |
▶CGraphicObjectShape | This service is for a graphic shape |
CGraphicObjectShape | This service is implemented by the graphic presentation shape |
CLineShape | This service is for a simple Shape with lines |
CMeasureShape | This service is for a dimensioning shape |
COpenBezierShape | This service is for an open Bezier shape |
CPolyLineShape | This service is for a polyline shape |
CPolyPolygonBezierShape | This service specifies a poly-polygon Bezier shape |
CPolyPolygonShape | This service is for a polygon shape |
CRectangleShape | This service is for a rectangle Shape |
▶CTextShape | This service is for a text shape |
CDateTimeShape | This service is implemented by the date and time presentation shape |
CFooterShape | This service is implemented by the footer presentation shape |
CHeaderShape | This service is implemented by the header presentation shape |
CNotesShape | This service is implemented by the notes presentation shape |
COutlinerShape | This service is implemented by the outline presentation shape |
CSlideNumberShape | This service is implemented by the slide number presentation shape |
CSubtitleShape | This service is implemented by the subtitle presentation shape |
CTitleTextShape | This service is implemented by the title and subtitle presentation shape |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
▶CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellCursor | Cursor in a spreadsheet |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CTableCellStyle | Properties of a table cell style |
CCharacterStyle | Style sheet for characters within a com::sun::star::text::Text |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CDefaults | Default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
▶CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
▶CRichTextControl | Component which extends the com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlEditModel with capabilities to display and input formatted text |
▶CTextField | Component which allows the input of text, either single- or multi-line |
▶CDatabaseTextField | This service specifies a text field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CBindableDatabaseTextField | This service specifies a text input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
▶CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
▶CTextLayoutCursor | A TextLayoutCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a layout of a Text object |
CTextViewCursor | A TextViewCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a view of a Text object |
▶CTextPortion | A TextPortion is a piece of text within a paragraph that does not contain changes of its attributes inside |
CRedlinePortion | A RedlinePortion is a TextPortion that marks a change that has been recorded by the change tracking |
CTextTableCursor | Cursor in text tables |
▶CCharacterPropertiesAsian | This is a set of properties to describe the style of characters in Asian texts |
CAxis | |
CDataPoint | |
CTextProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering the text area inside a shape |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CTableCellStyle | Properties of a table cell style |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CDefaults | Default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
CTextTableCursor | Cursor in text tables |
▶CCharacterPropertiesComplex | This is a set of properties to describe the style of characters in complex texts |
CAxis | |
CDataPoint | |
CTextProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering the text area inside a shape |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CTableCellStyle | Properties of a table cell style |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CDefaults | Default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
CTextTableCursor | Cursor in text tables |
CChartDataRow | Describes a single data row, specified by its name and a sequence of data points |
CChartDataValue | Describes a single data value, including the error |
CChartSeriesAddress | This structure describes a single data row, specified by its name and a sequence of data points |
CChartTableAddressSupplier | This is a helper service for access to table Address to cell ranges of the container document of a chart |
CCheckinArgument | Information needed to checkin a document |
CClipboardFormats | List of format IDs and names which are part of the system clipboard |
CCmisProperty | CMIS property |
CCmisVersion | CMIS document version |
CColorProfile | ICC Color profile |
CColorStop | Defines a Color-Stop entry for a gradient definition |
CCommand | Command |
CCommandInfo | Describes a command |
CComplexReference | Reference to a cell range |
▶CConnectionProperties | Properties for a connection (session) with a specific database |
▶CFILEConnectionProperties | Properties for a FILE connection (session) with a specific database |
CDBASEConnectionProperties | Properties for a dBase connection (session) with a specific database |
CFLATConnectionProperties | Properties for a FLAT connection (session) with a specific database |
CJDBCConnectionProperties | Properties for a JDBC connection (session) with a specific database |
CODBCConnectionProperties | Properties for an ODBC connection (session) with a specific database |
▶CConnectorProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering connector |
CConnectorShape | This service is for a ConnectorShape, a specialized Shape, which can be connected to other Shapes or GluePoints |
CDefaults | This is a set of properties to access the defaults of a drawing document |
CContentInfo | A structure for information about contents |
CContentProviderInfo | A structure for content provider information |
CContextInformation | Information about a certain stack frame |
CContextMenuExecuteEvent | All information about the requested context menu |
CControlCommand | Describes a command which can be send to a generic toolbar control |
CControlEvent | Describes a control event sent by extended user interface controls |
CCoordinateSystemType | |
CCrossReference | This struct contains information describing a cross reference |
▶CCurrency | Symbols, names, and attributes of a specific currency, returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getAllCurrencies() |
CCurrency2 | Symbols, names, and attributes of a specific currency, returned in a sequence by XLocaleData2::getAllCurrencies2() |
CCurrency | UNO representation of the Automation type CY , also know as CURRENCY |
▶CDataAccessDescriptor | Descriptor for accessing basic data access objects |
CMailMerge | Gives access to mail merge functionality |
CDatabaseImportDescriptor | Description of how data from an external database is imported |
CDataFlavor | Each instance represents the concept of a data format as it would appear on a clipboard, or during drag and drop |
CDataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo | Auto show information of a DataPilotField |
CDataPilotFieldFilter | |
CDataPilotFieldGroupInfo | Grouping information of a DataPilotField |
CDataPilotFieldLayoutInfo | Layout information of a DataPilotField |
CDataPilotFieldReference | Controls how a data pilot field's results are shown in relation to a selected reference result |
CDataPilotFieldSortInfo | Describes how to sort a single DataPilotField |
CDataPilotTableHeaderData | Information about a cell within the column or row header area of a DataPilot table |
CDataPilotTablePositionData | This structure contains information on a cell within a DataPilot table |
CDataPilotTableResultData | Information about a cell positioned within the result area of a DataPilot table |
CDataPointLabel | |
CDataResult | Result of one element in the data pilot data array |
▶CDataSettings | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbcx::Table with additional display information, sorting and filtering criteria |
CQuery | Stored definition of a SQL query |
CQueryDescriptor | Stored definition of a SQL "Select statement" |
CTable | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbcx::Table with additional display information, sorting, and filtering criteria |
CTableDescriptor | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbcx::TableDescriptor with additional display information, sorting, and filtering criteria |
CDate | Date value |
CDate | UNO representation of the Automation type DATE |
CDateTime | Combined date+time value |
CDateTimeRange | Range of date+time values |
CDateTimeWithTimezone | Combined date+time value with time zone |
CDateWithTimezone | Date value with time zone |
CDDEItemInfo | Describes an item of a DDE connection |
CDDELinkInfo | Describes all items of a DDE connection used in formulas |
CDecimal | UNO representation of the Automation type DECIMAL |
CDefaulted< T > | A value of a given type that can be defaulted |
CDeviceInfo | Information about a device |
CDirection3D | 3-dimensional vector |
CDispatchDescriptor | Describes a feature to be retrieved by a URL that has to be loaded into a specified frame |
CDispatchInformation | Information about a supported command |
CDispatchStatement | Dispatch statement from a recorded macro |
CDockingData | Data returned by docking handler |
CDocumentHeaderField | This struct contains a name-value pair of a document header (i.e |
CDocumentIndexMarkAsian | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex |
CDocumentSignatureInformation | Status of digital signatures in a document |
CDriverPropertyInfo | Describes the driver properties for making a connection |
CDropCapFormat | This struct describes drop caps at a paragraph object |
CDuration | Duration |
CElementChange | This structure describes a single change that is part of a batch of changes |
CElementStackItem | A struct to keep a startElement/endElement SAX event |
CEllipticalArc | This structure specifies an arbitrary elliptical arc |
CEmbeddedObjectDescriptor | Describes properties of an embedded object |
CEnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue | Single AdjustmentValue |
CEnhancedCustomShapeExtrusion | This service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue [] |
CEnhancedCustomShapeGeometry | This service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue [] |
CEnhancedCustomShapeHandle | This service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue [] |
CEnhancedCustomShapeParameter | Single value which is used with EnhancedCustomShapes |
CEnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair | Coordinates used with EnhancedCustomShapes |
CEnhancedCustomShapePath | This service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue [] |
CEnhancedCustomShapeSegment | |
CEnhancedCustomShapeTextFrame | Coordinates used with EnhancedCustomShapes |
CEnhancedCustomShapeTextPath | This service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue [] |
CEvent | Event has a source that causes an event to be fired and a trigger that defines under which condition an event should be raised and an offset if the event should be raised a defined amount of time after the event is triggered |
CEventDescriptor | Event binding for a document or a document content |
CEventListener | |
▶CEventObject | Base for all event objects and identifies the source of the event |
CAccessibleEventObject | This struct describes an accessible event, that is broadcasted from the XAccessibleEventBroadcaster and notified to XAccessibleEventListener |
CActionEvent | Semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occurred |
CAdjustmentEvent | Adjustment event emitted by adjustable objects |
CDockingEvent | Docking event |
CEndDockingEvent | End docking event |
CEndPopupModeEvent | End pop-up mode event |
CFocusEvent | Keyboard focus event |
CGridColumnEvent | An event used by a XGridColumn to notify changes in the column |
CGridDataEvent | Used to notify changes in the data represented by an XMutableGridDataModel |
CGridSelectionEvent | An event used by a XGridControl to notify changes in its row selection |
▶CInputEvent | Root event class for all component-level input events |
CKeyEvent | Key event |
▶CMouseEvent | Event from the mouse |
CEnhancedMouseEvent | Event from the mouse |
CItemEvent | Event occurred to an item of a menu, a list box etc |
CItemListEvent | Event broadcasted by a XListItems implementation for changes in its item list |
CMenuEvent | Menu event |
CPaintEvent | Paint event for a component |
CSpinEvent | Spin button event |
CTabPageActivatedEvent | An event used by a XTabPageContainer to notify changes in tab page activation |
CTextEvent | Text event |
CTreeDataModelEvent | An event used by a XTreeDataModel to notify changes in the data model to the XTreeControl |
CTreeExpansionEvent | This event tells you what node is currently expanding or collapsing |
CVclContainerEvent | Container event |
CWindowEvent | Window event |
CPropertyChangeEvent | Gets delivered whenever a "bound" or "constrained" property is changed |
CPropertySetInfoChangeEvent | Gets delivered whenever an XPropertySetInfo is changed |
CPropertyStateChangeEvent | Delivered whenever the state of a "bound" property is changed |
CChartDataChangeEvent | Describes a change that was applied to the data |
CComponentChangeEvent | This event is fired when a change becomes effective on the source of the event |
▶CContainerEvent | This event is fired when an element is inserted in a container |
CConfigurationEvent | This event is broadcasted by a configuration manager whenever the state of user interface element has changed |
CClipboardEvent | A clipboard uses this object to notify its listeners of content changes |
CDragGestureEvent | A DragGestureEvent is passed to the method XDragGestureListener::dragGestureRecognized() when a particular XDragGestureRecognizer detects that a platform dependent drag initiating gesture has occurred on the component that it is tracking |
▶CDragSourceEvent | This class is the base class for DragSourceDragEvent and DragSourceDropEvent |
CDragSourceDragEvent | The DragSourceDragEvent is delivered from an object that implements the XDragSourceContext to the currently registered drag source listener |
CDragSourceDropEvent | The DragSourceDropEvent is delivered from an object that implements XDragSourceContext to its currently registered drag source listener's |
▶CDropTargetEvent | This class is the base class for DropTargetDragEvent and DropTargetDropEvent |
▶CDropTargetDragEvent | The DropTargetDragEvent is delivered from the drop target to the currently registered drop target listener |
CDropTargetDragEnterEvent | The DropTargetDragEnterEvent is delivered from the drop target to the currently registered drop target listeners whenever the logical cursor associated with a Drag and Drop operation enters the visible geometry of a window associated with a drop target |
CDropTargetDropEvent | The DropTargetDropEvent is delivered from the drop target to its currently registered drop target listener |
CDocumentEvent | Describes an event happening in an OfficeDocument |
CEventObject | Thrown on document and document content events |
CUndoManagerEvent | Event sent by an XUndoManager implementation when the Undo/Redo stacks of the manager are modified |
CConfigurationChangeEvent | Objects of this class are used for notifying changes of the configuration |
CListEntryEvent | Event which is notified when a change in a string entry list occurred |
CDatabaseDeleteEvent | Fired if a database record is going to be deleted |
CDatabaseParameterEvent | Fired if values for parameters are needed |
CErrorEvent | Occurs in case of fired database exceptions triggered by a database form |
CFilterEvent | Event fired by a filter controller, when the filter managed by the controller changes |
CDispatchResultEvent | Result of the dispatch action, if State is set to SUCCESS |
CFeatureStateEvent | This event is broadcast by a Controller whenever the state of the feature changes |
CFrameActionEvent | This event struct is broadcast for actions which can happen to components within frames |
CTitleChangedEvent | Contains the information about a changed title |
CDataTransferEvent | Broadcast by a filter |
CDictionaryEvent | Dictionary event |
CDictionaryListEvent | Structure representing a dictionary-list event |
CLinguServiceEvent | Linguistic service event |
▶CAllEventObject | This event is a wrapper for an original event in a forwarding event |
CScriptEvent | Script event that gets delivered whenever a script event takes place |
CFinishEngineEvent | Event contains the reasons and the data for the XEngineListener::finished() method |
CInterruptEngineEvent | Describes an interrupt which occurs in the scripting engine |
CVBAScriptEvent | Describes a VBA script event fired via XVBACompatibility::broadcastVBAScriptEvent(), and received by XVBAScriptListener::notifyVBAScriptEvent() |
CCopyTableRowEvent | Event happening while copying table data between databases |
CDatabaseRegistrationEvent | Describes a change in a database registration |
▶CRowChangeEvent | Indicates the type of change action on the data source |
CRowsChangeEvent | Indicates which rows have changed and the type of change action on the row set |
CSQLErrorEvent | Invoked in case of fired database exception triggered by a database object |
CChangeEvent | |
CActivationEvent | Describes a change of the active sheet |
CRangeSelectionEvent | Event from range selection |
CResultEvent | New value of a volatile function result |
CMailMergeEvent | Mail merge event |
CCommandInfoChangeEvent | This event gets delivered whenever a XCommandInfo is changed |
CContentEvent | A structure for content events |
CListEvent | Type of event fired by an XDynamicResultSet |
CRemoteContentProviderChangeEvent | The description of a change to a com::sun::star::ucb::XRemoteContentProviderSupplier |
CContextChangeEventObject | |
CDialogClosedEvent | Information of a closed dialog |
CFilePickerEvent | Context information in case of a FilePicker event |
CChangesEvent | This event is fired when a set of changes becomes effective on the source of the event |
CDataEditorEvent | Event broadcasted by an XDataEditor |
CModeChangeEvent | Allows to veto changes in an object's internal mode |
CPrintableStateEvent | Print progress of an XPrintable |
CPrintJobEvent | Print progress of an XPrintJob |
▶CException | Base of all UNO exceptions |
CIllegalAccessibleComponentStateException | Indicates invalid or unavailable state information |
CAuthenticationFailedException | Indicates failure to authenticate using the specified security context |
CInvalidArgumentException | Indicates an invalid argument was passed to SSO API |
CInvalidContextException | Indicates an attempt was made to use an invalid source or target context |
CInvalidCredentialException | Indicates an attempt was made to use an invalid or non existent credential |
CInvalidPrincipalException | Indicates an invalid principal was specified |
CPersistenceFailureException | Indicates an underlying persistence implementation failure |
CUnsupportedException | Indicates an operation unsupported by the implementation |
CPrinterException | Fired if a resource cannot be locked |
CIllegalTypeException | This exception is thrown to indicate the use of a type which is not appropriate |
CIntrospectionException | This exception is thrown when an exception happens during introspection |
CNotRemoveableException | This exception is thrown to indicate that removing a property from an XPropertyContainer is not allowed |
CPropertyExistException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a property with this name already exists in the object |
CPropertyVetoException | This exception is thrown when a proposed change to a property represents an unacceptable value |
CUnknownPropertyException | This exception is thrown to indicate that the property name is unknown to the implementation |
CBridgeExistsException | Indicates, that it was tried to create a remote bridge with a name, which already existed |
CInvalidProtocolChangeException | Indicates, that a requested property change could not be executed by the remote counterpart |
CMalformedDataException | Raised when the data of a component schema, layer or update is not well-formed, violates the schema or is otherwise invalid |
CMergeRecoveryRequest | Passed to an InteractionHandler when merging fails due to invalid layer data or access problems |
▶CCannotLoadConfigurationException | Thrown when an application tries to create a configuration provider but the configuration can't be loaded |
▶CBackendSetupException | Generic exception thrown when setting up a connection to an underlying backend fails |
CAuthenticationFailedException | Exception thrown when authentication to the underlying backend fails due to an unknown user-id or invalid credentials |
CCannotConnectException | Exception thrown when a connection to the underlying backend cannot be established |
CInvalidAuthenticationMechanismException | Exception thrown when authentication to the underlying backend fails because the configured authentication mechanism is not supported by the backend or no valid mechanism can be negotiated |
CStratumCreationException | Passed to an InteractionHandler when creating a stratum backend fails |
CInstallationIncompleteException | Thrown when creating a configuration provider fails because the user's installation for the is missing or incomplete |
CInvalidBootstrapFileException | Thrown when creating a configuration provider fails because a bootstrap file needed to locate the configuration contains invalid data |
CMissingBootstrapFileException | Thrown when creating a configuration provider fails because a bootstrap file needed to locate the configuration is missing |
CAlreadyAcceptingException | Is thrown, when there is another thread already accepting on this instance |
CConnectionSetupException | Is thrown, when it is not possible to accept on a local resource |
CNoConnectException | Is thrown in case no one is accepting on the specified resource |
CElementExistException | Thrown by container methods, if an element is added which is already a child of the container |
CNoSuchElementException | Thrown by child access methods of collections, if the addressed child does not exist |
CUnsupportedFlavorException | Exception will be thrown if there is a request for data in a DataFlavor that is not supported by a data source |
CDependencyException | Describes unsatisfied dependencies a deployment unit has on its target environment |
CDeploymentException | A DeploymentException reflects a deployment error |
CExtensionRemovedException | Indicates that a function call with the given arguments is not supported because the extension was removed |
CInstallException | Describes the fact that deployment unit is about to be installed |
CInvalidRemovedParameterException | Indicates that XPackageRegistry::bindPackage() was previously called with a different value for the removed parameter and that the XPackage object created by that call still exist |
CLicenseException | A LicenseException reflects the necessity of someone agreeing to a license |
CPlatformException | A DeploymentException indicates that the current platform is not supported |
CVersionException | Describes version clashes of a deployment unit |
CAmbigousFilterRequest | Should be used for interaction to handle states of ambiguous filter detection |
CBrokenPackageRequest | Is used for interaction handle in case package is broken |
CChangedByOthersRequest | Is used for interaction handle to query user decision in case the document being saved was already stored by another user during the editing |
CExoticFileLoadException | An exception used to notify loading of an exotic file format |
CFilterOptionsRequest | Is used for interaction handle to get filter options |
CLockedDocumentRequest | Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding locked document |
CLockedOnSavingRequest | Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding locked document on saving |
CNoSuchFilterRequest | Should be used for interaction to handle states of unknown filter during detection |
COwnLockOnDocumentRequest | Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding locked document |
CReloadEditableRequest | Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding reloading a document that was recently made editable |
CUndoFailedException | Thrown when reverting to re-applying an undoable action fails |
CGraphicFilterRequest | General error graphic filter exception |
CLinkageMisuseException | This exception can be thrown in case a linked object is misused |
CNoVisualAreaSizeException | This exception can be thrown in case the object can not provide own visual area currently |
CObjectSaveVetoException | This exception can be thrown in case container wants to avoid objects saving |
CUnreachableStateException | This exception can be thrown in case specified state can not be reached |
▶CWrongStateException | This exception can be thrown in case the object's state does not allow to call requested functionality |
CNeedsRunningStateException | This exception can be thrown in case a list of accepted verbs of states is requested and the object is in loaded state and this information can be retrieved only when the object is in running state |
CStateChangeInProgressException | This exception can be thrown in case the object does not allow to call requested functionality currently because the object is changing state |
CIncompatibleTypesException | Thrown to indicate that the types of an XValueBinding and an XBindableValue are incompatible |
CInvalidBindingStateException | Thrown when an XValueBinding cannot perform a requested operation due to an invalid state |
CDoubleInitializationException | This exception can be thrown in case an object is initialized second time |
CTerminationVetoException | Can be thrown by a XTerminateListener to prevent the environment (e.g., desktop) from terminating |
CUnknownModuleException | This exception can be thrown in case an office module could not be classified or does not have a valid configuration |
CMultipleCharsOutputException | Indicates transliteration generated multiple characters output but only single character return value was requested |
▶CIOException | Thrown when an input or output error has occurred |
CLockFileCorruptRequest | Is used for interaction handle to query user's decision when the lock file is corrupt |
CLockFileIgnoreRequest | Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding storing to a location where no lock file can be created |
CInvalidStorageException | This exception can be thrown in case a storage is invalid |
CUseBackupException | This exception can be thrown in case a storage commit is failed |
CIllegalArgumentIOException | This exception can be thrown in case arguments are wrong |
CAlreadyConnectedException | Thrown when a client tries to connect to a resource to which he is already connected |
CBufferSizeExceededException | Thrown by instances which need to buffer data |
CNotConnectedException | Thrown when a read/write operation is tried on an instance that has not been chained properly |
▶CSocketException | Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error |
CConnectException | Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port |
CNoRouteToHostException | Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port |
CUnexpectedEOFException | Thrown when the EOF is reached during reading a datatype (long , string , etc.) |
CUnknownHostException | Thrown when the IP address of a host could not be determined |
CWrongFormatException | Thrown when inconsistent data comes up while reading a complex data type (string or object) |
CNoRawFormatException | This exception can be thrown in case provided stream is not a raw stream representing encrypted package stream |
CZipIOException | Used to indicate that a ZIP exception has occurred |
CErrorCodeIOException | IOException that carries a legacy error code (not only I/O related) |
CWrongJavaVersionException | Indicates that an operation involving Java (probably executing Java code) failed due to a wrong Java version |
CClassNotFoundException | This exception is thrown when an application tries to load the information on the type through its string name |
CIllegalAccessException | This exception is thrown when an application tries to change a constant property |
▶CIndexOutOfBoundsException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a container has been accessed with an illegal index |
CArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | This exception is thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index |
CInvalidListenerException | Thrown by the XConnectionPoint::advice() method to indicate that the listener has not supplied the necessary interface |
CListenerExistException | Thrown by the XConnectionPoint::advise() method to indicate that there is only one listener allowed |
CNoSuchFieldException | Signals that the class does not have a field of a specified name |
CNoSuchMethodException | Signals that the interface does not have a method of a specified name |
CNoSupportException | This exception is thrown when a feature of an interface is not supported |
CNullPointerException | This exception is thrown when an application attempts to use NULL in a case where an object is required |
CServiceNotRegisteredException | This exception is thrown when a needed service is not found |
▶CWrappedTargetException | This is a checked exception that wraps an exception thrown by the original target |
▶CBackendAccessException | Generic exception thrown when physical access to an underlying backend fails |
CConnectionLostException | Exception thrown when the connection to the underlying backend was lost irrecoverably |
CInsufficientAccessRightsException | Exception thrown when access to the underlying backend fails because of insufficient access rights to some needed resource |
CStorageWrappedTargetException | This exception can wrap an exception thrown during XStorage methods execution |
CInvocationTargetException | This exception denotes a checked exception (wrapping an originating exception) and may be thrown upon using invocation API |
CLdapConnectionException | Indicates failure to connect to an LDAP server, usually because of wrong parameters (host/port) or down server |
CLdapGenericException | Generic exception occurring during access to an LDAP server |
CCannotActivateFactoryException | Indicates an error during component activation |
▶CMailException | An MailException is the base of all mail related exceptions |
CNoMailServiceProviderException | A NoMailServiceProviderException will be thrown if an appropriate provider for requested mail service could not be found or could not be created |
CNoMailTransportProviderException | A NoMailTransportProviderException will be thrown if an appropriate provider for sending mail messages could not be found or could not be created |
CSendMailMessageFailedException | A SendFailedException will be thrown if a mail message could not be sent because the e-mail addresses of some recipients are invalid |
CEncryptionNotAllowedException | This exception can be thrown in case object is encrypted when it is not allowed |
CNoEncryptionException | This exception can be thrown in case object is not encrypted one as expected |
CWrongPasswordException | This exception can be thrown in case wrong password was provided |
CZipException | Used to indicate that a ZIP exception has occurred |
CParseException | Error condition that is signaled on parsing an RDF file |
CQueryException | Error condition that is signaled on evaluating a query against an RDF Repository |
CRepositoryException | Error condition that is signaled on accessing an RDF Repository |
CInvalidTypeNameException | Thrown in case that a certain type name does exist, but does not meet some other criteria |
CNoSuchTypeNameException | Thrown in case that a certain type name does not exist |
CCannotRegisterImplementationException | Thrown when an application tries to register a new component (implementation) using the XImplementationRegistration::registerImplementation() method, but the component cannot be registered |
CInvalidRegistryException | Signals that the registry is invalid or an operation on the registry failed |
CInvalidValueException | Signals that the value of the key is invalid or does not have the appropriate key type |
CMergeConflictException | Thrown if entries of two registries are contradictory in the context of XSimpleRegistry::mergeKey()e() method |
CVolatileContentDestroyedException | This exception indicates an invalid volatile bitmap content |
CScannerException | A ScannerException gets thrown if an object of type XScannerManager could not complete a specific action |
CBasicErrorException | Thrown in order to transport an error to Basic |
CCannotConvertException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a type conversion can not be performed |
CCannotCreateAdapterException | Thrown by an attacher if an adapter service cannot create the appropriate adapter |
CLibraryNotLoadedException | Thrown when an operation on a unloaded library is attempted which requires the library being loaded |
CModuleSizeExceededRequest | Is used for interaction handle in case password protected modules exceed the size that can be stored in OpenOffice 2.x, 1.x formats |
▶CScriptErrorRaisedException | Checked exception that represents an error encountered by a LanguageScriptProvider whilst executing a script |
CScriptExceptionRaisedException | Checked exception that represents the detail of an exception thrown by a LanguageScriptProvider whilst executing a script |
CScriptFrameworkErrorException | Checked exception that represents an error encountered by the Scripting Framework whilst executing a script |
▶CSQLException | Exception that provides information on a database access error |
CRowSetVetoException | Exception fired whenever a row set operation was cancelled because of of a veto of an approved listener |
CBatchUpdateException | Thrown when an error occurs during a batch update operation |
▶CSQLWarning | Exception that provides information on database access warnings |
CSQLContext | Special information about the context where a com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException occurred |
CDataTruncation | Reports a DataTruncation warning, on reads, or is thrown as a DataTruncation exception, on writes, when a data value is unexpectedly truncated |
CResultSetException | This exception is thrown to propagate exceptions thrown by operations on ContentResultSets |
CNoConvergenceException | Thrown by a Calc Add-In function this exception indicates the function's algorithm did not converge to a meaningful result |
CSystemShellExecuteException | May be thrown in cases of errors executing a command using the SystemShellExecute service |
▶CClassifiedInteractionRequest | A classified interaction request |
CDocumentSaveRequest | Error specifying the lack of a document name |
CParametersRequest | Error specifying the lack of parameters values |
CDocumentMacroConfirmationRequest | Describes the request to approve or deny the execution of macros contained in a document |
▶CPasswordRequest | This request specifies the mode in which the password should be asked |
▶CDocumentMSPasswordRequest | This request specifies the mode in which the password for Microsoft Office file format encryption should be asked |
CDocumentMSPasswordRequest2 | This request specifies if a password for opening or modifying of an encrypted Microsoft Office document is requested |
▶CDocumentPasswordRequest | This request specifies the mode in which the password should be asked |
CDocumentPasswordRequest2 | This request specifies if a password for opening or modifying a document is requested |
CMasterPasswordRequest | This request specifies the mode in which the password should be asked |
CUnsupportedOverwriteRequest | This request is used in case a content can't keep files from overwriting |
CAuthenticationFallbackRequest | An interaction continuation handing back some authentication data |
▶CAuthenticationRequest | An error specifying lack of correct authentication data (e.g., to log into an account) |
CURLAuthenticationRequest | An error specifying lack of correct authentication data (e.g., to log into an account) |
CCertificateValidationRequest | An error specifying an invalid certificate |
CInteractiveAppException | An application error |
▶CInteractiveIOException | An input/output error |
CInteractiveAugmentedIOException | An input/output error with arguments |
CInteractiveFileIOException | An input/output error while processing a file |
▶CInteractiveLockingException | An error related to locking operations |
CInteractiveLockingLockedException | An error indicating that the resource is locked |
CInteractiveLockingLockExpiredException | An error indicating that a lock that has been previously obtained by this OOo session has expired |
CInteractiveLockingNotLockedException | An error indicating that the resource is not locked |
▶CInteractiveNetworkException | An error related to network operations |
CInteractiveNetworkConnectException | A network error specifying a connection failure |
CInteractiveNetworkGeneralException | A network error specifying a general failure |
CInteractiveNetworkOffLineException | A network error specifying an off line condition |
CInteractiveNetworkReadException | A network error specifying a read failure |
CInteractiveNetworkResolveNameException | A network error specifying a name resolution failure |
CInteractiveNetworkWriteException | A network error specifying a write failure |
CInteractiveWrongMediumException | Thrown when the wrong medium is inserted into a removable drive during an operation |
CNameClashException | An exception used to notify a name clash |
CNameClashResolveRequest | This request is used to indicate a name clash |
▶CErrorCodeRequest | General error exception |
CErrorCodeRequest2 | General error exception |
CPDFExportException | Exception that provides information on an error during PDF export |
CInvalidTextContentException | Thrown whenever a method gets a TextContent as an actual argument when the text content cannot be used for that operation |
CAlreadyInitializedException | This exception is thrown to indicate that an attempt was made to reinitialize an object that can only be initialized once |
CCommandAbortedException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a command was aborted |
CCommandFailedException | This exception is thrown if an exception situation occurred during the processing of a command and an com::sun::star::task::XInteractionHandler was able to handle the request for the error condition and the requesting code decided to abort the command execution according to the selection made by the interaction handler |
CContentCreationException | This exception is thrown to indicate that the creation of a UCB content failed |
CDuplicateCommandIdentifierException | Thrown by XCommandProcessor::execute() to indicate that the same command identifier was used for two threads |
CDuplicateProviderException | Thrown to indicate that a content provider with the same identifier already was registered with a content provider manager |
CIllegalIdentifierException | This exception is thrown to indicate an illegal content identifier |
CInteractiveBadTransferURLException | An interaction request to inform the client of a "transfer" command that the supplied source URL is not supported |
CListenerAlreadySetException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a Listener is already set while only one is allowed |
CMissingInputStreamException | This exception is used to indicate that there is an com::sun::star::io::XInputStream missing |
CMissingPropertiesException | This exception is used to indicate that there are properties missing |
CServiceNotFoundException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a needed service was not registered |
CUnsupportedCommandException | Thrown to indicate that a command is not known by the implementation of an interface |
CUnsupportedDataSinkException | This exception is used to indicate that the requested type of data sink is not supported |
CUnsupportedNameClashException | |
CUnsupportedOpenModeException | This exception is used to indicate that the requested OpenMode is not supported |
CExecutableDialogException | Base class of all XExecutableDialog related exceptions |
▶CRuntimeException | This exception or a subclass can occur at every interface method |
CGridInvalidDataException | Exception is thrown to indicate that set data is invalid, e.g |
CGridInvalidModelException | Exception is thrown when data or column model isn't set |
▶CCorruptedConfigurationException | This exception is thrown in case a configuration does not exists or contains corrupt data |
CCorruptedUIConfigurationException | This exception is thrown in case the global UI configuration (including menubars/toolbars and accelerators) does not exists or contains corrupted data |
CInvalidDNDOperationException | This exception is thrown by various methods in the datatransfer.dnd package |
CCorruptedFilterConfigurationException | This exception is thrown in case the global filter configuration does not exists or contains corrupted data |
CDisposedException | This exception occurs if the object behind this interface has been disposed before and can't uphold its method specification anymore |
CIllegalArgumentException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a method has passed an illegal or inappropriate argument |
CNotInitializedException | Thrown when a component is attempted to be used before it was completely constructed |
CWrappedTargetRuntimeException | This is a runtime exception that wraps any other exception thrown by the original target |
CMissingResourceException | Used to signal that a resource is missing |
CNoMasterException | Thrown when a master password is needed but not available/correct |
▶CDeploymentException | Exception signalling a deployment error |
▶CJavaInitializationException | Indicates that there is no Java available |
CInvalidJavaSettingsException | Indicates the Java settings have been modified |
CJavaDisabledException | Indicates that Java could not be initialized because it has been switched off |
CJavaNotConfiguredException | Indicates that the user did not configure Java for an Office installation |
CJavaNotFoundException | Indicates that no suitable JRE was found |
CJavaVMCreationFailureException | Indicates that the Java Virtual Machine could not be created |
CMissingJavaRuntimeException | Indicates that the Java runtime library could not be found |
CRestartRequiredException | Indicates that the office must be restarted before a JRE can be used |
▶CSecurityException | Base exception for all security related exceptions |
CAccessControlException | Exception notifying a lacking permission to access data or execute code thus it is thrown if permission ought to be denied |
CCertificateException | |
▶CCryptographyException | |
▶CEncryptionException | |
CXMLEncryptionException | |
▶CSignatureException | |
CXMLSignatureException | |
CKeyException | |
CNoPasswordException | |
CSecurityInfrastructureException | |
CCloseVetoException | This exception can be thrown to prevent the environment of any object from closing |
▶CInvalidStateException | Thrown when an object's state does not allow to call requested functionality |
CEmptyUndoStackException | Raised when an operation is attemption at an XUndoManager which requires a non-empty stack of undo actions, and this requirement is not fulfilled |
CUndoContextNotClosedException | Thrown when an operation is attempted at an XUndoManager which requires all undo contexts to be closed, but this requirement is not fulfilled |
CNotLockedException | Raised when attempt is made to unlock a lockable component which actually is not locked |
CMalformedNumberFormatException | Thrown when a NumberFormat string is syntactically incorrect |
CNotNumericException | Indicates that a non-numeric string is to be converted to a number |
▶CVetoException | Thrown to indicate a general veto |
CExpandVetoException | Exception used to stop an expand/collapse from happening |
CInvalidDataOnSubmitException | Thrown if the user triggers an XForms submission with invalid instance data |
CDOMException | encapsulates the details of an XML parse error or warning |
CEventException | |
▶CSAXException | Encapsulates the details of an XML parse error or warning |
CSAXInvalidCharacterException | Stores information for locating the error in the original XML document |
CSAXParseException | Stores information for locating the error in the original XML document |
CXPathException | Exception that may occur when evaluating an XPath expression |
CExportStreamInfo | Information needed to export an object in mbx format (supplying an output stream to export into) |
CExternalLinkInfo | Describes an external link in a formula |
CExternalReference | Data structure to store information about an external reference |
CFastAttribute | A struct to keep information of an element's attribute |
CFeatureState | Encapsulates the state of a FormFeature |
CFetchResult | Data of several rows of a ContentResultSet |
CFilePermission | This permission represents access to a file or directory |
CFillBitmap | This structure contains all properties of a bitmap when used as FillStyle |
▶CFillProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering an area |
▶CDataPointProperties | |
CDataPoint | |
CDataSeries | Reflects the model data of the object that has all the information for a DataRenderer to create a visible data series in a chart |
CDataTable | Describes a data table for a Diagram |
CLegend | Describes a legend for a Diagram |
CRegressionCurveEquation | |
CTitle | |
CChartArea | Specifies the area elements of a chart, e.g |
CChartDataPointProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a data point (e.g., a single bar in a bar chart) |
CBackground | This service provides the properties to describe a background filling for a drawing page |
CCaptionShape | The CaptionShape represents a rectangular drawing shape with an additional set of lines |
CClosedBezierShape | This service is for a closed Bezier shape |
CCustomShape | This service is for a CustomShape |
CDefaults | This is a set of properties to access the defaults of a drawing document |
CEllipseShape | This service is for an ellipse or circle shape |
CPolyPolygonBezierShape | This service specifies a poly-polygon Bezier shape |
CPolyPolygonShape | This service is for a polygon shape |
CRectangleShape | This service is for a rectangle Shape |
CTextShape | This service is for a text shape |
CFilterFieldValue | |
CFloatingPointBitmapLayout | This structure describes the memory layout of a bitmap having floating point color channels |
CFolderList | A list of folders |
CFolderListEntry | Information about a single folder in a FolderList |
CFontDescriptor | Describes the characteristics of a font |
CFontHeight | Describes the characteristics of a font |
CFontInfo | This structure provides information about a specific font |
CFontMetrics | Metrics global to the font, i.e |
CFontRequest | This structure contains all information necessary to describe a font to be queried from XCanvas |
▶CFootnoteSettings | Access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document |
CEndnoteSettings | Access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document |
CForbiddenCharacters | Locale (mostly CJK) dependent characters that are forbidden at the start or end of a line |
CFormatElement | One number format code and its attributes, returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getAllFormats() |
CFormulaOpCodeMapEntry | Mapping from a formula name (function name, operator, ...) to the OpCode used by the formula compiler |
CFormulaProperties | The formula properties provide access to the properties of a formula in a formula generator |
CFormulaToken | Single token within a formula |
CFunctionArgument | Description of a single argument within a spreadsheet function |
CFunctionDescription | Collects all properties used to describe a function |
▶CGetPropertyTolerantResult | Information being retrieved about a single property |
CGetDirectPropertyTolerantResult | Information being retrieved about a single property |
▶CGlobalTransferCommandArgument | This struct contains information needed to transfer objects from one location to another |
CGlobalTransferCommandArgument2 | This struct extends the one for transfers arguments by adding a Mime type and a Document Id property to it |
CGluePoint | A GluePoint could be attached to a shape or to a page |
CGluePoint2 | This struct defines the attributes of a gluepoint |
CGoalResult | Result of a goal seek operation |
▶CGradient | Describes a gradient between two colors |
CGradient2 | This struct extends the Gradient definition by adding a sequence of ColorStops to allow definition of multi-color gradients |
CGraphicCrop | Describes the cropping of graphic objects |
CHatch | This struct defines the appearance of a hatch |
CHighlightedRange | |
CHomogenMatrix | Homogeneous matrix by three homogeneous lines |
CHomogenMatrix3 | Homogeneous matrix by three homogeneous lines |
CHomogenMatrix4 | Homogeneous matrix by four homogeneous lines |
CHomogenMatrixLine | Single line for a HomogenMatrix |
CHomogenMatrixLine3 | Single line for a HomogenMatrix3 |
CHomogenMatrixLine4 | Single line for a HomogenMatrix4 |
CHoriOrientationFormat | Describes the horizontal orientation of an object |
CImplementation | Implementation name details returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getCollatorImplementations() |
CIncrementData | An IncrementData describes how tickmarks are positioned on the scale of an axis |
CInputSource | Datasource plus some additional information for the parser |
▶CInsertCommandArgument | The argument for the command "insert" |
CInsertCommandArgument2 | The argument for the command "insert" augmented with some properties |
CInsertedObjectInfo | Intended to provide result of creation of an embedded object by dialog |
CIntegerBezierSegment2D | This structure contains the relevant data for a cubic Bezier curve |
CIntegerBitmapLayout | This structure describes the memory layout of a bitmap having integer color channels |
CIntegerPoint2D | This structure defines a two-dimensional point |
CIntegerRectangle2D | This structure contains the necessary information for a two-dimensional rectangle |
CIntegerSize2D | This structure contains data representing a two-dimensional size |
CInvocationInfo | This struct is used to specify information about object members (methods or properties) accessed via XInvocation, such as names, types, or parameters |
CItemDescriptor | Describes a user interface item that is part of a user interface element |
CItemStatus | Describes a state of a property |
CJumpListItem | Specifies an item for com::sun::star::system::windows::XJumpList |
CKeyStroke | Describes a key stroke for hotkeys etc |
CLanguageCountryInfo | The language and country identifiers and descriptive names of the loaded locale data returned by XLocaleData::getLanguageCountryInfo() |
CLayoutSize | Size used for layouting windows |
CLeftRightMargin | Left and right margin |
CLeftRightMarginScale | Left and right margin |
CLibxml2ExtensionHandle | |
CLightSource | |
CLineBreakHyphenationOptions | Hyphenation options passed in calls to XBreakIterator::getLineBreak() |
CLineBreakResults | Results of method XBreakIterator::getLineBreak() |
CLineBreakUserOptions | Line break options passed in calls to XBreakIterator::getLineBreak() |
CLineDash | A LineDash defines a non-continuous line |
CLineDescriptor | Describes the appearance of a line representing a single property in an ObjectInspector |
CLineNumberingProperties | Access to the settings of the line numbering |
▶CLineProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering a Line |
CAxis | |
CDataTable | Describes a data table for a Diagram |
CErrorBar | |
CGridProperties | Must be supported by all grids |
CLegend | Describes a legend for a Diagram |
CRegressionCurve | |
CRegressionCurveEquation | |
CTitle | |
CChartArea | Specifies the area elements of a chart, e.g |
CChartAxis | Specifies the axes in a diagram |
CChartDataPointProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a data point (e.g., a single bar in a bar chart) |
CChartGrid | Grid of the diagram in a chart |
CChartLine | Line elements in a chart (regression lines, etc.) |
CCaptionShape | The CaptionShape represents a rectangular drawing shape with an additional set of lines |
CClosedBezierShape | This service is for a closed Bezier shape |
CConnectorShape | This service is for a ConnectorShape, a specialized Shape, which can be connected to other Shapes or GluePoints |
CCustomShape | This service is for a CustomShape |
CDefaults | This is a set of properties to access the defaults of a drawing document |
CEllipseShape | This service is for an ellipse or circle shape |
CLineShape | This service is for a simple Shape with lines |
CMeasureShape | This service is for a dimensioning shape |
COpenBezierShape | This service is for an open Bezier shape |
CPolyLineShape | This service is for a polyline shape |
CPolyPolygonBezierShape | This service specifies a poly-polygon Bezier shape |
CPolyPolygonShape | This service is for a polygon shape |
CRectangleShape | This service is for a rectangle Shape |
CTextShape | This service is for a text shape |
CLineSpacing | This structure is used to specify the height of a text line |
CLink | Defines a link |
CListAction | This struct contains information needed in the notifications of a XDynamicResultSet |
CLocale | Object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region |
▶CLocaleDataItem | Locale specific data, for example, separators, quotation marks |
CLocaleDataItem2 | Locale specific data, derived from LocaleDataItem adding an alternative input decimal separator |
CLocalizedName | A name that is valid for a specified locale |
▶CLockEntry | Defines the types of locks that can be used with a resource |
CLock | Defines a lock |
CLogicTargetModel | |
CLogRecord | Assembles the complete information about a to-be-logged event |
CMailAttachment | A MailAttachment specifies a mail message attachment |
CMatrix2D | This structure defines a 2 by 2 matrix |
▶CMeasureProperties | This service describes a MeasureShape |
CDefaults | This is a set of properties to access the defaults of a drawing document |
CMeasureShape | This service is for a dimensioning shape |
CMediaDescriptor | Describes properties of a document, regarding the relationship between the loaded document and the resource the document is loaded from / stored to |
CMediaProperties | This service describes the properties that are used when using the XGraphicProvider interface methods |
CMemberResult | Describes a result of a DataPilot member |
CMenuMultipleChange | Explains properties of a menu item |
CMenuSingleChange | Explains a change for a menu item |
CModuleInfo | |
CNamedArgument | Named argument in a call to a method of an Automation object |
CNamedDatabaseObject | Denotes a named database object, or a named folder of database objects |
CNamedValue | Pair assembled from a name and a value |
CNameToken | Information regarding named tokens |
▶CNativeNumberXmlAttributes | Attributes describing a native number mode for a specific locale, stored in XML file format |
CNativeNumberXmlAttributes2 | Attributes describing a native number mode for a specific locale, stored in XML file format |
CNativeObjectWrapper | |
CNSSProfile | |
CNumberedSortingInfo | Information for sorting a ContentResultSet |
CNumberFormatCode | Number format code information returned by various XNumberFormatCode methods |
CNumberFormatProperties | Properties specifying the behavior of a NumberFormatter |
▶CNumberingAlignment | Specify the alignment of a numbering level |
▶CNumberingRule | Rule to format numberings |
CChapterNumberingRule | Describes the rules for chapter numbering in a text document |
▶CNumberingLevel | These properties describe the numbering of a paragraph |
CNumberingRule | Rule to format numberings |
CNumberingLevel | Access to a numbering level as part of the Numbering Rules |
COpenCLDevice | |
COpenCLPlatform | |
▶COpenCommandArgument | The argument for commands like "open", "update", and "synchronize" |
▶COpenCommandArgument2 | The argument for commands like "open", "update", and "synchronize" |
COpenCommandArgument3 | Extended argument for commands like "open" |
COptional< T > | An optional value of a given type |
CPageFootnoteInfo | Properties of the footnote area of a page or a page style |
CPagePrintSettings | These properties describe the way the XPagePrintable interface prints the page on one printer page |
▶CPageProperties | Describes the style of pages |
▶CPageStyle | Contributes common properties of page styles |
CTablePageStyle | Page style for a spreadsheet |
CPair< T, U > | A tuple, or pair |
CPanose | |
▶CParagraphProperties | Describes the style of paragraphs |
CTitle | |
CTextProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering the text area inside a shape |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CTableCellStyle | Properties of a table cell style |
CParagraphStyle | Style sheet for paragraphs within a com::sun::star::text::Text |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CDefaults | Default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
CTextTableCursor | Cursor in text tables |
▶CParagraphPropertiesAsian | Settings for the style of paragraphs with complex text layout |
CTextProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering the text area inside a shape |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CDefaults | Default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
▶CParagraphPropertiesComplex | Settings for the style of paragraphs with complex text layout |
CTextProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering the text area inside a shape |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CDefaults | Default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
CParagraphTarget | Event has a source that causes an event to be fired and a trigger that defines under which condition an event should be raised and an offset if the event should be raised a defined amount of time after the event is triggered |
CParamInfo | Provides information about a formal parameter of a method |
▶CParaUserDefinedAttributesSupplier | A component that supports this service preserves XML attributes, unknown by its parser, that belong to the XML element representing it (the component) |
CParagraphStyle | Style sheet for paragraphs within a com::sun::star::text::Text |
CParseResult | Parser results returned by XCharacterClassification::parseAnyToken() and XCharacterClassification::parsePredefinedToken() |
CPivotTableFieldEntry | Pivot table field entry data |
CPoint | 2-dimensional point using the Cartesian coordinate system |
CPolyPolygonBezierCoords | Coordinates for a poly polygon Bezier |
▶CPolyPolygonBezierDescriptor | This service describes a polypolygonbezier |
CClosedBezierShape | This service is for a closed Bezier shape |
COpenBezierShape | This service is for an open Bezier shape |
CPolyPolygonBezierShape | This service specifies a poly-polygon Bezier shape |
▶CPolyPolygonDescriptor | This service describes a poly-polygon |
CLineShape | This service is for a simple Shape with lines |
CPolyLineShape | This service is for a polyline shape |
CPolyPolygonShape | This service is for a polygon shape |
CPolyPolygonShape3D | Coordinates of a 3-dimensional poly polygon |
CPosition3D | 3-dimensional point |
▶CPostCommandArgument | The argument for the command "post" |
CPostCommandArgument2 | The argument for the command "post" |
CPrinterDescriptor | Describes a printer by specifying the queue name and some settings |
CPrintOptions | Describes the options for print jobs |
▶CPrintSettings | These properties describe the printing of the content of a text document |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole text document |
CPrintSettings | Access to the settings for printing documents |
CProofreadingResult | Holds the results from proofreading a sentence |
CProperty | This structure describes a property |
CPropertyCategoryDescriptor | Describes a category of properties |
CPropertyCommandArgument | The argument for the "addProperty" command |
CPropertyInfo | This structure contains all the information related to a property |
CPropertyPutArgument | Value that is used as argument in a "property put" operation on an Automation object |
▶CPropertyValue | Property value |
CPropertyValueInfo | Value and state of a com::sun::star::beans::Property |
CProtocolProperty | String/value pair |
CRangeSelectionArguments | Arguments for starting the range selection |
CRealBezierSegment2D | This structure contains the relevant data for a cubic Bezier curve |
CRealPoint2D | This structure defines a two-dimensional point |
CRealRectangle2D | This structure contains the necessary information for a two-dimensional rectangle |
CRealRectangle3D | This structure contains the necessary information for a three-dimensional cube |
CRealSize2D | This structure contains data representing a two-dimensional size |
CRecipientInfo | All information needed to send a message using one send protocol |
CRectangle | Rectangular area by position and size |
CRelativePosition | Determines a position of an object relative to a size defined by other means |
CRelativeSize | Gives a position relative to some size defined by other means |
CRenderDescriptor | Describes the options for Render jobs |
CRenderOptions | Describes the options for Render jobs |
CRenderState | This structure contains information passed to each XCanvas render operation |
CRevisionTag | Information that describes a revision of something |
CRGBColor | RGB color triplet |
CRoadmapItem | |
▶CRotationDescriptor | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of an optional rotation and shearing for a Shape |
CCaptionShape | The CaptionShape represents a rectangular drawing shape with an additional set of lines |
CClosedBezierShape | This service is for a closed Bezier shape |
CConnectorShape | This service is for a ConnectorShape, a specialized Shape, which can be connected to other Shapes or GluePoints |
CCustomShape | This service is for a CustomShape |
CEllipseShape | This service is for an ellipse or circle shape |
CGraphicObjectShape | This service is for a graphic shape |
CLineShape | This service is for a simple Shape with lines |
CMeasureShape | This service is for a dimensioning shape |
COpenBezierShape | This service is for an open Bezier shape |
CPolyLineShape | This service is for a polyline shape |
CPolyPolygonBezierShape | This service specifies a poly-polygon Bezier shape |
CPolyPolygonShape | This service is for a polygon shape |
CRectangleShape | This service is for a rectangle Shape |
CTextShape | This service is for a text shape |
CRule | Describes a rule that can be applies to a number of objects |
CRuleSet | Describes a set of Rules |
CRuleTerm | Describes a term |
CRuntimePermission | This permission grants runtime access to some named functionality |
CScaleData | |
CScannerContext | Scanner context is an identifier for a specific scanner device |
CSCode | |
CScriptEventDescriptor | Describes an effect, especially a script to be executed, for a certain event given by the listener type and the name of the event method |
CSearchCommandArgument | The argument for the command "search" |
CSearchCriterium | Criterion describing how an object must match some rules that specify (part of) a search |
CSearchInfo | Information needed to (recursively) search an object |
▶CSearchOptions | |
CSearchOptions2 | This augments com::sun::star::util::SearchOptions to be able to specify additional search algorithms for use with com::sun::star::util::XTextSearch2 |
CSearchResult | |
CSectionFileLink | Describes the link for a text section |
CSelection | Numerical range |
CSendInfo | Information related to a send protocol |
CSendMediaTypes | List of Internet media types (like "text/plain" and "text/html"), that are related to a send protocol |
CSetPropertyTolerantFailed | Information about a single property failed to be set |
CShadowFormat | Describes the settings of a cell shadow |
▶CShadowProperties | This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering a shadow |
CCaptionShape | The CaptionShape represents a rectangular drawing shape with an additional set of lines |
CClosedBezierShape | This service is for a closed Bezier shape |
CConnectorShape | This service is for a ConnectorShape, a specialized Shape, which can be connected to other Shapes or GluePoints |
CCustomShape | This service is for a CustomShape |
CDefaults | This is a set of properties to access the defaults of a drawing document |
CEllipseShape | This service is for an ellipse or circle shape |
CGraphicObjectShape | This service is for a graphic shape |
CLineShape | This service is for a simple Shape with lines |
CMeasureShape | This service is for a dimensioning shape |
COpenBezierShape | This service is for an open Bezier shape |
CPolyLineShape | This service is for a polyline shape |
CPolyPolygonBezierShape | This service specifies a poly-polygon Bezier shape |
CPolyPolygonShape | This service is for a polygon shape |
CRectangleShape | This service is for a rectangle Shape |
CTextShape | This service is for a text shape |
▶CShape | This service is supported from all shapes inside a PresentationDocument |
CChartShape | This service is implemented by the chart presentation shape |
CDateTimeShape | This service is implemented by the date and time presentation shape |
CFooterShape | This service is implemented by the footer presentation shape |
CGraphicObjectShape | This service is implemented by the graphic presentation shape |
CHandoutShape | This service is implemented by the handout presentation shape |
CHeaderShape | This service is implemented by the header presentation shape |
CNotesShape | This service is implemented by the notes presentation shape |
COLE2Shape | This service is implemented by the OLE2 presentation shape |
COutlinerShape | This service is implemented by the outline presentation shape |
CPageShape | This service is implemented by the page presentation shape |
CSlideNumberShape | This service is implemented by the slide number presentation shape |
CSubtitleShape | This service is implemented by the subtitle presentation shape |
CTitleTextShape | This service is implemented by the title and subtitle presentation shape |
CSimpleFontMetric | Describes the general metrics of a certain font |
CSingleProofreadingError | Holds a single error found by the proofreader |
CSingleReference | Reference to a single cell |
CSize | 2-dimensional size of an area using width and height |
CSocketPermission | This permission represents access to a network via sockets |
CSolverConstraint | Used to specify a constraint for a solver model |
▶CSortDescriptor2 | Gives access to the properties of a sort descriptor |
▶CTableSortDescriptor2 | Properties which describe sorting of fields (rows or columns) in a table |
CSheetSortDescriptor2 | Description of how a cell range is to be sorted |
CTextSortDescriptor2 | Describes sort criteria for sorting paragraphs or table contents in a text document |
CSortField | Describes a single field in a sort descriptor |
CSortingInfo | Sorting info |
▶CStackableDiagram | Helper service for stackable chart types (e.g., charts in which the data rows may be displayed stacked on each other or in percent relation) |
CAreaDiagram | This is a service for area diagrams |
CBarDiagram | This is a service for bar and column diagrams |
CFilledNetDiagram | Filled net diagrams |
▶CLineDiagram | Line, spline and symbol diagrams |
CXYDiagram | Service for X/Y diagrams (Also known as scatter charts) |
CNetDiagram | Net diagrams |
CStandardDiagramCreationParameters | Parameters that may be passed to XChartTypeTemplate::createDiagramByDataSource() |
CStatement | RDF statement, or triple |
CStringContext | Collection of string-related arguments used on all canvas text interfaces |
CStringPair | Pair of two strings |
CStrokeAttributes | This structure contains all attributes required for path stroking |
CSubIncrement | |
CSubTotalColumn | Describes how a single data column is treated when creating subtotals |
CSymbol | Properties that are used for DataSeries that display symbols |
CSymbolDescriptor | |
CSystemDependentXWindow | System dependent XWindow |
CTabBarButton | Descriptor of a tab bar button |
CTableBorder | Style settings of the border lines of all cells in a cell range |
CTableBorder2 | Style settings of the border lines of all cells in a cell range |
CTableBorderDistances | Distance settings of the border lines of all cells in a cell range |
CTableColumnSeparator | The width of the cells of a text table is defined by the position of the separator between neighboring cells |
CTableFilterField | Describes a single condition in a filter descriptor |
CTableFilterField2 | Describes a single condition in a filter descriptor |
CTableFilterField3 | |
CTablePageBreakData | Describes a page break in a spreadsheet |
CTableSortField | Describes how to sort a single field (row/column) in a tables sort descriptor |
CTabStop | This structure is used to specify a single tabulator stop |
CTabularDataProviderArguments | |
CTargetProperties | Properties of an animated target |
CTemplate | Association between a style name and a value |
CTemplateIdentifier | Holds the data needed to identify a template |
CTextColumn | Defines a single text column |
CTextConversionResult | Text conversion result to be used with XTextConversion |
CTextHit | This structure contains hit information for XTextLayout |
CTextMarkupDescriptor | A descriptor for a single text markup |
CTextPageStyle | Page style for a text document |
CTextPosition | |
CTextRangeContentProperties | Describes the structural properties to retrieve text contents |
CTextRangeSelection | |
CTextSegment | This structure describes a text segment that is embedded in a larger portion of text |
CTexture | Contains all information needed to define a texture |
CTextUserDefinedAttributesSupplier | A component that supports this service preserves XML attributes, unknown by its parser, that belong to the XML element representing it (the component) |
CTime | Time value |
CTimeFilterPair | |
CTimeIncrement | A TimeIncrement describes how tickmarks are positioned on the scale of a date-time axis |
CTimeInterval | Describes an interval on a date-axis |
CTimeWithTimezone | Combined time value with time zone |
▶CTransferInfo | Information needed to transfer objects from one location to another |
CTransferInfo2 | Extends TransferInfo structure to give some additional parameters for transfers |
CTransferResult | Information about a transfer activity |
CUik | Specifies a universal interface key (globally unique) |
▶CUnoControlDialogElement | Set of properties to describe the model of an UnoControl which is embedded in a UnoControlDialogModel |
▶CUnoControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design |
▶CAnimatedImagesControlModel | Describes the model for a control displaying a series of images |
CSpinningProgressControlModel | Specialization of the AnimatedImagesControlModel |
CUnoControlGridModel | Standard model of a UnoControlGrid control |
CUnoControlTabPageContainerModel | Model for a UnoControlTabPageContainer control |
CTreeControlModel | Standard model of a TreeControl |
▶CUnoControlButtonModel | Standard model of a UnoControlButton |
CCommandButton | Control model for a clickable button which is part of a form component hierarchy |
▶CUnoControlCheckBoxModel | Standard model of a UnoControlCheckBox |
▶CCheckBox | Model of a check box control |
▶CDatabaseCheckBox | This service specifies a check box which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CBindableDatabaseCheckBox | This service specifies a check box which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
▶CUnoControlComboBoxModel | Standard model of a UnoControlComboBox |
▶CComboBox | Component which allows the input of text or selection of text from a list of text values |
▶CDatabaseComboBox | This service specifies a combo box which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CBindableDatabaseComboBox | This service specifies a model of a combo box (a list box combined with a text input field) which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CUnoControlContainerModel | Standard model of a UnoControlContainer |
▶CUnoControlCurrencyFieldModel | Standard model of a UnoControlCurrencyField |
▶CCurrencyField | This service specifies the ControlModel for an edit field which contains a currency value |
CDatabaseCurrencyField | This service specifies a currency field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
▶CUnoControlDateFieldModel | Standard model of a UnoControlDateField |
▶CDateField | Model of a date field control, which is an edit field used to enter a date |
▶CDatabaseDateField | This service specifies a date field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CBindableDatabaseDateField | This service specifies a date input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CUnoControlDialogModel | Standard model of a UnoControlDialog |
▶CUnoControlEditModel | Standard model of a UnoControlEdit |
CRichTextControl | Component which extends the com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlEditModel with capabilities to display and input formatted text |
CTextField | Component which allows the input of text, either single- or multi-line |
▶CUnoControlFileControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControlFileControl |
CFileControl | This service specifies the control model of an edit field for a file name |
CUnoControlFixedHyperlinkModel | Standard model of a UnoControlFixedHyperlink |
CUnoControlFixedLineModel | Standard model of a UnoControlFixedLine |
▶CUnoControlFixedTextModel | Standard model of a UnoControlFixedText |
CFixedText | This service specifies the control model for a text which can be displayed, but not edited by the user |
▶CUnoControlFormattedFieldModel | Standard model of a UnoControlFormattedField |
▶CFormattedField | This service specifies the control model of an edit field for entering text which can be (nearly) arbitrarily formatted |
▶CDatabaseFormattedField | This service specifies a formatted field model which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CBindableDatabaseFormattedField | This service specifies a formatted input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
▶CUnoControlGroupBoxModel | Standard model of a UnoControlGroupBox |
CGroupBox | This service specifies a model for a control which can be used to visually group controls |
▶CUnoControlImageControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControlImageControl |
CDatabaseImageControl | Model of a control used for displaying images stored in a database |
CImageButton | This service specifies the control model for a clickable button which is represented by an image |
▶CUnoControlListBoxModel | Standard model of a UnoControlListBox |
▶CListBox | Model for a control which allows to choose in a list of alternative values |
▶CDatabaseListBox | This service specifies a data-aware list box control model |
CBindableDatabaseListBox | This service specifies a list box model which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
▶CUnoControlNumericFieldModel | Standard model of a UnoControlNumericField |
▶CNumericField | Component which allows the input of a numeric value |
▶CDatabaseNumericField | This service specifies a numeric field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CBindableDatabaseNumericField | This service specifies a numeric input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
▶CUnoControlPatternFieldModel | Standard model of a UnoControlPatternField |
▶CPatternField | Component which allows the input of text which matches a specific pattern |
CDatabasePatternField | This service specifies a data-aware control model for entering text which matches a specific pattern |
CUnoControlProgressBarModel | Standard model of a UnoControlProgressBar |
▶CUnoControlRadioButtonModel | Standard model of a UnoControlRadioButton |
▶CRadioButton | Component which acts as a radio button as needed in HTMLForms |
▶CDatabaseRadioButton | This service specifies a radio button which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CBindableDatabaseRadioButton | This service specifies a radio button which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CUnoControlRoadmapModel | Standard model of a UnoControlContainer |
▶CUnoControlScrollBarModel | Standard model of a UnoControlScrollBar |
CScrollBar | Model of a scroll bar control |
▶CUnoControlSpinButtonModel | Standard model of a UnoControlSpinButton |
CSpinButton | Model of a scroll bar control |
▶CUnoControlTimeFieldModel | Standard model of a UnoControlTimeField |
▶CTimeField | Control model for a field which can be used to input time values |
▶CDatabaseTimeField | This service specifies a data-aware field for inputting a time value |
CBindableDatabaseTimeField | This service specifies a date input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
▶CFormControlModel | Control model within a form |
▶CBindableControlModel | Model of a form control which supports binding to an external value supplier |
▶CBindableDataAwareControlModel | Specialization of the com::sun::star::form::DataAwareControlModel which additionally supports binding to external value suppliers |
CBindableDatabaseCheckBox | This service specifies a check box which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseComboBox | This service specifies a model of a combo box (a list box combined with a text input field) which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseDateField | This service specifies a date input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseFormattedField | This service specifies a formatted input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseListBox | This service specifies a list box model which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseNumericField | This service specifies a numeric input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseRadioButton | This service specifies a radio button which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseTextField | This service specifies a text input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableDatabaseTimeField | This service specifies a date input field which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values |
CBindableIntegerValueRange | This service specifies a BindableControlModel which reflects an integer value, out of a range of permitted integer values |
CValidatableBindableControlModel | Control model which supports both binding to an external value supplier, and to an external validator |
CCheckBox | Model of a check box control |
CComboBox | Component which allows the input of text or selection of text from a list of text values |
CCommandButton | Control model for a clickable button which is part of a form component hierarchy |
CCurrencyField | This service specifies the ControlModel for an edit field which contains a currency value |
CDateField | Model of a date field control, which is an edit field used to enter a date |
CFileControl | This service specifies the control model of an edit field for a file name |
CFixedText | This service specifies the control model for a text which can be displayed, but not edited by the user |
CFormattedField | This service specifies the control model of an edit field for entering text which can be (nearly) arbitrarily formatted |
CGridControl | Model for a control which can display form data in a table-like way |
CGroupBox | This service specifies a model for a control which can be used to visually group controls |
CImageButton | This service specifies the control model for a clickable button which is represented by an image |
CListBox | Model for a control which allows to choose in a list of alternative values |
CNavigationToolBar | This service specifies the model for control which provides controller functionality for a DataForm, such as navigating or filtering the form |
CNumericField | Component which allows the input of a numeric value |
CPatternField | Component which allows the input of text which matches a specific pattern |
CRadioButton | Component which acts as a radio button as needed in HTMLForms |
CRichTextControl | Component which extends the com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlEditModel with capabilities to display and input formatted text |
CScrollBar | Model of a scroll bar control |
CSpinButton | Model of a scroll bar control |
CSubmitButton | Control model for a button, part of a form component hierarchy, which can be bound to external submissions |
CTextField | Component which allows the input of text, either single- or multi-line |
CTimeField | Control model for a field which can be used to input time values |
▶CDataAwareControlModel | Abstract service for specialized FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source |
CBindableDataAwareControlModel | Specialization of the com::sun::star::form::DataAwareControlModel which additionally supports binding to external value suppliers |
CDatabaseCheckBox | This service specifies a check box which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabaseComboBox | This service specifies a combo box which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabaseCurrencyField | This service specifies a currency field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabaseDateField | This service specifies a date field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabaseFormattedField | This service specifies a formatted field model which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabaseImageControl | Model of a control used for displaying images stored in a database |
CDatabaseListBox | This service specifies a data-aware list box control model |
CDatabaseNumericField | This service specifies a numeric field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabasePatternField | This service specifies a data-aware control model for entering text which matches a specific pattern |
CDatabaseRadioButton | This service specifies a radio button which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabaseTextField | This service specifies a text field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field |
CDatabaseTimeField | This service specifies a data-aware field for inputting a time value |
▶CValidatableControlModel | Model of a form control which supports live validation of its input |
CValidatableBindableControlModel | Control model which supports both binding to an external value supplier, and to an external validator |
CColumnDescriptorControlModel | Standard model of a ColumnDescriptorControl |
CUpdateInformationEntry | Objects of this type are used as elements of the enumeration returned by XUpdateInformationProvider |
CUpperLowerMargin | Upper and lower margin |
CUpperLowerMarginScale | Upper and lower margin |
CURL | Structure of a Uniform Resource Locator |
CUrlRecord | |
▶CUserDefinedAttributesSupplier | A component that supports this service preserves XML attributes, unknown by its parser, that belong to the XML element representing it (the component) |
CChartArea | Specifies the area elements of a chart, e.g |
CChartAxis | Specifies the axes in a diagram |
CChartDataPointProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a data point (e.g., a single bar in a bar chart) |
CChartDataRowProperties | Properties for a group of graphic elements which belong to a data row (also known as data series) |
▶CChartDocument | Service for a chart document |
CChartDocumentWrapper | A component that implements the com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument service and is initialized with a com::sun::star::chart2::ChartDocument via the com::sun::star::uno::XAggregation interface |
CChartGrid | Grid of the diagram in a chart |
CChartLegend | Legend of a chart |
CChartTitle | Titles in a chart |
▶CDiagram | Base service for the diagram of the chart document |
CAreaDiagram | This is a service for area diagrams |
CBarDiagram | This is a service for bar and column diagrams |
CBubbleDiagram | Service for bubble diagrams |
CDonutDiagram | Service for donut diagrams |
CFilledNetDiagram | Filled net diagrams |
CLineDiagram | Line, spline and symbol diagrams |
CNetDiagram | Net diagrams |
CPieDiagram | Service for pie diagrams |
CStockDiagram | Diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes |
CXYDiagram | Service for X/Y diagrams (Also known as scatter charts) |
▶CStyle | This service specifies a single style sheet |
CPropertyPool | |
▶CCellStyle | Common service for table cell styles |
CTableCellStyle | Properties of a table cell style |
CCharacterStyle | Style sheet for characters within a com::sun::star::text::Text |
CPageStyle | Contributes common properties of page styles |
CParagraphStyle | Style sheet for paragraphs within a com::sun::star::text::Text |
CNumberingStyle | Style sheet numberings within a com::sun::star::text::Text |
▶CBaseFrameProperties | Properties that are provided by all text frames, graphic objects, embedded objects and frame styles |
▶CBaseFrame | Base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects |
CTextEmbeddedObject | Access to the properties and methods of an embedded object |
▶CTextFrame | Rectangular shape which contains a Text object and is attached to a piece of surrounding Text |
CChainedTextFrame | Extends a TextFrame which shares the same Text with other ChainedTextFrame instances that will make the text flow through the chained frames |
CTextGraphicObject | Graphic which can be embedded in Text |
▶CCellProperties | Service that holds all cell properties of a text table cell in a text document |
CCell | Single cell within a text table |
CTextSection | A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text |
▶CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextTableCursor | Cursor in text tables |
CUserRecord | |
CValuePair | |
CVerb | Describes a command that can be send to an OLE object |
CVerbDescriptor | Describes a verb |
CVertOrientationFormat | Describes the vertical orientation of an object |
CViewState | This structure contains information considered the view state |
CVisibility | Describes the visibility state of a property |
CVisualRepresentation | Can contain a graphical representation in an arbitrary format |
CWelcomeDynamicResultSetStruct | This struct is to be contained in the first notification of an XDynamicResultSet |
CWindowDescriptor | Describes a window |
CXAbortChannel | Use this interface to abort a command asynchronously |
▶CXAccessibleTextAttributes | Implement this interface to give access to the attributes of a text |
CAccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment |
▶CXAlterView | Implements the possibility to alter aspects of a view's definition |
CView | Used to specify views on data |
▶CXAnimation | Allows controlling an animation |
CAnimatedImagesControl | Default control used for an AnimatedImagesControlModel, displayed a series of images |
CXAnimationNodeSupplier | |
CXAnnotationAccess | This interface gives access to the annotation for a document content |
CXAnnotationEnumeration | An enumeration for a set of annotations |
CXArrayFormulaTokens | Gives access to an array formula as token sequence |
CXAsyncOutputMonitor | An optional companion interface to com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream that supports scenarios where com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream::writeBytes() operates asynchronously and does not necessarily report any errors |
CXBinaryDataContainer | Container for binary data, typically an in-memory content of files |
CXCallback | Interface which can be used to call back an implementation |
▶CXCertificateContainer | Manage user certificate for temporary connections |
CCertificateContainer | Service to be used for XCertificateContainer |
CXCodeNameQuery | |
CXColorScaleEntry | |
▶CXColorSpace | Information how to interpret certain color data |
CXIntegerBitmapColorSpace | A color space for integer bitmap formats |
CXCompatWriterDocProperties | |
CXComplexColor | Complex color interface |
CXConfigurationChangeRequest | A single explicit request for a configuration change |
▶CXConfigurationControllerBroadcaster | Manage the set of registered event listeners and the event notification for a configuration controller |
CXConfigurationController | The configuration controller is responsible for the management of the set of active resources |
▶CXConfigurationControllerRequestQueue | The request queue of the configuration controller handles requests for changes to the current configuration |
CXConfigurationController | The configuration controller is responsible for the management of the set of active resources |
▶CXConnectionTools | Encapsulates various useful functionality around a com::sun::star::sdb::Connection |
CConnectionTools | |
CXContainerApproveBroadcaster | Allows containers to implement a vetoing mechanism for insertion, removal, and replacement of their elements |
CXContainerApproveListener | Notified to approve changes which happen to the content of a generic container |
CXControllerManager | The XControllerManager gives access to the controllers of the drawing framework |
▶CXDataAccessDescriptorFactory | Allows creating instances of the DataAccessDescriptor service |
CDataAccessDescriptorFactory | Allows creating instances of the DataAccessDescriptor service |
CXDataBarEntry | |
▶CXDatabaseDocumentUI | Access to the user interface of a database document |
CDefaultViewController | Default controller implementation for's database application |
▶CXDatabaseRegistrations | Access to the application-wide registered databases |
▶CXDatabaseContext | Provides an interface for the new-style DatabaseContext service to implement |
CDatabaseContext | Context for accessing datasource |
▶CXDataPilotDataLayoutFieldSupplier | Provides access to the DataPilotField used to layout multiple data fields |
CDataPilotDescriptor | Description of the layout of a data pilot table |
CXDataSourceMetaData | |
CXDateCategories | Allows to set date values as categories |
CXDeck | Access to Deck |
CXDocumentation | |
▶CXDocumentDataSource | Simplifies the accessing of data sources and their corresponding database document |
CDocumentDataSource | Simplifies the accessing of data sources and it's corresponding database document |
▶CXDocumentEventBroadcaster | Allows to be notified of events happening in an OfficeDocument, and to cause notification of such events |
▶COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
▶CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
CDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
CPresentationDocument | This is the service provided by a presentation document |
COfficeDatabaseDocument | Office database document which is a storable document |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CGlobalDocument | Specify the document service of the global text module |
CTextDocument | Specify the document service of the text module |
CWebDocument | Specify the document service of the web module |
▶CXGlobalEventBroadcaster | Provides the unified interface of theGlobalEventBroadcaster singleton |
CGlobalEventBroadcaster | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theGlobalEventBroadcaster singleton |
CtheGlobalEventBroadcaster | This singleton offers the document event functionality that can be found at any com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument, but it does it for all existing documents |
COfficeDatabaseDocument | Office database document which is a storable document |
▶CXDocumentProperties | Document-specific information such as the author, creation date, and user-defined fields |
CDocumentProperties | Document-specific information such as the author, creation date, and user-defined fields |
CXDocumentProperties2 | Extends XDocumentProperties interface to provide additional attributes |
▶CXDocumentPropertiesSupplier | Access to the XDocumentProperties instance of a document |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
▶CXDocumentRecovery | Interface to be implemented by documents who wish to participate in the document emergency-save / recovery process |
CXDocumentRecovery2 | An optional interface to be implemented by documents that wish to participate in the document emergency-save / recovery process |
▶CXDump | Dump any UNOIDL value as a string |
CDump | Dump any UNOIDL value as a string |
CXEmbeddedOleObject | Represents a marker for embedded OLE objects |
▶CXEmbeddedScripts | Supported by OfficeDocuments which allow to embed scripts |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
COfficeDatabaseDocument | Office database document which is a storable document |
▶CXExternalSheetCache | Primary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalSheetCache service |
CExternalSheetCache | A single sheet cache for an external document |
▶CXExternalUriReferenceTranslator | Translates between external and internal URI references |
CExternalUriReferenceTranslator | Translates between external and internal URI references |
CXFastSAXSerializable | Serializes a DOM tree by generating FastSAX events |
CXFeatureInvalidation | Implements a callback for a XFormOperations instance, which is called when the state of one or more FormFeatures might have changed |
▶CXFilterController | Access to a form based filter for a database form |
▶CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
CFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and multiple form controls belonging to a single form |
CXFontMappingUseItem | Information about a font mapping that took place |
CXFormControllerContext | Context for a FormController |
CXFormsUIHelper1 | Provide several helper methods for the UI |
▶CXFormulaOpCodeMapper | Gives access to spreadsheet compiler token interns |
CFormulaOpCodeMapper | |
▶CXFormulaParser | Converts between text and token representations of formulas |
CXFormulaParser | Identifies a XFormulaParser which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
CFormulaParser | |
▶CXFilterFormulaParser | Extends the interface XFormulaParser by an attribute that specifies the namespace URL of the supported formula language |
CFilterFormulaParser | A service used to implement parsing and printing formula strings in a specific formula language |
CXFormulaTokens | Gives access to a formula as token sequence |
CXFrameGrabber | This interface provides an easy access to a stream images using their position in the time |
▶CXFunctionsSupplier | Functions supplier which are located in a report definition or a group |
▶CXGroup | Identifies a XGroup |
CGroup | |
▶CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
CReportDefinition | |
▶CXGlobalSheetSettings | |
CGlobalSheetSettings | Contributes properties to access the settings for all spreadsheets of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXGraphicMapper | This interface allows mapping of XGraphics for a certain string key |
CGraphicMapper | Implementation of the XGraphicMapper interface |
▶CXGridControl | An interface to a control that displays a tabular data |
CUnoControlGrid | A control that displays a set of tabular data |
▶CXGridRowSelection | This interfaces provides access to the selection of row for UnoControlGrid |
CUnoControlGrid | A control that displays a set of tabular data |
▶CXHierarchicalStorageAccess | This interface allows hierarchical access to storage tree |
CXHierarchicalStorageAccess2 | This interface extends XHierarchicalStorageAccess interface |
CXIconSetEntry | |
▶CXInterface | Base interface of all UNO interfaces |
▶CXAccessible | This interface has to be implemented by any class that wants to be accessible |
CAccessible | Every class has to support this service in order to be accessible |
▶CAccessibleList | Accessible lists are used by combo boxes as container for the list items |
CAccessibleListBoxList | Accessible list box lists are used by list boxes as container for the list items |
▶CUnoControl | Abstract control |
CAnimatedImagesControl | Default control used for an AnimatedImagesControlModel, displayed a series of images |
CUnoControlGrid | A control that displays a set of tabular data |
CUnoControlTabPageContainer | TabPageContainer control |
▶CUnoControlButton | Button control |
CCommandButton | Describes a button control |
▶CUnoControlCheckBox | Check box control |
CCheckBox | Describes a check box control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CUnoControlContainer | Abstract control which contains other controls |
CUnoControlTabPage | TabPage control |
▶CUnoControlEdit | Edit control |
▶CUnoControlComboBox | Combo box control |
CComboBox | Describes a combo box control |
▶CUnoControlCurrencyField | Currency field control |
CCurrencyField | Describes a control which can be used for inputting currency values, and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CUnoControlDateField | Date field control |
CDateField | Describes a control which can be used for inputting date values, and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CUnoControlFileControl | File control |
▶CUnoControlFormattedField | Formatted field control |
CFormattedField | Describes a control which can be used for inputting values with an arbitrary formatting, and can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CUnoControlNumericField | Numeric field control |
CNumericField | Describes a control for inputting numeric values and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CUnoControlPatternField | Pattern field control |
CPatternField | Describes a control for inputting text complying to a given pattern, and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CUnoControlTimeField | Time field control |
CTimeField | Describes a control for inputting time values which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CTextField | Describes a control for entering arbitrary text which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CUnoControlFixedHyperlink | Control for displaying fixed hyperlink |
CUnoControlFixedLine | Fixed line control |
CUnoControlFixedText | Control for displaying fixed text |
▶CUnoControlGroupBox | Group box control |
CGroupBox | Describes a control which can be used for visually grouping controls |
▶CUnoControlImageControl | Control for displaying an image |
CImageButton | Describes a control which can be used for displaying images on a control acting like a button |
CImageControl | Describes a control used for displaying images stored in a database |
▶CUnoControlListBox | List box control |
CListBox | Describes a list box control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CUnoControlProgressBar | Progress bar control |
▶CUnoControlRadioButton | Radio button control |
CRadioButton | Describes a radio button control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CUnoControlRoadmap | Roadmap control |
CUnoControlScrollBar | Scroll bar control |
CUnoControlSpinButton | Spin button control |
▶CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CInteractionGridControl | Extended grid control, which allows the user to customize some of its user interface's aspects |
CNavigationToolBar | This service specifies the model for control which provides controller functionality for a com::sun::star::form::component::DataForm, such as navigating or filtering the form |
CFrameControl | Frame with a desktop component |
CColumnDescriptorControl | Column descriptor control |
CAccessibleChartDocumentView | The AccessibleChartDocumentView service is supported by a Component that represents the view of a Chart document to provide an entry point to the document tree for accessibility |
CAccessibleChartElement | This service is supported by all components that are contained in the view of a chart document that are controlled by the chart |
CAccessibleDrawDocumentView | The AccessibleDrawDocumentView service is implemented by views of Draw and Impress documents |
CAccessibleGraphControl | The service describes the accessible graph controls that are used in the image map of the Draw and Impress applications and the contour dialog of the Writer application |
▶CAccessibleShape | The AccessibleShape service is implemented by UNO shapes to provide accessibility information that describe the shape's features |
CAccessibleGraphicShape | The AccessibleGraphicShape service is implemented by the graphic object shapes shapes and |
CAccessibleOLEShape | The AccessibleOLEShape service is implemented by OLE shapes |
CAccessibleSlideView | The AccessibleSlideView service is implemented by slide views of Impress documents |
CAccessibleSlideViewObject | The AccessibleSlideViewObject service is implemented by the slides of the slide view of Impress documents |
CAccessibleFormulaText | The accessible view of a formula documents command text |
CAccessibleFormulaView | The accessible view of a formula documents visual representation |
▶CXAccessibleAction | Implement this interface to give access to actions that can be executed for accessible objects |
CXAccessibleHyperlink | Implement this interface to represent a hyperlink or a group of hyperlinks |
CAccessibleButton | Accessibility support for a button |
CAccessibleCheckBox | Accessibility support for a check box |
CAccessibleDropDownComboBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown combo box |
CAccessibleDropDownListBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown list box |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuItem | Accessibility support for a menu item |
CAccessibleRadioButton | Accessibility support for a radio button |
CAccessibleScrollBar | Accessibility support for a scroll bar |
CAccessibleToolBoxItem | Accessibility support for a tool box item |
CAccessibleTreeListBoxEntry | Accessibility support for a treelistbox entry |
CAccessibleOLEShape | The AccessibleOLEShape service is implemented by OLE shapes |
▶CXAccessibleComponent | The XAccessibleComponent interface should be supported by any class that can be rendered on the screen |
▶CXAccessibleExtendedComponent | The XAccessibleExtendedComponent interface contains additional methods to those of the XAccessibleComponent interface |
CAccessibleButton | Accessibility support for a button |
CAccessibleCheckBox | Accessibility support for a check box |
CAccessibleComboBox | Accessibility support for a combo box |
CAccessibleDropDownComboBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown combo box |
CAccessibleDropDownListBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown list box |
CAccessibleEdit | Accessibility support for an edit |
CAccessibleFixedText | Accessibility support for a fixed text |
CAccessibleList | Accessible lists are used by combo boxes as container for the list items |
CAccessibleListBox | Accessibility support for a list box |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuBar | Accessibility support for a menu bar |
CAccessibleMenuItem | Accessibility support for a menu item |
CAccessibleMenuSeparator | Accessibility support for a menu separator |
CAccessiblePopupMenu | Accessibility support for a pop-up menu |
CAccessibleRadioButton | Accessibility support for a radio button |
CAccessibleScrollBar | Accessibility support for a scroll bar |
CAccessibleStatusBar | Accessibility support for a status bar |
CAccessibleStatusBarItem | Accessibility support for a status bar item |
CAccessibleTabBar | Accessibility support for a tabbar |
CAccessibleTabBarPage | Accessibility support for a tabbar page |
CAccessibleTabBarPageList | Accessibility support for a tabbar page list |
CAccessibleTabControl | Accessibility support for a tab control |
CAccessibleTabPage | Accessibility support for a tab page |
CAccessibleTextField | Text fields are like edit fields as described by the AccessibleEdit service but without the ability to edit the text |
CAccessibleToolBox | Accessibility support for a tool box |
CAccessibleToolBoxItem | Accessibility support for a tool box item |
CAccessibleWindow | Accessibility support for a window |
CAccessibleChartElement | This service is supported by all components that are contained in the view of a chart document that are controlled by the chart |
CAccessibleShape | The AccessibleShape service is implemented by UNO shapes to provide accessibility information that describe the shape's features |
CAccessibleButton | Accessibility support for a button |
CAccessibleCheckBox | Accessibility support for a check box |
CAccessibleComboBox | Accessibility support for a combo box |
CAccessibleDropDownComboBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown combo box |
CAccessibleDropDownListBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown list box |
CAccessibleEdit | Accessibility support for an edit |
CAccessibleFixedText | Accessibility support for a fixed text |
CAccessibleIconChoiceControl | Accessibility support for an icon choice control |
CAccessibleIconChoiceControlEntry | Accessibility support for an icon choice control entry |
CAccessibleList | Accessible lists are used by combo boxes as container for the list items |
CAccessibleListBox | Accessibility support for a list box |
CAccessibleListItem | Accessibility support for a list item |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuBar | Accessibility support for a menu bar |
CAccessibleMenuItem | Accessibility support for a menu item |
CAccessibleMenuSeparator | Accessibility support for a menu separator |
CAccessiblePopupMenu | Accessibility support for a pop-up menu |
CAccessibleRadioButton | Accessibility support for a radio button |
CAccessibleScrollBar | Accessibility support for a scroll bar |
CAccessibleStatusBar | Accessibility support for a status bar |
CAccessibleStatusBarItem | Accessibility support for a status bar item |
CAccessibleTabBar | Accessibility support for a tabbar |
CAccessibleTabBarPage | Accessibility support for a tabbar page |
CAccessibleTabBarPageList | Accessibility support for a tabbar page list |
CAccessibleTabControl | Accessibility support for a tab control |
CAccessibleTabPage | Accessibility support for a tab page |
CAccessibleTextField | Text fields are like edit fields as described by the AccessibleEdit service but without the ability to edit the text |
CAccessibleToolBox | Accessibility support for a tool box |
CAccessibleToolBoxItem | Accessibility support for a tool box item |
CAccessibleTreeListBox | Accessibility support for a tree list box |
CAccessibleTreeListBoxEntry | Accessibility support for a treelistbox entry |
CAccessibleWindow | Accessibility support for a window |
CAccessibleChartDocumentView | The AccessibleChartDocumentView service is supported by a Component that represents the view of a Chart document to provide an entry point to the document tree for accessibility |
CAccessibleChartElement | This service is supported by all components that are contained in the view of a chart document that are controlled by the chart |
CAccessibleDrawDocumentView | The AccessibleDrawDocumentView service is implemented by views of Draw and Impress documents |
CAccessibleGraphControl | The service describes the accessible graph controls that are used in the image map of the Draw and Impress applications and the contour dialog of the Writer application |
CAccessibleImageBullet | The accessible view of an image bullet |
CAccessibleShape | The AccessibleShape service is implemented by UNO shapes to provide accessibility information that describe the shape's features |
CAccessibleSlideView | The AccessibleSlideView service is implemented by slide views of Impress documents |
CAccessibleSlideViewObject | The AccessibleSlideViewObject service is implemented by the slides of the slide view of Impress documents |
CAccessibleFormulaText | The accessible view of a formula documents command text |
CAccessibleFormulaView | The accessible view of a formula documents visual representation |
CAccessibleCell | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleCsvCell | The accessible object of a cell in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleCsvRuler | The accessible object of the ruler in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleCsvTable | The accessible object of the data table in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessiblePageHeaderFooterAreasView | The accessible view of the Header/Footer in a spreadsheet page preview |
CAccessibleSpreadsheet | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleSpreadsheetDocumentView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleSpreadsheetPageView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet page preview |
CAccessibleCellView | The accessible view of a cell in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleTableView | The accessible view of a table in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleEndnoteView | The accessible view of endnotes |
CAccessibleFootnoteView | The accessible view of footnotes |
CAccessibleHeaderFooterView | The accessible view of headers and footers |
CAccessiblePageView | The accessible view of pages |
CAccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment |
CAccessibleTextDocumentPageView | The accessible page preview of a text document |
CAccessibleTextDocumentView | The accessible view of a text document |
CAccessibleTextEmbeddedObject | The accessible view of an inactive embedded object |
CAccessibleTextFrameView | The accessible view of text frames |
CAccessibleTextGraphicObject | The accessible view of graphics |
▶CXAccessibleContext | Implement this interface for exposing various aspects of a class's content |
▶CAccessibleContext | Central service of the Accessibility API that gives access to various facets of an object's content |
CAccessibleComboBox | Accessibility support for a combo box |
CAccessibleDropDownComboBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown combo box |
CAccessibleDropDownListBox | Accessibility support for a dropdown list box |
CAccessibleIconChoiceControl | Accessibility support for an icon choice control |
CAccessibleIconChoiceControlEntry | Accessibility support for an icon choice control entry |
CAccessibleList | Accessible lists are used by combo boxes as container for the list items |
CAccessibleListBox | Accessibility support for a list box |
CAccessibleListItem | Accessibility support for a list item |
CAccessibleTextField | Text fields are like edit fields as described by the AccessibleEdit service but without the ability to edit the text |
CAccessibleToolBox | Accessibility support for a tool box |
CAccessibleToolBoxItem | Accessibility support for a tool box item |
CAccessibleTreeListBox | Accessibility support for a tree list box |
CAccessibleTreeListBoxEntry | Accessibility support for a treelistbox entry |
CXAccessibleContext2 | Implement this interface for exposing more aspects of a class's content |
CAccessibleButton | Accessibility support for a button |
CAccessibleCheckBox | Accessibility support for a check box |
CAccessibleEdit | Accessibility support for an edit |
CAccessibleFixedText | Accessibility support for a fixed text |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuBar | Accessibility support for a menu bar |
CAccessibleMenuItem | Accessibility support for a menu item |
CAccessibleMenuSeparator | Accessibility support for a menu separator |
CAccessiblePopupMenu | Accessibility support for a pop-up menu |
CAccessibleRadioButton | Accessibility support for a radio button |
CAccessibleScrollBar | Accessibility support for a scroll bar |
CAccessibleStatusBar | Accessibility support for a status bar |
CAccessibleStatusBarItem | Accessibility support for a status bar item |
CAccessibleTabBar | Accessibility support for a tabbar |
CAccessibleTabBarPage | Accessibility support for a tabbar page |
CAccessibleTabBarPageList | Accessibility support for a tabbar page list |
CAccessibleTabControl | Accessibility support for a tab control |
CAccessibleTabPage | Accessibility support for a tab page |
CAccessibleWindow | Accessibility support for a window |
CAccessibleChartDocumentView | The AccessibleChartDocumentView service is supported by a Component that represents the view of a Chart document to provide an entry point to the document tree for accessibility |
CAccessibleChartElement | This service is supported by all components that are contained in the view of a chart document that are controlled by the chart |
CAccessibleDrawDocumentView | The AccessibleDrawDocumentView service is implemented by views of Draw and Impress documents |
CAccessibleGraphControl | The service describes the accessible graph controls that are used in the image map of the Draw and Impress applications and the contour dialog of the Writer application |
CAccessibleImageBullet | The accessible view of an image bullet |
CAccessibleShape | The AccessibleShape service is implemented by UNO shapes to provide accessibility information that describe the shape's features |
CAccessibleSlideView | The AccessibleSlideView service is implemented by slide views of Impress documents |
CAccessibleSlideViewObject | The AccessibleSlideViewObject service is implemented by the slides of the slide view of Impress documents |
CAccessibleFormulaText | The accessible view of a formula documents command text |
CAccessibleFormulaView | The accessible view of a formula documents visual representation |
CAccessibleCell | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleCsvCell | The accessible object of a cell in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleCsvRuler | The accessible object of the ruler in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleCsvTable | The accessible object of the data table in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessiblePageHeaderFooterAreasView | The accessible view of the Header/Footer in a spreadsheet page preview |
CAccessibleSpreadsheet | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleSpreadsheetDocumentView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleSpreadsheetPageView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet page preview |
CAccessibleCellView | The accessible view of a cell in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleTableView | The accessible view of a table in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleEndnoteView | The accessible view of endnotes |
CAccessibleFootnoteView | The accessible view of footnotes |
CAccessibleHeaderFooterView | The accessible view of headers and footers |
CAccessiblePageView | The accessible view of pages |
CAccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment |
CAccessibleTextDocumentPageView | The accessible page preview of a text document |
CAccessibleTextDocumentView | The accessible view of a text document |
CAccessibleTextEmbeddedObject | The accessible view of an inactive embedded object |
CAccessibleTextFrameView | The accessible view of text frames |
CAccessibleTextGraphicObject | The accessible view of graphics |
CXAccessibleContext3 | Implement this interface to speed up operations when iterating over large amounts of children |
▶CXAccessibleEventBroadcaster | Makes it possible to register listeners which are called whenever an accessibility event (see AccessibleEventObject) occurs |
CAccessibleContext | Central service of the Accessibility API that gives access to various facets of an object's content |
CAccessibleButton | Accessibility support for a button |
CAccessibleCheckBox | Accessibility support for a check box |
CAccessibleEdit | Accessibility support for an edit |
CAccessibleFixedText | Accessibility support for a fixed text |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuBar | Accessibility support for a menu bar |
CAccessibleMenuItem | Accessibility support for a menu item |
CAccessibleMenuSeparator | Accessibility support for a menu separator |
CAccessiblePopupMenu | Accessibility support for a pop-up menu |
CAccessibleRadioButton | Accessibility support for a radio button |
CAccessibleScrollBar | Accessibility support for a scroll bar |
CAccessibleStatusBar | Accessibility support for a status bar |
CAccessibleStatusBarItem | Accessibility support for a status bar item |
CAccessibleTabBar | Accessibility support for a tabbar |
CAccessibleTabBarPage | Accessibility support for a tabbar page |
CAccessibleTabBarPageList | Accessibility support for a tabbar page list |
CAccessibleTabControl | Accessibility support for a tab control |
CAccessibleTabPage | Accessibility support for a tab page |
CAccessibleWindow | Accessibility support for a window |
CAccessibleGraphControl | The service describes the accessible graph controls that are used in the image map of the Draw and Impress applications and the contour dialog of the Writer application |
CAccessibleSlideView | The AccessibleSlideView service is implemented by slide views of Impress documents |
CAccessibleSlideViewObject | The AccessibleSlideViewObject service is implemented by the slides of the slide view of Impress documents |
CAccessibleFormulaText | The accessible view of a formula documents command text |
CAccessibleFormulaView | The accessible view of a formula documents visual representation |
CAccessiblePageHeaderFooterAreasView | The accessible view of the Header/Footer in a spreadsheet page preview |
CAccessibleSpreadsheet | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleSpreadsheetDocumentView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleSpreadsheetPageView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet page preview |
CAccessibleCellView | The accessible view of a cell in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleTableView | The accessible view of a table in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleEndnoteView | The accessible view of endnotes |
CAccessibleFootnoteView | The accessible view of footnotes |
CAccessibleHeaderFooterView | The accessible view of headers and footers |
CAccessiblePageView | The accessible view of pages |
CAccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment |
CAccessibleTextDocumentPageView | The accessible page preview of a text document |
CAccessibleTextDocumentView | The accessible view of a text document |
CAccessibleTextEmbeddedObject | The accessible view of an inactive embedded object |
CAccessibleTextFrameView | The accessible view of text frames |
CAccessibleTextGraphicObject | The accessible view of graphics |
CXAccessibleExtendedAttributes | |
CXAccessibleGroupPosition | |
▶CXAccessibleImage | Implement this interface to represent images and icons |
CAccessibleGraphicShape | The AccessibleGraphicShape service is implemented by the graphic object shapes shapes and |
CAccessibleTextEmbeddedObject | The accessible view of an inactive embedded object |
CAccessibleTextGraphicObject | The accessible view of graphics |
CXAccessibleKeyBinding | This interface can be used to represent any number of key bindings which then can be associated to a certain action |
CXAccessibleRelationSet | Implement this interface to give access to an object's set of relations |
▶CXAccessibleSelection | Implement this interface to represent a selection of accessible objects |
CAccessibleIconChoiceControl | Accessibility support for an icon choice control |
CAccessibleList | Accessible lists are used by combo boxes as container for the list items |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuBar | Accessibility support for a menu bar |
CAccessiblePopupMenu | Accessibility support for a pop-up menu |
CAccessibleTabBarPageList | Accessibility support for a tabbar page list |
CAccessibleTabControl | Accessibility support for a tab control |
CAccessibleTreeListBox | Accessibility support for a tree list box |
CAccessibleTreeListBoxEntry | Accessibility support for a treelistbox entry |
CAccessibleGraphControl | The service describes the accessible graph controls that are used in the image map of the Draw and Impress applications and the contour dialog of the Writer application |
CAccessibleSlideView | The AccessibleSlideView service is implemented by slide views of Impress documents |
CAccessibleCsvTable | The accessible object of the data table in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleSpreadsheet | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleSpreadsheetDocumentView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleCellView | The accessible view of a cell in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleTableView | The accessible view of a table in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment |
CAccessibleTextDocumentView | The accessible view of a text document |
▶CXAccessibleTable | Implement this interface to give access to a two-dimensional table |
CAccessibleCsvTable | The accessible object of the data table in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleSpreadsheet | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleTableView | The accessible view of a table in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
CXAccessibleTableSelection | |
▶CXAccessibleText | Implement this interface to give read-only access to a text |
▶CXAccessibleEditableText | Implement this interface to give read and write access to a text representation |
CAccessibleEdit | Accessibility support for an edit |
CAccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment |
CXAccessibleHypertext | Implement this interface to expose the hypertext structure of a document |
CXAccessibleMultiLineText | Implement this interface to give provide a mapping between text index and line numbers |
CXAccessibleTextMarkup | Implement this interface to expose the text markups of a text |
CAccessibleButton | Accessibility support for a button |
CAccessibleCheckBox | Accessibility support for a check box |
CAccessibleEdit | Accessibility support for an edit |
CAccessibleFixedText | Accessibility support for a fixed text |
CAccessibleIconChoiceControlEntry | Accessibility support for an icon choice control entry |
CAccessibleListItem | Accessibility support for a list item |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuItem | Accessibility support for a menu item |
CAccessibleRadioButton | Accessibility support for a radio button |
CAccessibleStatusBarItem | Accessibility support for a status bar item |
CAccessibleTabPage | Accessibility support for a tab page |
CAccessibleTextField | Text fields are like edit fields as described by the AccessibleEdit service but without the ability to edit the text |
CAccessibleToolBoxItem | Accessibility support for a tool box item |
CAccessibleTreeListBoxEntry | Accessibility support for a treelistbox entry |
CAccessibleFormulaView | The accessible view of a formula documents visual representation |
CAccessibleCell | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleCsvCell | The accessible object of a cell in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleCsvRuler | The accessible object of the ruler in the CSV import dialog |
CAccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment |
CXAccessibleTextSelection | |
▶CXAccessibleValue | Implement this interface to give access to a single numerical value |
CAccessibleButton | Accessibility support for a button |
CAccessibleCheckBox | Accessibility support for a check box |
CAccessibleMenu | Accessibility support for a menu |
CAccessibleMenuItem | Accessibility support for a menu item |
CAccessibleRadioButton | Accessibility support for a radio button |
CAccessibleScrollBar | Accessibility support for a scroll bar |
CAccessibleToolBoxItem | Accessibility support for a tool box item |
CAccessibleCell | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
CAccessibleCellView | The accessible view of a cell in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSSOContext | Base SSO security context representation |
CXSSOAcceptorContext | Acceptor side security context |
CXSSOInitiatorContext | Initiator side security context |
CXSSOManager | Supports the creation of security contexts for both the initiator/source side and the acceptor/target side |
▶CXSSOManagerFactory | Factory for creating an SSO Manager supporting the user's configured security mechanism |
CSSOManagerFactory | Starting point for Single Sign-on interactions |
▶CXSSOPasswordCache | Supports password caching for security mechanisms which use passwords as credentials or as an input to credential creation but don't have an external method to cache these passwords |
CSSOPasswordCache | Provided as a convenience for simple username/password based Single Sign-on implementations which don't provide some sort of authentication information repository |
CXBitmap | Bitmap in the Microsoft DIB format |
▶CXButton | Makes it possible to set the label of a button and to register for action events |
CUnoControlButton | Button control |
▶CXCheckBox | Gives access to the state of a check box and makes it possible to register for events |
CUnoControlCheckBox | Check box control |
▶CXComboBox | Gives access to the items of a combo box and makes it possible to register item and action event listeners |
CUnoControlComboBox | Combo box control |
CXContainerWindowEventHandler | Handles events fired by windows represented by a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow interface |
▶CXContainerWindowProvider | Container windows implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XWindow interface |
CContainerWindowProvider | Provider for container windows implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XWindow interface |
▶CXControlContainer | Provides access to the controls within an UnoControlContainer |
CUnoControlContainer | Abstract control which contains other controls |
▶CXUnoControlDialog | The interface for the UnoControlDialog service |
CUnoControlDialog | Dialog control |
▶CXControlModel | Identifies a control model |
CUnoControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design |
▶CXCurrencyField | Gives access to the value and formatting of a currency field |
CUnoControlCurrencyField | Currency field control |
▶CXDataTransferProviderAccess | This interface extends the XToolkit interface with clipboard and drag-and-drop support |
▶CXToolkit2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
CToolkit | Describes a toolkit that creates windows on a screen |
▶CXToolkit3 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
CXToolkitExperimental | Work in progress, don't use unless you know what you are doing |
▶CXDateField | Gives access to the value and settings of a date field |
CUnoControlDateField | Date field control |
CXDevice | Information about a graphical output device and offers a factory for the graphics which provides write operations on the device |
▶CXDialog | Makes it possible to show and hide a dialog and gives access to the title of the dialog |
▶CXDialog2 | Makes it possible to end a dialog and set a help id |
CXUnoControlDialog | The interface for the UnoControlDialog service |
CXDialogEventHandler | Handles events fired by dialogs represented by a com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface |
▶CXDialogProvider | Dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface |
CDialogProvider | Specifies a provider for dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface |
▶CXDialogProvider2 | Dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface |
CDialogProvider2 | Provider for dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface |
CXDisplayBitmap | Object as a bitmap for which data is formatted for a specific output device |
CXDisplayConnection | This interface should be implemented by toolkits that want to give access to their internal message handling loop |
CXDockableWindow | Docking interface for a window component |
CXEventHandler | This interface can be implemented by clients that need access to the toolkits window message loop |
▶CXExtendedToolkit | The XExtendedToolkit is an extension of the com::sun::star::awt::XToolkit interface |
CXToolkit2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
CXFileDialog | Gives access to a file dialog |
▶CXFixedHyperlink | Gives access to the text and formatting of a fixed hyperlink field |
CUnoControlFixedHyperlink | Control for displaying fixed hyperlink |
▶CXFixedText | Gives access to the text and formatting of a fixed text field |
CUnoControlFixedText | Control for displaying fixed text |
▶CXFont | Describes a font on a specific device |
CXFont2 | Extends the XFont interface and provides additional information for a font |
▶CXFontMappingUse | This interface extends the XToolkit interface with support for tracking how requested fonts are mapped to actual fonts when laying out text |
CXToolkit3 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
▶CXGraphics | Basic output operation of a device |
CXGraphics2 | Basic output operation of a device |
CXImageButton | Makes it possible to register for action events of an image button and sets the action command |
CXImageConsumer | Data sink for an image |
CXImageProducer | Source for an image |
▶CXItemEventBroadcaster | Registers item listeners at controls like the com::sun::star::awt::Roadmap |
CUnoControlRoadmap | Roadmap control |
CXToggleButton | Supported by buttons which can be toggled between a "pressed" and an "unpressed" state |
▶CXLayoutConstrains | Layout constraints for a surrounding container |
CUnoControlButton | Button control |
CUnoControlCheckBox | Check box control |
CUnoControlEdit | Edit control |
CUnoControlFixedHyperlink | Control for displaying fixed hyperlink |
CUnoControlFixedText | Control for displaying fixed text |
CUnoControlImageControl | Control for displaying an image |
CUnoControlListBox | List box control |
CUnoControlRadioButton | Radio button control |
▶CXListBox | Gives access to the items of a list box and makes it possible to register item and action event listeners |
CUnoControlListBox | List box control |
▶CXMenu | Simple menu |
▶CXMenuBar | Identifies a menu bar |
CMenuBar | Describes a menu for top-level windows |
▶CXPopupMenu | Controls a pop-up menu |
CPopupMenu | Describes a popup menu which is a recursive container for commands |
▶CXMessageBoxFactory | Factory interface for creating message boxes |
CXToolkit2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
CXMetricField | Gives access to the value and formatting of a metric field |
▶CXNumericField | Gives access to the value and formatting of a numeric field |
CUnoControlNumericField | Numeric field control |
▶CXPatternField | Gives access to the value and formatting of a pattern field |
CUnoControlPatternField | Pattern field control |
▶CXPointer | Gives access to the type of mouse pointer |
CPointer | |
▶CXPrinterServer | Manages several printers on one machine |
▶CXPrinterServer2 | Extends printer server interface |
CPrinterServer | Mechanism to discover and manage printers |
▶CXProgressBar | Gives access to the value and settings of a progress bar |
CUnoControlProgressBar | Progress bar control |
CXProgressMonitor | Gives access to the text of a progress monitor |
▶CXRadioButton | Gives access to the state of a radio button and makes it possible to register item event listeners |
CUnoControlRadioButton | Radio button control |
CXRegion | Manages multiple rectangles which make up a region |
▶CXReschedule | The XReschedule interface can be used to give control to the main thread to allow events processing |
CXToolkit2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
▶CXScrollBar | Gives access to the value and settings of a scroll bar and makes it possible to register adjustment event listeners |
CUnoControlScrollBar | Scroll bar control |
CXSimpleTabController | Basic operations for a tab controller, but does not require XControl as type of tabs |
▶CXSpinField | Gives access to the value of a spin field and makes it possible to register for spin events |
CUnoControlCurrencyField | Currency field control |
CUnoControlDateField | Date field control |
CUnoControlFormattedField | Formatted field control |
CUnoControlNumericField | Numeric field control |
CUnoControlPatternField | Pattern field control |
CUnoControlTimeField | Time field control |
▶CXSpinValue | Gives access to the value and settings of a control which is associated with a spinnable value |
CUnoControlSpinButton | Spin button control |
▶CXSystemChildFactory | Factory interface for creating system child windows |
CXToolkit2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
CXSystemDependentMenuPeer | Access to the system dependent implementation of the window |
CXSystemDependentWindowPeer | Access to the system dependent implementation of the window |
▶CXTabController | Basic operations for a tab controller |
CTabController | Standard tab controller |
▶CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CDataSourceBrowser | Implements a component which allows browsing the data sources registered on the system |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::XFormController |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
▶CXTabControllerModel | Basic operations for a tab controller model |
CTabControllerModel | Standard tab controller model |
▶CForm | This service specifies a form which is a group of FormComponents |
CDataForm | This service specifies a form which is connected to a database and displays the results of SQL queries |
CHTMLForm | This service specifies the special kind of Forms for HTML documents |
CXTextArea | Gives access to the text in a control |
▶CXTextComponent | Gives access to the text of a component and makes it possible to register event listeners |
CUnoControlEdit | Edit control |
CXTextEditField | Used for password fields |
▶CXTextLayoutConstrains | Layout constraints for a text field |
CUnoControlEdit | Edit control |
CUnoControlListBox | List box control |
▶CXTimeField | Gives access to the value and settings of a time field |
CUnoControlTimeField | Time field control |
▶CXToolkit | Factory interface for the window toolkit |
CXToolkit2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement |
▶CXTopWindow | Manages the functionality specific for a top window |
CXTopWindow2 | Extends XTopWindow with additional functionality |
CXUnoControlDialog | The interface for the UnoControlDialog service |
CXUnitConversion | Allows converting between different measurement units |
▶CXUnoControlContainer | Gives access to the tab controllers of a UnoControlContainer |
CUnoControlContainer | Abstract control which contains other controls |
▶CXUserInputInterception | Interface to add handlers for key and mouse events |
▶CController | Abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer |
▶CDrawingDocumentDrawView | This component integrates a view to a DrawPages or MasterPage from a DrawingDocument |
CHandoutView | This component integrates a view to a handout page inside a presentation document into the desktop |
CNotesView | This component integrates a view to a handout page inside a presentation document into the desktop |
COutlineView | This component integrates an outline view to a presentation document into the desktop |
CPresentationView | This component integrates a view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CPreviewView | This component integrates a preview view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CSlidesView | This component integrates a slides view to a presentation document into the desktop |
CDefaultViewController | Default controller implementation for's database application |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
CDefaultViewController | Default controller implementation for's database application |
CXVclContainer | VCL container window |
CXVclContainerPeer | Gives access to the VCL container window implementation |
▶CXView | Makes it possible to attach an output device to the object |
CUnoControl | Abstract control |
▶CXExactName | Method of changing names for converting an approximate name to an existing name |
▶CHierarchyAccess | Access to a hierarchy of descendant elements |
▶CConfigurationAccess | Read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
CConfigurationUpdateAccess | Modifying access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CGroupAccess | Access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy |
CConfigurationAccess | Read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CGroupUpdate | Write access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy |
CConfigurationUpdateAccess | Modifying access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CSetAccess | Access to a dynamic, homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy |
CConfigurationAccess | Read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CSetUpdate | Write access to a dynamic homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy |
CConfigurationUpdateAccess | Modifying access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CXFastPropertySet | Fast way of accessing and changing property values |
▶CPropertySet | This is a generic service which should be supported by all services which have properties |
CAxis | |
CDataPointProperties | |
CDataSeries | Reflects the model data of the object that has all the information for a DataRenderer to create a visible data series in a chart |
CDataTable | Describes a data table for a Diagram |
CLegend | Describes a legend for a Diagram |
CRegressionCurve | |
CRegressionCurveEquation | |
CTitle | |
CFormulaParser | |
CXDrawSubController | View dependent part of the Draw and Impress controller |
CFormControlModel | Control model within a form |
CPropertyBrowserController | Describes a controller which can be used to browse and modify properties of form controls |
CQuickstart | |
CXTable | |
▶CXHierarchicalPropertySet | Information about and access to the a hierarchy of properties from an implementation |
▶CPropertyHierarchy | Access to and information about properties and subproperties of an implementation |
CGroupAccess | Access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy |
▶CXHierarchicalPropertySetInfo | Hierarchy of properties |
▶CXReadWriteAccess | |
CReadWriteAccess | Provides easy read/write access to the complete configuration |
▶CXIntrospection | Allows the inspection of an object's properties and methods |
CIntrospection | A legacy (single-instance) service variant of theIntrospection singleton |
CtheIntrospection | Functionality to get information about an object's properties and methods |
CXIntrospectionAccess | Result of an introspection operation done by the inspect method of XIntrospection |
CXMaterialHolder | Gives access to the material a (tool-) object is working on |
▶CXMultiHierarchicalPropertySet | Access to multiple properties which form a hierarchy |
CPropertyHierarchy | Access to and information about properties and subproperties of an implementation |
▶CXMultiPropertySet | Access to multiple properties with a single call |
CUnoControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design |
CPropertySet | This is a generic service which should be supported by all services which have properties |
CPropertyHierarchy | Access to and information about properties and subproperties of an implementation |
CPropertyBrowserController | Describes a controller which can be used to browse and modify properties of form controls |
CStyle | This service specifies a single style sheet |
CXAutoStyle | This interface allows access to a single automatic style |
▶CXMultiPropertyStates | Makes it possible to query information about the state of one or more properties |
CGroupAccess | Access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy |
CHierarchyAccess | Access to a hierarchy of descendant elements |
CStyle | This service specifies a single style sheet |
CXAutoStyle | This interface allows access to a single automatic style |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
▶CXPropertiesChangeNotifier | Notifier for changed property values |
▶CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
▶CDefinitionContent | Defines the basic functionality for an object in the hierarchy of sub documents of an OfficeDatabaseDocument |
▶CDocumentContainer | Describes a container which provides access to documents embedded into a database document, usually forms and reports |
CForms | Describes a container which provides access to database forms |
CReports | Describes a container which provides access to database reports |
CDocumentDefinition | Sub document of an OfficeDatabaseDocument |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
▶CXProperty | Is implemented by objects that also are a property of some other object |
▶CHierarchyElement | Information about an element within a hierarchy |
▶CAccessRootElement | Information about the root element of a hierarchy and about the hierarchy as a whole |
CConfigurationAccess | Read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CUpdateRootElement | Update control for a hierarchy of configuration items and information about the hierarchy as a whole as well as its root |
CConfigurationUpdateAccess | Modifying access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
CConfigurationAccess | Read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CGroupElement | Information about a predefined element contained in a heterogeneous group of elements within a hierarchy |
CConfigurationAccess | Read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CSetElement | Information about a dynamic element that can be inserted into a homogeneous set of elements within a hierarchy |
CConfigurationAccess | Read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy |
▶CXPropertyAccess | Makes it possible to access all property values and to set them at once |
CPropertySet | This is a generic service which should be supported by all services which have properties |
▶CXPropertyBag | |
CPropertyBag | Implementation of this service can keep any properties and is useful when an XPropertySet is to be used, for example, as parameters for a method call |
▶CFormComponent | Component which can be part of a form |
CForm | This service specifies a form which is a group of FormComponents |
CHiddenControl | This service specifies the model of a hidden control |
CFormControlModel | Control model within a form |
CPersistentPropertySet | This service contains the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistry::openPropertySet() |
▶CFilterOptionsDialog | This service enables a filter developer to register a dialog to query for user options before the filter operation is performed |
CPDFDialog | This service is for a PDFDialog |
▶CXPropertyContainer | Makes it possible to add and remove properties to or from an object |
CXPropertyBag | |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CPersistentPropertySet | This service contains the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistry::openPropertySet() |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
▶CXPropertySet | Information about and access to the properties from an implementation |
CUnoControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design |
▶CXPrinterPropertySet | Extended property set for printer properties |
CXInfoPrinter | Information printer |
CXPrinter | Virtual printer |
CPropertySet | This is a generic service which should be supported by all services which have properties |
CXPropertyBag | |
▶CChartType | ChartType service |
CCandleStickChartType | Chart type service for candlestick charts |
CDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence of values |
▶CXDatabaseDataProvider | Identifies a XDataProvider for result sets |
CDatabaseDataProvider | |
CRegressionEquation | |
▶CXFormattedString2 | Provides unified interface for FormattedString service |
CFormattedString | |
▶CXDataPointCustomLabelField | Provides interface for DataPointCustomLabelField service |
CDataPointCustomLabelField | |
▶CChart3DBarProperties | Specifies all the properties for the graphic object of a data point in a three-dimensional bar diagram |
CChartDataPointProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a data point (e.g., a single bar in a bar chart) |
CChartArea | Specifies the area elements of a chart, e.g |
CChartAxis | Specifies the axes in a diagram |
CChartDataPointProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a data point (e.g., a single bar in a bar chart) |
CChartDataRowProperties | Properties for a group of graphic elements which belong to a data row (also known as data series) |
CChartDocument | Service for a chart document |
CChartGrid | Grid of the diagram in a chart |
CChartLine | Line elements in a chart (regression lines, etc.) |
CChartPieSegmentProperties | All the properties for the graphic object of a pie segment |
▶CChartStatistics | Offers statistical properties for the data in the chart |
CAreaDiagram | This is a service for area diagrams |
CBarDiagram | This is a service for bar and column diagrams |
CBubbleDiagram | Service for bubble diagrams |
CChartDataRowProperties | Properties for a group of graphic elements which belong to a data row (also known as data series) |
CLineDiagram | Line, spline and symbol diagrams |
CStockDiagram | Diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes |
CXYDiagram | Service for X/Y diagrams (Also known as scatter charts) |
CDiagram | Base service for the diagram of the chart document |
CPropertyHierarchy | Access to and information about properties and subproperties of an implementation |
▶CHeaderFooterSettings | Describes properties that control the formatting of headers and footers for documents that do not allow individual settings for individual parts like pages or slides |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole drawing document |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole presentation document |
▶CLinkTarget | This service is implemented by objects inside a document object model that can be the target of a link inside a document |
CDrawPage | This is the service provided by a com::sun::star::drawing::DrawPage inside a PresentationDocument |
▶CSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole document of any application |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole drawing document |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole presentation document |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole spreadsheet document |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole text document |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole drawing document |
CDrawingDocumentDrawView | This component integrates a view to a DrawPages or MasterPage from a DrawingDocument |
CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
▶CGenericDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a DrawingDocument |
▶CDrawPage | This service specifies a page for the actual draw pages to contain the drawings |
CDrawPage | This is the service provided by a com::sun::star::drawing::DrawPage inside a PresentationDocument |
CMasterPage | This service is a single master page inside a drawing document |
CLayer | A layer is an entity inside a document which contains shapes |
▶CShape | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of all Shapes |
CChartLegend | Legend of a chart |
CChartTitle | Titles in a chart |
CAppletShape | This Shape encapsulates an applet |
CCaptionShape | The CaptionShape represents a rectangular drawing shape with an additional set of lines |
CClosedBezierShape | This service is for a closed Bezier shape |
CConnectorShape | This service is for a ConnectorShape, a specialized Shape, which can be connected to other Shapes or GluePoints |
CControlShape | This service is for a Shape which contains a control |
CCustomShape | This service is for a CustomShape |
CEllipseShape | This service is for an ellipse or circle shape |
CGraphicObjectShape | This service is for a graphic shape |
CGroupShape | This service is for a group of Shapes |
CLineShape | This service is for a simple Shape with lines |
CMeasureShape | This service is for a dimensioning shape |
▶COLE2Shape | This service is for an OLE shape |
CChartShape | This service is implemented by the chart presentation shape |
COLE2Shape | This service is implemented by the OLE2 presentation shape |
COpenBezierShape | This service is for an open Bezier shape |
▶CPageShape | This service is for a page shape |
CHandoutShape | This service is implemented by the handout presentation shape |
CPageShape | This service is implemented by the page presentation shape |
CPluginShape | This Shape encapsulates a plugin |
CPolyLineShape | This service is for a polyline shape |
CPolyPolygonBezierShape | This service specifies a poly-polygon Bezier shape |
CPolyPolygonShape | This service is for a polygon shape |
CRectangleShape | This service is for a rectangle Shape |
CTextShape | This service is for a text shape |
CShape | Service of shapes in a spreadsheet document |
CShape | Service of shapes in a text document |
CXLayer | Identifies the object as a Layer |
▶CBaseStorage | This is a service that allows to get access to a storage hierarchy |
CFileSystemStorage | This is a service that allows to get access to a file system folder using storage hierarchy |
CStorage | This is a service that allows to get access to a package using storage hierarchy |
CStorageStream | This is a service that represents a stream that can be provided by XStorage::openStreamElement() call implemented by Storage service |
CXExtendedStorageStream | This interface allows access to an extended storage stream that might be transacted |
▶CValueBinding | Defines a component which allows access to a single value |
▶CCellValueBinding | Defines the binding to a single cell in a table document |
CListPositionCellBinding | Defines the binding to a single cell in a table document, which can be used to transfer a list position into the cell |
CBinding | Represent a binding to one or more nodes in the DOM tree of an XModel |
CFormComponent | Component which can be part of a form |
CPropertyBrowserController | Describes a controller which can be used to browse and modify properties of form controls |
CDesktopTask | Use the Frame service instead of this |
CGalleryItem | Service to get access to the properties of a single Gallery item |
▶CGraphicDescriptor | This service describes all graphic properties that are available via the com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet interface |
CGraphic | This service acts as a container for graphics |
CGraphicRendererVCL | Service that describes the necessary interfaces and properties to render a graphic container of XGraphic type |
▶CImageMapObject | This is a base service for objects inside an image map |
CImageMapCircleObject | This service describes a circular-shaped region inside a HTML image map |
CImageMapPolygonObject | This service describes a polygon-shaped region inside a HTML image map |
CImageMapRectangleObject | This service describes a rectangular-shaped region inside a HTML image map |
CRegistryServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services reading from a persistent registry storage |
▶CServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services |
CRegistryServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services reading from a persistent registry storage |
▶CXLinguProperties | Interface for LinguProperties service |
CLinguProperties | Set of linguistic relevant properties |
CXAnnotation | This interface gives access to an annotation inside a document |
CPackageFolder | The PackageFolder service represents a single folder or directory within a Package |
CPackageStream | This service represents a stream contained within a Package |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole presentation document |
COutlineView | This component integrates an outline view to a presentation document into the desktop |
▶CPresentation | This service is a presentation that is available from a PresentationDocument via the XPresentationSupplier interface |
CPresentation2 | Enhances the Presentation service to give access to a XPresentation2 interface |
CPresentationView | This component integrates a view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CPreviewView | This component integrates a preview view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CSlidesView | This component integrates a slides view to a presentation document into the desktop |
▶CXPresentation2 | Enhances the XPresentation interface to give access to a XSlideShowController and to start a presentation with arguments |
CPresentation2 | Enhances the Presentation service to give access to a XPresentation2 interface |
CXFormulaParser | Identifies a XFormulaParser which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
CXFunctionCategory | Identifies a XFunctionCategory which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
CXFunctionDescription | Identifies a XFunctionDescription which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
▶CXFormatCondition | Format condition for a control |
CFormatCondition | |
▶CXFunction | Format condition for a control |
CFunction | |
CXGroup | Identifies a XGroup |
▶CXReportComponent | Describes a component which may be part of a report |
▶CXReportControlModel | |
CReportControlModel | |
▶CXFixedLine | |
CFixedLine | |
▶CXFixedText | |
CFixedText | |
▶CXFormattedField | Describes a control which can be used for displaying values with an arbitrary formatting |
CFormattedField | |
▶CXImageControl | |
CImageControl | |
▶CXShape | |
CShape | |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
▶CXReportEngine | Identifies a XReportEngine which allows the creation of OpenDocument files |
CReportEngine | |
▶CXSection | Identifies a XSection inside a report |
CSection | |
▶CColumnSettings | Describes the common properties of a database column |
CColumn | Describes the common properties of a database column |
▶CResultColumn | Describes a column of a result set |
CDataColumn | Defines a column used for a result set which contains the data definition and the data of the column of the current row of a result set |
CDatabaseAccess | Component, which controls DatabaseAccessConnections and acts like a shared DataSource |
CDatabaseAccessDataSource | Factory to create data access beans |
CDatabaseDocument | Link to a document associated with a database document |
CDatabaseEnvironment | |
▶CDataSource | Factory to establish database connections |
CDocumentDataSource | Simplifies the accessing of data sources and it's corresponding database document |
CDatasourceAdministrationDialog | User interface for administrating the system wide registered data sources |
CDocument | Documents which belong to a database source |
CDocumentDefinition | Sub document of an OfficeDatabaseDocument |
CSingleSelectQueryComposer | Service for composing a single select statement |
CTableDefinition | This IDL was created from the service's places of use, so it is probably incomplete |
▶CXQueryDefinition | |
CQuery | Stored definition of a SQL query |
CQueryDefinition | Stored definition of a SQL "Select statement" |
▶CXTextConnectionSettings | |
CTextConnectionSettings | |
▶CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
▶CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CCallableStatement | Procedure call |
▶CCallableStatement | Used to execute SQL stored procedures |
CCallableStatement | Procedure call |
CPreparedStatement | Extends the definition of the service com::sun::star::sdbc::PreparedStatement with a flag for the usage of bookmarks |
▶CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
▶CRowSet | Client side ResultSet, which combines the characteristics of a com::sun::star::sdbc::Statement and a com::sun::star::sdbc::ResultSet |
▶CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
CDataForm | This service specifies a form which is connected to a database and displays the results of SQL queries |
▶CResultSet | Extends the SDBC ResultSet by the possibility of bookmark positioning, canceling the positioning, and updating of rows |
▶CResultSet | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbcx::ResultSet by a more sophisticated access to the result sets data |
CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
▶CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
CCachedContentResultSet | Used on client side to access a ContentResultSet remote optimized |
CCachedContentResultSetStub | Used on provider side to access a ContentResultSet remote optimized |
▶CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
CStatement | Extends the definition of the service com::sun::star::sdbc::Statement with a flag for the usage of bookmarks |
▶CColumn | Describes the common properties of a database column |
CColumn | Describes the common properties of a database column |
COrderColumn | Describes a column which is part of the ORDER clause |
CResultColumn | Describes a column of a result set |
CIndexColumn | Adds a property to determine the sort order of the column values within the index |
CKeyColumn | adds a property to specify the referenced column |
CReferenceColumn | Adds a property to specify the referenced column |
▶CDescriptor | Used to create a new object within a database |
CQueryDescriptor | Stored definition of a SQL "Select statement" |
CColumnDescriptor | Describes the common properties of a database column |
CGroupDescriptor | Used to create a new group in a database |
CIndexColumnDescriptor | Adds a property to determine the sort order of the column values within the index |
CIndexDescriptor | Used to define a new index for a database table |
CKeyColumnDescriptor | Adds a property to specify the referenced column |
CKeyDescriptor | is used to define a new key for a table |
▶CTableDescriptor | Used to define a table of a database |
CTableDescriptor | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbcx::TableDescriptor with additional display information, sorting, and filtering criteria |
CUserDescriptor | Used to create a new user in a database |
CViewDescriptor | Used to define a new view for a database |
CGroup | Group of users, which has certain access rights for the objects of the database |
CIndex | Used to specify the index for a database table |
CKey | Used to define a new key for a table |
▶CTable | Used to specify a table in a database |
CTable | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbcx::Table with additional display information, sorting, and filtering criteria |
CUser | User of the database, who has certain access rights for the objects of the database |
CView | Used to specify views on data |
CCellAreaLink | Linked cell range |
CConditionalFormat | Conditional format |
CDatabaseRange | Database range in a spreadsheet document |
CDataPilotDescriptor | Description of the layout of a data pilot table |
CDataPilotField | Single field in a data pilot table |
CDataPilotItem | Single item in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotSource | Data pilot source |
CDataPilotSourceDimension | Dimension in a data pilot source |
CDataPilotSourceLevel | Level in a data pilot source hierarchy |
CDataPilotSourceMember | Member in a data pilot source level |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole spreadsheet document |
▶CScenario | Scenario in a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetFilterDescriptor | Description of how a cell range is to be filtered |
CSheetLink | Sheet link |
▶CSpreadsheetDocumentSettings | Contributes properties to control the configuration which is global for all views of a spreadsheet document |
CFunctionAccess | Allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CSpreadsheetViewSettings | Settings which are specific to each view of a spreadsheet |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
CSubTotalDescriptor | Description of how subtotals are created |
CTableAutoFormat | AutoFormat, containing exactly 16 AutoFormat fields |
CTableAutoFormatField | Field in an AutoFormat |
CTableValidation | Data validation settings for a cell or cell range |
CStyle | This service specifies a single style sheet |
▶CCellProperties | Properties of a table cell |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CTableCellStyle | Properties of a table cell style |
▶CCell | Single cell within a table |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
▶CCellRange | Range of cells within a table |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CCell | Single cell within a text table |
CTableColumn | Special cell range containing all cells of a single specific column in a table or spreadsheet |
CTableRow | Special cell range containing all cells of a single specific row in a table or spreadsheet |
CXTable | |
CBaseFrame | Base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects |
CCellProperties | Service that holds all cell properties of a text table cell in a text document |
CDefaults | Default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties |
CDocumentSettings | Describes properties that apply to the whole text document |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CMailMerge | Gives access to mail merge functionality |
▶CNumberingRules | Access to the numbering rules |
CNumberingStyle | Style sheet numberings within a com::sun::star::text::Text |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
CTextDocumentView | View of a TextDocument |
▶CTextField | A TextField is a TextContent which fades its textual representation into the text range to which it is anchored |
CDateTime | Service of a presentation date and time text field |
CFooter | Service of a presentation footer text field |
CHeader | Service of a presentation header text field |
▶CDependentTextField | TextField which is not specified by itself, but dependent on a TextFieldMaster |
CBibliography | Service of a bibliography text field |
CDatabase | Service of a database text field which is used as mail merge field |
CDatabaseName | Service of text field that displays the name of a database |
CDatabaseNextSet | Service of a text field that increments a database selection |
CDatabaseNumberOfSet | Service of text field that conditionally set the selection of a database cursor |
CDatabaseSetNumber | Service of a text field that displays the current set number of a database |
CSetExpression | Service of an expression text field |
CUser | Service of a user defined field |
CAnnotation | Service of an annotation text field |
CAuthor | Service of an author text field |
CChapter | Service of a chapter text field |
CCharacterCount | Service of a text field that displays the number of characters contained in the document |
CCombinedCharacters | Service of a text field to combine 1 to 6 characters that are treated as one normal character |
CConditionalText | Service of a conditional text field |
CDateTime | Service of a date or time text field |
CDDE | Service of text field that visualizes a DDE connection |
CChangeAuthor | Service of a text field that provides information about the author of the last change |
CChangeDateTime | Service of a text field that provides information about the date and time the document was last changed |
CCreateAuthor | Service of a text field that provides information about the author who created the document |
CCreateDateTime | Service of a text field that provides information about the date and time of the document creation |
CCustom | Service of a text field that refers to the content of a user-defined field in the document information |
CDescription | Service of a text field that provides the description that is contained in the document information |
CEditTime | Service of a text field that provides information about the duration the document has been edited |
CKeywords | Service of a text field that provides the keywords that are contained in the document information |
CPrintAuthor | Service of a text field that provides information about the author of the last print operation |
CPrintDateTime | Service of a text field that provides information about the date and time the document was last printed |
CRevision | Service of a text field that provides the revision that is contained in the document information |
CSubject | Service of a text field that provides the subject that is contained in the document information |
CTitle | Service of a text field that provides the title that is contained in the document information |
CDropDown | Service of an author text field |
CEmbeddedObjectCount | Service of a text field that displays the number of embedded objects contained in the document |
CExtendedUser | Service of a text field that shows and element of the user data (name, address, phone, ...) |
CFileName | Service of text field that displays the file name (URL) of the document |
CGetExpression | Service of a get expression text field |
CGetReference | Service of a reference field |
CGraphicObjectCount | Service of a text field that displays the number of graphic objects contained in the document |
CHiddenParagraph | Service of a hidden paragraph field |
CHiddenText | Service of a hidden text field |
CInput | Service of a text input field |
CInputUser | Service of an input field that is used to change the content of a corresponding field master of a user defined text field |
CJumpEdit | Service of a place holder text field |
CMacro | Service of a macro text field |
CMetadataField | Com::sun::star::text::TextField whose content is specified by RDF metadata |
CPageCount | Service of a text field that displays the number of pages contained in the document |
CPageNumber | Service of a page number text field |
CParagraphCount | Service of a text field that displays the number of paragraphs contained in the document |
CReferencePageGet | Service of a text field that displays the page number with respect to a reference point |
CReferencePageSet | Service of a text field that inserts additional page numbers |
CScript | Service of a text field |
CTableCount | Service of a text field that displays the number of tables contained in the document |
CTableFormula | Service of a table formula text field |
CTemplateName | Service text field that displays the name of the template the document has been created from |
CURL | Service of text field that displays a URL |
CWordCount | Service of a text field that displays the number of words contained in the document |
▶CTextFieldMaster | A TextFieldMaster specifies important data for its DependentTextFields |
CBibliography | Service of a Bibliography field master |
CDatabase | Service of a Database field master |
CDDE | Service of a DDE field master |
CSetExpression | Specifies the service of a set expression field master |
CUser | Specifies the service of a user field master |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
CTextSection | A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text |
CTextTableCursor | Cursor in text tables |
CTextTableRow | Properties of a text table row |
CViewSettings | Access to the settings of the controller of a text document |
CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
CFileContentProvider | The File Content Provider (FCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
▶CXPersistentPropertySet | A persistent property set, which can be saved in and restored from a XPropertySetRegistry |
CPersistentPropertySet | This service contains the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistry::openPropertySet() |
CNumberFormatSettings | Settings for number formatting |
▶CSearchDescriptor | Describes what and how to search within a container |
CReplaceDescriptor | Describes what and how to replace strings |
▶CSortDescriptor | Properties which can be used to describe a sort order applied to an XSortable |
▶CTableSortDescriptor | Properties which describe sorting of rows or columns in a table |
CSheetSortDescriptor | Description of how a cell range is to be sorted |
CTextSortDescriptor | Describes sort criteria for sorting text |
▶CXPathSettings | |
CPathSettings | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of thePathSettings singleton |
CthePathSettings | Supports read/write access and listener for the paths properties that the Office uses |
▶CXSearchDescriptor | String search operation |
CSearchDescriptor | Describes what and how to search within a container |
▶CXReplaceDescriptor | String replace operation |
CReplaceDescriptor | Describes what and how to replace strings |
CXPropertyReplace | Makes it possible to search and replace properties |
CViewSettings | Access to the settings of the controller of an office document |
▶CXModel2 | |
CModel | |
CXSubmission | Submission object, associated with an XModel |
▶CXDataType | XSD compliant simple data type |
CBoolean | XSD compliant boolean type |
CDate | XSD compliant date type |
CDateTime | XSD compliant dateTime type |
CDay | XSD compliant gDay type |
CDecimal | XSD compliant decimal type |
CMonth | XSD compliant gMonth type |
CString | XSD compliant string type |
CTime | XSD compliant time type |
CYear | XSD compliant gYear type |
▶CXPropertySetInfo | Set of properties |
CHierarchyAccess | Access to a hierarchy of descendant elements |
CPropertiesManager | This service provides access to the meta data of the well known (predefined) UCB properties |
▶CXPropertySetInfoChangeNotifier | Notifier for changes of XPropertySetInfos |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CXPropertySetOption | |
▶CXPropertyState | Makes it possible to query information about the state of one or more properties |
CPropertySet | This is a generic service which should be supported by all services which have properties |
CGroupAccess | Access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy |
CHierarchyAccess | Access to a hierarchy of descendant elements |
CFormControlModel | Control model within a form |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
CTextSection | A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text |
▶CXPropertyWithState | Makes it possible to query information about the state of this object, seen as a property contained in a property set |
CHierarchyElement | Information about an element within a hierarchy |
▶CXTolerantMultiPropertySet | Access to multiple iformation of a set of properties with a single call |
CShape | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of all Shapes |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextPortion | A TextPortion is a piece of text within a paragraph that does not contain changes of its attributes inside |
COleApplicationRegistration | Registers UNO objects as COM objects |
CApplicationRegistration | Registers UNO objects as COM objects |
CXAutomationObject | Tagging interface for UNO objects which represent Automation objects |
▶CXBridge | Main interface for an interprocess bridge |
CBridge | This meta service allows the bridgefactory service to instantiate an interprocess bridge using a certain transfer protocol |
CIiopBridge | Concrete service of the meta service Bridge for iiop |
CUrpBridge | Concrete service of the meta service Bridge for the urp protocol |
▶CXBridgeFactory | Factory to create interprocess bridges |
▶CXBridgeFactory2 | Provides a unified interface for the BridgeFactory service to implement |
CBridgeFactory | Allows to create new or access existing interprocess bridges |
▶CXBridgeSupplier | Defines the interface for creating bridges to other object models |
COleBridgeSupplier | Makes it possible to generate OLE bridges to UNO objects and vice versa |
▶CXBridgeSupplier2 | Defines the interface for creating bridges to other object models |
CBridgeSupplier | Maps UNO types to oleautomation types and vice versa |
▶COleBridgeSupplier2 | Maps UNO types to oleautomation types and vice versa |
COleBridgeSupplierVar1 | Maps UNO types to COM types and vice versa |
CXInstanceProvider | Allows to export UNO objects to other processes |
CXProtocolProperties | Bridge internal interface, that allows to change protocol settings of the remote counter part |
▶CXUnoUrlResolver | Allows to resolve an object using the uno-url |
CUnoUrlResolver | Ability to access remote processes, resolving them by a UNO url |
▶CXDataProvider | An application that provides data for a chart must implement this interface |
CDataProvider | |
CXDatabaseDataProvider | Identifies a XDataProvider for result sets |
CXInternalDataProvider | An internal DataProvider that has more access to data than a plain DataProvider |
▶CXDataReceiver | |
CChartDocument | |
▶CXDataSequence | Allows access to a one-dimensional sequence of data |
CDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence of values |
▶CXDataSink | Container for sequences of data |
▶CDataSink | Describes a service that allows reading two-dimensional data in the form of a sequence of DataSequences |
CDataFilter | A filter gets some data and provides some data |
CDataSeries | Reflects the model data of the object that has all the information for a DataRenderer to create a visible data series in a chart |
CErrorBar | |
▶CXDataSource | Access to sequences of data |
▶CDataSource | Describes a service that allows reading two-dimensional data in the form of a sequence of DataSequences |
CDataFilter | A filter gets some data and provides some data |
CDataSeries | Reflects the model data of the object that has all the information for a DataRenderer to create a visible data series in a chart |
CErrorBar | |
▶CXLabeledDataSequence | Allows access to a one-dimensional sequence of data |
▶CXLabeledDataSequence2 | |
CLabeledDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence pair of value-sequences, one for a label and one for the associated data |
▶CXNumericalDataSequence | Allows access to a one-dimensional sequence of double precision floating-point numbers |
CDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence of values |
CXPivotTableDataProvider | Data provider specific for pivot chart data |
▶CXRangeHighlighter | |
CRangeHighlighter | |
▶CXRangeXMLConversion | An application that provides data for a chart must implement this interface |
CDataProvider | |
CXDatabaseDataProvider | Identifies a XDataProvider for result sets |
CXSheetDataProvider | Interface specific to spreadsheet data provider backend |
▶CXTextualDataSequence | Allows access to a one-dimensional sequence of strings |
CDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence of values |
▶CXAxis | |
CAxis | |
CXChartShape | this interface is used for a wrapper of objects implementing the service com::sun::star::drawing::Shape |
CXChartShapeContainer | |
▶CXChartType | |
CChartType | ChartType service |
▶CXChartTypeContainer | |
CCoordinateSystem | |
CXChartTypeManager | |
▶CXChartTypeTemplate | |
CChartTypeTemplate | |
CXColorScheme | |
▶CXCoordinateSystem | |
CCartesianCoordinateSystem2d | |
CCartesianCoordinateSystem3d | |
CCoordinateSystem | |
CPolarCoordinateSystem2d | |
CPolarCoordinateSystem3d | |
▶CXCoordinateSystemContainer | |
CDiagram | |
CXDataProviderAccess | Provides access to chart2 data providers for a given document |
▶CXDataSeries | A data series represents the object that has all the knowledge to be rendered as a visual data series |
CDataSeries | Reflects the model data of the object that has all the information for a DataRenderer to create a visible data series in a chart |
▶CXDataSeriesContainer | |
CChartType | ChartType service |
▶CXDataTable | Interface for the data table of a diagram |
CDataTable | Describes a data table for a Diagram |
CXDefaultSizeTransmitter | Allows to set a default size |
▶CXDiagram | |
CDiagram | |
CXDiagramProvider | Gives access to a single diagram |
▶CXFormattedString | |
CXFormattedString2 | Provides unified interface for FormattedString service |
▶CXLegend | Interface for the legend of a diagram |
CLegend | Describes a legend for a Diagram |
▶CXRegressionCurve | |
CExponentialRegressionCurve | |
CLinearRegressionCurve | |
CLogarithmicRegressionCurve | |
CMovingAverageRegressionCurve | |
CPolynomialRegressionCurve | |
CPotentialRegressionCurve | |
CRegressionCurve | |
CXRegressionCurveCalculator | |
▶CXRegressionCurveContainer | |
CDataSeries | Reflects the model data of the object that has all the information for a DataRenderer to create a visible data series in a chart |
▶CXScaling | |
CExponentialScaling | Scaling that scales a value x by taking the power of the base to x |
CLinearScaling | Scaling that scales a value x by calculating m ⋅ x + t |
CLogarithmicScaling | Scaling that scales values by taking their logarithm |
CPowerScaling | Scaling that scales a value x by taking the power of x to the exponent |
CScaling | Stateless service |
CXTarget | |
CXTimeBased | |
▶CXTitle | |
CTitle | |
▶CXTitled | Interface to be implemented by objects that support having a title of type XTitle |
CAxis | |
CChartDocument | |
CDiagram | |
▶CX3DDefaultSetter | Makes it easy to set suitable defaults for illumination and rotation for 3D charts |
CDiagram | |
▶CDim3DDiagram | Service for diagrams that support the capability to render themselves as three-dimensional diagrams as well as two-dimensional ones |
CAreaDiagram | This is a service for area diagrams |
CBarDiagram | This is a service for bar and column diagrams |
CLineDiagram | Line, spline and symbol diagrams |
CPieDiagram | Service for pie diagrams |
▶CX3DDisplay | Gives access to 3D elements of a three-dimensional chart |
CDim3DDiagram | Service for diagrams that support the capability to render themselves as three-dimensional diagrams as well as two-dimensional ones |
▶CXAxis | Allows easier access to the different subelements of an axis |
CChartAxis | Specifies the axes in a diagram |
▶CXAxisSupplier | Easier access to the different axes within a chart |
CDiagram | Base service for the diagram of the chart document |
▶CXAxisXSupplier | Gives access to the x-axis of a chart |
▶CChartAxisXSupplier | Has to be supported by charts providing the capabilities of a horizontal axis, i.e., an x-axis |
CAreaDiagram | This is a service for area diagrams |
CBarDiagram | This is a service for bar and column diagrams |
CBubbleDiagram | Service for bubble diagrams |
CChartTwoAxisXSupplier | Helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary x-axes |
CFilledNetDiagram | Filled net diagrams |
CLineDiagram | Line, spline and symbol diagrams |
CStockDiagram | Diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes |
CXYDiagram | Service for X/Y diagrams (Also known as scatter charts) |
▶CXTwoAxisXSupplier | Gives access to both the primary and the secondary x-axis of a chart |
CChartTwoAxisXSupplier | Helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary x-axes |
▶CXAxisYSupplier | Gives access to the y-axis of a chart |
▶CChartAxisYSupplier | A helper service for the y-axis |
▶CChartTwoAxisYSupplier | Helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary y-axes |
CAreaDiagram | This is a service for area diagrams |
CBarDiagram | This is a service for bar and column diagrams |
CBubbleDiagram | Service for bubble diagrams |
CLineDiagram | Line, spline and symbol diagrams |
CStockDiagram | Diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes |
CXYDiagram | Service for X/Y diagrams (Also known as scatter charts) |
CFilledNetDiagram | Filled net diagrams |
CNetDiagram | Net diagrams |
▶CXTwoAxisYSupplier | Gives access to both the primary and the secondary y-axis of a diagram |
CChartTwoAxisYSupplier | Helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary y-axes |
▶CXAxisZSupplier | Gives access to the z-axis of a chart |
▶CChartAxisZSupplier | A helper service for chart documents which supply a z-axis |
CAreaDiagram | This is a service for area diagrams |
CBarDiagram | This is a service for bar and column diagrams |
CLineDiagram | Line, spline and symbol diagrams |
▶CXChartData | Manages the data of the chart |
▶CChartData | Must be supported by every component that wants to provide data for a chart |
CChartDataArray | Must be supported by each data source for charts, where you want to access the values directly |
▶CXChartDataArray | Gives access to data represented as an array of rows |
CChartDataArray | Must be supported by each data source for charts, where you want to access the values directly |
▶CXComplexDescriptionAccess | Offers access to complex column and row descriptions |
CXAnyDescriptionAccess | Offers any access to column and row descriptions |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
▶CXDiagramPositioning | Allow for different positioning options for a diagram |
CDiagram | Base service for the diagram of the chart document |
▶CXSecondAxisTitleSupplier | |
CDiagram | Base service for the diagram of the chart document |
▶CXStatisticDisplay | Gives access to statistical elements for the chart |
CStockDiagram | Diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes |
▶CXBackend | Handles access to layered data stored in a repository |
▶CBackend | Access to a configuration database composed of one or more storage backends containing settings used by software modules |
▶CBackendAdapter | Implements Backend retrieving data from a SingleBackend |
COfflineBackend | Implements BackendAdapter that maintains a cache so it can operate even if the SingleBackend holding the data is inaccessible |
COnlineBackend | Implements a BackendAdapter that requires that the SingleBackend holding the data is continuously accessible |
CSingleBackendAdapter | Implements a simple BackendAdapter that can be used for normal configuration operation |
CDefaultBackend | DefaultBackend, that is the default DefaultBackend for its com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext |
CMultiStratumBackend | Implements Backend provides access to a configuration database composed of one or more storage backends containing settings used by software modules |
CSystemIntegration | Access to a configuration data composed of one or more platform backends containing settings used by software modules |
CXBackendChangesNotifier | Broadcasts changes when data from backend sources has changed |
▶CXBackendEntities | Provides functionality relating to common and supported entities for a configuration data backend |
CBackend | Access to a configuration database composed of one or more storage backends containing settings used by software modules |
CBackendAdapter | Implements Backend retrieving data from a SingleBackend |
▶CMultiLayerStratum | Provides access to a single layer of configuration data |
CLdapMultiLayerStratum | Implements MultiLayerStratum that provides access to a multiple layers of configuration data from LDAP source |
▶CSingleBackend | Configuration storage backends containing a complete configuration database, including user data, default or policy layers and schemata |
CLdapSingleBackend | Implements SingleBackend that stores data in an LDAP directory |
CLocalSingleBackend | Implements SingleBackend that stores data in the local file system using the OOR XML formats |
▶CSingleLayerStratum | Provides access to a single layer of configuration data |
CLdapSingleStratum | Implements SingleLayerStratum that provides access to a single layer of configuration data from LDAP source |
CLocalSingleStratum | Implements SingleLayerStratum that provides access to a single layer of configuration data from local file system |
CPlatformBackend | Implements SingleLayerStratum that provides access to a single layer of configuration data from external data store |
▶CXLayer | Read access to the data contained in a layer |
▶CLayer | Read-only access to a configuration data layer |
CUpdatableLayer | Read/write access to a configuration data layer |
CLayerFilter | Filtered version of a configuration data Layer |
▶CXCompositeLayer | Read access to layers that contain sublayers accessible through an additional criterion (for instance the locale they contain data for) |
CLayer | Read-only access to a configuration data layer |
CLayerParser | Configuration data layer that is stored in a stream in OOR Update XML format |
▶CXUpdatableLayer | Provides access to a read-write layer of configuration data for a given component and entity |
CUpdatableLayer | Read/write access to a configuration data layer |
▶CXLayerContentDescriber | Describe the contents of a layer to an XLayerHandler object |
CLayerDescriber | Describe the contents of a layer to an XLayerHandler object |
▶CXLayerHandler | Receives a description of a configuration layer as a sequence of events |
CLayerWriter | Can be used to parse a stream of configuration layer XML |
▶CXLayerImporter | Allows importing a layer into a Backend |
▶CImporter | Imports data into a configuration layer |
CCopyImporter | Imports data into a configuration layer by copying over existing data |
CMergeImporter | Imports data into a configuration layer by merging with existing data |
▶CXMultiLayerStratum | Handles access to a stratum consisting of multiple layers in a single configuration data repository |
CMultiLayerStratum | Provides access to a single layer of configuration data |
CSingleBackend | Configuration storage backends containing a complete configuration database, including user data, default or policy layers and schemata |
▶CXSchema | Handles access to the elements of a component schema, i.e its templates and its component definition |
CSchema | Read only access to a configuration component schema |
CSchemaParser | Configuration schema that is stored in a stream in OOR Schema XML format |
CXSchemaHandler | Receives a description of a configuration schema as a sequence of events |
▶CXSchemaSupplier | Access to configuration component schemas |
CBackend | Access to a configuration database composed of one or more storage backends containing settings used by software modules |
▶CSchemaSupplier | Access to configuration schemas |
CLocalSchemaSupplier | Implements SchemaSupplier providing access to local configuration schemas |
CSingleBackend | Configuration storage backends containing a complete configuration database, including user data, default or policy layers and schemata |
CXVersionedSchemaSupplier | Access to versioned configuration component schemas |
▶CXSingleLayerStratum | Handles access to a stratum consisting of a single layer in a configuration data repository |
CSingleLayerStratum | Provides access to a single layer of configuration data |
▶CXUpdateHandler | Receives a description of a configuration update or layer as a sequence of events |
CLayerUpdateMerger | Applies updates to a configuration layer |
▶CXTemplateContainer | Implemented by objects that contain instances of a named template to provide information about the template |
▶CSimpleSetAccess | Access to a dynamic, homogeneous, nonhierarchical set of values or objects |
CSetAccess | Access to a dynamic, homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy |
▶CSimpleSetUpdate | Write access to a dynamic, homogeneous, non-hierarchical set of values or objects |
CSetUpdate | Write access to a dynamic homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy |
▶CXTemplateInstance | Implemented by objects that are instances of a named template to provide information about the template |
CSetElement | Information about a dynamic element that can be inserted into a homogeneous set of elements within a hierarchy |
▶CXAcceptor | Allows to passively accept connection attempts from other processes |
CAcceptor | Allows to accept connection attempts from another process |
▶CXConnection | A bidirectional bytestream |
CXConnection2 | XConnection2 extends the XConnection interface with available and readSomeBytes |
CXConnectionBroadcaster | Allows to add listeners to a connection |
▶CXConnector | Allows to actively establish an interprocess connection |
CConnector | Allows to establish a connection to another process |
▶CXChild | Access to the parent of the object |
▶CXAnimationNode | |
CAnimateMotion | |
CAnimatePhysics | |
▶CXAnimate | Interface for generic animation |
CAnimateColor | |
CAnimateSet | |
CXAnimateColor | Interface for animation by defining color changes over time |
CXAnimateMotion | Interface for animation by defining motion on a path |
CXAnimatePhysics | Interface for physics animation |
CXAnimateSet | Interface for animation by simply setting the value of the target attribute to a constant value |
CXAnimateTransform | Animates a transformation attribute on a target element, thereby allowing animations to control translation, scaling, rotation and/or skewing |
CXTransitionFilter | Base members XAnimate::Values, XAnimate::From, XAnimate::To and XAnimate::By can be used with double values that set the transition progress the specific amount of time |
▶CXAudio | |
CAudio | |
▶CXCommand | Execution of the XCommand animation node causes the slide show component to call back the application to perform the command |
CCommand | |
▶CXTimeContainer | Supported modules |
CIterateContainer | |
CSequenceTimeContainer | |
CXIterateContainer | An iterate container iterates over subitems of a given target object and animates them by subsequently executes the contained effects on them |
▶CXParallelTimeContainer | |
CParallelTimeContainer | |
CGroupElement | Information about a predefined element contained in a heterogeneous group of elements within a hierarchy |
CHierarchyElement | Information about an element within a hierarchy |
CSetElement | Information about a dynamic element that can be inserted into a homogeneous set of elements within a hierarchy |
CXUndoManager | Access to the undo/redo stacks of a document |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXFormComponent | Describes a component which may be part of a form |
CFormComponent | Component which can be part of a form |
▶CXForm | Identifies a FormComponent as being a (sub-) form |
CForm | This service specifies a form which is a group of FormComponents |
▶CXForms | |
CForms | Capabilities of a collection of forms |
CPackageFolder | The PackageFolder service represents a single folder or directory within a Package |
CPackageStream | This service represents a stream contained within a Package |
CXFunction | Format condition for a control |
CXFunctions | This interface specifies the functions collections of the report definition or a group |
CXGroup | Identifies a XGroup |
▶CXGroups | This interface specifies the groups collections of the report definition |
CGroups | |
CXReportComponent | Describes a component which may be part of a report |
CXSection | Identifies a XSection inside a report |
CConnection | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database |
CDatabaseAccessConnection | Component, which supplies and stores additional information related to a certain database connection, such as, DatabaseQueries, FormDocuments, and ReportDocuments |
CCellAnnotation | Cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell |
CInContentMetadata | TextContent that can be used to attach RDF metadata to a range of text |
CMetadataField | Com::sun::star::text::TextField whose content is specified by RDF metadata |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
▶CXContainer | Supports quick access to the information if a container currently contains elements |
▶CXGridColumnModel | An instance of this interface is used by the UnoControlGrid to retrieve the column structure that is displayed in the actual control |
CDefaultGridColumnModel | If you do not want to implement the XGridColumnModel yourself, use this service |
▶CXTabPageContainerModel | Interface for a UnoControlTabPageContainerModel |
CUnoControlTabPageContainerModel | Model for a UnoControlTabPageContainer control |
CUnoControlContainer | Abstract control which contains other controls |
CUnoControlDialogModel | Standard model of a UnoControlDialog |
▶CXAnimatedImages | Allows administrating a set of images, to be displayed as animated seres |
CAnimatedImagesControlModel | Describes the model for a control displaying a series of images |
CHierarchyAccess | Access to a hierarchy of descendant elements |
CSetAccess | Access to a dynamic, homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy |
CSimpleSetAccess | Access to a dynamic, homogeneous, nonhierarchical set of values or objects |
▶CFormComponents | Capabilities of a collection of FormComponents |
CForm | This service specifies a form which is a group of FormComponents |
CGridControl | Model for a control which can display form data in a table-like way |
CXForms | |
CXFunctions | This interface specifies the functions collections of the report definition or a group |
CXGroups | This interface specifies the groups collections of the report definition |
CXReportControlModel | |
CXSection | Identifies a XSection inside a report |
CXDatabaseContext | Provides an interface for the new-style DatabaseContext service to implement |
CTextContentCollection | Objects of this type are collections of text contents of the same type |
CTextFrames | This is the collection of all TextFrame instances within a context (e.g |
CActionTriggerContainer | Describes a container of user actions |
▶CXContainerQuery | Supports simple query feature on a container |
CExtendedTypeDetectionFactory | Factory to create extended type detection components |
CFilterFactory | Factory to create filter components |
CTypeDetection | Encapsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data |
▶CXLoaderFactory | Unified service interface for FrameLoaderFactory and ContentHandlerFactory |
CContentHandlerFactory | Factory to create content loader |
CFrameLoaderFactory | Factory to create frame loader |
▶CXContentEnumerationAccess | Allows access to the collections of all content types within the object |
CServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services |
CTextPortion | A TextPortion is a piece of text within a paragraph that does not contain changes of its attributes inside |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
▶CXElementAccess | This is the base interface of all collection interfaces |
▶CXEnumerationAccess | Used to enumerate objects in a container which contains objects |
CXParallelTimeContainer | |
CXComponentEnumerationAccess | Factory for a typified enumeration through a collection of components |
▶CXSet | This is the generic interface for supporting the insertion and removal of elements |
CXGlobalEventBroadcaster | Provides the unified interface of theGlobalEventBroadcaster singleton |
CServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services |
CTypeDescriptionManager | This service manages type descriptions and acts as a central access point to every type description |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CFormComponents | Capabilities of a collection of FormComponents |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
CXForms | |
CComponents | Collection of components |
CDesktopTasks | |
CPackageFolder | The PackageFolder service represents a single folder or directory within a Package |
CXSection | Identifies a XSection inside a report |
CDatabaseAccessContext | Context for data access beans |
▶CDefinitionContainer | Describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports |
CDocumentContainer | Describes a container which provides access to documents embedded into a database document, usually forms and reports |
CXDatabaseContext | Provides an interface for the new-style DatabaseContext service to implement |
▶CXDriverManager2 | Basic interface for managing a set of SDBC drivers |
CDriverManager | |
CContainer | Describes every container which is used for data definition |
CCellAnnotations | Collection of cell annotations |
CCellAreaLinks | Collection of area links |
CCellFormatRanges | Collection of equal-formatted cell ranges |
CCells | Collection of used cells in a spreadsheet document |
CDatabaseRanges | Collection of database ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CDataPilotFieldGroup | Collection of members in a data pilot field group |
CDataPilotFieldGroups | Collection of groups in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotFields | Collection of fields in a data pilot table |
CDataPilotItems | Collection of items in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotTables | Collection of data pilot tables |
CDDELinks | Collection of DDE links |
CFunctionDescriptions | Collection of function descriptions for all built-in functions as well as add-in functions available in the spreadsheet application |
CLabelRanges | Collection of label ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CNamedRanges | Collection of named ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CScenarios | Collection of scenarios |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetLinks | Collection of sheet links |
CSpreadsheets | Collection of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
CSubTotalDescriptor | Description of how subtotals are created |
CTableAutoFormat | AutoFormat, containing exactly 16 AutoFormat fields |
CTableAutoFormats | Collection of AutoFormats |
CTableConditionalFormat | Collection of conditional formatting settings for a cell or cell range |
CUniqueCellFormatRanges | Collection of equal-formatted cell range collections |
▶CXExternalDocLink | Primary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink service |
CExternalDocLink | Represents a single external document link |
▶CXExternalDocLinks | Primary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLinks service |
CExternalDocLinks | Represents a collection of external document links |
CXAutoStyleFamily | This service contains the collection of automatic style families within the container document |
CTableCharts | Collection of all charts based on data in a table |
CTableColumns | Collection of all columns of a table or spreadsheet |
CTableRows | Collection of all rows of a table or spreadsheet |
CInContentMetadata | TextContent that can be used to attach RDF metadata to a range of text |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
▶CText | Independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CMetadataField | Com::sun::star::text::TextField whose content is specified by RDF metadata |
CTextFields | This is a collection of TextField instances |
CActionTriggerContainer | Describes a container of user actions |
CXDataTypeRepository | Repository of XSD data types |
▶CXIdentifierAccess | Access to the elements of a collection through a unique identifier |
▶CXIdentifierReplace | This is the generic interface for supporting the replacement of elements with unique identifiers |
CXIdentifierContainer | This is the generic interface for supporting the creation and removal of elements with unique identifiers |
CXImplicitIDAccess | Makes it possible to access contents through an implicit (unique) ID |
▶CXIndexAccess | Access to the elements of a collection through an index |
▶CXIndexReplace | This is the generic interface for supporting the replacement of indexed elements |
CDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence of values |
▶CXIndexContainer | This is the generic interface for supporting the insertion and removal of indexed elements |
CXTabPageContainerModel | Interface for a UnoControlTabPageContainerModel |
CUnoControlRoadmapModel | Standard model of a UnoControlContainer |
CIndexedPropertyValues | |
CFormComponents | Capabilities of a collection of FormComponents |
CXForms | |
CImageMap | This service specifies a HTML image map |
CCustomPresentation | A custom presentation can show the pages of its presentation in a customized order |
CXFunctions | This interface specifies the functions collections of the report definition or a group |
CXGroups | This interface specifies the groups collections of the report definition |
CXReportControlModel | |
CXDataContainer | Container for (binary) data |
CActionTriggerContainer | Describes a container of user actions |
CDocumentIndexLevelFormat | This service provides access to the structure of the levels of document indexes |
CDocumentIndexParagraphStyles | Access to the names of paragraph styles that are included in content indexes of user defined indexes |
CNumberingRules | Access to the numbering rules |
▶CXDrawPages | Gives access to a container of DrawPages or MasterPages |
CDrawPages | Access to a container of DrawPages and makes it possible for you to manipulate them |
CMasterPages | Access to a container of MasterPages and makes it possible for them to be manipulated |
▶CXLayerManager | This interface makes it possible to access and manage the Layers of a document |
CLayerManager | This service is provided by documents to support Layers |
▶CXShapes | Makes it possible to access, add, and remove the Shapes in a collection |
CGenericDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a DrawingDocument |
CGroupShape | This service is for a group of Shapes |
CShapeCollection | This service describes a generic container to manage collections of Shape |
CShapes | This service is for a generic collection of shapes |
▶CXDrawPage | Identifies an XShapes as a DrawPage |
CXPresentationPage | Describes a page from a presentation |
CSpreadsheetDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a SpreadsheetDocument |
CXSection | Identifies a XSection inside a report |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXFrames | Manages and creates frames |
CFramesContainer | This is a special container which can contain frames |
▶CXGalleryTheme | Access to the items of a Gallery themes |
CGalleryTheme | Access to a container of Gallery items and makes it possible for you to manipulate them |
CXFunctionCategory | Identifies a XFunctionCategory which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
CXFunctionManager | Identifies a XFunctionManager which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
CDefinitionContainer | Describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports |
CContainer | Describes every container which is used for data definition |
CCellAreaLinks | Collection of area links |
CCellFormatRanges | Collection of equal-formatted cell ranges |
CDatabaseRanges | Collection of database ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CDataPilotFieldGroup | Collection of members in a data pilot field group |
CDataPilotFieldGroups | Collection of groups in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotFields | Collection of fields in a data pilot table |
CDataPilotItems | Collection of items in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotTables | Collection of data pilot tables |
CDDELinks | Collection of DDE links |
CLabelRanges | Collection of label ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CNamedRanges | Collection of named ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CScenarios | Collection of scenarios |
CSheetLinks | Collection of sheet links |
CSpreadsheets | Collection of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
CSubTotalDescriptor | Description of how subtotals are created |
CTableAutoFormat | AutoFormat, containing exactly 16 AutoFormat fields |
CTableAutoFormats | Collection of AutoFormats |
CTableConditionalFormat | Collection of conditional formatting settings for a cell or cell range |
CUniqueCellFormatRanges | Collection of equal-formatted cell range collections |
▶CXAreaLinks | Access via index to a collection of area links and inserting and removing area links |
CCellAreaLinks | Collection of area links |
▶CXConditionalFormat | |
CConditionalFormat | Conditional format |
CXExternalDocLink | Primary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink service |
CXExternalDocLinks | Primary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLinks service |
▶CXFunctionDescriptions | Access to the property sequence of a function description via function index or identifier |
CFunctionDescriptions | Collection of function descriptions for all built-in functions as well as add-in functions available in the spreadsheet application |
▶CXLabelRanges | Methods to access the members of a label range collection and to insert and remove them |
CLabelRanges | Collection of label ranges in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetAnnotations | Methods to access cell annotations via index and to insert and remove annotations |
CCellAnnotations | Collection of cell annotations |
▶CXSheetCellRanges | Methods to access cell ranges in a collection via index and other helper methods |
▶CXSheetCellRangeContainer | Methods to access cell ranges in a collection via index and to add and remove cell ranges |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetConditionalEntries | Methods to add and remove conditions of a conditional format |
CTableConditionalFormat | Collection of conditional formatting settings for a cell or cell range |
CStyleFamilies | This service contains the collection of style families within the container document |
CStyleFamily | This service is a container of style sheets of the same style family |
CXAutoStyles | This service contains the collection of automatic style families within the container document |
CTableCharts | Collection of all charts based on data in a table |
▶CXTableColumns | Methods to access columns via index and to insert and remove columns |
CTableColumns | Collection of all columns of a table or spreadsheet |
CTableColumns | Collection of all columns of a table |
▶CXTableRows | Methods to access rows via index and to insert and remove rows |
CTableRows | Collection of all rows of a table or spreadsheet |
CTableRows | Collection of all rows of a text table |
CAutoTextGroup | Access to text blocks in a group |
CBookmarks | This service specifies a collection of Bookmarks |
CDocumentIndexes | Access to all indexes in a document |
CFootnotes | Access to the footnotes or endnotes of a (text) document |
CReferenceMarks | Access to the reference marks in a document |
CTextEmbeddedObjects | Access to all embedded objects in a document |
CTextFrames | This is the collection of all TextFrame instances within a context (e.g |
CTextGraphicObjects | This is the collection of all TextGraphicObject instances within a context (e.g |
CTextRanges | Container for XTextRange objects |
CTextSections | Access to the text sections in a text document |
CTextTables | Access to all tables in a document |
▶CXAutoTextContainer2 | |
CAutoTextContainer | Access to groups of text blocks |
CUIElementSettings | Describes the internal structure of a configurable user interface element |
CXDecks | Access to Decks of a Sidebar |
CXPanels | Access to Panels of a Deck |
▶CXMap | Describes a map between keys and values |
▶CXEnumerableMap | Extends XMap with enumeration capabilities |
CEnumerableMap | Default XEnumerableMap implementation |
▶CXNameAccess | Used to access named objects within a container |
CHierarchyAccess | Access to a hierarchy of descendant elements |
CSimpleSetAccess | Access to a dynamic, homogeneous, nonhierarchical set of values or objects |
▶CXNameReplace | This is the generic interface for supporting the replacement of named elements |
CGroupUpdate | Write access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy |
▶CXNameContainer | This is the generic interface for supporting the insertion and removal of named elements |
CUnoControlDialogModel | Standard model of a UnoControlDialog |
CUnoControlDialogModelProvider | Service to load a dialog model and allows to access the control models inside |
CSimpleSetUpdate | Write access to a dynamic, homogeneous, non-hierarchical set of values or objects |
CExtendedTypeDetectionFactory | Factory to create extended type detection components |
CFilterFactory | Factory to create filter components |
CNamedPropertyValues | |
CTypeDetection | Encapsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data |
CBitmapTable | This is a container for URLs to bitmaps |
CColorTable | |
CDashTable | This is a container for LineDashs |
CGradientTable | This is a container for com::sun::star::awt::Gradients |
CHatchTable | This is a container for Hatchs |
CMarkerTable | This is a container for PointSequences |
CTransparencyGradientTable | This is a container for com::sun::star::awt::Gradients |
▶CXOLESimpleStorage | This interface allows to access and change contents of OLE storages |
COLESimpleStorage | This service provides a simple functionality to allow read/write the storages in OLE storage format |
CFormComponents | Capabilities of a collection of FormComponents |
CXForms | |
CPackageFolder | The PackageFolder service represents a single folder or directory within a Package |
CCustomPresentationAccess | This is a container for custom presentations |
CDefinitionContainer | Describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports |
CDataPilotFieldGroup | Collection of members in a data pilot field group |
CDataPilotFieldGroups | Collection of groups in a data pilot field |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CTableAutoFormats | Collection of AutoFormats |
▶CXSpreadsheets | Methods to access the spreadsheets by name and to insert, copy, remove and rearrange spreadsheets |
CSpreadsheets | Collection of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document |
CXSpreadsheets2 | Extends XSpreadsheets interface to import external sheets |
CStyleFamily | This service is a container of style sheets of the same style family |
CHierarchyDataReadWriteAccess | Read and write access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
CModuleWindowStateConfiguration | Service which provides window based information about user interface elements of a single application module |
CXForms | |
CAttributeContainer | This service describes a container for XML attributes |
CNamespaceContainer | This service describes a container for XML namespaces |
CEvents | Collection of all events supported by a document or content of a document |
▶CXModuleManager2 | This interface provides a merged single interface for the ModuleManager service to implement |
CModuleManager | Can be used to identify office modules |
CUpdateCheckConfig | This was created from its places of use, so it may be incomplete |
CExtendedTypeDetectionFactory | Factory to create extended type detection components |
CFilterFactory | Factory to create filter components |
CLinkTargets | This service gives access to a collection of names that are child links of the parent object that supplied this service |
CTypeDetection | Encapsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data |
CLayerManager | This service is provided by documents to support Layers |
▶CXStorage | This interface represents main storage functionality |
CBaseStorage | This is a service that allows to get access to a storage hierarchy |
CXStorage2 | This interface extends the base XStorage interface |
CBibliography | |
CSettings | |
CtheUICommandDescription | Singleton which provides information about user interface commands of modules |
CUICommandDescription | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theUICommandDescription singleton |
CXLoaderFactory | Unified service interface for FrameLoaderFactory and ContentHandlerFactory |
▶CXGalleryThemeProvider | Access to the Gallery themes |
CGalleryThemeProvider | Access to a container of GalleryThemes and makes it possible for you to manipulate them |
▶CXZipFileAccess2 | Merged interface for ZipFileAccess service |
CZipFileAccess | Allows to get reading access to non-encrypted entries inside zip file |
▶CXLibraryContainer | Provides access to a library system |
▶CXLibraryContainer2 | Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide additional information about the libraries contained in a library container |
CXLibraryContainer3 | Extension of XLibraryContainer2 |
▶CXPersistentLibraryContainer | Describes a container of script libraries which is persistent |
▶CXStorageBasedLibraryContainer | Interface for an XLibraryContainer which can be made persistent in a com::sun::star::embed::XStorage |
CDocumentDialogLibraryContainer | Defines a container of dialog libraries, which is to be made persistent in a sub storage of a document storage |
CDocumentScriptLibraryContainer | Defines a container of StarBasic script libraries, which is to be made persistent in a sub storage of a document storage |
CDatabaseAccessContext | Context for data access beans |
CDefinitionContainer | Describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports |
CXDatabaseContext | Provides an interface for the new-style DatabaseContext service to implement |
CContainer | Describes every container which is used for data definition |
CDataPilotFieldGroup | Collection of members in a data pilot field group |
CDataPilotFieldGroups | Collection of groups in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotFields | Collection of fields in a data pilot table |
CDataPilotItems | Collection of items in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotSourceDimensions | Collection of dimensions in a data pilot source |
CDataPilotSourceHierarchies | Collection of hierarchies in a data pilot source dimension |
CDataPilotSourceLevels | Collection of levels in a data pilot source hierarchy |
CDDELinks | Collection of DDE links |
CFunctionDescriptions | Collection of function descriptions for all built-in functions as well as add-in functions available in the spreadsheet application |
CSheetLinks | Collection of sheet links |
CTableConditionalFormat | Collection of conditional formatting settings for a cell or cell range |
▶CXDatabaseRanges | Functions to manage a collection of database ranges |
CDatabaseRanges | Collection of database ranges in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXDataPilotTables | Access to the data pilot tables via name and inserting and removing data pilot tables |
CDataPilotTables | Collection of data pilot tables |
▶CXDDELinks | Method to add a DDE link to a spreadsheet |
CDDELinks | Collection of DDE links |
CXExternalDocLink | Primary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink service |
CXExternalDocLinks | Primary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLinks service |
▶CXMembersAccess | Used to access named members in a data pilot source level collection |
CDataPilotSourceMembers | Collection of members in a data pilot source level |
▶CXNamedRanges | Access to the members in a collection of named ranges and to insert and remove them |
CNamedRanges | Collection of named ranges in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXScenarios | Access via name to the scenarios in a collection and inserting and removing scenarios |
CScenarios | Collection of scenarios |
CStyleFamilies | This service contains the collection of style families within the container document |
CStyleFamily | This service is a container of style sheets of the same style family |
CXAutoStyles | This service contains the collection of automatic style families within the container document |
CTableColumns | Collection of all columns of a table or spreadsheet |
▶CXTableCharts | Methods to access charts via name and to insert and remove charts |
CTableCharts | Collection of all charts based on data in a table |
CXTablePivotCharts | Methods to access pivot charts via name and to insert and remove pivot charts |
CBookmarks | This service specifies a collection of Bookmarks |
CDocumentIndexes | Access to all indexes in a document |
CReferenceMarks | Access to the reference marks in a document |
CTextContentCollection | Objects of this type are collections of text contents of the same type |
CTextEmbeddedObjects | Access to all embedded objects in a document |
CTextFieldMasters | This is a collection of instances of TextFieldMaster, defined in a context (e.g |
CTextFrames | This is the collection of all TextFrame instances within a context (e.g |
CTextGraphicObjects | This is the collection of all TextGraphicObject instances within a context (e.g |
CTextSections | Access to the text sections in a text document |
CTextTables | Access to all tables in a document |
▶CXAutoTextContainer | Handles blocks of AutoTextEntry |
CXAutoTextContainer2 | |
▶CXAutoTextGroup | The interface provide methods to insert, rename and delete autotext entries from the current autotext group |
CAutoTextGroup | Access to text blocks in a group |
▶CHierarchyDataReadAccess | Read access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
CHierarchyDataReadWriteAccess | Read and write access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
CPropertySetRegistry | This service contains the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistryFactory::createRegistry() |
CModuleUICategoryDescription | Service which provides information about the user interface command categories of a single module |
CModuleUICommandDescription | Service which provides information about the user interface commands of a single module |
CtheUICategoryDescription | Singleton which provides information about user interface command categories |
CtheWindowStateConfiguration | Singleton which provides window based information about user interface elements |
CUICategoryDescription | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theUICategoryDescription singleton |
CWindowStateConfiguration | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theWindowStateConfiguration singleton |
CXDecks | Access to Decks of a Sidebar |
CXPanels | Access to Panels of a Deck |
CXDataTypeRepository | Repository of XSD data types |
CXChangesSet | This interface enables inspecting a set of changes forming one batch transaction |
▶CXEnumeration | Functionality to enumerate the contents of a container |
CXComponentEnumeration | Typified enumeration through components |
CPackageFolderEnumeration | This service provides an iterator over the contents of a given instance of a PackageFolder |
CXQuerySelectResult | Result of a SPARQL "SELECT" query |
CXTypeDescriptionEnumeration | Defines an enumeration for type descriptions |
CCellAnnotationsEnumeration | Enumeration of cell annotations in a spreadsheet document |
CCellAreaLinksEnumeration | Enumeration of cell area links |
CCellFormatRangesEnumeration | Enumeration of equal-formatted cell ranges |
CCellsEnumeration | Enumeration of spreadsheet cells |
CDatabaseRangesEnumeration | Enumeration of database ranges |
CDataPilotFieldGroupEnumeration | Enumeration of members in a DataPilot field group |
CDataPilotFieldGroupsEnumeration | Enumeration of member groups in a DataPilot field |
CDataPilotFieldsEnumeration | Enumeration of data pilot fields |
CDataPilotItemsEnumeration | Enumeration of data pilot items |
CDataPilotTablesEnumeration | Enumeration of data pilot tables |
CDDELinksEnumeration | Enumeration of DDE links |
CFunctionDescriptionEnumeration | Enumeration of Function Descriptions |
CLabelRangesEnumeration | Enumeration of label ranges |
CNamedRangesEnumeration | Enumeration of named ranges |
CScenariosEnumeration | Enumeration of scenarios |
CSheetCellRangesEnumeration | Enumeration of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetLinksEnumeration | Enumeration of sheet links |
CSpreadsheetsEnumeration | Enumeration of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetViewPanesEnumeration | Enumeration of spreadsheet view panes |
CSubTotalFieldsEnumeration | Enumeration of sub total fields |
CTableAutoFormatEnumeration | Enumeration of AutoFormat fields in an AutoFormat |
CTableAutoFormatsEnumeration | Enumeration of AutoFormats |
CTableConditionalEntryEnumeration | Enumeration of conditional entries |
CUniqueCellFormatRangesEnumeration | Enumeration of equal-formatted cell range collections |
CTableChartsEnumeration | Enumeration of table charts |
CTableColumnsEnumeration | Enumeration of table columns |
CTableRowsEnumeration | Enumeration of table rows |
CParagraphEnumeration | Access to the paragraphs of an XText interface |
CTextFieldEnumeration | This interface creates an enumeration of all text fields within a text document |
CTextPortionEnumeration | This interface creates an enumeration of paragraph within a text document |
▶CXHierarchicalName | Fully qualified name of the object within a hierarchy |
CHierarchyElement | Information about an element within a hierarchy |
CDefinitionContent | Defines the basic functionality for an object in the hierarchy of sub documents of an OfficeDatabaseDocument |
▶CXHierarchicalNameAccess | Used to have hierarchical access to elements within a container |
CHierarchyAccess | Access to a hierarchy of descendant elements |
CReadOnlyAccess | Provides easy read-only access to the complete configuration |
▶CXHierarchicalNameReplace | Replacement of hierarchical elements |
CXReadWriteAccess | |
▶CXHierarchicalNameContainer | Insertion and removal of hierarchical elements |
CDocumentContainer | Describes a container which provides access to documents embedded into a database document, usually forms and reports |
CPackage | The Package is a service that provides access to a set of files and folders contained within a Package |
CTypeDescriptionManager | This service manages type descriptions and acts as a central access point to every type description |
CTypeDescriptionProvider | This service provides type descriptions, i.e |
CHierarchyDataReadAccess | Read access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
▶CXImplicitIDReplace | Makes it possible to replace contents in a collection by an implicit (unique) ID: |
CXImplicitIDContainer | Makes it possible to insert and remove elements in/from a container using an implicit (unique) ID |
▶CXNamed | Name of the object |
CHierarchyElement | Information about an element within a hierarchy |
▶CExportFilter | Filter for exports |
CXMLExportFilter | Describes an export filter for XML-based file formats |
▶CImportFilter | Filter for imports |
CXMLImportFilter | Describes an import filter for XML-based file formats |
CGenericDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a DrawingDocument |
CFormComponent | Component which can be part of a form |
▶CFrameLoader | Derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment |
CContentLoader | Implements a loader for various datasource-related user interface components |
CSynchronousFrameLoader | Derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment |
CImageMap | This service specifies a HTML image map |
▶CXDictionary | This interfaces enables the object to access personal dictionaries |
CDictionary | Dictionary used for spell checking and hyphenation |
▶CXSearchableDictionary | This interfaces allows to retrieve suggestions for spell checking from a dictionary |
CDictionary | Dictionary used for spell checking and hyphenation |
CXDictionary1 | |
CPackageFolder | The PackageFolder service represents a single folder or directory within a Package |
CPackageStream | This service represents a stream contained within a Package |
CCustomPresentation | A custom presentation can show the pages of its presentation in a customized order |
CDatabaseRange | Database range in a spreadsheet document |
CDataPilotField | Single field in a data pilot table |
CDataPilotFieldGroup | Collection of members in a data pilot field group |
CDataPilotFieldGroupItem | Member in a data pilot field group |
CDataPilotItem | Single item in a data pilot field |
CDataPilotSourceDimension | Dimension in a data pilot source |
CDataPilotSourceHierarchy | Hierarchy in a data pilot source dimension |
CDataPilotSourceLevel | Level in a data pilot source hierarchy |
CDataPilotSourceMember | Member in a data pilot source level |
CDDELink | DDE link |
CScenario | Scenario in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetLink | Sheet link |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CTableAutoFormat | AutoFormat, containing exactly 16 AutoFormat fields |
▶CXDataPilotDescriptor | Access to the layout settings of a data pilot table |
CDataPilotDescriptor | Description of the layout of a data pilot table |
CDataPilotTable | Data pilot table on a spreadsheet |
▶CXNamedRange | Access to the settings of a named range in a spreadsheet document |
CNamedRange | Named range in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXStyle | Template for a style (aka style sheet) |
CStyle | This service specifies a single style sheet |
CTableChart | Chart based on data in a table or spreadsheet |
CTableColumn | Special cell range containing all cells of a single specific column in a table or spreadsheet |
CAutoTextGroup | Access to text blocks in a group |
CBaseFrame | Base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects |
CBookmark | A bookmark is a TextContent, which is like a jump target or a label |
CReferenceMark | Used for cross references in text documents |
CTextSection | A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
CPersistentPropertySet | This service contains the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistry::openPropertySet() |
CXSubmission | Submission object, associated with an XModel |
CXUniqueIDAccess | Makes it possible to access contents via a unique ID |
▶CXClipboard | |
▶CXClipboardEx | The extended clipboard interface |
CGenericClipboard | A generic clipboard service is a simple container for transferable objects |
▶CXSystemClipboard | Provides a unified interface for new-style service SystemClipboard |
CLokClipboard | This service provides access to the clipboard dedicated for current view |
CSystemClipboard | The system clipboard service builds a bridge to the OS specific clipboard interfaces |
CXClipboardFactory | Should be implemented by a clipboard factory that simplifies the creation of multiple clipboard instances |
▶CXClipboardManager | This interface is used to retrieve, add, or remove clipboard instances |
CClipboardManager | The clipboard manager is a one-instance service that holds a list of all known clipboard instances |
▶CXClipboardNotifier | |
CGenericClipboard | A generic clipboard service is a simple container for transferable objects |
CXSystemClipboard | Provides a unified interface for new-style service SystemClipboard |
CXClipboardOwner | The owner of a transferable object may pass this interface to the clipboard instance |
▶CXFlushableClipboard | An interface for flushable clipboards may optionally be implemented by a system clipboard service |
CXSystemClipboard | Provides a unified interface for new-style service SystemClipboard |
CXAutoscroll | Interface for autoscroll support |
CXDragGestureRecognizer | This interface is implemented by a view or window that supports drag operations |
▶CXDragSource | This interface is implemented by a view or window that supports drag operations and will be received as part of a DragGestureEvent through a com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureListener::dragGestureRecognized() callback |
COleDragSource | This service connects the Java-like UNO drag and drop protocol to the protocol used on window platforms |
CX11DragSource | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag and Drop protocol to the X Drag and Drop protocol used on X-Servers to transfer data between applications via Drag and Drop operations |
CXDragSourceContext | The drag source context class is responsible for managing the initiator side of the Drag and Drop protocol |
▶CXDropTarget | This interface is implemented by a view or window that supports drop operations |
COleDropTarget | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag & Drop protocol to the protocol used on window platforms |
CX11DropTarget | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag and Drop protocol to the X Drag and Drop protocol used on X-Servers to transfer data between application via Drag and Drop operations |
CXDropTargetDragContext | This interface is implemented by any drop target context object |
CXDropTargetDropContext | This interface is implemented by any drop target context object |
▶CXDataFormatTranslator | Interface to be implemented by objects used to translate a DataFlavor to a system dependent data transfer type and vice versa |
CDataFormatTranslator | Different platforms use different types to describe data formats available during data exchange operations like clipboard or drag&drop |
CXMimeContentType | An implementation of this interface represents a MIME content-type that conforms to Rfc2045 and Rfc2046 |
▶CXMimeContentTypeFactory | Implementations of this interface do create a com::sun::star::datatransfer::XMimeContentType from a given string that represents a MIME content-type (see Rfc2045 and Rfc2046) |
CMimeContentTypeFactory | Used to create an instance that implement the interface XMimeContentType from a string representation of such a MIME content-type that conforms to Rfc2045 and Rfc2046 |
CXSystemTransferable | Interface to be implemented by objects used to provide system dependent data for a transfer operation |
▶CXTransferable | Interface to be implemented by objects used to provide data for a data transfer operation |
CXTransferable2 | |
CXTransferableEx | Interface to be implemented by objects used to provide data for a transfer operation |
CXTransferableSource | The transferable source interface |
CXTransferDataAccess | This interface provides direct access to the data in all data flavors |
COleEmbeddedServerRegistration | Registers embedded server for StarOffice documents |
▶CXActionLockable | Makes it possible to prevent object internal updates for a certain period to be able to quickly change multiple parts of the objects, where the updates would invalidate each other, anyway |
CNamedRanges | Collection of named ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
CXBinaryStreamResolver | |
CXCmisDocument | The document can provide access to CMIS properties and versions through this interface |
▶CXDocumentInsertable | Makes it possible to import a document from a given URL into this document |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
CXDocumentLanguages | |
▶CXDocumentRevisionListPersistence | Interface to load or store a list of document revisions from or to a document using the packed XML file format |
CDocumentRevisionListPersistence | Interface to maintain a list of document revisions |
▶CXDocumentSubStorageSupplier | Through this interface documents can provide access to their substorages |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
▶CXOfficeDatabaseDocument | Simplifies the accessing of data sources, and it's corresponding database document and forms, and reports |
COfficeDatabaseDocument | Office database document which is a storable document |
CXEmbeddedObjectResolver | This interface converts embedded object URLs from one URL space to another |
▶CXEmbeddedObjectSupplier | Something that provides an embedded object |
CXEmbeddedObjectSupplier2 | Something that provides an embedded object |
CTableChart | Chart based on data in a table or spreadsheet |
CTextEmbeddedObject | Access to the properties and methods of an embedded object |
▶CXEventBroadcaster | Makes it possible to register listeners which are called whenever a document event (see EventObject) occurs |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
CXShapeEventBroadcaster | Used to link a listener to a specific shape |
CXEmbeddedObject | Common functionality for embedded objects |
▶CXEventsSupplier | Gives access to a list of URLs bound to events of this object |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
CXGlobalEventBroadcaster | Provides the unified interface of theGlobalEventBroadcaster singleton |
CImageMapObject | This is a base service for objects inside an image map |
▶CXExporter | Makes it possible to connect a document with an ExportFilter |
CExportFilter | Filter for exports |
▶CXXMLBasicExporter | Provides unified interface for XMLOasisBasicExporter and XMLBasicExporter services |
CXMLBasicExporter | Filter for exporting Basic macros to the file format |
CXMLOasisBasicExporter | Filter for exporting Basic macros to the OASIS Open Office file format |
▶CXGraphicExportFilter | |
CGraphicExportFilter | Component that supports this service lets you export pages, shapes, or groups of shapes from a DrawingDocument to a file in one of the file formats supported by the component |
▶CXExtendedFilterDetection | "deep" filter detection |
CExtendedTypeDetection | Describes a class of service which will be used for deep TypeDetection in a generic way |
▶CXFilter | Interface to filter documents |
CExportFilter | Filter for exports |
CImportFilter | Filter for imports |
CXXMLBasicExporter | Provides unified interface for XMLOasisBasicExporter and XMLBasicExporter services |
CXGraphicExportFilter | |
▶CXFilterAdapter | This is an interface that can be used to link a filter to the FilterAdapter |
CFilterAdapter | |
CXGraphicObjectResolver | This interface converts graphic object URLs from one URL space to another |
▶CXGraphicStorageHandler | Interface for loading, saving and serializing of XGraphic objects to a document storage |
CGraphicStorageHandler | Default implementation of XGraphicStorageHandler |
▶CXImporter | Makes it possible to connect a document with an ImportFilter |
CImportFilter | Filter for imports |
▶CXLinkTargetSupplier | Interface is supplied by objects inside a document object model that have children that can be the target of a link inside a document |
CLinkTarget | This service is implemented by objects inside a document object model that can be the target of a link inside a document |
CPresentationDocument | This is the service provided by a presentation document |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXMimeTypeInfo | Information regarding which MIME types are supported by a filter |
CXGraphicExportFilter | |
▶CXOOXMLDocumentPropertiesImporter | Allows to import the document properties from OOXML format |
COOXMLDocumentPropertiesImporter | Allows to import document properties from OOXML format |
CXRedlinesSupplier | Access to a container of the redline objects of the document |
▶CXStorageBasedDocument | Allows to initialize document with a storage, to store document to a storage, and to set document to be based on provided storage |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
▶CXTypeDetection | Support "flat" and "deep" type detection of a given document |
CTypeDetection | Encapsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data |
CXVbaMethodParameter | |
▶CXViewDataSupplier | Gives access to some properties describing all open views to a document |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
CXConnectableShape | |
▶CXCustomShapeEngine | The XCustomShapeEngine |
CCustomShapeEngine | This service is for a CustomShape |
CXCustomShapeHandle | The XCustomShapeHandle |
▶CXDrawPageDuplicator | Makes it possible to duplicate pages within the same document |
CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
▶CXDrawPageExpander | Implemented by documents that can expand the contents of a summary on a DrawPage into a collection of DrawPages |
CDrawPages | Access to a container of DrawPages and makes it possible for you to manipulate them |
▶CXDrawPagesSupplier | Must be supported to provide access to a multi-page drawing-layer |
CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXDrawPageSummarizer | Implemented by documents that can create summaries of their DrawPages |
CDrawPages | Access to a container of DrawPages and makes it possible for you to manipulate them |
▶CXDrawPageSupplier | Something that provides a DrawPage |
CChartDocument | Service for a chart document |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXDrawView | Implemented by views that display DrawPages or MasterPages |
CDrawingDocumentDrawView | This component integrates a view to a DrawPages or MasterPage from a DrawingDocument |
CXDrawSubController | View dependent part of the Draw and Impress controller |
▶CXSlideSorterBase | This interface exists only because services do not directly support multiple inheritance and attributes |
CSlideSorter | A slide sorter shows previews for a set of slides, typically all slides in a document, and allows the selection, reordering, creation, and deletion of slides |
CPresentationView | This component integrates a view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CPreviewView | This component integrates a preview view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CXEnhancedCustomShapeDefaulter | |
▶CXGluePointsSupplier | Must be supported to provide access to a container of GluePoint2 |
CShape | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of all Shapes |
▶CXLayerSupplier | Gives access to a LayerManager |
CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
▶CXMasterPagesSupplier | Must be supported to provide access to the MasterPages of a multi-page drawing-layer |
CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
▶CXMasterPageTarget | Implemented by objects that can be linked to a MasterPage |
CDrawPage | This service specifies a page for the actual draw pages to contain the drawings |
CXShapeAligner | Objects implementing this interface can be used to align Shapes |
CXShapeArranger | Objects implementing this interface can be used to arrange Shapes |
▶CXShapeBinder | Connects or breaks the lines of Shapes |
CGenericDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a DrawingDocument |
▶CXShapeCombiner | Combine/split functionality |
CGenericDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a DrawingDocument |
▶CXShapeDescriptor | Offers some settings which are allowed even for objects which are not yet inserted into a draw page |
CShape | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of all Shapes |
▶CXShape | Lets you do a basic transformation on a Shape and get its type |
▶CXDiagram | Manages the diagram of the chart document |
CDiagram | Base service for the diagram of the chart document |
CShape | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of all Shapes |
CXConnectorShape | |
▶CXControlShape | Implemented by a ControlShape to access the controls model |
CControlShape | This service is for a Shape which contains a control |
▶CXShapeGroup | Implemented by Shapes that contain other Shapes |
CGroupShape | This service is for a group of Shapes |
CXReportComponent | Describes a component which may be part of a report |
CBaseFrame | Base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects |
CXUniversalShapeDescriptor | |
▶CXShapeGrouper | Group/ungroup functionality |
CGenericDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a DrawingDocument |
CSpreadsheetDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a SpreadsheetDocument |
CXShapeMirror | Objects implementing this interface can be used to mirror Shapes |
CXActionsApproval | Allows to request an approval for an action |
▶CXClassifiedObject | Common functionality for embedded objects |
CXEmbeddedObject | Common functionality for embedded objects |
CXOLESimpleStorage | This interface allows to access and change contents of OLE storages |
▶CXCommonEmbedPersist | Common implementation for embedded objects and links persistence |
▶CXEmbedPersist | Implementation for embedded object persistence |
CXEmbedPersist2 | |
CXLinkageSupport | Additional implementation for linked embedded object support |
▶CXComponentSupplier | Access to a component |
CXEmbeddedClient | Common functionality for embedded clients |
CXEmbeddedObject | Common functionality for embedded objects |
▶CXEmbedObjectClipboardCreator | Allows to create and initialize a new embedded object from clipboard |
CMSOLEObjectSystemCreator | |
▶CXEmbedObjectCreator | Allows to create and initialize a new embedded object |
▶CXEmbeddedObjectCreator | |
CEmbeddedObjectCreator | |
COLEEmbeddedObjectFactory | |
COOoEmbeddedObjectFactory | |
▶CXEmbedObjectFactory | Allows to create and initialize a new embedded object of specified type |
CXEmbeddedObjectCreator | |
▶CXEncryptionProtectedSource | This interface allows to set a password for an object |
CStorage | This is a service that allows to get access to a package using storage hierarchy |
CStorageStream | This is a service that represents a stream that can be provided by XStorage::openStreamElement() call implemented by Storage service |
▶CXEncryptionProtectedSource2 | This interface allows to set a password for an object |
CXEncryptionProtectedStorage | This interface allows to set a password for an object |
CXExtendedStorageStream | This interface allows access to an extended storage stream that might be transacted |
CXHatchWindowController | Operations for a hatch window |
▶CXHatchWindowFactory | Creates a hatch window implementation |
CHatchWindowFactory | |
CXInplaceClient | Common functionality for inplace clients |
CXInplaceObject | Common functionality for inplace embedded objects |
CXInsertObjectDialog | Allows to create and initialize a new embedded object using GUI dialog |
▶CXLinkCreator | Allows to create and initialize a new link |
CXEmbeddedObjectCreator | |
▶CXLinkFactory | Allows to create and initialize a new link of specified type |
CXEmbeddedObjectCreator | |
CXPackageStructureCreator | Allows to convert filesystem folder tree into a package |
CXPersistanceHolder | Allows to disconnect an object from its persistence |
CXRelationshipAccess | This interface allows to get access to relationship data |
▶CXStateChangeBroadcaster | Broadcasts message in case embedded object object changes it's state |
CXEmbeddedObject | Common functionality for embedded objects |
▶CXTransactedObject | Allows transacted access to an object |
CStorage | This is a service that allows to get access to a package using storage hierarchy |
CXExtendedStorageStream | This interface allows access to an extended storage stream that might be transacted |
CXOLESimpleStorage | This interface allows to access and change contents of OLE storages |
▶CXTransactionBroadcaster | Broadcasts message in case transacted object is committed or reverted |
CStorage | This is a service that allows to get access to a package using storage hierarchy |
CXExtendedStorageStream | This interface allows access to an extended storage stream that might be transacted |
CXTransferableSupplier | Provide access to a com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable implementation from the object |
▶CXVisualObject | Common visualization functionality for embedded objects |
CXEmbeddedObject | Common functionality for embedded objects |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
CXWindowSupplier | Access to a VCL window implementation |
▶CXBindableValue | Support for being bound to an external value |
CBindableControlModel | Model of a form control which supports binding to an external value supplier |
CXListEntrySink | Support for indirect manipulation of a string list |
▶CXListEntrySource | Source of string list entries |
▶CListEntrySource | Defines a component which provides a list of string entries |
CCellRangeListSource | Defines the a source of list entries coming from a cell range in a table document |
CBinding | Represent a binding to one or more nodes in the DOM tree of an XModel |
CXListEntryTypedSource | Source of string list entries with corresponding underlying data values |
▶CXValueBinding | Binding to a value which can be read and written |
CValueBinding | Defines a component which allows access to a single value |
▶CXSubmission | Implemented by components which support submitting data |
CSubmitButton | Button control which can execute external submissions |
CXSubmission | Submission object, associated with an XModel |
▶CXSubmissionSupplier | Implemented by a component which allows access to a component which can submit data |
CSubmitButton | Control model for a button, part of a form component hierarchy, which can be bound to external submissions |
▶CXValidatable | Support for validating a component |
▶CXValidatableFormComponent | Convenience interface for accessing several aspects of a form component which supports validation |
CValidatableControlModel | Model of a form control which supports live validation of its input |
▶CXValidator | Component able to validate (the content of) other components |
CBinding | Represent a binding to one or more nodes in the DOM tree of an XModel |
▶CXApproveActionBroadcaster | Allows to probably veto actions to be performed on components |
CCommandButton | Describes a button control |
CImageButton | Describes a control which can be used for displaying images on a control acting like a button |
▶CXBoundControl | Allows locking the input on components |
CCheckBox | Describes a check box control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CComboBox | Describes a combo box control |
CCurrencyField | Describes a control which can be used for inputting currency values, and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CDateField | Describes a control which can be used for inputting date values, and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CFormattedField | Describes a control which can be used for inputting values with an arbitrary formatting, and can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CImageControl | Describes a control used for displaying images stored in a database |
CListBox | Describes a list box control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CNumericField | Describes a control for inputting numeric values and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CPatternField | Describes a control for inputting text complying to a given pattern, and which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CRadioButton | Describes a radio button control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CTextField | Describes a control for entering arbitrary text which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CTimeField | Describes a control for inputting time values which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CXChangeBroadcaster | Functionality to notify listeners of data changes |
CListBox | Describes a list box control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
CTextField | Describes a control for entering arbitrary text which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CXConfirmDeleteBroadcaster | Possibility of receiving an event for confirming deletions of rows in a com::sun::star::form::component::DataForm |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXDatabaseParameterBroadcaster | Possibility of receiving an event for configuration of parameters |
CDataForm | This service specifies a form which is connected to a database and displays the results of SQL queries |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
▶CXDatabaseParameterBroadcaster2 | Possibility of receiving an event for configuration of parameters |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
CXErrorBroadcaster | Possibility of receiving database error events |
▶CXFormsSupplier | Access to a collection of forms |
CDrawPage | This service specifies a page for the actual draw pages to contain the drawings |
CXFormsSupplier2 | Extends the XFormsSupplier with convenience methods |
▶CXGrid | Possibility of setting and retrieving the position of the current cell in a grid control |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
▶CXGridControl | (some) functionality provided by a grid control (aka table control) |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
▶CXGridColumnFactory | Allows to create columns to be added into a grid control model |
CGridControl | Model for a control which can display form data in a table-like way |
▶CXGridFieldDataSupplier | Access to the data of a GridControl |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CXGridControl | (some) functionality provided by a grid control (aka table control) |
CXGridPeer | Window peer of a GridControl and allows you to set and retrieve the model data |
▶CXImageProducerSupplier | Access to an image producer |
CCommandButton | Control model for a clickable button which is part of a form component hierarchy |
CDatabaseImageControl | Model of a control used for displaying images stored in a database |
CImageButton | This service specifies the control model for a clickable button which is represented by an image |
CXImageControl | |
▶CXLoadable | Functionality to implement objects which may be loaded |
CDataForm | This service specifies a form which is connected to a database and displays the results of SQL queries |
▶CXReset | Functionality to reset components to some default values |
CCheckBox | Model of a check box control |
CComboBox | Component which allows the input of text or selection of text from a list of text values |
CCommandButton | Control model for a clickable button which is part of a form component hierarchy |
CCurrencyField | This service specifies the ControlModel for an edit field which contains a currency value |
CDataForm | This service specifies a form which is connected to a database and displays the results of SQL queries |
CDateField | Model of a date field control, which is an edit field used to enter a date |
CFileControl | This service specifies the control model of an edit field for a file name |
CFormattedField | This service specifies the control model of an edit field for entering text which can be (nearly) arbitrarily formatted |
CGridControl | Model for a control which can display form data in a table-like way |
CHTMLForm | This service specifies the special kind of Forms for HTML documents |
CListBox | Model for a control which allows to choose in a list of alternative values |
CNumericField | Component which allows the input of a numeric value |
CPatternField | Component which allows the input of text which matches a specific pattern |
CRadioButton | Component which acts as a radio button as needed in HTMLForms |
CScrollBar | Model of a scroll bar control |
CSpinButton | Model of a scroll bar control |
CTextField | Component which allows the input of text, either single- or multi-line |
CTimeField | Control model for a field which can be used to input time values |
CDataAwareControlModel | Abstract service for specialized FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source |
▶CXSubmit | Functionality to submit data from a component |
CHTMLForm | This service specifies the special kind of Forms for HTML documents |
▶CXUpdateBroadcaster | Broadcaster interface for sending "approveUpdate" and "updated" events |
▶CXBoundComponent | (form) component which is bound to a data source |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CDataAwareControlModel | Abstract service for specialized FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source |
CXBrowseHistoryRegistry | |
▶CXComponentLoader | This is a simple interface to load components by a URL into a frame environment |
▶CXDesktop2 | |
CDesktop | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theDesktop singleton |
CtheDesktop | Environment for components which can instantiate within frames |
CDocumentContainer | Describes a container which provides access to documents embedded into a database document, usually forms and reports |
CXComponentRegistry | |
CXConfigManager | |
CXControllerBorder | Allows to retrieve information about controller's border |
CXControlNotificationListener | Must be implemented by dispatch objects which want to get notifications about control events |
▶CXDesktop | This is the main interface of a desktop service |
CXDesktop2 | |
▶CXDispatch | Serves state information of objects which can be connected to controls (e.g |
CXSelectionFunction | |
CInteractionGridControl | Extended grid control, which allows the user to customize some of its user interface's aspects |
CAutoRecovery | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theAutoRecovery singleton |
CtheAutoRecovery | Prior to LibreOffice 4.3, this singleton was only available as a (single-instance) AutoRecovery service |
▶CXNotifyingDispatch | Dispatch with guaranteed notify (instead of XDispatch) |
CContentHandler | Special dispatcher for non visible contents, e.g |
▶CXDispatchHelper | Easy way to dispatch functions useful at UI level |
CDispatchHelper | Easy way to dispatch a URL using one call instead of multiple ones |
▶CXDispatchInformationProvider | Information about supported commands |
▶CXAppDispatchProvider | |
CAppDispatchProvider | |
▶CXFrame2 | |
CFrame | Environment for a desktop component |
▶CXDispatchProvider | XDispatch interfaces for certain functions which are useful at the UI |
CModuleDispatcher | |
▶CFormControllerDispatcher | Not used anymore, and superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController and com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormOperations |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CController | Abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer |
CDispatchProvider | XDispatch objects for certain functions which are useful at the UI |
CPopupMenuController | Access to a pop-up menu controller |
CProtocolHandler | Special dispatch provider registered for URL protocols |
CXAppDispatchProvider | |
CXDesktop2 | |
CXDispatchProviderInterceptor | Makes it possible to intercept request of XDispatch |
CXFrame2 | |
▶CXObjectInspector | Describes the main interface of an ObjectInspector |
CObjectInspector | Describes a com::sun::star::frame::Controller which can be used to browse and modify properties of components |
CDataSourceBrowser | Implements a component which allows browsing the data sources registered on the system |
CModuleDispatcher | |
▶CXDispatchProviderInterception | Makes it possible to register an XDispatchProvider which intercepts all requests of XDispatch to this instance |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CDispatchProvider | XDispatch objects for certain functions which are useful at the UI |
CXDesktop2 | |
CXFrame2 | |
▶CXDispatchRecorder | Recording functionality of dispatches |
CDispatchRecorder | Functionality to record XDispatch::dispatch() requests |
▶CXDispatchRecorderSupplier | Access to the record mechanism of dispatches |
CDispatchRecorderSupplier | DispatchRecorder |
▶CXDocumentTemplates | High level API to organize document templates |
CDocumentTemplates | Service for accessing the document templates of the office and manipulate them ( add or rename or remove templates ) |
CTemplateAccess | High level API to organize document templates |
CXExtendedFilterDetection | Use com::sun::star::document::XExtendedFilterDetection instead of this |
CXFilterDetect | Use com::sun::star::document::XExtendedFilterDetection instead of this |
▶CXFrameLoader | Load components into a frame |
CFrameLoader | Derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment |
CXFrameLoaderQuery | Use service FrameLoaderFactory instead of this |
CXFrameSetModel | Use XModel instead of this |
CXInfobarProvider | Allows to add Infobars to a frame |
CXInterceptorInfo | Makes it possible to get information about a registered interceptor and is used by frame interceptor mechanism to perform interception |
▶CXLayoutManager | Central interface to query for, create, destroy and manipulate user interface elements which are bound to a layout manager |
▶CXLayoutManager2 | Unified interface for LayoutManager service |
CLayoutManager | Controls the layout of user interface elements which are part of a frame |
▶CXLayoutManagerEventBroadcaster | Makes it possible to receive events from a layout manager |
CXLayoutManager2 | Unified interface for LayoutManager service |
▶CXLoadable | Offers a simple way to initialize a component or load it from a URL |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
COfficeDatabaseDocument | Office database document which is a storable document |
CXMenuBarAcceptor | Function to update a menu bar for inplace editing |
▶CXMenuBarMergingAcceptor | Functions to set and remove a merged menu bar for inplace editing |
CXLayoutManager2 | Unified interface for LayoutManager service |
CXModule | Can be used to overrule identification of office modules |
▶CXModuleManager | Can be used to identify office modules |
CXModuleManager2 | This interface provides a merged single interface for the ModuleManager service to implement |
▶CXPopupMenuController | Data to a pop-up menu controller implementation to fill and update a pop-up menu dynamically |
CPopupMenuController | Access to a pop-up menu controller |
CXRecordableDispatch | Extends an existing XDispatch implementation with functionality for dispatch recording |
▶CXSessionManagerClient | Connect to a session manager to get information about pending desktop shutdown |
CSessionManager | The SessionManager service provides an interface to the session manager of the desktop |
▶CXStorable | Offers a simple way to store a component to a URL |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
CXStorable2 | Extends XStorable |
CDictionary | Dictionary used for spell checking and hyphenation |
▶CXSubToolbarController | Special interface to support sub-toolbars in a controller implementation |
CToolbarController | Abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar |
CXSynchronousDispatch | Additional interfaces for dispatch objects: allow to execute with return value |
▶CXSynchronousFrameLoader | Loads a resource into a Frame |
COfficeFrameLoader | |
CSynchronousFrameLoader | Derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment |
CXTasksSupplier | Use XFramesSupplier instead of that |
▶CXTitle | Interface representing an entity with a modifiable title |
CDefaultViewController | Default controller implementation for's database application |
▶CXTitleChangeBroadcaster | Allows to register for title changed events |
CDefaultViewController | Default controller implementation for's database application |
▶CXToolbarController | Abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar |
CToolbarController | Abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar |
CXToolbarControllerListener | Used to notify a toolbar controller about events |
▶CXTransientDocumentsDocumentContentFactory | Factory for com::sun::star::ucb::TransientDocumentsDocumentContents |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContentFactory | Factory for com::sun::star::ucb::TransientDocumentsDocumentContents |
CXTransientDocumentsDocumentContentIdentifierFactory | Factory for identifiers of com::sun::star::ucb::TransientDocumentsDocumentContents |
▶CXUIControllerRegistration | Used to query, register and unregister user interface controller |
▶CXUIControllerFactory | Factory to create User Interface controllers |
CPopupMenuControllerFactory | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of thePopupMenuControllerFactory singleton |
CStatusbarControllerFactory | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theStatusbarControllerFactory singleton |
CthePopupMenuControllerFactory | Factory that creates instances of registered popup menu controller |
CtheStatusbarControllerFactory | Factory that creates instances of registered status bar controller |
CtheToolbarControllerFactory | Factory that creates instances of registered toolbar controller |
CToolbarControllerFactory | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theToolbarControllerFactory singleton |
CXUntitledNumbers | Knows all currently used and all free numbers for using with untitled but counted objects |
CXUrlList | |
▶CXWindowArranger | |
CDesktopTask | Use the Frame service instead of this |
▶CXGalleryItem | Access to a single item of a Gallery theme |
CGalleryItem | Service to get access to the properties of a single Gallery item |
CXMapping2D | Interface defining an arbitrary bijective mapping from R^2 to R^2 |
▶CXEmfParser | XEmfParser interface |
CEmfTools | Service that describes the necessary interfaces and properties to handle emf files |
▶CXGraphic | This interface acts as a container for the loaded graphic |
CGraphic | This service acts as a container for graphics |
▶CXGraphicObject | XGraphicObject objects represent in-memory image and graphic objects |
CGraphicObject | The GraphicObject service can be used to create XGraphicObject instances |
▶CXGraphicProvider | This interface acts as the main interface to handle graphic content |
CGraphicProvider | Central service of the Graphic API that gives access to graphics of any kind |
CXGraphicProvider2 | This interface allows operations on multiple graphics with one method call |
▶CXGraphicRasterizer | This interfaces exposes the initialize and a rasterize method to rasterize a given data stream to a pixel graphic |
CGraphicRasterizer | Service that describes the necessary interfaces and properties to convert arbitrary graphic data to a XGraphic interface containing a pixel graphic, that can be rendered the usual ways |
▶CXGraphicRenderer | This interfaces exposes just one method to render a XGraphic container |
CGraphicRendererVCL | Service that describes the necessary interfaces and properties to render a graphic container of XGraphic type |
CXGraphicTransformer | This interface is allowing to transform a XGraphic |
▶CXPdfDecomposer | XPdfDecomposer interface |
CPdfTools | Service to convert a PDF stream into a 2D primitive |
CXPrimitive2D | XPrimitive2D interface |
▶CXPrimitive2DRenderer | XPrimitive2DRenderer interface |
CPrimitive2DTools | Service that describes the necessary interfaces and properties for tooling involved with XPrimitive2D interfaces |
CXPrimitive3D | XPrimitive3D interface |
▶CXPrimitiveFactory2D | XPrimitiveFactory2D interface |
CPrimitiveFactory2D | |
▶CXSvgParser | XSvgParser interface |
CSvgTools | Service that describes the necessary interfaces and properties to handle svg files |
▶CXBreakIterator | Base routines for iteration in Unicode string |
CBreakIterator | Base routines for iteration in Unicode string |
▶CXCalendar | Access to locale specific calendar systems |
▶CXExtendedCalendar | This interface provides access to locale specific calendar systems |
▶CXCalendar3 | This interface provides access to locale specific calendar systems |
CLocaleCalendar | Access a locale specific calendar |
▶CXCalendar4 | This interface provides access to locale specific calendar systems |
CLocaleCalendar2 | Access a locale specific calendar |
▶CXCharacterClassification | Character classification (upper, lower, digit, letter, number, ...) and generic Unicode enabled parser |
CCharacterClassification | Character classification, such as upper, lower, alpha, digit, et al |
▶CXCollator | Locale-sensitive collation algorithms for string comparison |
CChapterCollator | Specific collator to sort chapter numbering |
CCollator | Access collation algorithms of different locales |
CXForbiddenCharacters | Access to forbidden character settings in a document |
▶CXIndexEntrySupplier | Supplies information on index entries to generate a "table of alphabetical index" for a given locale |
▶CXExtendedIndexEntrySupplier | This interface provides information for creating "Table of Index" |
CIndexEntrySupplier | Supplier for creating index entries in a "table of alphabetical index" |
▶CXInputSequenceChecker | Routine to check Thai input sequence checking |
▶CXExtendedInputSequenceChecker | This interface perform input sequence correction for the languages like Thai and Hindi |
CInputSequenceChecker | Check input sequence of CTL languages like Thai or Hindi |
▶CXLocaleData | Access locale specific data as it is defined in XML locale data files compiled into the binary data libraries liblocaledata*.so respectively localedata*.dll |
▶CXLocaleData2 | Access locale specific data |
▶CXLocaleData3 | Access locale specific data |
▶CXLocaleData4 | Access locale specific data |
CLocaleData | Access locale specific data |
▶CXLocaleData5 | Access locale specific data |
CLocaleData2 | Access locale specific data |
▶CXNativeNumberSupplier | Methods to convert between strings of ASCII Arabic digits and native numeral strings |
CNativeNumberSupplier | Supplier for transliteration of numerals (native number strings) |
▶CXNativeNumberSupplier2 | Methods to convert between strings of ASCII Arabic digits and native numeral strings, using NatNum params |
CNativeNumberSupplier2 | Supplier for transliteration of numerals (native number strings) |
▶CXNumberFormatCode | Access number format codes defined in locale data |
CNumberFormatMapper | Access locale data number format codes to use with the number formatter |
▶CXOrdinalSuffix | Access to locale specific ordinal suffix systems |
COrdinalSuffix | Access to locale specific ordinal suffix systems |
CXScriptTypeDetector | Help routines for layouting complex text |
▶CXTextConversion | Method to convert text from one type to another |
▶CXExtendedTextConversion | This interface provides Text Conversion service |
CTextConversion | Offers generic text conversion |
▶CXTransliteration | Character conversions like case folding or Hiragana to Katakana |
▶CXExtendedTransliteration | This interface provides character conversions like case folding or Hiragana to Katakana |
CTransliteration | Transliteration of characters, such as case folding |
CDefaultHelpProvider | Implements a component which can default-fill the help section of an ObjectInspector |
▶CXActiveDataControl | Makes it possible to control an active data source |
CPump | Implementation of a data source and a data sink |
▶CXXSLTTransformer | An interface for XSLT transformers |
CXSLTTransformer | Get unspecified XSLT filter transformer |
▶CXActiveDataSink | Makes it possible to read the corresponding object from an input stream |
CLayerParser | Configuration data layer that is stored in a stream in OOR Update XML format |
CSchemaParser | Configuration schema that is stored in a stream in OOR Schema XML format |
CDataInputStream | Reads structured data from a chained XInputStream |
CMarkableInputStream | Allows to set marks in an inputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
CObjectInputStream | Stream which allows reading the data of persistent objects |
CPump | Implementation of a data source and a data sink |
▶CXTextInputStream2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service TextInputStream |
CTextInputStream | Functionality to read text data from a com::sun::star::io::XInputStream that initially has to be passed to the method XActiveDataSink::setInputStream() |
CPackageStream | This service represents a stream contained within a Package |
CXXSLTTransformer | An interface for XSLT transformers |
▶CXActiveDataSource | Has to be implemented if the class should be able to write into an output stream |
CLayerWriter | Can be used to parse a stream of configuration layer XML |
CDataOutputStream | Writes structured data to a chained XOutputStream |
CMarkableOutputStream | Allows to set marks in an outputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
CObjectOutputStream | Stream which allows writing the data of persistent objects |
CPump | Implementation of a data source and a data sink |
▶CXTextOutputStream2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service TextOutputStream |
CTextOutputStream | Functionality to write text data to a com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream that initially has to be passed to the method XActiveDataSource::setOutputStream() |
▶CXWriter | Provides a unified interface for the new-style Writer service to implement |
CWriter | |
CXXSLTTransformer | An interface for XSLT transformers |
CXActiveDataStreamer | Makes it possible to read and write the corresponding stream |
▶CXConnectable | Makes it possible to connect data sinks and sources |
CDataInputStream | Reads structured data from a chained XInputStream |
CMarkableInputStream | Allows to set marks in an inputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
CMarkableOutputStream | Allows to set marks in an outputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
CObjectInputStream | Stream which allows reading the data of persistent objects |
CObjectOutputStream | Stream which allows writing the data of persistent objects |
CXDataExporter | Makes it possible to export data from a component into a data sink |
CXDataImporter | Makes it possible to import data from a data source into a component |
▶CXInputStream | This is the basic interface to read data from a stream |
CMarkableInputStream | Allows to set marks in an inputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
▶CXDataInputStream | Makes it possible to read machine-independent simple data types from a stream |
CDataInputStream | Reads structured data from a chained XInputStream |
▶CXObjectInputStream | Reads XPersistObject implementations from a stream |
CObjectInputStream | Stream which allows reading the data of persistent objects |
▶CXPipe | The implementation of an output stream and an input stream |
CPipe | Implementation of an output stream and an input stream |
▶CXSeekableInputStream | This interface can be used to represent a seekable input stream |
CSequenceInputStream | This service allows to wrap a sequence of bytes with a stream object |
▶CXTextInputStream | Interface to read strings from a stream |
CXTextInputStream2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service TextInputStream |
CXInputStreamProvider | Interface for providing an input stream |
▶CXMarkableStream | Makes it possible to set and remove seekable marks to a stream |
CMarkableInputStream | Allows to set marks in an inputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
CMarkableOutputStream | Allows to set marks in an outputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
CObjectInputStream | Stream which allows reading the data of persistent objects |
▶CXOutputStream | This is the basic interface to write data to a stream |
CMarkableOutputStream | Allows to set marks in an outputstream and to later jump back to these marks |
▶CXDataOutputStream | Makes it possible to write machine-independent simple data types to a stream |
CDataOutputStream | Writes structured data to a chained XOutputStream |
▶CXObjectOutputStream | Stores XPersistObject implementations into the stream |
CObjectOutputStream | Stream which allows writing the data of persistent objects |
CXPipe | The implementation of an output stream and an input stream |
▶CXSequenceOutputStream | This interface offers access to the written bytes |
CSequenceOutputStream | This service allows to wrap a sequence of bytes with an output stream object |
▶CXTextOutputStream | Interface to write strings to a stream using a special character encoding |
CXTextOutputStream2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service TextOutputStream |
CXPersist | Makes it possible to write this object to a URL or read it from a URL |
▶CXPersistObject | Allows to make UNO objects persistent |
CTabControllerModel | Standard tab controller model |
CUnoControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design |
CFormComponent | Component which can be part of a form |
▶CXSeekable | Makes it possible to seek to a certain position within a stream |
CStorageStream | This is a service that represents a stream that can be provided by XStorage::openStreamElement() call implemented by Storage service |
CXExtendedStorageStream | This interface allows access to an extended storage stream that might be transacted |
CXSeekableInputStream | This interface can be used to represent a seekable input stream |
▶CXTempFile | This interface offers access to temp files |
CTempFile | This service allows to get access to temp files |
▶CXStream | Offers read and write access to the same stream |
CStorageStream | This is a service that represents a stream that can be provided by XStorage::openStreamElement() call implemented by Storage service |
CXExtendedStorageStream | This interface allows access to an extended storage stream that might be transacted |
CXTempFile | This interface offers access to temp files |
CXTruncate | Makes it possible to set the size of the underlying data of a stream to zero |
CXXMLExtractor | Offers the capability to extract the XML document stream from a document storage |
CXJavaThreadRegister_11 | Must be implemented by the user of the XJavaThreadRegister_11 |
▶CXJavaVM | Must be implemented by the user of the XJavaVM |
CJavaVirtualMachine | Exports interfaces to handle a Java VM |
▶CXComponent | Allows to explicitly free resources and break cyclic references |
▶CXMSAAService | The interface must be implemented for a server that can support MSAA com objects and send win32 accessible events |
CMSAAService | |
▶CXGridColumn | The XGridColumn defines the properties and behavior of a column in a grid control |
CGridColumn | Represents a column as used by the DefaultGridColumnModel |
CXGridColumnModel | An instance of this interface is used by the UnoControlGrid to retrieve the column structure that is displayed in the actual control |
▶CXGridDataModel | An instance of this interface is used by the UnoControlGrid to retrieve the content data that is displayed in the actual control |
▶CXMutableGridDataModel | Allows to modify the data represented by a XGridDataModel |
CDefaultGridDataModel | If you do not want to implement the XGridDataModel yourself, use this service |
▶CXSortableMutableGridDataModel | Describes a grid control data model whose data can be modified and sorted |
CSortableGridDataModel | Default implementation of a XSortableGridData |
▶CXTreeDataModel | An instance of this interface is used by the TreeControl to retrieve the hierarchical outline data that is displayed in the actual control |
▶CXMutableTreeDataModel | This is the editable version of the XTreeDataModel |
CMutableTreeDataModel | If you do not want to implement the XTreeDataModel yourself, use this service |
CUnoControl | Abstract control |
CUnoControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design |
▶CXControl | Identifies a control |
CUnoControl | Abstract control |
CXUnoControlDialog | The interface for the UnoControlDialog service |
CFilterControl | Describes a check box control which can (but not necessarily has to) be bound to a database field |
▶CXWindow | Basic operations for a window component |
CUnoControl | Abstract control |
CXUnoControlDialog | The interface for the UnoControlDialog service |
CXWindow2 | Some extended operations for a window component |
CDrawingDocumentDrawView | This component integrates a view to a DrawPages or MasterPage from a DrawingDocument |
CXPlayerWindow | Interacts with the media player window |
COutlineView | This component integrates an outline view to a presentation document into the desktop |
CPresentationView | This component integrates a view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CPreviewView | This component integrates a preview view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop |
CSlidesView | This component integrates a slides view to a presentation document into the desktop |
▶CXWindowPeer | Gives access to the actual window implementation on the device |
CXVclWindowPeer | Gives access to the VCL window implementation |
CBridge | This meta service allows the bridgefactory service to instantiate an interprocess bridge using a certain transfer protocol |
CIiopBridge | Concrete service of the meta service Bridge for iiop |
CUrpBridge | Concrete service of the meta service Bridge for the urp protocol |
CXBridgeFactory2 | Provides a unified interface for the BridgeFactory service to implement |
CXDatabaseDataProvider | Identifies a XDataProvider for result sets |
CAccessRootElement | Information about the root element of a hierarchy and about the hierarchy as a whole |
CAdministrationProvider | Manages one, or more, complete sets of configuration data for administrative purposes and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to subsets of these shared configurations |
▶CConfigurationProvider | Manages one, or more, complete sets of configuration data and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to a subset of the configuration |
CDefaultProvider | ConfigurationProvider, that is the default ConfigurationProvider for its com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext |
CSetElement | Information about a dynamic element that can be inserted into a homogeneous set of elements within a hierarchy |
CClipboardManager | The clipboard manager is a one-instance service that holds a list of all known clipboard instances |
CGenericClipboard | A generic clipboard service is a simple container for transferable objects |
CXSystemClipboard | Provides a unified interface for new-style service SystemClipboard |
COleDragSource | This service connects the Java-like UNO drag and drop protocol to the protocol used on window platforms |
COleDropTarget | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag & Drop protocol to the protocol used on window platforms |
CX11DragSource | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag and Drop protocol to the X Drag and Drop protocol used on X-Servers to transfer data between applications via Drag and Drop operations |
CX11DropTarget | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag and Drop protocol to the X Drag and Drop protocol used on X-Servers to transfer data between application via Drag and Drop operations |
▶CXExtensionManager | The XExtensionManager interface is used to manage extensions in the user, shared and bundled repository |
CExtensionManager | ExtensionManager service |
CXPackage | Objects of this interface reflect a bound package and are issued by a PackageRegistryBackend |
CXPackageManager | The XPackageManager interface is used to add or remove packages to a specific repository |
CShape | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of all Shapes |
CXSelectionFunction | |
CDocumentCloser | The main task of this service is to close an office document frame embedded in an application running in another process correctly |
CInstanceLocker | The main task of this service is to prevent closing, terminating and/or etc |
CStorageStream | This is a service that represents a stream that can be provided by XStorage::openStreamElement() call implemented by Storage service |
CXExtendedStorageStream | This interface allows access to an extended storage stream that might be transacted |
CXHatchWindow | Operations for a hatch window |
CXOLESimpleStorage | This interface allows to access and change contents of OLE storages |
CXStorage | This interface represents main storage functionality |
CListEntrySource | Defines a component which provides a list of string entries |
CValueBinding | Defines a component which allows access to a single value |
CFormComponent | Component which can be part of a form |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXFormOperations | Encapsulates operations on a database form |
CFormOperations | Encapsulates operations on a database form which has a UI representation, and is interacting with the user |
CXForms | |
CPopupMenuController | Access to a pop-up menu controller |
▶CXController | With this interface, components viewed in a Frame can serve events (by supplying dispatches) |
CPropertyBrowserController | Describes a controller which can be used to browse and modify properties of form controls |
CController | Abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer |
CStartModule | |
▶CXController2 | Extends the XController interface |
CReportDesign | This interface could be incomplete since I derived it from its sole place of use |
CXObjectInspector | Describes the main interface of an ObjectInspector |
CDataSourceBrowser | Implements a component which allows browsing the data sources registered on the system |
CQueryDesign | Implements a component which allows the creation of SQL statements |
CRelationDesign | Implements a component which allows the creation of relation |
CTableDesign | Implements a component which allows the creation of tables |
▶CXDesktopTask | Use XFrame instead of this |
CDesktopTask | Use the Frame service instead of this |
▶CXFrame | Frame object can be considered to be an "anchor" object where a component can be attached to |
CDesktopTask | Use the Frame service instead of this |
CTask | Top level frame in the frame hierarchy with the desktop as root |
▶CXFramesSupplier | Access to sub frames of current one |
CDesktopTask | Use the Frame service instead of this |
CXDesktop2 | |
CXFrame2 | |
▶CXTask | Use XFrame instead of this one |
CTask | Top level frame in the frame hierarchy with the desktop as root |
▶CXModel | Component which is created from a URL and arguments |
▶CXChartDocument | |
CChartDocument | |
▶CXChartDocument | Manages the chart document |
CChartDocument | Service for a chart document |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
▶CXModel2 | Extends interface XModel |
CXModel3 | Extends interface XModel2 with optimised read access getArgs() |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXTextDocument | Main interface of a text document |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXStatusbarController | Interface to be implemented by a component offering a more complex user interface to users within a status bar |
CStatusbarController | Abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a status bar |
▶CXPropertyHandler | Basic interface for object inspection |
CButtonNavigationHandler | Implements a property handler for use with a com::sun::star::inspection::ObjectInspector which is able to enhance the com::sun::star::form::component::CommandButton::ButtonType and com::sun::star::form::component::CommandButton::TargetURL properties of a com::sun::star::form::component::CommandButton |
CCellBindingPropertyHandler | Implements a property handler for use with a com::sun::star::inspection::ObjectInspector which is able to provide properties to bind a form component to a spreadsheet cell |
CEditPropertyHandler | Implements a property handler for use with a com::sun::star::inspection::ObjectInspector which provides convenience wrappers for some properties existing at a form component derived from com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlEditModel |
CEventHandler | Implements a property handler for use with a com::sun::star::inspection::ObjectInspector which, for a com::sun::star::form::FormComponent, provides the script events offered by this form component |
CFormComponentPropertyHandler | Implements the default property handler for all known types of com::sun::star::form::FormComponents |
CSubmissionPropertyHandler | Implements a property handler for use with a com::sun::star::inspection::ObjectInspector which provides properties for button controls which support submission of XML forms |
CXMLFormsPropertyHandler | Implements a property handler for use with a com::sun::star::inspection::ObjectInspector which provides properties related to binding form control models to XForm bindings |
CXSDValidationPropertyHandler | Implements a property handler for use with a com::sun::star::inspection::ObjectInspector which provides properties related to binding form control models to XForm bindings and validating the form control content |
CGenericPropertyHandler | Implements a general-purpose XPropertyHandler |
CDataProviderHandler | Implements the default property handler for all known types of com::sun::star::chart2::data::XDataProviders |
CReportComponentHandler | Implements the default property handler for all known types of com::sun::star::report::XReportComponents |
CServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services |
CHyphenator | Offers hyphenation functionality |
CSpellChecker | Offers spell checking functionality |
CThesaurus | Offers thesaurus functionality |
▶CXLinguServiceManager2 | Provides a unified interface for the LinguServiceManager service to implement |
CLinguServiceManager | Offers linguistic functionality |
▶CXLogHandler | Possibilities to send LogRecords to an arbitrary output channel |
CFileHandler | Component implementing a log handler whose output channel is a file |
▶CXConsoleHandler | Implemented by a log handler whose output channel is the processes console |
CConsoleHandler | Component implementing a log handler whose output channel is the processes console |
▶CXMenuProxy | Allows to execute dispatch for a menu item and handles listeners for changes in menu items |
CMenuProxy | Allows to execute dispatch for a menu item and handles listeners for changes in menu items |
CXAnnotation | This interface gives access to an annotation inside a document |
CCoreReflection | This service is the implementation of the reflection API |
CTypeDescriptionManager | This service manages type descriptions and acts as a central access point to every type description |
CTypeDescriptionProvider | This service provides type descriptions, i.e |
CXFormulaParser | Identifies a XFormulaParser which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
CXFunctionManager | Identifies a XFunctionManager which allows to retrieve the meta data of all supported functions |
CXFunction | Format condition for a control |
CXFunctions | This interface specifies the functions collections of the report definition or a group |
CXGroup | Identifies a XGroup |
CXGroups | This interface specifies the groups collections of the report definition |
CXReportComponent | Describes a component which may be part of a report |
CXReportEngine | Identifies a XReportEngine which allows the creation of OpenDocument files |
CXSection | Identifies a XSection inside a report |
CXQueryDefinition | |
▶CConnection | Connection (session) with a specific database |
CConnection | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database |
CDatabaseAccessConnection | Component, which supplies and stores additional information related to a certain database connection, such as, DatabaseQueries, FormDocuments, and ReportDocuments |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
CXTable | |
▶CXTextContent | Enables objects to be inserted into a text and to provide their location in a text once they are inserted into it |
CContentControl | This service specifies a content control with properties in a TextDocument |
CLineBreak | This service specifies a line break with properties in a TextDocument |
CReferenceMark | Used for cross references in text documents |
▶CTextContent | Object which can be anchored in a text, like instances of TextFrame or TextField |
CBaseFrame | Base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects |
▶CBaseIndexMark | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry |
CContentIndexMark | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a ContentIndex |
CDocumentIndexMark | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex |
CUserIndexMark | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a UserIndex |
CBookmark | A bookmark is a TextContent, which is like a jump target or a label |
CContentIndexMark | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a ContentIndex |
CDocumentIndexMark | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex |
CInContentMetadata | TextContent that can be used to attach RDF metadata to a range of text |
CParagraph | Piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties) |
CTextField | A TextField is a TextContent which fades its textual representation into the text range to which it is anchored |
CTextSection | A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
CUserIndexMark | TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a UserIndex |
▶CXDocumentIndex | This is the main interface for a document index |
▶CBaseIndex | Basic service of different indexes within a document |
CBibliography | Service of bibliography within a text document |
CContentIndex | Service of content indexes within a document |
CDocumentIndex | Service of content indexes within a document |
CIllustrationsIndex | Service of illustration indexes within a document |
CObjectIndex | Service of object indexes within a document |
CTableIndex | Service of table indexes within a document |
CUserDefinedIndex | Service of user defined indexes within a document |
CUserIndex | Service of user defined indexes within a document |
CXDocumentIndexMark | Gives access to the mark of a document index entry |
▶CXFootnote | Footnote within a Text |
▶CFootnote | This service specifies a footnote or an endnote in a TextDocument |
CEndnote | This service specifies an endnote in a TextDocument |
▶CXTextField | Base interface for all text fields |
CTextField | A TextField is a TextContent which fades its textual representation into the text range to which it is anchored |
▶CXDependentTextField | Makes it possible to attach this TextField to a TextFieldMaster |
CDependentTextField | TextField which is not specified by itself, but dependent on a TextFieldMaster |
▶CXTextFrame | Access to the Text of a TextFrame |
CTextFrame | Rectangular shape which contains a Text object and is attached to a piece of surrounding Text |
▶CXTextSection | Provide special data of a TextSection |
CTextSection | A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text |
▶CXTextTable | Manages a text table |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyDataReadAccess | Read access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
▶CHierarchyDataSource | Manages one or more complete sets of hierarchy data and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to a subset of the data |
CDefaultHierarchyDataSource | Concrete implementation of service HierarchyDataSource, which uses the service com::sun::star::configuration::ConfigurationProvider for reading and writing hierarchy data |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
▶CXDynamicResultSet | Provides read access to a ContentResultSet |
CCachedDynamicResultSet | Read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet |
CCachedDynamicResultSetStub | Read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet |
CDynamicResultSet | Read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet |
▶CXUniversalContentBroker | |
CUniversalContentBroker | One-instance service that provides access to a set of Contents via ContentProviders |
▶CXFilePicker3 | Provides unified interface for FilePicker service |
CFilePicker | A FilePicker |
CXWizardPage | Single page of a Wizard |
▶CUIElement | User interface element |
CConfigurableUIElement | Configurable user interface element that supports persistence |
▶CXImageManager | Access functions to an images manager interface to add, replace and remove images associations to command URLs |
CImageManager | |
▶CXUIConfigurationManager2 | |
CUIConfigurationManager | User interface configuration manager which controls all customizable user interface elements of an object |
▶CMacroExpander | This meta service supports the XMacroExpander interface for expanding arbitrary macro expressions, i.e |
CBootstrapMacroExpander | Macro expander expanding using rtl bootstrap notation |
CXConnectionPoint | Supports connection points for connectable objects |
CXConnectionPointContainer | Makes it possible to locate a specific connection point for a specified UIK and manages a sequence of connections points |
▶CXEventListener | Base interface for all event listeners interfaces |
CXAccessibleEventListener | Makes it possible to register a component as a listener, which is called whenever an accessibility event occurs |
▶CXAnimationListener | Makes it possible to register listeners, which are called whenever an animation event occurs |
▶CXSlideShowListener | Listener interface to receive global slide show events |
CXSlideShowNavigationListener | Listener interface with navigation support to receive global slide show events |
CXGridColumnListener | An instance of this interface is used by the XGridColumnModel to get notifications about column model changes |
CXGridDataListener | An instance of this interface is used by the XGridDataModel to get notifications about data model changes |
CXGridSelectionListener | An instance of this interface is used by the XGridRowSelection to get notifications about selection changes |
CXTabPageContainerListener | An instance of this interface is used by the XTabPageContainer to get notifications about changes in activation of tab pages |
CXTreeDataModelListener | An instance of this interface is used by the TreeControl to get notifications about data model changes |
CXTreeEditListener | You can implement this interface and register with XTreeControl::addTreeEditListener() to get notifications when editing of a node starts and ends |
CXTreeExpansionListener | An instance of this interface can get notifications from a TreeControl when nodes are expanded or collapsed |
CXActionListener | Makes it possible to receive action events |
CXActivateListener | Makes it possible to receive activate events |
CXAdjustmentListener | Makes it possible to receive adjustment events |
CXDockableWindowListener | Makes it possible to receive docking events |
CXEnhancedMouseClickHandler | Makes it possible to receive enhanced events from the mouse |
CXFocusListener | Makes it possible to receive keyboard focus events |
CXItemListener | Makes it possible to receive events from a component when the state of an item changes |
CXItemListListener | Describes a listener for changes in an item list |
▶CXKeyHandler | This key handler is similar to com::sun::star::awt::XKeyListener but allows the consumption of key events |
CXSelectionFunction | |
CXKeyListener | Makes it possible to receive keyboard events |
CXMenuListener | Makes it possible to receive menu events on a window |
▶CXMouseClickHandler | Makes it possible to receive events from the mouse in a certain window |
CXSelectionFunction | |
CXMouseListener | Makes it possible to receive events from the mouse in a certain window |
▶CXMouseMotionHandler | Makes it possible to receive mouse motion events on a window |
CXSelectionFunction | |
CXMouseMotionListener | Makes it possible to receive mouse motion events on a window |
CXPaintListener | Makes it possible to receive paint events |
CXSpinListener | Makes it possible to receive spin events |
CXStyleChangeListener | To be implemented by components which wish to be notified about changes in the style of a component |
CXTabListener | Such listener will be informed if tab's was inserted/removed from an XSimpleTabController instance or if the properties of a tab was changed |
CXTextListener | Makes it possible to receive text change events |
CXTopWindowListener | Makes it possible to receive window events |
CXVclContainerListener | Makes it possible to receive container events |
▶CXWindowListener | Makes it possible to receive window events |
CXWindowListener2 | Allows receive window-related events, additional to the ones received by an XWindowListener |
CXPropertiesChangeListener | Receives events which get fired whenever a bound property is changed |
CXPropertyChangeListener | Used to receive PropertyChangeEvents whenever a bound property is changed |
CXPropertySetInfoChangeListener | Listener for events related to XPropertySetInfos |
CXPropertyStateChangeListener | Receives events which get fired whenever the state of a bound property is changed |
CXVetoableChangeListener | Used to receive PropertyChangeEvents whenever a "constrained" property is changed |
CXChartDataChangeEventListener | Makes it possible to receive events when chart data changes |
CXBackendChangesListener | Receives notification from backend broadcaster objects |
CXContainerListener | Receives events when the content of the related container changes |
CXClipboardListener | Interface to be implemented to receive notifications on clipboard content changes |
CXDragGestureListener | This interface will be used by a XDragGestureRecognizer when it detects a drag initiating gesture |
CXDragSourceListener | This interface must be implemented by any drag gesture recognizer implementation that a drag source supports |
CXDropTargetListener | This interface is the callback interface used by the drop target object to provide notification of Drag and Drop operations that involve the subject drop target |
▶CXDocumentEventListener | Allows to be notified of events happening in an OfficeDocument |
CXGlobalEventBroadcaster | Provides the unified interface of theGlobalEventBroadcaster singleton |
CXEventListener | Makes it possible to register listeners, which are called whenever a document or document content event occurs |
CXStorageChangeListener | Allows to be notified when a document is switched to a new storage |
CXUndoManagerListener | Implemented by components which want to be notified of changes in the Undo/Redo stacks of an Undo manager |
CXConfigurationChangeListener | A listener for configuration changes is called when it has been registered at the configuration controller and a configuration change occurs |
CXStateChangeListener | Makes it possible to receive events when an embedded object changes it's state |
CXTransactionListener | Makes it possible to receive events when a transacted object is committed or reverted |
CXListEntryListener | Listener for changes in a string entry list |
CXFilterControllerListener | Implemented by components listening for events fired by an XFilterController |
CXSubmissionVetoListener | Implement by components which want to observe (and probably veto) the submission of data |
CXFormComponentValidityListener | Listener interface to be notified of changes of a XValidatableFormComponent |
▶CXValidityConstraintListener | Interface for listening for changes in the validity constraints represented by an XValidator |
CValidatableControlModel | Model of a form control which supports live validation of its input |
CXApproveActionListener | Can be implemented to listen and probably veto actions to be performed on components |
CXChangeListener | Listener interface for receiving notifications about data changes |
CXConfirmDeleteListener | Allows to register a component for confirming deletions of rows in a com::sun::star::form::component::DataForm |
CXDatabaseParameterListener | Allows to intercept value request for parametrized SQL statements |
CXDeleteListener | This is the listener interface for receiving "approveDelete" and "deleted" events posted by a database form |
CXErrorListener | Used to be notified when errors in a database form happen |
CXFormControllerListener | Allows to be notified when the activation status of a FormController changes |
CXGridControlListener | Listener which is to be notified about state changes in a grid control |
CXInsertListener | Allows to receive notifications about insertions into a database form |
▶CXLoadListener | Receives load-related events from a loadable object |
CDataAwareControlModel | Abstract service for specialized FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source |
CXPositioningListener | Allows to receive notifications about cursor movements into a database form |
CXResetListener | Interface for receiving notifications about reset events |
CXRestoreListener | Receives notifications about data being restored |
CXSubmitListener | Receives notifications about data being submitted |
CXUpdateListener | Used to listen on objects which allow updating their data |
CXBorderResizeListener | Allows to listen to border resize events of a controller |
CXDispatchResultListener | Listener for results of XNotifyingDispatch::dispatchWithNotification() |
▶CXFrameActionListener | Has to be provided if an object wants to receive events when several things happen to components within frames of the desktop frame tree |
CXLayoutManager2 | Unified interface for LayoutManager service |
CXLayoutManagerListener | Makes it possible to receive events from a layout manager |
CXLoadEventListener | Used to receive callbacks from an asynchronous frame loader |
▶CXSessionManagerListener | |
▶CXSessionManagerListener2 | |
CSessionListener | This was created from its sole place of use, so it might be incomplete |
▶CXStatusListener | Makes it possible to receive events when the state of a feature changes |
CPopupMenuController | Access to a pop-up menu controller |
CToolbarController | Abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar |
CXStatusbarController | Interface to be implemented by a component offering a more complex user interface to users within a status bar |
▶CXTerminateListener | Has to be provided if an object wants to receive an event when the master environment (e.g., desktop) is terminated |
CXTerminateListener2 | Extend interface XTerminateListener so a listener will be informed in case termination process was canceled by other reasons |
CXTitleChangeListener | Allows to receive notifications when the frame title changes |
CXDataTransferEventListener | Used to receive callbacks from an importer or exporter |
CXStreamListener | Makes it possible to receive events from an active data control |
CXDictionaryEventListener | This interfaces allows the object to act according to dictionary events |
CXDictionaryListEventListener | This interfaces allows the object to act according to dictionary-list events |
CXLinguServiceEventListener | Used to inform listeners about LinguServiceEvents |
CXConnectionListener | The listener interface for connection events |
CXPlayerListener | Interface to be implemented by a Player listener |
CXShapeEventListener | Listener interface to receive shape-specific events |
CXVBAScriptListener | |
CXAllListener | Listener combining all methods of a listener interface in a single generic call |
CXEngineListener | Makes it possible to receive events from a scripting engine |
CXScriptListener | Makes it possible to receive ScriptEvents |
CXCopyTableListener | Interface required to listen for progress in copying table rows via a CopyTableWizard |
CXDatabaseAccessListener | Not to be used anymore |
CXDatabaseRegistrationsListener | Implemented by components which want to be notified of changes in the application-wide registered databases |
CXRowsChangeListener | Used for receiving "rowsChanged" events posted by, for example, a row set |
CXRowSetApproveListener | Used for approving the moving and changing of row set actions |
CXRowSetChangeListener | Implemented by components which want to be notified when the RowSet supplied by a XRowSetSupplier changes |
CXSQLErrorListener | Listener interface for receiving "errorOccured" events posted by any database object |
CXRowSetListener | Used for receiving "cursorMoved", "rowChanged", and "rowSetChanged" events posted by, for example, a row set |
CXActivationEventListener | Makes it possible to receive events when the active spreadsheet changes |
CXRangeSelectionChangeListener | Allows notification when the selected range is changed |
CXRangeSelectionListener | Allows notification when range selection is completed or aborted |
CXResultListener | Allows notification when a new volatile function result is available |
CXJobListener | Listener on finish states of asynchronous job execution |
CXCommandInfoChangeListener | Listener for events related to changing XCommandInfos |
CXContentEventListener | Listener for events related to XContents |
CXDynamicResultSetListener | Used to receive notifications from an XDynamicResultSet |
CXRemoteContentProviderChangeListener | A listener interested in changes to a com::sun::star::ucb::XRemoteContentProviderSupplier |
CXDialogClosedListener | Used to notify listeners about dialog-closed events |
CXFilePickerListener | Interface to be implemented by a FilePicker listener |
CXContextChangeEventListener | |
▶CXUIConfigurationListener | Supplies information about changes of a user interface configuration manager |
CXLayoutManager2 | Unified interface for LayoutManager service |
CXUIFunctionListener | Special interface to receive notification that a user interface element will execute a function |
CXChangesListener | Receives events from batch change broadcaster objects |
CXCloseListener | Makes it possible to receive events when an object is called for closing |
CXFlushListener | Makes it possible to receive flushed events |
CXModeChangeApproveListener | Allows to veto changes in an object's internal mode |
CXModeChangeListener | Allows to listen for changes in an object's internal mode |
CXModifyListener | Makes it possible to receive events when a model object changes |
CXRefreshListener | Makes it possible to receive refreshed events |
CXPrintableListener | Receives events about print job progress |
CXPrintJobListener | Receives events about print job progress |
▶CXSelectionChangeListener | Makes it possible to receive an event when the current selection changes |
CRangeHighlightListener | A selection change listener that is attached to a XRangeHighlighter in order to get notified about selection changes that affect range highlighting |
CXSelectionFunction | |
▶CXInitialization | Initializes an object directly after its creation |
CBridge | This meta service allows the bridgefactory service to instantiate an interprocess bridge using a certain transfer protocol |
CIiopBridge | Concrete service of the meta service Bridge for iiop |
CUrpBridge | Concrete service of the meta service Bridge for the urp protocol |
CChartDocument | |
CXDatabaseDataProvider | Identifies a XDataProvider for result sets |
CBackendAdapter | Implements Backend retrieving data from a SingleBackend |
CCopyImporter | Imports data into a configuration layer by copying over existing data |
CImporter | Imports data into a configuration layer |
CInteractionHandler | An interaction request handler that lets the user handle a number of well known requests via GUI dialogs |
CLayerFilter | Filtered version of a configuration data Layer |
CLayerUpdateMerger | Applies updates to a configuration layer |
CMultiStratumBackend | Implements Backend provides access to a configuration database composed of one or more storage backends containing settings used by software modules |
CSystemIntegration | Access to a configuration data composed of one or more platform backends containing settings used by software modules |
CLayerParser | Configuration data layer that is stored in a stream in OOR Update XML format |
CLayerWriter | Can be used to parse a stream of configuration layer XML |
CSchemaParser | Configuration schema that is stored in a stream in OOR Schema XML format |
CGenericClipboard | A generic clipboard service is a simple container for transferable objects |
COleDragSource | This service connects the Java-like UNO drag and drop protocol to the protocol used on window platforms |
COleDropTarget | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag & Drop protocol to the protocol used on window platforms |
CX11DragSource | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag and Drop protocol to the X Drag and Drop protocol used on X-Servers to transfer data between applications via Drag and Drop operations |
CX11DropTarget | This service connects the Java-like UNO Drag and Drop protocol to the X Drag and Drop protocol used on X-Servers to transfer data between application via Drag and Drop operations |
CExportFilter | Filter for exports |
CImportFilter | Filter for imports |
CCustomShapeEngine | This service is for a CustomShape |
CFrameLoader | Derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment |
CPopupMenuController | Access to a pop-up menu controller |
CProtocolHandler | Special dispatch provider registered for URL protocols |
CSynchronousFrameLoader | Derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment |
CToolbarController | Abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar |
CXStatusbarController | Interface to be implemented by a component offering a more complex user interface to users within a status bar |
CGalleryThemeProvider | Access to a container of GalleryThemes and makes it possible for you to manipulate them |
CRegistryServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services reading from a persistent registry storage |
CHyphenator | Offers hyphenation functionality |
CSpellChecker | Offers spell checking functionality |
CThesaurus | Offers thesaurus functionality |
CPackage | The Package is a service that provides access to a set of files and folders contained within a Package |
CNestedRegistry | Supports a shared view on two different registries |
CDatasourceAdministrationDialog | User interface for administrating the system wide registered data sources |
CDataSourceBrowser | Implements a component which allows browsing the data sources registered on the system |
CQueryDesign | Implements a component which allows the creation of SQL statements |
CRelationDesign | Implements a component which allows the creation of relation |
CTableDesign | Implements a component which allows the creation of tables |
▶CXConnectionSupplier | Allows to access the active connection |
CXIndexAlteration | Allows to alter the indexes of a table |
CXKeyAlteration | Allows to alter the keys of a table |
CXTableAlteration | Allows to alter a table |
CXTableRename | Allows to rename table |
CXViewAccess | Allows to fetch and to change the sql statements of views |
CXRangeBasedSmartTagRecognizer | Access to a range based smart tag recognizer |
▶CXSmartTagAction | Access to smart tag actions |
CSmartTagAction | One or more actions for smart tags |
▶CXSmartTagRecognizer | Access to a smart tag recognizer |
CSmartTagRecognizer | Recognizes smart tags |
CCellRangeListSource | Defines the a source of list entries coming from a cell range in a table document |
CCellValueBinding | Defines the binding to a single cell in a table document |
CUIElement | User interface element |
CXImageManager | Access functions to an images manager interface to add, replace and remove images associations to command URLs |
CBootstrapMacroExpander | Macro expander expanding using rtl bootstrap notation |
CXMLSignature | Service of XMLSignature |
CSaxDocumentHandler | This service helps parsing files by providing a SAX document handler interface for a SAX parsers |
CXMLDocumentWrapper | Service of XMLDocumentWrapper |
CXMLElementWrapper | Service of XMLElementWrapper |
CXXSLTTransformer | An interface for XSLT transformers |
▶CXLocalizable | Makes it possible to set a Locale to be used by the object |
CAccessRootElement | Information about the root element of a hierarchy and about the hierarchy as a whole |
CDefaultProvider | ConfigurationProvider, that is the default ConfigurationProvider for its com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext |
CTemplateAccess | High level API to organize document templates |
CDatabaseAccessContext | Context for data access beans |
▶CXAddIn | Gives access to function descriptions and user-visible names |
CAddIn | Base for AddIn services that supply functions which can be called by other components |
CXMain | Executing interface for executable components run by the uno executable loader |
▶CXMultiComponentFactory | Factory interface for creating component instances giving a context from which to retrieve deployment values |
CXUIControllerFactory | Factory to create User Interface controllers |
▶CMultiServiceFactory | Provides a collection of implementations of services |
CChartTypeManager | A factory for creating ChartTypeTemplates |
CServiceManager | Provides a collection of implementations for services |
CCanvasFactory | The CanvasFactory is used to create the Canvas objects, evaluating the user's configuration preferences from |
▶CXMultiServiceFactory | Allows creating instances specified by a string name |
CUnoControlDialogModel | Standard model of a UnoControlDialog |
CFactory | Makes it possible to create COM objects as UNO objects |
COleObjectFactory | Makes it possible to create COM objects as UNO objects |
CAdministrationProvider | Manages one, or more, complete sets of configuration data for administrative purposes and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to subsets of these shared configurations |
CConfigurationProvider | Manages one, or more, complete sets of configuration data and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to a subset of the configuration |
CSimpleSetUpdate | Write access to a dynamic, homogeneous, non-hierarchical set of values or objects |
CtheDefaultProvider | The default ConfigurationProvider |
CExtendedTypeDetectionFactory | Factory to create extended type detection components |
CFilterFactory | Factory to create filter components |
CDrawingDocumentFactory | |
CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
CXLoaderFactory | Unified service interface for FrameLoaderFactory and ContentHandlerFactory |
CMultiServiceFactory | Provides a collection of implementations of services |
CConnection | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database |
CDocumentContainer | Describes a container which provides access to documents embedded into a database document, usually forms and reports |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CHierarchyDataSource | Manages one or more complete sets of hierarchy data and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to a subset of the data |
CActionTriggerContainer | Describes a container of user actions |
▶CXServiceDisplayName | Name for the service to be used in displays |
CHyphenator | Offers hyphenation functionality |
CSpellChecker | Offers spell checking functionality |
CThesaurus | Offers thesaurus functionality |
▶CXServiceInfo | Provides information regarding the implementation: which services are implemented and the name of the implementation |
CXSelectionFunction | |
▶CXServiceName | Identifies the object with a service name which can be used to create such an object by a factory |
CAddIn | Base for AddIn services that supply functions which can be called by other components |
▶CXSingleComponentFactory | Factory interface to create instances of an implementation of a service specification |
CtheWindowContentFactoryManager | This interface could be incomplete since I derived it from its sole place of use |
CUIElementSettings | Describes the internal structure of a configurable user interface element |
CWindowContentFactory | Factory which creates a window that is a container for user interface elements |
CWindowContentFactoryManager | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theWindowContentFactoryManager singleton |
▶CXSingleServiceFactory | Factory interface to produce instances of an implementation of a service specification |
CSimpleSetUpdate | Write access to a dynamic, homogeneous, non-hierarchical set of values or objects |
CFileSystemStorageFactory | The FileSystemStorageFactory is a service that allows to create a FileSystemStorage based on URL |
CStorageFactory | The StorageFactory is a service that allows to create a storage based on either stream or URL |
CTaskCreator | |
CPackage | The Package is a service that provides access to a set of files and folders contained within a Package |
CCustomPresentationAccess | This is a container for custom presentations |
CInvocation | Factory service that allows construction of Invocation objects |
CDefinitionContainer | Describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports |
CXDatabaseContext | Provides an interface for the new-style DatabaseContext service to implement |
CHierarchyDataReadWriteAccess | Read and write access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
CXTypeProvider | Interface to get information about the types (usually interface types) supported by an object |
▶CXUnoTunnel | An interface to tunnel UNO |
CXMLElementWrapper | Service of XMLElementWrapper |
▶CXAvailableLocales | Retrieves the list of available languages |
CXLinguServiceManager2 | Provides a unified interface for the LinguServiceManager service to implement |
▶CXConversionDictionary | Allows the user to access a conversion dictionary |
▶CConversionDictionary | Dictionary used in a conversion dictionary list |
CHangulHanjaConversionDictionary | Dictionary for Hangul/Hanja text conversion |
▶CXConversionDictionaryList | Used to manage and maintain a list of conversion dictionaries |
CConversionDictionaryList | List of available conversion dictionaries |
▶CXConversionPropertyType | Allows set and retrieve the property type of an entry in a conversion dictionary |
CConversionDictionary | Dictionary used in a conversion dictionary list |
CXDictionaryEntry | This interfaces gives access to a dictionary entry |
▶CXDictionaryList | Used to manage and maintain a list of dictionaries |
▶CXSearchableDictionaryList | Allows searching for an entry in all dictionaries of the dictionary-list |
CDictionaryList | List of personal dictionaries |
CXHyphenatedWord | Gives information obtained by a successful hyphenation attempt |
▶CXLinguServiceEventBroadcaster | Used to register a listener for LinguServiceEvents |
CHyphenator | Offers hyphenation functionality |
CSpellChecker | Offers spell checking functionality |
▶CXLinguServiceManager | Basic interface to be used to access linguistic functionality |
CXLinguServiceManager2 | Provides a unified interface for the LinguServiceManager service to implement |
CXMeaning | One of the possible meanings for a word |
CXPossibleHyphens | Gives information about a word's possible hyphenation points |
▶CXProofreadingIterator | API for the proofreading iterator that mediates between the document and the proofreader |
CProofreadingIterator | Proofreading iterator |
CXSetSpellAlternatives | Allows to modify the suggestion list returned by a spell checker |
CXSpellAlternatives | Gives access to the results of failed spell checking attempts and may provide spelling alternatives |
▶CXSupportedLanguages | |
CXSpellChecker1 | |
▶CXSupportedLocales | Offers information about which languages are supported by the object |
▶CXHyphenator | Functionality for hyphenation of single words |
CHyphenator | Offers hyphenation functionality |
▶CXProofreader | API for proofreading a text |
CProofreader | Proofreader (often known as grammar checker) for text |
▶CXSpellChecker | This interface allows for spell checking |
CSpellChecker | Offers spell checking functionality |
▶CXThesaurus | Allows for the retrieval of possible meanings for a given word and language |
CThesaurus | Offers thesaurus functionality |
▶CXImplementationLoader | Handles activation (loading) of a UNO component |
CDynamic | Makes it possible to access services accessible via a UnoUrlResolver E.g., instantiation of services in another process |
CJava | Allows to access a java component stored with a .jar file |
CJava2 | Same as com::sun::star::loader::Java |
CSharedLibrary | Allows to access a native component stored in a shared library |
CXAuthenticator | Represents an interface that will be used to query for user information which are necessary to login to a network resource |
▶CXMailMessage | Represents a mail message |
CMailMessage | |
▶CXMailService | Represents a mail server abstraction |
CXSmtpService | Represents a SMTP service abstraction |
▶CXMailServiceProvider | A factory for creating different mail services |
CMailServiceProvider | |
CXPlayerNotifier | Interface to be implemented in order to support listener management |
CXCloseSessionListener | Listener for closing of the corresponding session |
CXCodeProxy | Interface to run Mozilla XPCOM code to run Mozilla XPCOM code in OOo,you should first implement this interface, then pass this object to xProxyRunner->Run |
▶CXMenuProxyListener | Listens for changes in menu items |
CMenuProxyListener | Listens for changes in menu items |
▶CXProfileDiscover | Interface used to list and get information for Mozilla/Thunderbird profiles |
▶CXMozillaBootstrap | |
CMozillaBootstrap | Allow to discover Mozilla/Thunderbird profiles Allow init Mozilla XPCOM using selected profile and switch profiles |
▶CXProfileManager | Interface to boot up and switch Mozilla/Thunderbird profiles |
CXMozillaBootstrap | |
▶CXProxyRunner | Interface run Mozilla XPCOM code in a managed environment |
CXMozillaBootstrap | |
▶CXManifestReader | This interface reads the manifest data from a file |
CManifestReader | |
▶CXManifestWriter | This interface writes the manifest data to a file |
CManifestWriter | |
CXDataSinkEncrSupport | Allows to get access to the stream of a PackageStream |
▶CXPackageEncryption | Allows to transparently plug-in crypto for PackageStreams |
CPackageEncryption | |
▶CXZipFileAccess | Allows to get reading access to non-encrypted entries inside zip file |
CXZipFileAccess2 | Merged interface for ZipFileAccess service |
▶CXCustomPresentationSupplier | Must be supported to provide access to customized presentations of a presentation document |
CPresentationDocument | This is the service provided by a presentation document |
CXHandoutMasterSupplier | Returns the handout master page for this document |
▶CXPresentation | With this interface you can control any object that implements a Presentation |
CPresentation | This service is a presentation that is available from a PresentationDocument via the XPresentationSupplier interface |
CXPresentation2 | Enhances the XPresentation interface to give access to a XSlideShowController and to start a presentation with arguments |
▶CXPresentationSupplier | Controls a presentation directly |
CPresentationDocument | This is the service provided by a presentation document |
▶CXSlideShow | Slide show interface to perform slide show presentations |
CSlideShow | |
CXSlideShowView | View interface to display slide show presentations on |
CXTransition | Transition interface to render custom transitions over time |
▶CXTransitionFactory | TransitionFactory interface to request optional custom Transition instances for slide show transitions |
CTransitionFactory | |
CXDumper | Dumps the content into a string |
CXIdlArray | Reflects an IDL sequence and provides dynamic access to instances of that sequence |
CXIdlClass | Provides information reflecting a UNO type |
CXIdlClassProvider | Deprecated interface |
▶CXIdlMember | Base interface for XIdlField2s and XIdlMethods |
CXIdlField | Deprecated |
CXIdlField2 | Reflects an IDL interface attribute, enum or compound type (i.e |
CXIdlMethod | Reflects an IDL interface method |
▶CXIdlReflection | Interface to reflect types |
CCoreReflection | This service is the implementation of the reflection API |
CtheCoreReflection | |
▶CXMethodParameter | Reflects a method parameter |
CXParameter | Reflects a parameter of an interface method or a service constructor |
▶CXProxyFactory | Factory interface to produce proxy objects |
CProxyFactory | Service to create proxy objects acting on behalf of a given target object |
▶CXTypeDescription | Reflects a UNOIDL entity |
CXArrayTypeDescription | Deprecated, UNOIDL does not have an array concept |
▶CXCompoundTypeDescription | Reflects a compound type, i.e |
CXStructTypeDescription | Reflects a struct type, supporting polymorphic struct types |
CXConstantsTypeDescription | Reflects a constants group |
CXConstantTypeDescription | Reflects a constant |
CXEnumTypeDescription | Reflects an enum type |
CXIndirectTypeDescription | Reflects a typedef or sequence type |
▶CXInterfaceMemberTypeDescription | Base interface for reflected interface members |
▶CXInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription | Reflects an interface attribute type |
CXInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2 | Reflects an interface attribute, supporting extended attributes that are bound or raise exceptions |
CXInterfaceMethodTypeDescription | Reflects an interface method type |
▶CXInterfaceTypeDescription | Reflects an interface type |
CXInterfaceTypeDescription2 | Reflects an interface type, supporting multiple inheritance |
CXModuleTypeDescription | Reflects a module |
CXPropertyTypeDescription | Reflects a property |
▶CXServiceTypeDescription | Reflects a service |
CXServiceTypeDescription2 | Reflects a service, supporting single-interface–based services |
▶CXSingletonTypeDescription | Reflects a singleton |
CXSingletonTypeDescription2 | Reflects a singleton, supporting interface-based singletons |
CXUnionTypeDescription | Deprecated, UNOIDL does not have a union concept |
▶CXTypeDescriptionEnumerationAccess | Defines an interface for creating enumerations for type descriptions |
CTypeDescriptionManager | This service manages type descriptions and acts as a central access point to every type description |
CTypeDescriptionProvider | This service provides type descriptions, i.e |
▶CXImplementationRegistration | Offers a registry for implementation objects and provides information about the registered implementations |
CImplementationRegistration | Implementation of the interface XImplementationRegistration |
CXImplementationRegistration2 | Extends the functionality of com::sun::star::registry::XImplementationRegistration |
CXRegistryKey | Makes structural information (except regarding tree structures) of a single registry key accessible |
▶CXSimpleRegistry | Allows access to a registry (a persistent data source) |
CConfigurationRegistry | |
CDefaultRegistry | Implicitly supports a local registry and a read-only system registry for global information |
CNestedRegistry | Supports a shared view on two different registries |
CSimpleRegistry | Makes it possible to create, open, or close a registry |
CXAnimation | This interface defines an animation sequence |
▶CXBitmap | This is a generic interface to a bitmap |
CBitmapCanvas | This service provides the interfaces for a XBitmapCanvas |
▶CXHalfFloatReadOnlyBitmap | Specialized interface for bitmaps containing half floats as their color components |
CXHalfFloatBitmap | Specialized interface for bitmaps containing half floats as their color components |
▶CXIeeeDoubleReadOnlyBitmap | This is a specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE doubles for their color components |
CXIeeeDoubleBitmap | This is a specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE doubles for their color components |
▶CXIeeeFloatReadOnlyBitmap | Specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE floats as their color components |
CXIeeeFloatBitmap | Specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE floats as their color components |
▶CXIntegerReadOnlyBitmap | This is a specialized interface for bitmaps having integer color channels |
CXIntegerBitmap | This is a specialized interface for bitmaps having integer color channels |
CXVolatileBitmap | This is a specialized interface to a volatile bitmap (which can become invalid at any point in time) |
CXBitmapPalette | Interface to access the palette of a color-indexed bitmap |
CXBufferController | Interface providing access to double/multi-buffer facilities of screen devices |
CXCachedPrimitive | Interface for cached repaint of already drawn XCanvas primitives |
▶CXCanvas | Central interface for rendering |
CCanvas | Service providing an XCanvas interface |
▶CXBitmapCanvas | This is a specialization of the canvas interface for bitmapped canvases |
CBitmapCanvas | This service provides the interfaces for a XBitmapCanvas |
CXSpriteCanvas | Specialization of a XCanvas, where moving, animated objects (called sprites) are supported |
CXCanvasFont | This interface provides access to a specific, XCanvas-dependent font incarnation |
CXGraphicDevice | This interface provides access to a graphic device, such as a printer, or a screen device |
▶CXMtfRenderer | |
CMtfRenderer | |
CXParametricPolyPolygon2D | Interface to a dynamic poly-polygon generator, that generates poly-polygons depending on a given parameter value |
▶CXPolyPolygon2D | Generic interface for poly-polygons in 2D |
CXBezierPolyPolygon2D | This is a specialized interface for a 2D poly-polygon containing straight line and Bezier segments |
CXLinePolyPolygon2D | Specialized interface for a 2D poly-polygon containing only straight line segments |
CXSimpleCanvas | Provides the basic graphical output operations for a canvas |
▶CXSprite | Interface to control a sprite object |
CXAnimatedSprite | This interface can be used to control an animated sprite object |
CXCustomSprite | Interface to control a custom sprite object on a XSpriteCanvas |
CXTextLayout | This is the central interface for text layouting |
CXStringResourceSupplier | Provides access to a string resource represented by a com::sun::star::resource::XStringResourceResolver |
▶CXScannerManager | |
▶CXScannerManager2 | Extension of XScannerManager |
CScannerManager | ScannerManager provides a simple method to access scanner devices (or other image producing devices) |
▶CXBrowseNode | This interface represents a node in the hierarchy used to browse available scripts |
▶CBrowseNode | This service provides access to the Macros and Macro containers via the XBrowseNode interface |
▶CScriptProvider | This service providers a means to browse and execute scripts |
▶CLanguageScriptProvider | This service provides a means of browsing and invoking scripts in a single language |
CScriptProviderForBasic | This service is a Basic-specific LanguageScriptProvider |
CScriptProviderForBeanShell | This service is a BeanShell-specific LanguageScriptProvider |
CScriptProviderForJava | This service is a Java-specific LanguageScriptProvider |
CScriptProviderForJavaScript | This service is a Java-specific LanguageScriptProvider |
CMasterScriptProvider | This service acts as a wrapper around the various language specific ScriptProviders |
▶CXBrowseNodeFactory | This interface provides a factory for obtaining objects implementing the XBrowseNode interface |
CBrowseNodeFactory | This service is used to create Root XBrowseNodes |
CtheBrowseNodeFactory | The one and only BrowseNodeFactory |
CXScript | This interface represents an invocable script or UNO function |
CXScriptContext | This interface is provided to scripts, and provides a means of access to the various interfaces which they might need to perform some action on a document |
▶CXScriptProvider | This interface provides a factory for obtaining objects implementing the XScript interface |
CScriptProvider | This service providers a means to browse and execute scripts |
▶CXScriptProviderFactory | This interface provides a factory for obtaining objects implementing the XScriptProvider interface |
CMasterScriptProviderFactory | This service is used to create MasterScriptProviders |
CtheMasterScriptProviderFactory | The one and only MasterScriptProviderFactory |
▶CXScriptProviderSupplier | This interface allows to get the scripting provider related to the object |
COfficeDatabaseDocument | Office database document which is a storable document |
▶CXScriptURIHelper | This interface is used to help transform Scripting Framework storage locations to Scripting Framework script URIs and vice versa |
CScriptURIHelper | This service is used to help transform Scripting Framework storage locations to Scripting Framework script URIs and vice versa |
▶CXAllListenerAdapterService | Allows the generation of adapters from specific interfaces to the XAllListener interface |
CAllListenerAdapter | Makes it possible to generate the adapters from specific interfaces to the interface XAllListener |
CXDebugging | Makes it possible to set breakpoints in an interpreter |
CXDefaultMethod | An object supporting this interface indicates to interested parties or clients the name of the default method for this object |
CXDefaultProperty | An object supporting this interface indicates to interested parties or clients the name of the default property for this object |
CXDirectInvocation | Access to an object's methods and properties |
▶CXEngine | Makes it possible to control a scripting engine |
▶CEngine | Service that any scripting engine must implement |
CJavaScript | Service is implementation of a JavaScript interpreter |
CXErrorQuery | |
▶CXEventAttacher | Makes it possible to attach script events given by a sequence of ScriptEventDescriptor structures to a given interface |
CXEventAttacher2 | |
▶CXEventAttacherManager | Registers listeners for specified events |
CFormComponents | Capabilities of a collection of FormComponents |
CXForms | |
▶CXInvocation | Gives access to an object's methods and properties |
CBrowseNode | This service provides access to the Macros and Macro containers via the XBrowseNode interface |
CXAutomationInvocation | |
CXInvocation2 | Extension of XInvocation to provide additional information about the methods and properties that are accessible via XInvocation |
CXInvocationAdapterFactory | Interface to create adapter objects giving a type to be supported and a an invocation interface incoming calls are delegated to |
▶CXInvocationAdapterFactory2 | Interface to create adapter objects giving types to be supported and a an invocation interface incoming calls are delegated to |
CInvocationAdapterFactory | Provides functionality to create an adapter that supports (a) special interface type(s) and maps calls to the interface's methods to an invocation interface |
CXLibraryAccess | Access to additional scripting code |
CXLibraryContainerExport | Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide functionality to store a library to a location represented by a URL |
CXLibraryContainerPassword | Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide password functionality |
CXLibraryQueryExecutable | |
CXScriptEventsAttacher | This interface can be used to attach script events to a number of objects that give access to the definition of events that should be attached to them, e.g., by supporting XEventsSupplier |
CXScriptEventsSupplier | Gives access to an event container represented by an XNameContainer containing ScriptEventDescriptor instances |
CXStarBasicAccess | Interface representing a library and provides access to its modules |
CXStarBasicDialogInfo | Interface describing old style basic dialog (SI controls) in binary data |
CXStarBasicLibraryInfo | Interface representing a library and provides access to its modules |
CXStarBasicModuleInfo | Script Module containing some scripting code in a certain scripting language |
▶CXTypeConverter | Interface to provide standard type conversions |
CConverter | This service provides a widening converter converting from one type to another, if possible |
CXAlterQuery | Used to alter the command of a query |
▶CXBookmarksSupplier | Access to the collection of all bookmarks associated with a data source |
CDataSource | Factory to establish database connections |
▶CXColumn | Used to access data which is collected in a row |
CDataColumn | Defines a column used for a result set which contains the data definition and the data of the column of the current row of a result set |
▶CXColumnUpdate | Used to update data which is collected in a row |
CDataColumn | Defines a column used for a result set which contains the data definition and the data of the column of the current row of a result set |
▶CXCommandPreparation | Used for preparation of commands |
CConnection | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database |
▶CXCompletedConnection | Used for establishing connections via a factory which is identified by its name |
CDatabaseAccess | Component, which controls DatabaseAccessConnections and acts like a shared DataSource |
CDatabaseAccessDataSource | Factory to create data access beans |
CDataSource | Factory to establish database connections |
▶CXCompletedExecution | Used for execution where information for execution may be required from the user |
CDataForm | This service specifies a form which is connected to a database and displays the results of SQL queries |
CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
▶CXFormDocumentsSupplier | Access to a container of database forms |
CXOfficeDatabaseDocument | Simplifies the accessing of data sources, and it's corresponding database document and forms, and reports |
▶CXParametersSupplier | Access to a container of parameters, typically used for a prepared statement |
CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
▶CSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer | Service for analyzing a single select statement |
CSingleSelectQueryComposer | Service for composing a single select statement |
▶CXQueriesSupplier | Access to a container of database queries |
CConnection | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database |
CDatabaseAccessConnection | Component, which supplies and stores additional information related to a certain database connection, such as, DatabaseQueries, FormDocuments, and ReportDocuments |
▶CXQueryDefinitionsSupplier | Access to a container of database command definitions |
CDataSource | Factory to establish database connections |
▶CXReportDocumentsSupplier | Access to a container of database reports |
CXOfficeDatabaseDocument | Simplifies the accessing of data sources, and it's corresponding database document and forms, and reports |
▶CXResultSetAccess | Interface to create a com::sun::star::sdbc::ResultSet based on the object providing the interface |
CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
▶CXRowSetApproveBroadcaster | Possibility of reviving an event before changing the content of a row set |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
CXRowSetSupplier | Uses a row set as datasource |
▶CXSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer | Simplifies the analyzing of single select statements |
CSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer | Service for analyzing a single select statement |
▶CXSingleSelectQueryComposer | Simplifies the composing of single select statements |
CSingleSelectQueryComposer | Service for composing a single select statement |
▶CXSQLErrorBroadcaster | Interface for notifying potential listeners of com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException s posted by any database object |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXSQLQueryComposer | Should be provided by a tool which simplifies the handling with SQL select statements |
CSQLQueryComposer | Tool for composing SQL select statements |
▶CXSQLQueryComposerFactory | Factory for instances of service com::sun::star::sdb::SQLQueryComposer |
CConnection | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database |
CDatabaseAccessConnection | Component, which supplies and stores additional information related to a certain database connection, such as, DatabaseQueries, FormDocuments, and ReportDocuments |
CXArray | Used for mapping the SQL type com::sun::star::sdbc::DataType::ARRAY |
▶CXBatchExecution | Used for collecting and executing a set of SQL statements |
CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
CXBlob | Representation (mapping) of an SQL BLOB |
CXClob | Mapping for the SQL CLOB type |
▶CXCloseable | For the releasing of resources acquired by the implementing object |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
▶CXConnection | Connection (session) with a specific database |
CConnection | Connection (session) with a specific database |
CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
▶CXColumnLocate | Possibility to find columns by their name |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
CRowSet | Client side ResultSet, which combines the characteristics of a com::sun::star::sdbc::Statement and a com::sun::star::sdbc::ResultSet |
▶CXDatabaseMetaData | Comprehensive information about the database as a whole |
CXDatabaseMetaData2 | Extends the XDatabaseMetaData interface to allow retrieval of additional information |
▶CXDataSource | Used for establishing connections via a factory which is identified by its name |
CDatabaseAccessDataSource | Factory to create data access beans |
CDataSource | Factory to establish database connections |
▶CXDatabaseAccess | Not to be used anymore |
CDatabaseAccess | Component, which controls DatabaseAccessConnections and acts like a shared DataSource |
▶CXDriver | Interface that every driver class must implement |
▶CDriver | Service that every driver class must implement |
CDriver | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbc::Driver by beans for data definition |
▶CXDriverAccess | Access of sdbc driver components |
▶CXConnectionPool | |
CConnectionPool | Basic service for pooling SDBC connections |
CXDriverManager2 | Basic interface for managing a set of SDBC drivers |
▶CXDriverManager | Basic interface for managing a set of SDBC drivers |
▶CXDatabaseEnvironment | Not to be used anymore |
CDatabaseEnvironment | |
CXConnectionPool | |
CXDriverManager2 | Basic interface for managing a set of SDBC drivers |
CXGeneratedResultSet | Result set which gives access to automatically generated values after a new row was inserted |
▶CXIsolatedConnection | Used for establishing isolated connections via a factory |
CDataSource | Factory to establish database connections |
▶CXMultipleResults | Used for inspecting multiple results produced by the execution of a SQL statement |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
▶CXOutParameters | Used to register Out-Parameters for stored procedures |
CCallableStatement | Used to execute SQL stored procedures |
▶CXParameters | Used for parameter setting, commonly implemented in conjunction with PreparedStatements |
CXDatabaseDataProvider | Identifies a XDataProvider for result sets |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CRowSet | Client side ResultSet, which combines the characteristics of a com::sun::star::sdbc::Statement and a com::sun::star::sdbc::ResultSet |
CXPooledConnection | Defines a pooled connection which can share an unused connection |
▶CXPreparedBatchExecution | Used for batch execution on PreparedStatements |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
▶CXPreparedStatement | Possibility of executing a precompiled SQL statement |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CXRef | Reference to a SQL structured type value in the database |
▶CXResultSet | Navigation on a table of data |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
▶CXRowSet | Enhances the functionality of a result set |
CXDatabaseDataProvider | Identifies a XDataProvider for result sets |
CRowSet | Client side ResultSet, which combines the characteristics of a com::sun::star::sdbc::Statement and a com::sun::star::sdbc::ResultSet |
CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
CXResultSetMetaData | Can be used to find out about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet |
▶CXResultSetMetaDataSupplier | Access to the meta data of a result set |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
▶CXResultSetUpdate | Possibility to write changes made on a result set back to database |
CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
▶CXRow | Used to access data which is collected in a row |
CCallableStatement | Used to execute SQL stored procedures |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
▶CXRowUpdate | Used to update data which is collected in a row |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
CXSQLData | Used for the custom mapping of SQL user-defined types |
CXSQLInput | Input stream that contains a stream of values representing an instance of a SQL structured or distinct type |
CXSQLOutput | Used as an output stream for writing the attributes of a user-defined type back to the database |
▶CXStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
CXStruct | Used for the standard mapping for a SQL structured type |
▶CXWarningsSupplier | Should be implemented of objects which may report warnings or non critical errors |
CConnection | Connection (session) with a specific database |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CResultSet | Access to a table of data |
CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
▶CXAlterTable | Used for creating and appending new objects to a specific container |
CTable | Used to specify a table in a database |
▶CXAppend | Used for creating and appending new objects to a specific container |
CContainer | Describes every container which is used for data definition |
▶CXAuthorizable | Used for accessing and setting the permissions of a user for a database object |
CGroup | Group of users, which has certain access rights for the objects of the database |
▶CXUser | Allows for changing a users password |
CUser | User of the database, who has certain access rights for the objects of the database |
▶CXColumnsSupplier | Access to a container of columns, typically used for tables and indexes |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CQuery | Stored definition of a SQL query |
CQueryDescriptor | Stored definition of a SQL "Select statement" |
CResultSet | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbcx::ResultSet by a more sophisticated access to the result sets data |
CSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer | Service for analyzing a single select statement |
CSQLQueryComposer | Tool for composing SQL select statements |
CIndex | Used to specify the index for a database table |
CIndexDescriptor | Used to define a new index for a database table |
CKey | Used to define a new key for a table |
CKeyDescriptor | is used to define a new key for a table |
CTable | Used to specify a table in a database |
CTableDescriptor | Used to define a table of a database |
▶CXCreateCatalog | May be implemented to hide the complexity of creating a database catalog |
CDriver | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbc::Driver by beans for data definition |
▶CXDataDefinitionSupplier | Access to data definition beans from a connected database |
CDriver | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbc::Driver by beans for data definition |
▶CXDataDescriptorFactory | Creation of a descriptor for a definition object |
CDatabaseDocument | Link to a document associated with a database document |
CQuery | Stored definition of a SQL query |
CQueryDescriptor | Stored definition of a SQL "Select statement" |
CColumn | Describes the common properties of a database column |
CContainer | Describes every container which is used for data definition |
CIndex | Used to specify the index for a database table |
CKey | Used to define a new key for a table |
CTable | Used to specify a table in a database |
▶CXDeleteRows | For the deletion of more than one row at a time |
CRowSet | Client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL |
CResultSet | Extends the SDBC ResultSet by the possibility of bookmark positioning, canceling the positioning, and updating of rows |
▶CXDrop | Methods to remove an element of its container and to drop it from the related database |
CContainer | Describes every container which is used for data definition |
▶CXDropCatalog | May be implemented to hide the complexity of dropping a database catalog |
CDriver | Extends the service com::sun::star::sdbc::Driver by beans for data definition |
▶CXGroupsSupplier | For access to a container of groups, typically used for a database definition object |
▶CDatabaseDefinition | Could be used as an extension for performing data definition tasks on databases, and to control the access rights on database objects |
CConnection | Extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database |
CDatabaseAccessConnection | Component, which supplies and stores additional information related to a certain database connection, such as, DatabaseQueries, FormDocuments, and ReportDocuments |
CUser | User of the database, who has certain access rights for the objects of the database |
▶CXIndexesSupplier | For access to a container of indexes, typically used for a table definition object |
CTable | Used to specify a table in a database |
▶CXKeysSupplier | For access to a container of keys, typically used for a table definition object |
CTable | Used to specify a table in a database |
CTableDescriptor | Used to define a table of a database |
▶CXRename | Supports the renaming of definition objects |
CCommandDefinition | |
CDatabaseDocument | Link to a document associated with a database document |
CQuery | Stored definition of a SQL query |
CTable | Used to specify a table in a database |
CView | Used to specify views on data |
▶CXRowLocate | Used to identify rows within a result set and to find rows by a bookmark |
CResultSet | Extends the SDBC ResultSet by the possibility of bookmark positioning, canceling the positioning, and updating of rows |
▶CXTablesSupplier | For access to a container of tables, typically used for a database definition object |
CSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer | Service for analyzing a single select statement |
CSQLQueryComposer | Tool for composing SQL select statements |
CDatabaseDefinition | Could be used as an extension for performing data definition tasks on databases, and to control the access rights on database objects |
▶CXUsersSupplier | Access to a container of users, typically used for a database definition object |
CDatabaseDefinition | Could be used as an extension for performing data definition tasks on databases, and to control the access rights on database objects |
CGroup | Group of users, which has certain access rights for the objects of the database |
▶CXViewsSupplier | For access to a container of views, typically used for a database definition object |
CDatabaseDefinition | Could be used as an extension for performing data definition tasks on databases, and to control the access rights on database objects |
CXAccessControlContext | An XAccessControlContext is used to make system resource access decisions based on the context it encapsulates |
▶CXAccessController | Interface for checking permissions and invoking privileged or restricted actions |
CAccessController | This meta service supports the XAccessController interface for checking security permissions |
CXAction | Interface for running an action |
CXCertificate | Interface of a PKI Certificate |
▶CXCertificateExtension | Interface of a PKI Certificate |
CXSanExtension | Interface of a X509 Subject Alternative Name Certificate Extension |
▶CXDocumentDigitalSignatures | Interface for signing and verifying digital signatures in office documents |
CDocumentDigitalSignatures | Service of DocumentDigitalSignatures |
▶CXPolicy | Interface for getting sets of permissions of a specified user or the default permissions if no user is given |
CPolicy | Service for getting sets of permissions reading from some persistent storage |
CXOpenCLSelection | |
▶CXActivationBroadcaster | Methods to add and remove XActivationEventListener |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXAreaLink | Methods to change the settings of a linked cell range |
CCellAreaLink | Linked cell range |
▶CXArrayFormulaRange | Handling of array formulas in a cell range |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCalculatable | Something that can recalculate |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXCellAddressable | Cell which can be addressed with a com::sun::star::table::CellAddress |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellFormatRangesSupplier | Access to a collection of equal-formatted cell ranges |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellRangeAddressable | Cell which can be addressed with a com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellRangeData | Allows to get and set an array of data from a cell range |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
▶CXCellRangeFormula | Allows to get and set cell contents (values, text or formulas) for a cell range |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellRangeMovement | Methods for moving ranges of cells in a sheet |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellRangeReferrer | Allows direct access to the cells in a named range or to the cells which are visible in a view, without the need to get the document object first |
CDatabaseRange | Database range in a spreadsheet document |
CNamedRange | Named range in a spreadsheet document |
▶CSpreadsheetViewPane | Single pane in a view of a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellRangesAccess | Access to the cells or to sub-ranges of all sheets |
CSpreadsheets | Collection of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellRangesQuery | Methods to query for cell ranges with specific contents |
▶CSheetRangesQuery | Interfaces to find cells with specific properties |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCellSeries | Methods to fill out a cell range automatically with values based on a start value, step count and fill mode |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXCompatibilityNames | Gives access to the sequence of compatibility names for an Addin function |
CAddIn | Base for AddIn services that supply functions which can be called by other components |
CXConditionalFormats | |
▶CXConditionEntry | Abstract base interface for any conditional format |
CColorScale | |
CConditionFormatEntry | |
CDataBar | |
CDateCondition | |
CIconSet | |
▶CXConsolidatable | Methods to consolidate ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXConsolidationDescriptor | Access to the settings of a consolidation descriptor |
CConsolidationDescriptor | All settings of a data consolidation in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXDatabaseRange | Access to the settings and options of a database range |
CDatabaseRange | Database range in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXDataPilotField | Methods to control a data pilot field which has already been created |
CDataPilotField | Single field in a data pilot table |
▶CXDataPilotFieldGrouping | Provides methods to create new DataPilot fields where some or all items of this DataPilot field are grouped in some way |
CDataPilotField | Single field in a data pilot table |
▶CXDataPilotMemberResults | Access to a sequence of results of a data pilot source level |
CDataPilotSourceLevel | Level in a data pilot source hierarchy |
▶CXDataPilotResults | Access to a table of results of a data pilot source |
CDataPilotSource | Data pilot source |
▶CXDataPilotTable | Methods to control a data pilot table which has already been created |
CDataPilotTable | Data pilot table on a spreadsheet |
CXDataPilotTable2 | Additional methods to extend com::sun::star::sheet::XDataPilotTable |
▶CXDataPilotTablesSupplier | Grants access to a collection of data pilot tables |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXDDELink | Methods to change the settings of a DDE link |
CDDELink | DDE link |
▶CXDDELinkResults | Access to the DDE link results |
CDDELink | DDE link |
▶CXDimensionsSupplier | Access to the collection of dimensions of a data pilot source |
CDataPilotSource | Data pilot source |
▶CXDocumentAuditing | Auditing functions of a document |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
CXDrillDownDataSupplier | Supplies a filtered subset of the original data source based on filtering criteria |
▶CXEnhancedMouseClickBroadcaster | Methods to add and remove EnhancedMouseClickHandler |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXExternalSheetName | Method to set an external name at the sheet |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CXFillAcrossSheet | |
▶CXFormulaQuery | Methods to query cells for dependencies in formulas |
CSheetRangesQuery | Interfaces to find cells with specific properties |
▶CXFunctionAccess | Allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions |
CFunctionAccess | Allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions |
▶CXGoalSeek | Seeking a goal value for a cell |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXHeaderFooterContent | Access to the text contents of a header or footer on a page |
CHeaderFooterContent | Contents of a header or footer line in a page style |
▶CXHierarchiesSupplier | Access to the collection of hierarchies of a data pilot source dimension |
CDataPilotSourceDimension | Dimension in a data pilot source |
▶CXLabelRange | Access to the settings of a label range in a spreadsheet document |
CLabelRange | Cell area that contains labels and values related to the labels |
▶CXLevelsSupplier | Access to the collection of levels of a data pilot source hierarchy |
CDataPilotSourceHierarchy | Hierarchy in a data pilot source dimension |
▶CXMembersSupplier | Access to the collection of members of a data pilot source level |
CDataPilotSourceLevel | Level in a data pilot source hierarchy |
▶CXMultipleOperation | Method to apply a Multiple Operations Table to the cell range |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXPrintAreas | Sheet which has print areas |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXRangeSelection | Allows to let the user to select a cell range |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXRecentFunctions | Access to a list of recently used functions |
CRecentFunctions | List of recently used spreadsheet functions |
▶CXScenario | Access to the settings of a scenario sheet |
CScenario | Scenario in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXScenarioEnhanced | Enhanced access to the settings of a scenario sheet |
CScenario | Scenario in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXScenariosSupplier | Access to a collection of scenarios |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CXSelectedSheetsSupplier | |
▶CXSheetAnnotation | Methods to query data of the annotation and to show and hide it |
CCellAnnotation | Cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell |
▶CXSheetAnnotationAnchor | Access to a cell annotation attached to a spreadsheet cell |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetAnnotationShapeSupplier | Methods to get the shape of o annotation |
CCellAnnotation | Cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell |
▶CXSheetAnnotationsSupplier | Access to a collection of cell annotations |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetAuditing | Methods to access auditing (detective) features in a spreadsheet |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetCondition | Methods to access the settings of a condition in a conditional format or data validation |
CTableConditionalEntry | Single condition in a conditional format |
CTableValidation | Data validation settings for a cell or cell range |
CXSheetCondition2 | Methods to access the settings of a condition in a conditional format or data validation |
▶CXSheetConditionalEntry | Methods to access the cell style name for a condition in a conditional format |
CTableConditionalEntry | Single condition in a conditional format |
▶CXSheetFilterable | Something that can be filtered using an XSheetFilterDescriptor |
▶CXSheetFilterableEx | Something from which criteria for filtering can be read |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetFilterDescriptor | Access to a collection of filter conditions (filter fields) |
CSheetFilterDescriptor | Description of how a cell range is to be filtered |
▶CXSheetFilterDescriptor2 | Access to a collection of filter conditions (filter fields) |
CSheetFilterDescriptor | Description of how a cell range is to be filtered |
CXSheetFilterDescriptor3 | Access to a collection of filter conditions (filter fields) |
▶CXSheetLinkable | Enables a sheet to refer to another sheet in a different document |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetOperation | Methods to execute operations on a cell range or ranges |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetOutline | Methods to access the outlines of a sheet |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetPageBreak | Access to page breaks in a sheet |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CXSheetPastable | Sheet into which contents of the clipboard can be pasted |
▶CXSolver | Allows to call a solver for a model that is defined by spreadsheet cells |
CSolver | A solver for a model that is defined by spreadsheet cells |
CXSolverDescription | Gives access to user-visible strings for a solver |
▶CXSpreadsheetDocument | Access to a collection of spreadsheets |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXSpreadsheetView | Main interface of a SpreadsheetView |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSubTotalCalculatable | Methods to handle a subtotal descriptor |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSubTotalDescriptor | Access to the collection of subtotal fields in a subtotal descriptor |
CSubTotalDescriptor | Description of how subtotals are created |
▶CXSubTotalField | Access to the settings of a field in a subtotal descriptor |
CSubTotalField | Single field in a subtotal descriptor |
▶CXUniqueCellFormatRangesSupplier | Access to a collection of collections of equal-formatted cell ranges |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CXUnnamedDatabaseRanges | Functions to manage the sheet local databases |
▶CXUsedAreaCursor | Methods to find the used area of the entire sheet |
CSheetCellCursor | Cursor in a spreadsheet |
▶CXViewFreezable | Enables a SpreadsheetView to freeze columns and rows of the view |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXViewPane | Pane in a view of a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetViewPane | Single pane in a view of a spreadsheet document |
CXViewPanesSupplier | Enables access to the panes in a view |
▶CXViewSplitable | Enables a SpreadsheetView to split the view |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
▶CXVolatileResult | Methods to handle a volatile function result |
CVolatileResult | Volatile function result |
CXAutoStylesSupplier | This interface provides access to the style families within the container document |
▶CXDefaultsSupplier | This interface provides access to an XPropertySet of defaults |
CPropertyPool | |
▶CXStyleFamiliesSupplier | This interface provides access to the style families within the container document |
CChartDocument | |
CGenericDrawingDocument | Document which consists of multiple pages with drawings |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXStyleLoader | Enables the object to import styles from documents |
CXStyleLoader2 | Extends XStyleLoader interface to import styles from an already opened component |
CXStyleSupplier | |
CXSVGPrinter | |
CXSVGWriter | |
▶CXJumpList | Specifies an interface for adding custom jump lists to the task bar (Windows only) |
CJumpList | Specifies a Jump List service |
CXSimpleMailClient | Specifies an interface for creating and sending email messages |
▶CXSimpleMailClientSupplier | Implementations of this interface do provide access to a simple mail client if there is one available |
CSimpleCommandMail | Specifies a SimpleCommandMail service |
CSimpleSystemMail | Specifies a SimpleSystemMail service |
▶CXSimpleMailMessage | This interface lets a client set or get the information of a simple mail message |
CXSimpleMailMessage2 | This interface extends XSimpleMailMessage |
▶CXSystemShellExecute | Specifies an interface for executing a system command |
CSystemShellExecute | Specifies a system executer service |
▶CXAutoFormattable | Method to apply TableAutoFormats to a cell range |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
▶CXCell | Methods to access the contents of a cell in a table |
CCell | Single cell within a table |
CXCell2 | Extends XCell methods to access the contents of a cell in a table |
CXMergeableCell | Methods to access information about a cell that is mergeable with other sells |
CCell | Single cell within a text table |
▶CXCellRange | Access to the cells or to sub-ranges of a cell range |
▶CXSheetCellRange | Access to the spreadsheet that contains a cell range |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXSheetCellCursor | Advanced methods to control the position of a cursor in a spreadsheet |
CSheetCellCursor | Cursor in a spreadsheet |
▶CXSpreadsheet | Methods to create a cell range cursor |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CCellRange | Range of cells within a table |
CTableColumn | Special cell range containing all cells of a single specific column in a table or spreadsheet |
CTableRow | Special cell range containing all cells of a single specific row in a table or spreadsheet |
▶CXCellCursor | Methods to control the position of a cell cursor |
▶CCellCursor | Cell cursor in a table |
CSheetCellCursor | Cursor in a spreadsheet |
CXTable | |
CCellRange | Area of cells within a text table |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
▶CXColumnRowRange | Methods to access the collections of columns and rows of a cell range |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CXTable | |
CXMergeableCellRange | Range of cells that can possibly be merged or unmerged |
▶CXTableChart | Access to the settings of a chart object in a table or spreadsheet |
CTableChart | Chart based on data in a table or spreadsheet |
▶CXTableChartsSupplier | Method to access a collection of charts in a table or spreadsheet |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CXTablePivotChart | Access to the settings of a pivot chart object in a table or spreadsheet |
CXTablePivotChartsSupplier | Method to access a collection of pivot charts in a table or spreadsheet |
▶CXAsyncJob | Job which must be executed asynchronously |
CAsyncJob | Represent an asynchronous job, which can be executed by the global theJobExecutor instance |
▶CXInteractionContinuation | Specifies a way of how to continue from an com::sun::star::task::XInteractionRequest |
CXInteractionFilterOptions | A continuation to return filter options from interaction helper |
CXInteractionFilterSelect | Continuation used by interaction mechanism at filter detection during loading documents |
CXInteractionDocumentSave | An interaction continuation handing back a document name |
CXInteractionSupplyParameters | An interaction continuation handing back parameter data |
CXInteractionAbort | An interaction continuation specifying to abort executing the process that issued the request |
CXInteractionApprove | An interaction continuation specifying "approval" |
CXInteractionAskLater | Continuation where the user does not actually decide the question she was confronted with, but postpones the decision to a later time |
CXInteractionDisapprove | An interaction continuation specifying "disapproval" |
▶CXInteractionPassword | A continuation to get a password from interaction helper |
CXInteractionPassword2 | A continuation to get a password from interaction helper, extends XInteractionPassword with possibility to provide password to modify |
CXInteractionRetry | An interaction continuation specifying to try to re-execute the process that issued the request |
CXInteractionAuthFallback | An interaction continuation specifying authentication success |
CXInteractionReplaceExistingData | Interaction continuation used to instruct the requester to replace existing data |
▶CXInteractionSupplyAuthentication | An interaction continuation handing back some authentication data |
CXInteractionSupplyAuthentication2 | An interaction continuation handing back some authentication data |
CXInteractionSupplyName | Interaction continuation used to hand back a new name for something |
▶CXInteractionHandler | An interaction request handler |
CInteractionHandler | An interaction request handler that lets the user handle a number of well known requests via GUI dialogs |
CInteractionHandler | Service for user interaction for databases |
CPasswordContainerInteractionHandler | An interaction request handler that uses the com::sun::star::task::PasswordContainer service to handle com::sun::star::ucb::AuthenticationRequest |
▶CXInteractionHandler2 | An interaction request handler |
CDatabaseInteractionHandler | Describes a service which is able to handle database-related interactions |
CInteractionHandler | An interaction request handler that lets the user handle requests via GUI dialogs |
CXInteractionRequest | The description of an interaction request |
▶CXInteractionRequestStringResolver | Obtains human readable strings from an XInteractionRequest |
CInteractionRequestStringResolver | |
▶CXJob | Job which is to be executed synchronously |
▶CDataImporter | Allows importing data from one configuration repository into another |
CLocalDataImporter | Allows importing data from a local configuration data repository or file into any Backend |
▶CHierarchyBrowser | Allows scanning a configuration data repository for available components |
CLocalHierarchyBrowser | HierarchyBrowser, that browses a configuration database stored in the local file system |
CUpdateCheck | |
CJob | Represent a synchronous job, which can be executed by the global theJobExecutor instance |
CMailMerge | Gives access to mail merge functionality |
▶CXJobExecutor | Starts action for any triggered event from outside |
CJobExecutor | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theJobExecutor singleton |
CtheJobExecutor | Generic job execution singleton |
▶CXMasterPasswordHandling | Allows to change the master password, or let it be requested and checked |
▶CXMasterPasswordHandling2 | Allows to change the master password, or let it be requested and checked |
▶CXPasswordContainer2 | Provides a unified interface for the PasswordContainer service to implement |
CPasswordContainer | This service is kind of storage that allows to store passwords and to retrieve already stored |
▶CXPasswordContainer | Allows to save passwords with URL-pattern, to use them later |
CXPasswordContainer2 | Provides a unified interface for the PasswordContainer service to implement |
▶CXRestartManager | Allows to try to restart the office |
COfficeRestartManager | This singleton is intended to allow to restart the office asynchronously |
CXStatusIndicator | Controls a status indicator which displays progress of longer actions to the user |
▶CXStatusIndicatorFactory | Multiple, probably parallel running, status indicator objects |
CXFrame2 | |
CStatusIndicatorFactory | |
CXStatusIndicatorSupplier | Use XStatusIndicatorFactory instead of this |
▶CXUrlContainer | Allows to store and retrieve URLs |
CXPasswordContainer2 | Provides a unified interface for the PasswordContainer service to implement |
▶CXAutoTextEntry | Identifies an autotext entry |
CAutoTextEntry | Access to a text block in a group of an AutoTextContainer |
CXBookmarkInsertTool | Offers an easy way to insert bookmarks by name |
▶CXBookmarksSupplier | Access to the collection of all bookmarks within this text container |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXChapterNumberingSupplier | Settings of the chapter numbering in a text document |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXContentControlsSupplier | Makes it possible to access the content controls within the context (e.g |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXDefaultNumberingProvider | Access to default com::sun::star::text::NumberingRules according to a given locale information |
CDefaultNumberingProvider | Access to language dependent numbering types and supports formatting of those numberings |
▶CXDocumentIndexesSupplier | Gives access to the collection of document indexes |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CXEndnotesSettingsSupplier | Makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings within the context (e.g |
▶CXEndnotesSupplier | Makes it possible to access the endnotes within the context (e.g |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CXFlatParagraphIterator | Functionality to .. |
CXFlatParagraphIteratorProvider | Functionality to .. |
CXFootnotesSettingsSupplier | Makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings with the context (e.g |
▶CXFootnotesSupplier | Makes it possible to access the footnotes within the context (e.g |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CXFormField | |
CXLineNumberingProperties | Settings of the line numbering in a text document |
▶CXMailMergeBroadcaster | Allows for adding/removing of mail merge event listeners |
CMailMerge | Gives access to mail merge functionality |
CXMailMergeListener | Used to notify listeners about mail merge events |
CXNumberingFormatter | Supports the formatting of numberings in various language environments |
CXNumberingRulesSupplier | This interface enables the object to handle numbering rules |
CXNumberingTypeInfo | Access to the numbering types that are supported by a component |
▶CXPageCursor | Makes it possible to perform cursor movements between pages |
CTextLayoutCursor | A TextLayoutCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a layout of a Text object |
▶CXPagePrintable | Print several pages on one printer page |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXParagraphAppend | Allows inserting and appending paragraphs |
▶CXTextAppend | Meta-interface for manipulating and inserting text |
CXTextAppendAndConvert | Merges the functions of XTextAppend, XTextContentAppend and XTextConvert |
CXPasteBroadcaster | Allows for adding/removing of paste event listeners |
CXPasteListener | Used to notify listeners about paste events |
▶CXReferenceMarksSupplier | Access to the reference marks within this context (i.e |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXRelativeTextContentInsert | Makes it possible to insert new text contents before or after existing text contents |
CText | Independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs |
CXRelativeTextContentRemove | Makes it possible to remove text contents before or after existing text contents |
CXRubySelection | This interface enables the object to handle list of ruby lines (aka Furigana lines) |
▶CXTextColumns | Manages columns within the object |
CTextColumns | Access to columns in text (e.g., in TextFrames ) |
▶CXTextContentAppend | Allows inserting and appending text content |
CXTextAppendAndConvert | Merges the functions of XTextAppend, XTextContentAppend and XTextConvert |
▶CXTextConvert | Allows converting selections of text to frames or tables |
CXTextAppendAndConvert | Merges the functions of XTextAppend, XTextContentAppend and XTextConvert |
CXTextCopy | Enables a text object to copy attributed text from another text object |
▶CXTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier | Collection of all embedded objects within this context (i.e |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXTextFieldsSupplier | Makes it possible to access the text fields used in this context (e.g |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXTextFramesSupplier | Makes it possible to access the TextFrame instances in this context (e.g |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXTextGraphicObjectsSupplier | Access to the collection of all embedded and linked graphics within this context (i.e |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXTextPortionAppend | Allows inserting and appending formatted text portions |
CXTextAppend | Meta-interface for manipulating and inserting text |
▶CXTextRange | Describes the object's position in a text |
CTextRange | Points to a sequence of characters within a Text |
▶CXSimpleText | Main interface for a distinct text unit, i.e |
CCellAnnotation | Cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell |
▶CXText | Extends a XSimpleText by the capability of inserting XTextContents |
CText | This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of an optional text inside a Shape |
CCell | Single cell within a table |
CAutoTextEntry | Access to a text block in a group of an AutoTextContainer |
CCell | Single cell within a text table |
CFootnote | This service specifies a footnote or an endnote in a TextDocument |
CText | Independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs |
CMetadataField | Com::sun::star::text::TextField whose content is specified by RDF metadata |
CXTextAppend | Meta-interface for manipulating and inserting text |
▶CXTextCursor | Extends a text range by method to modify its position |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
▶CXParagraphCursor | Makes it possible to move paragraph by paragraph |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
▶CXSentenceCursor | Makes it possible to perform cursor movements through sentences |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
CXTextViewCursor | Describes a cursor in a text document's view |
▶CXWordCursor | Makes it possible to move a cursor word by word |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
▶CXTextRangeCompare | Compares the positions of two TextRanges within a Text |
CText | Independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs |
▶CXTextRangeMover | Makes it possible to move a text range (e.g |
CText | Independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs |
▶CXTextSectionsSupplier | Manages the text sections within the context (i.e |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CXTextShapesSupplier | Collection of com::sun::star::drawing::TextShapes |
▶CXTextTableCursor | The TextTableCursor provide methods to navigate through the table structure, to merge and split cells |
CTextTableCursor | Cursor in text tables |
▶CXTextTablesSupplier | Enables the object to handle text tables |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXTextViewCursorSupplier | Supplies access to the cursor in the view |
CTextDocumentView | View of a TextDocument |
CXTextViewTextRangeSupplier | Supplies access to a document model position at a view-dependent pixel position |
▶CXTiledRenderable | Tiled rendering using a system-specific handle to a window |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CContentProviderProxy | Proxy for a content provider |
CXAnyCompare | Compares two any s |
▶CXAnyCompareFactory | Creates an XAnyCompare instance |
CAnyCompareFactory | Factory to get XAnyCompare service implementations |
▶CXCachedContentResultSetFactory | Creates a CachedContentResultSet |
CCachedContentResultSetFactory | Factory for CachedContentResultSet implementations |
▶CXCachedContentResultSetStubFactory | Creates a CachedContentResultSetStub |
CCachedContentResultSetStubFactory | Factory for CachedContentResultSetStub implementations |
▶CXCachedDynamicResultSetFactory | Creates a CachedDynamicResultSet |
CCachedDynamicResultSetFactory | Factory for CachedDynamicResultSet implementations |
▶CXCachedDynamicResultSetStubFactory | Creates a CachedDynamicResultSetStub and connects a non-remote optimized DynamicResultSet to a remote optimized CachedDynamicResultSet |
CCachedDynamicResultSetStubFactory | Factory for CachedDynamicResultSetStub implementations |
▶CXCommandEnvironment | Defines the environment for a command |
CSmoketestCommandEnvironment | |
CCommandEnvironment | |
CXWebDAVCommandEnvironment | A command environment that can be used to deal with WebDAV/HTTP specific commands |
CXCommandInfo | Access to information on a set of commands |
▶CXCommandInfoChangeNotifier | Notifier for changes of XCommandInfos |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
▶CXCommandProcessor | Defines a processor for synchronous commands, which are executed in a specific execution environment |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
▶CXCommandProcessor2 | An improved version of a com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandProcessor that helps avoid ever-increasing resource consumption |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CXUniversalContentBroker | |
▶CXContent | Content with a type and an identifier, which is able to manage listeners for events that are related to contents |
CXQueryDefinition | |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSDocumentContent | |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHelpContent | A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyLinkContent | A HCP Link is a content which points to another location |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CODMAContent | A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CPackageStreamContent | A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsRootContent | A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other TDCP contents |
CTransientDocumentsStreamContent | A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document |
CWebDAVDocumentContent | A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
▶CXContentAccess | Methods for obtaining information on a content in different levels |
CContentResultSet | Access to the children of a folder content |
▶CXContentCreator | A creator for new (persistent) contents, like file system folders |
CContent | A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider |
CFileContent | A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system |
CFTPContent | A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file |
CGnomeVFSFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CHierarchyFolderContent | A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CHierarchyRootFolderContent | A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links |
CPackageFolderContent | A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams |
CTransientDocumentsDocumentContent | A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document |
CTransientDocumentsFolderContent | A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams |
CWebDAVFolderContent | A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents |
CXContentIdentifier | An identifier for contents |
▶CXContentIdentifierFactory | A factory for content identifiers |
▶CContentProvider | Access to a set of Contents |
CExpandContentProvider | The Expand Content Provider implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CRemoteAccessContentProvider | A RemoteAccessContentProvider is a ContentProvider that provides access to contents available at other (remote) UCBs |
CFileContentProvider | The File Content Provider (FCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CRemoteProxyContentProvider | A ContentProvider that wraps remote content providers that (potentially) have been distributed to a UCB |
CXUniversalContentBroker | |
CXContentIdentifierMapping | A mapping from a (source) set of XContentIdentifiers to another (target) set of XContentIdentifiers |
▶CXContentProvider | Content provider which creates and manages XContents |
CCmisContentProvider | The Cmis Content Provider implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CContentProvider | Access to a set of Contents |
CContentProviderProxy | Proxy for a content provider |
CFileContentProvider | The File Content Provider (FCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CFTPContentProvider | The FTP Content Provider (FCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CGIOContentProvider | |
CGnomeVFSContentProvider | |
CHelpContentProvider | The Help Content Provider (HCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CHierarchyContentProvider | The Hierarchy Content Provider (HCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CODMAContentProvider | The ODMA Content Provider (OCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CPackageContentProvider | The Package Content Provider (PCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CRemoteProxyContentProvider | A ContentProvider that wraps remote content providers that (potentially) have been distributed to a UCB |
CTransientDocumentsContentProvider | The Transient Documents Content Provider (TDCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CWebDAVContentProvider | The WebDAV Content Provider (DCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CXUniversalContentBroker | |
▶CXContentProviderFactory | Factory for a XContentProvider |
CContentProviderProxyFactory | Factory for ContentProviderProxy implementations |
▶CXContentProviderManager | Makes it possible to query/register/deregister content providers |
CXUniversalContentBroker | |
▶CXContentProviderSupplier | Supplier for a content provider |
CContentProviderProxy | Proxy for a content provider |
▶CXContentTransmitter | |
CContentTransmitter | A ContentTransmitter is a service that provides |
▶CXFetchProvider | Possibility to get the contents of the columns of several rows of a ContentResultSet with a single function call |
CCachedContentResultSetStub | Used on provider side to access a ContentResultSet remote optimized |
▶CXFetchProviderForContentAccess | Possibility to load information offered by a XContentAccess for several rows of a ContentResultSet with a single function call |
CCachedContentResultSetStub | Used on provider side to access a ContentResultSet remote optimized |
▶CXFileIdentifierConverter | Methods to convert between (file) URLs and file paths in system dependent notation |
CFileContentProvider | The File Content Provider (FCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB) |
CXInteractionHandlerSupplier | This interface should be implemented by an internal XCommandEnvironment that can not supply an com::sun::star::task::XInteractionHandler, but instead wants interaction requests to be handled by other internal error handling mechanism |
▶CXParameterizedContentProvider | Register specially adjusted instances of content providers on URL templates and supplementary arguments |
CContentProvider | Access to a set of Contents |
CContentProviderProxy | Proxy for a content provider |
CRemoteAccessContentProvider | A RemoteAccessContentProvider is a ContentProvider that provides access to contents available at other (remote) UCBs |
CRemoteProxyContentProvider | A ContentProvider that wraps remote content providers that (potentially) have been distributed to a UCB |
CXProgressHandler | Handle a tasks notification that it has made some progress |
CXPropertyMatcher | Checks whether a set of properties matches a set of search criteria |
CXPropertyMatcherFactory | Creates an XPropertyMatcher, given a set of search criteria |
▶CXPropertySetRegistry | A registry (storage medium) for persistent property sets |
CPropertySetRegistry | This service contains the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistryFactory::createRegistry() |
▶CXPropertySetRegistryFactory | A factory for property set registries |
CStore | Creates instances of the service PropertySetRegistry |
CXRecycler | Allows an XContent to delete itself into the trash can |
▶CXRemoteContentProviderAcceptor | Accept remote content providers that want to make themselves known to the local process |
CRemoteContentProviderAcceptor | Allows content providers running in remote processes to be registered at the local content provider broker |
▶CXRemoteContentProviderActivator | This interface should be implemented together with XRemoteContentProviderAcceptor and allows for a lazy implementation of XRemoteContentProviderAcceptor::addRemoteContentProvider() |
CRemoteContentProviderAcceptor | Allows content providers running in remote processes to be registered at the local content provider broker |
CXRemoteContentProviderChangeNotifier | Notify about changes to a XRemoteContentProviderSupplier |
CXRemoteContentProviderConnectionControl | A simple mechanism to find out if the connection between a remote content provider distributor and acceptor gets lost |
CXRemoteContentProviderDistributor | Distribute a content broker to various XRemoteContentProviderAcceptors |
CXRemoteContentProviderDoneListener | A notification mechanism that a XRemoteContentProviderAcceptor no longer needs a remote content provider |
CXRemoteContentProviderSupplier | Provide access to a collection of remote content providers |
▶CXSimpleFileAccess | This is the basic interface to read data from a stream |
▶CXSimpleFileAccess2 | This is an extension to the interface XSimpleFileAccess |
▶CXSimpleFileAccess3 | This is an extension to the interface XSimpleFileAccess2 |
CSimpleFileAccess | Offers a simple access to resources, like files and folders located in a local file system or on a WebDAV server |
▶CXSortedDynamicResultSetFactory | Provides a method to create an XDynamicResultSet which will be sorted according to the given sorting options |
CSortedDynamicResultSetFactory | Factory for DynamicResultSet implementations, which will be sorted according to the given sorting options |
▶CXSourceInitialization | Initialization of a component with any source object |
CCachedDynamicResultSet | Read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet |
CCachedDynamicResultSetStub | Read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet |
▶CXAsynchronousExecutableDialog | Specifies an interface for an executable dialog in asynchronous mode |
CAsynchronousColorPicker | |
CPackageManagerDialog | The PackageManagerDialog is used to visually manage installed packages of the user and shared installation as well as currently open documents |
CPDFDialog | This service is for a PDFDialog |
CXControlAccess | Generic control access interface |
CXControlInformation | Interface to query for controls and control properties supported by the implementing instance |
▶CXExecutableDialog | Specifies an interface for an executable dialog |
CColorPicker | |
CLicenseDialog | The LicenseDialog is used to display a license text |
CUpdateRequiredDialog | The UpdateRequiredDialog is used to show a list of extensions not compatible with this office version |
CControlFontDialog | |
CTabOrderDialog | |
▶CXCopyTableWizard | Describes a wizard which can be used to copy table like data from one database to another |
CCopyTableWizard | Describes a wizard which can be used to copy table like data from one database to another |
CDatasourceAdministrationDialog | User interface for administrating the system wide registered data sources |
CErrorMessageDialog | Dialog for displaying database related exceptions |
CFilterDialog | This interface could be incomplete since I derived it from its places of use |
COrderDialog | This interface could be incomplete since I derived it from its places of use |
CXTextConnectionSettings | |
CAddressBookSourceDialog | This interface could be incomplete since I derived it from its places of use |
CAddressBookSourcePilot | |
CFilterOptionsDialog | This service enables a filter developer to register a dialog to query for user options before the filter operation is performed |
▶CXFilePicker | Specifies an interface for a FilePicker |
▶CXFilePicker2 | Extends file picker interface to workaround some design problems |
CXFilePicker3 | Provides unified interface for FilePicker service |
CXFilePickerControlAccess | Provides access to the controls of a FilePicker |
▶CXFolderPicker | Specifies a FolderPicker interface |
▶CXFolderPicker2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style FolderPicker service to implement |
CFolderPicker | A FolderPicker service |
CXSLTFilterDialog | |
▶CXWizard | Main interface implemented by the Wizard services |
CWizard | Framework for implementing a wizard dialog |
▶CXFilePickerNotifier | Interface to be implemented in order to support listener management |
CXFilePicker3 | Provides unified interface for FilePicker service |
▶CXFilePreview | FilePicker that support the preview of various file formats should implement this interface |
CXFilePicker3 | Provides unified interface for FilePicker service |
▶CXFilterGroupManager | Specifies an interface which allows manipulation of groups of filters for the FilePicker service |
CXFilePicker3 | Provides unified interface for FilePicker service |
▶CXFilterManager | Specifies a filter manager interface for a FilePicker |
CXFilePicker3 | Provides unified interface for FilePicker service |
▶CXContextChangeEventMultiplexer | Provide a central access point for a group of events |
CContextChangeEventMultiplexer | Multiplex events for context changes |
▶CXContextMenuInterception | This interface enables an object to get interceptors registered that change context menus or prevent them from being executed |
CController | Abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer |
CDefaultViewController | Default controller implementation for's database application |
CDataSourceBrowser | Implements a component which allows browsing the data sources registered on the system |
CXContextMenuInterceptor | This interface enables the object to be registered as interceptor to change context menus or prevent them from being executed |
CXDockingAreaAcceptor | This interface enables developer to implement different docking area acceptors which are used by the frame based layout manager |
▶CXModuleUIConfigurationManager | Specific functions of a module based user interface configuration manager interface |
▶CXModuleUIConfigurationManager2 | Provides a unified interface for the ModuleUIConfigurationManager service |
CModuleUIConfigurationManager | User interface configuration manager which gives access to user interface configuration data of a module |
▶CXModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier | Allows to retrieve user interface configuration managers related to modules |
CModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier singleton |
CtheModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier | Central user interface configuration provider which gives access to module based user interface configuration managers |
CXSidebarProvider | Interface of the sidebar |
▶CXUIConfiguration | Supports to notify other implementations about changes of a user interface configuration manager |
▶CXAcceleratorConfiguration | Read/write access to an accelerator configuration set |
CDocumentAcceleratorConfiguration | |
CGlobalAcceleratorConfiguration | Access to the global accelerator (aka shortcut) configuration set |
CModuleAcceleratorConfiguration | |
CXImageManager | Access functions to an images manager interface to add, replace and remove images associations to command URLs |
CXModuleUIConfigurationManager2 | Provides a unified interface for the ModuleUIConfigurationManager service |
CXUIConfigurationManager2 | |
▶CXUIConfigurationManager | User interface configuration manager interface which controls the structure of all customizable user interface elements |
CXModuleUIConfigurationManager2 | Provides a unified interface for the ModuleUIConfigurationManager service |
CXUIConfigurationManager2 | |
▶CXUIConfigurationManagerSupplier | Allows to retrieve the user interface configuration manager related to an object |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
▶CXUIConfigurationPersistence | Persistence interface which supports to load/store user interface configuration data to a storage and to retrieve information about the current state |
CXAcceleratorConfiguration | Read/write access to an accelerator configuration set |
CXImageManager | Access functions to an images manager interface to add, replace and remove images associations to command URLs |
CXModuleUIConfigurationManager2 | Provides a unified interface for the ModuleUIConfigurationManager service |
CXUIConfigurationManager2 | |
▶CXUIConfigurationStorage | Supplies functions to change or get information about the storage of a user interface configuration manager |
CXAcceleratorConfiguration | Read/write access to an accelerator configuration set |
CXUIConfigurationManager2 | |
▶CXUIElement | Function to retrieve a special purpose interface dependent on the user interface element type |
CUIElement | User interface element |
▶CXUIElementFactory | User interface element factory that can create and initialize user interface elements |
CUIElementFactory | User interface element factory that can create and initialize a user interface element type |
▶CXUIElementFactoryManager | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service XUIElementFactoryManager |
CtheUIElementFactoryManager | User interface factory manager that controls all registered user interface element factories |
CUIElementFactoryManager | A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theUIElementFactoryManager singleton |
▶CXUIElementFactoryRegistration | Used to query, register and deregister user interface element factories |
CXUIElementFactoryManager | Provides a unified interface for the new-style service XUIElementFactoryManager |
▶CXUIElementSettings | Functions to retrieve and change user interface element structure data and to update its visible representation |
CConfigurableUIElement | Configurable user interface element that supports persistence |
CXUpdateModel | Internal interface to update the used css::frame::XModel |
CXAdapter | This is the server-side interface to a weak adapter |
▶CXAggregation | Objects which implement this interface can become aggregates of a delegator |
CChartDocumentWrapper | A component that implements the com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument service and is initialized with a com::sun::star::chart2::ChartDocument via the com::sun::star::uno::XAggregation interface |
▶CXComponentContext | Component context to be passed to a component via com::sun::star::lang::XSingleComponentFactory |
CBootstrapContext | Access to a component context that is enhanced with bootstrap parameters for configuration services from the associated metaconfiguration mechanism |
CXCurrentContext | Task (thread) local execution context for UNO |
▶CXNamingService | Allows to insert, remove and access named objects |
CXDatabaseContext | Provides an interface for the new-style DatabaseContext service to implement |
CNamingService | Simple named object container |
CXReference | Must be implemented by anyone who holds the adapter on the client side |
CXUnloadingPreference | Backwards-compatibility remainder of a removed library unloading feature |
CXWeak | Server-side interface to a weak object |
▶CXUriReference | Generic, mutable URI references |
CXVndSunStarExpandUrlReference | Absolute “” URL references |
CXVndSunStarScriptUrlReference | Absolute “” URL references |
▶CXUriReferenceFactory | Creates URI references |
CUriReferenceFactory | Creates URI references |
▶CXUriSchemeParser | Parses textual representations of absolute URIs |
CUriSchemeParser_vndDOTsunDOTstarDOTexpand | Parses textual representations of absolute “” URLs |
CUriSchemeParser_vndDOTsunDOTstarDOTscript | Parses textual representations of absolute “” URLs |
▶CXVndSunStarScriptUrl | Absolute “” URLs |
CXVndSunStarScriptUrlReference | Absolute “” URL references |
CXAccounting | Allows estimating the memory usage of a service |
CXAtomServer | Interface to map between strings and ids |
CXBroadcaster | Allows to control notification behavior of a broadcaster |
CXCacheInfo | Interface that allows an implementation to opt out from caching |
▶CXCancellable | Offers the possibility of canceling a job |
CPreparedStatement | Precompiled SQL statement |
CStatement | Used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it |
CResultSet | Extends the SDBC ResultSet by the possibility of bookmark positioning, canceling the positioning, and updating of rows |
CMailMerge | Gives access to mail merge functionality |
CXFilePicker3 | Provides unified interface for FilePicker service |
CXFolderPicker2 | Provides a unified interface for the new-style FolderPicker service to implement |
CXChainable | Enables the object to be a member of a chain |
▶CXChangesBatch | This interface enables applying a set of changes in one batch transaction |
CUpdateRootElement | Update control for a hierarchy of configuration items and information about the hierarchy as a whole as well as its root |
CXReadWriteAccess | |
CPackage | The Package is a service that provides access to a set of files and folders contained within a Package |
CHierarchyDataReadWriteAccess | Read and write access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
▶CXChangesNotifier | Broadcasts events about multiple changes that occur in bulk |
CAccessRootElement | Information about the root element of a hierarchy and about the hierarchy as a whole |
CHierarchyDataReadAccess | Read access to a fragment of the hierarchy data |
▶CXCloneable | Makes it possible to create a copy of the object which supports this interface |
CXGridColumn | The XGridColumn defines the properties and behavior of a column in a grid control |
CXGridColumnModel | An instance of this interface is used by the UnoControlGrid to retrieve the column structure that is displayed in the actual control |
CXGridDataModel | An instance of this interface is used by the UnoControlGrid to retrieve the content data that is displayed in the actual control |
CUnoControlModel | Standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design |
CCoordinateSystem | |
CDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence of values |
CXLabeledDataSequence2 | |
CXConfiguration | A configuration describes the resources of an application like panes, views, and tool bars and their relationships that are currently active or are requested to be activated |
CXForms | |
CXReportComponent | Describes a component which may be part of a report |
CDataPilotSourceDimension | Dimension in a data pilot source |
▶CXCloseBroadcaster | Broadcasts each tried closing of an object to all interest listener |
▶CXCloseable | Makes it possible to release any objects in an ordered manner by using a two-step mechanism |
CXEmbeddedObject | Common functionality for embedded objects |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
COfficeDatabaseDocument | Office database document which is a storable document |
CAsyncJob | Represent an asynchronous job, which can be executed by the global theJobExecutor instance |
CJob | Represent a synchronous job, which can be executed by the global theJobExecutor instance |
CXDataEditor | Connects to a model and broadcasts status change events |
CXDataEditorListener | Makes it possible to receive status change events from an XDataEditor |
▶CXFlushable | Supported by objects with data that can be flushed to a data source |
CConfigurationRegistry | |
CDefaultProvider | ConfigurationProvider, that is the default ConfigurationProvider for its com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext |
CExtendedTypeDetectionFactory | Factory to create extended type detection components |
CFilterFactory | Factory to create filter components |
CTypeDetection | Encapsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data |
CConversionDictionary | Dictionary used in a conversion dictionary list |
CDataSource | Factory to establish database connections |
▶CXImportable | Makes it possible to import files into the object |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXIndent | Allows indentation of the object to be changed |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
▶CXJobManager | Manage cancelable jobs |
CJobManager | Manage cancelable jobs |
CXLinkUpdate | Allows initiating an update of linked parts of a document |
▶CXLocalizedAliases | Interface for binding programmatic names to aliases |
CDatabaseAccessContext | Context for data access beans |
▶CXMacroExpander | Expands macro in expressions, i.e |
CMacroExpander | This meta service supports the XMacroExpander interface for expanding arbitrary macro expressions, i.e |
CtheMacroExpander | A service that has to deal with macrofied strings will preprocess those strings using the macro expander singleton |
▶CXMergeable | Range of cells that can be merged |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CXModeChangeBroadcaster | Broadcasts changes in an object's internal mode |
▶CXModeSelector | Supported by objects which supply different modes |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXModifyBroadcaster | Broadcasts each modification made on the date data of the object which supports this interface |
CDataSequence | Describes a container for a sequence of values |
CXLabeledDataSequence2 | |
CXExtensionManager | The XExtensionManager interface is used to manage extensions in the user, shared and bundled repository |
CXPackage | Objects of this interface reflect a bound package and are issued by a PackageRegistryBackend |
CXPackageManager | The XPackageManager interface is used to add or remove packages to a specific repository |
CValueBinding | Defines a component which allows access to a single value |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CFormController | Superseded by com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController |
CXFormController | Component controlling the interaction between the user and form functionality |
▶CXStringResourceResolver | Interface to access strings in a resource |
▶CXStringResourceManager | Interface to manage a resource string table containing a set of strings for different locales |
▶CXStringResourcePersistence | Interface derived from XStringResourceManager containing basic persistence functionality limited to operations that are independent from an associated location or storage |
CStringResource | Service providing access to a resource string table implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface |
▶CXStringResourceWithLocation | Extends XStringResourcePersistence by methods to handle an associated location |
CStringResourceWithLocation | Service providing access to a resource string table implementing the com::sun::star::resource::XStringResourceWithLocation interface |
▶CXStringResourceWithStorage | Extends XStringResourcePersistence by methods to handle an associated com::sun::star::embed::XStorage instance |
CStringResourceWithStorage | Service providing access to a resource string table implementing the com::sun::star::resource::XStringResourceWithStorage interface |
CDataPilotTable | Data pilot table on a spreadsheet |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CCellValueBinding | Defines the binding to a single cell in a table document |
▶CXModifiable | Makes the modify state of the object accessible |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
CXPersistentLibraryContainer | Describes a container of script libraries which is persistent |
CXTable | |
▶CXModifiable2 | Allows to control modifiable state change |
CXReportDefinition | Identifies a XReportComponent as being a (sub-) report |
CBinding | Represent a binding to one or more nodes in the DOM tree of an XModel |
▶CXNumberFormatPreviewer | Number formatter which can preview number formats without inserting them |
▶CXNumberFormatter2 | Provides a unified interface for the NumberFormatter service to implement |
CNumberFormatter | Object which can format numbers and strings |
▶CXNumberFormats | Access to multiple NumberFormats |
CNumberFormats | Container of number formats |
▶CXNumberFormatsSupplier | Supplies the collection of NumberFormats (for example, in a document) and the settings belonging to these formats |
CChartDocument | |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CNumberFormatsSupplier | Supplier of number formats |
▶CXNumberFormatter | Number formatter |
CXNumberFormatter2 | Provides a unified interface for the NumberFormatter service to implement |
▶CXNumberFormatTypes | Functions to get specific, predefined number formats |
CNumberFormats | Container of number formats |
▶CXOfficeInstallationDirectories | Encapsulates access to the current office installation directory and office user data directory, provides functionality to create URLs containing relocatable (not absolute) references to the current office installation directory and user data directory and vice versa |
COfficeInstallationDirectories | Encapsulates access to the current office installation directory and office user data directory, provides functionality to create URLs containing relocatable (not absolute) references to the current office installation directory and user data directory and vice versa |
CtheOfficeInstallationDirectories | Encapsulates access to the current office installation directory and office user data directory, provides functionality to create URLs containing relocatable (not absolute) references to the current office installation directory and user data directory and vice versa |
▶CXProtectable | Makes it possible to protect objects from modifications |
CSpreadsheet | Complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document |
CSpreadsheetDocument | Model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets |
▶CXRefreshable | Supported by objects with data that can be refreshed from a data source |
CDefaultProvider | ConfigurationProvider, that is the default ConfigurationProvider for its com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext |
CFilterConfigRefresh | |
CDefinitionContainer | Describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports |
CContainer | Describes every container which is used for data definition |
CCellAreaLink | Linked cell range |
CDatabaseRange | Database range in a spreadsheet document |
CDataPilotSource | Data pilot source |
CDDELink | DDE link |
CSheetLink | Sheet link |
CBaseIndex | Basic service of different indexes within a document |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
CTextFields | This is a collection of TextField instances |
▶CXSearchable | Enables the object to look for specified contents of the object (in particular, for a text range which contains a specific string pattern) |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXReplaceable | Makes it possible to replace strings in a text described by a SearchDescriptor |
CSheetCell | Single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetCellRanges | Collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document |
CGenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs |
▶CXSortable | Makes it possible to sort the contents of this object |
CSheetCellRange | Rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document |
CTextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object |
CTextSortable | Interface for sorting |
CTextTable | Table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text |
CSortable | Interface for sorting |
▶CXStringAbbreviation | Abbreviate arbitrary strings |
CUriAbbreviation | Abbreviate arbitrary URIs |
▶CXStringEscape | This interface is used to encode an arbitrary String into a escaped form |
CSimpleSetAccess | Access to a dynamic, homogeneous, nonhierarchical set of values or objects |
▶CXStringMapping | Mapping from string to string |
CMediaTypeDetectionHelper | For mapping a given sequence of content identifier strings to a sequence of respective media (mime) types |
▶CXStringSubstitution | A common interface for substituting string variables with other strings |
CPathSubstitution | A service to support the substitution and resubstitution of path variables |
CXStringWidth | An interface that encapsulates the abstract notion of string width |
▶CXTextSearch | Enables an object to search in its content |
CTextSearch | Search a string with a defined algorithm in another string |
▶CXTextSearch2 | Enables an object to search in its content |
CTextSearch2 | Search a string with a defined algorithm in another string |
▶CXTimeStamped | Timestamp information for an object in the form of an arbitrary string |
CLayer | Read-only access to a configuration data layer |
CXUniqueIDFactory | Creates IDs which are unique within the container |
▶CXUpdatable | Supported by objects with data that can be updated from a data source |
CToolbarController | Abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar |
CXStatusbarController | Interface to be implemented by a component offering a more complex user interface to users within a status bar |
CUIElement | User interface element |
CXUpdatable2 | This interface extends XUpdatable in order to provide more fine-tuned update modes |
▶CXURLTransformer | Supports parsing and assembling of URLs |
CURLTransformer | Helps to split up a string containing a URL into its structural parts and assembles the parts into a single string |
▶CXControlAccess | Access to the controls in a view |
CSpreadsheetViewPane | Single pane in a view of a spreadsheet document |
▶COfficeDocumentView | View of a standard office document |
CTextDocumentView | View of a TextDocument |
▶CXFormLayerAccess | Access to the form layer elements in a view |
CDrawingDocumentDrawView | This component integrates a view to a DrawPages or MasterPage from a DrawingDocument |
CXLineCursor | Makes it possible to move a cursor by lines within laid out text |
▶CXPrintable | Offers printing functionality |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
CXPrintableBroadcaster | Allows for getting information about a print job |
CXPrintJob | Allows for getting information about a print job |
▶CXPrintJobBroadcaster | Allows for getting information about a print job |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
▶CXPrintSettingsSupplier | Offers printing related settings, which affect document rendering, but are not related to the printer itself |
CGlobalSettings | Service that provides access to the settings of a text module |
CXRenderable | Something that can be rendered |
▶CXScreenCursor | Makes it possible to page through the document in steps of the displayed size |
CTextViewCursor | A TextViewCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a view of a Text object |
▶CXSelectionSupplier | Makes it possible to access and change the selection in a view |
CDrawingDocumentDrawView | This component integrates a view to a DrawPages or MasterPage from a DrawingDocument |
CXDrawSubController | View dependent part of the Draw and Impress controller |
CGridControl | Model for a control which can display form data in a table-like way |
CGridControl | Describes a table-like control for displaying data |
CController | Abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer |
CDefaultViewController | Default controller implementation for's database application |
CSpreadsheetView | View of a spreadsheet document |
COfficeDocumentView | View of a standard office document |
▶CXMultiSelectionSupplier | Makes it possible to append and remove objects from a selection |
▶CXTreeControl | An interface to a control that displays a set of hierarchical data as an outline |
CTreeControl | A control that displays a set of hierarchical data as an outline |
CXViewCursor | Makes it possible to move a cursor up/down/left/right within laid out text |
▶CXViewSettingsSupplier | Access to the view settings of the object |
CGlobalSettings | Service that provides access to the settings of a text module |
CTextDocumentView | View of a TextDocument |
COfficeDocumentView | View of a standard office document |
CXFormsSupplier | Access to the XForms models contained in the component |
CXBlockerMonitor | Interface of Blocker Monitor |
CXDecryptionResultBroadcaster | Interface of Decryption Result Broadcaster |
CXDecryptionResultListener | Interface of Decryption Result Listener |
CXElementStackKeeper | Manipulate the "key SAX events" in a SAX event stream |
CXEncryptionResultBroadcaster | Interface of Encryption Result Broadcaster |
CXEncryptionResultListener | Interface of Encryption Result Listener |
CXKeyCollector | Interface of Key Collector |
CXMissionTaker | Interface of Mission Taker |
CXReferenceCollector | Interface of Signature Collector |
CXReferenceResolvedBroadcaster | Interface of Reference Resolved Broadcaster |
CXReferenceResolvedListener | Interface of Reference Resolved Listener |
▶CXSAXEventKeeper | Interface of SAX Event Keeper |
CXSecuritySAXEventKeeper | Interface of Security SAX Event Keeper |
CXSAXEventKeeperStatusChangeBroadcaster | Interface of SAXEventKeeper Status Change Broadcaster |
CXSAXEventKeeperStatusChangeListener | Interface of SAXEventKeeper Status Change Listener |
CXSignatureCreationResultBroadcaster | Interface of Signature Creation Result Broadcaster |
CXSignatureCreationResultListener | Interface of Signature Creation Result Listener |
CXSignatureVerifyResultBroadcaster | Interface of Signature Verify Result Broadcaster |
CXSignatureVerifyResultListener | Interface of Signature Verify Result Listener |
CXCertificateCreator | Interface for creating and adding certificates |
CXCipherContext | This interface allows to encrypt/decrypt data using the cipher context |
▶CXCipherContextSupplier | This interface allows to get an object that allows to encrypt/decrypt data using the specified algorithm |
▶CXNSSInitializer | |
CNSSInitializer | This service has a particular lifecycle |
CXDigestContext | This interface allows to generate the digest |
▶CXDigestContextSupplier | This interface allows to get an object to generate a digest of a specified format |
CXNSSInitializer | |
▶CXSecurityEnvironment | Interface of Security Environment |
CSecurityEnvironment | Service of XSecurityEnvironment |
▶CXSEInitializer | Interface to manipulate Security Environment |
CGPGSEInitializer | Service of GPGSEInitializer |
CSEInitializer | Service of SEInitializer |
CXUriBinding | Interface of Uri Binding |
CXXMLEncryption | Interface of XML encryption |
▶CXXMLSecurityContext | Interface of XML security context |
CXMLSecurityContext | Service of XMLSecurityContext |
▶CXXMLSecurityTemplate | Interface of the XML security template |
CXXMLEncryptionTemplate | Interface of XML encryption template |
CXXMLSignatureTemplate | Interface of XML signature template |
▶CXXMLSignature | Interface of XML signature |
CXMLSignature | Service of XMLSignature |
CXCompressedDocumentHandler | A compressed XDocumentHandler interface |
CXDocumentEvent | |
▶CXEvent | |
CXFormsEvent | |
CXMutationEvent | |
▶CXUIEvent | |
CXMouseEvent | |
CXEventListener | |
CXEventTarget | |
CXAbstractView | |
CXDocumentView | |
▶CXDocumentBuilder | Builds a new dom tree |
CDocumentBuilder | |
CXDOMImplementation | |
CXNamedNodeMap | |
▶CXNode | The primary dom datatype |
CXAttr | |
▶CXCharacterData | |
CXComment | |
▶CXText | |
CXCDATASection | |
CXDocument | |
CXDocumentFragment | |
CXDocumentType | |
CXElement | |
CXEntity | |
CXEntityReference | |
CXNotation | |
CXProcessingInstruction | |
CXNodeList | |
▶CXSAXDocumentBuilder | Builds a new dom tree |
▶CXSAXDocumentBuilder2 | Provides a unified interface for the SAXDocumentBuilder service to implement |
CSAXDocumentBuilder | |
CXAttributes | An element's attributes |
CXElement | Capsule around an XML element |
CXNamespaceMapping | Interface to map XML namespace URI strings to ordinals (URI-id, short uid) |
CXRoot | Root interface being passed to SaxDocumentHandler service upon instantiation |
CXAttributeList | Element's attributes |
▶CXDocumentHandler | Receives notification of general document events |
CExportFilter | Describes an export filter for XML-based file formats |
CSaxDocumentHandler | This service helps parsing files by providing a SAX document handler interface for a SAX parsers |
▶CXExtendedDocumentHandler | This interface does not conform to the SAX-standard |
CXWriter | Provides a unified interface for the new-style Writer service to implement |
CXMLImportFilter | Describes an import filter for XML-based file formats |
CXDTDHandler | Receives events according to the DTD of the document |
CXEntityResolver | Makes it possible to modify the behavior of resolving external preferences |
CXErrorHandler | Basic interface for SAX error handlers |
CXFastAttributeList | Container for the attributes of an XML element |
▶CXFastContextHandler | Receives notification of sax document events from a XFastParser |
▶CXFastDocumentHandler | Receives notification of sax document events from a XFastParser |
CXSAXDocumentBuilder2 | Provides a unified interface for the SAXDocumentBuilder service to implement |
CXFastNamespaceHandler | Stores and manages namespace declarations of a sax document parsed by XFastParser |
▶CXFastParser | SAX parser that uses integer values for known XML names (elements, attributes and attribute values) |
CFastParser | |
▶CXFastTokenHandler | Interface to translate XML strings to integer tokens |
CFastTokenHandler | |
CXLocator | Makes it possible to associate a SAX event with a document location |
▶CXParser | SAX parser |
CParser | Service that provides a SAX parser |
▶CXXMLDocumentWrapper | Interface of XML Document Wrapper |
CXMLDocumentWrapper | Service of XMLDocumentWrapper |
▶CXXMLElementWrapper | Interface of XML Element Wrapper |
CXMLElementWrapper | Service of XMLElementWrapper |
▶CXExportFilter | Interface to implement for an XML-based import filter |
CExportFilter | Describes an export filter for XML-based file formats |
▶CXImportFilter | Interface to implement for an XML-based import filter |
CImportFilter | Describes an import filter for XML-based file formats |
CXImportFilter2 | Interface to implement for an XML-based import filter |
▶CXXPathAPI | |
CXPathAPI | |
▶CXXPathExtension | |
CXPathExtension | |
CXXPathObject | |
▶CXModify | The interface used for modifying the package database |
▶CXSyncDbusSessionHelper | |
CSyncDbusSessionHelper | |
▶CXQuery | The interface used for querying the package database |
CXSyncDbusSessionHelper | |
▶CXItemList | Convenient access to the list of items in a list box |
CUnoControlComboBoxModel | Standard model of a UnoControlComboBox |
CUnoControlListBoxModel | Standard model of a UnoControlListBox |
CXLabeled | |
▶CXLanguageGuessing | This interface allows to guess the language of a text |
CLanguageGuessing | |
▶CXLockable | Allows locking a component |
CXUndoManager | Access to the undo/redo stacks of a document |
▶CXLogFormatter | Interface to be used for formatting log records |
CPlainTextFormatter | Service which formats log records as single line plain text |
CSimpleTextFormatter | Service which formats log records as single line plain text |
▶CXCsvLogFormatter | Interface used for formatting log records for RFC4180 CSV output |
CCsvLogFormatter | Service which formats log records for RFC4180-style CSV-Files |
CXLogger | Implemented by a component which is able to log events |
▶CXLoggerPool | Implements a pool for named XLogger instances |
CLoggerPool | Global pool of named XLogger instances |
▶CXManager | Com::sun::star::media::XPlayer factory interface |
CManager | Com::sun::star::media::XPlayer factory |
CXMarkingAccess | Extends a text range by method to modify its position |
CXMessageBox | Gives access to a message box |
CXMLAttribute | A struct to keep information of an element's attribute |
▶CXModel | Represent an XForms model |
CXModel2 | |
CXModuleController | The module controller is responsible for loading a module (ad-don, plugin, whatever the name) when it is first used |
CXMultiFormulaTokens | Gives access to multiple sets of formula tokens |
CXMultiTextMarkup | Functionality to apply multiple text markups in one call |
▶CXNode | Node that may occur in a RDF graph |
▶CXLiteral | Literal that may occur in a RDF graph |
CLiteral | Literal that may occur in a RDF graph |
▶CXResource | Resource node that may occur in a RDF graph |
▶CXBlankNode | Blank node that may occur in a RDF graph |
CBlankNode | Blank node that may occur in a RDF graph |
CXReifiedStatement | Reified RDF statement |
▶CXURI | URI node that may occur in a RDF graph |
CURI | URI node that may occur in a RDF graph |
CXDocumentMetadataAccess | Document metadata functionality related to the "manifest.rdf" |
▶CXMetadatable | Marks an object representing an ODF element that may have RDF meta data attached |
CInContentMetadata | TextContent that can be used to attach RDF metadata to a range of text |
CMetadataField | Com::sun::star::text::TextField whose content is specified by RDF metadata |
CXNamedGraph | RDF named graph that is stored in an RDF Repository |
▶CXNumberText | This interface allows to spell out numbers and money amounts |
CNumberText | Converter to spell out numbers and money amounts |
▶CXObjectInspectorModel | Describes the model of an ObjectInspector |
CDefaultFormComponentInspectorModel | Implements a com::sun::star::inspection::XObjectInspectorModel for inspecting form components, in particular all components implementing the FormComponent service |
CObjectInspectorModel | Describes a default implementation of an ObjectInspectorModel |
CDefaultComponentInspectorModel | Implements a com::sun::star::inspection::XObjectInspectorModel for inspecting form components, in particular all components implementing the ReportComponent service |
CXObjectInspectorUI | Grants access to certain aspects of the user interface of an object inspector |
CXObjectNames | Encapsulates functionality which you might find useful when writing a database application which deals with query and table names |
CXOptimizedStorage | This is a temporary interface that is introduced to temporarily optimize the document storing process |
▶CXPackageInformationProvider | Objects implementing this interface provide a URL to the root of an installed package |
CPackageInformationProvider | Implementations of this service provide the root location of a package for a given Package ID |
▶CXPackageManagerFactory | The XPackageManagerFactory interface is used to obtain XPackageManager instances |
CthePackageManagerFactory | ThePackageManagerFactory denotes the one and only XPackageManagerFactory object to be used |
▶CXPackageRegistry | Interface to bind a UNO package |
CPackageRegistryBackend | The PackageRegistryBackend service is used to bind a specific type of XPackage which can be registered or revoked |
CXPackageTypeInfo | Objects of this interface provide information about a package's type |
CXPane2 | An extension of the XPane interface that adds support for a) showing and hiding the windows that internally belong to the pane and b) setting the accessibility object |
CXPaneBorderPainter | Paint the border around a rectangular region, typically a pane |
CXPanel | Access to Panel |
CXPlayer | Multimedia stream handling interface |
CXPresenterHelper | This interface is a collection of functions that were necessary to implement larger parts of the presenter screen as extension |
▶CXPropertyControl | Defines the interface for a single control in an ObjectInspector |
CXHyperlinkControl | Defines the interface for an XPropertyControl which displays its value in a hyperlink-like way |
CXNumericControl | Defines the interface for an XPropertyControl which supports displaying and entering numerical values |
CXStringListControl | Defines the interface for an XPropertyControl which, additionally to the basic behavior, supports a list of strings interpreted as possible property values |
CXPropertyControlFactory | Factory for XPropertyControls |
▶CXPropertyControlObserver | Interface for components to observer certain aspects of an XPropertyControl |
CXPropertyControlContext | Interface of the context of an XPropertyControl |
CXPublished | Reflects the “published” status of a UNOIDL entity |
CXRedline | Enables creation of redlines (change tracking) |
CXRelocatableResource | An optional interface that is implemented by resources that are relocatable to different anchors |
▶CXReportControlFormat | Format condition for a control |
CReportControlFormat | |
CXFormatCondition | Format condition for a control |
CXReportControlModel | |
▶CXRepository | Access to a set of named RDF graphs |
CRepository | Access to a set of named RDF graphs |
CXDocumentRepository | Extends XRepository with document-specific functionality |
▶CXRepositorySupplier | Access to an RDF Repository |
CXDocumentMetadataAccess | Document metadata functionality related to the "manifest.rdf" |
▶CXRequestCallback | Interface which can be used to call back an implementation |
CAsyncCallback | An implementation which uses the message queue to call the callback implementation asynchronously |
▶CXResource | Base interface that provides functionality shared by all resource types of the drawing framework |
CXPane | A pane is an abstraction of a window and is one of the resources managed by the drawing framework |
CXToolBar | Abstraction of tool bars used by the drawing framework |
▶CXView | A view in the drawing framework is any object that paints into a pane |
CXSlideSorterBase | This interface exists only because services do not directly support multiple inheritance and attributes |
▶CXResourceFactory | Factory and possibly cache for creating and releasing resources |
CBasicPaneFactory | The BasicPaneFactory is a resource factory that provides the panes used by the Draw and Impress applications |
CBasicToolBarFactory | The BasicToolBarFactory is a resource factory that provides (some of) the tool bars used by the Draw and Impress applications |
CBasicViewFactory | The BasicViewFactory is a view factory that provides the panes used by the Draw and Impress applications |
▶CXResourceFactoryManager | The XResourceFactoryManager is part of the configuration controller and manages the set of registered resource factories |
CXConfigurationController | The configuration controller is responsible for the management of the set of active resources |
▶CXResourceId | A resource id uses a set of URLs to unambiguously specify a resource of the drawing framework |
CResourceId | The ResourceId service provides several constructors for resource ids |
CXRowsChangeBroadcaster | Broadcasts changes in the RowSet supplied by a component |
CXRowSetChangeBroadcaster | Broadcasts changes in the RowSet supplied by a component |
CXSAXSerializable | Serializes a DOM tree by generating SAX events |
CXScriptInvocationContext | Indicates support for executing scripts contained in a, possibly foreign, document |
CXServiceConstructorDescription | Reflects a service constructor |
▶CXServiceDocumenter | Documentation for UNO services |
CtheServiceDocumenter | Provides documentation for UNO services |
CXShapeEventListener | Makes it possible to register listeners, which are called whenever a document or document content event occurs |
CXShapes2 | Allows insertion of shapes at different positions |
CXShapes3 | Yet another XShapes interface, enables sorting shapes with some extra attention paid to shapes with textboxes and overall performance |
CXSidebar | Interface of the sidebar that allows its elements like panels to eg request layouts |
CXSidebarPanel | Optional interface of sidebar panels |
CXSlidePreviewCache | A cache of preview bitmaps for the slides of one Impress or Draw document in one size |
CXSlidePreviewCacheListener | Listener for asynchronous preview creations |
▶CXSlideRenderer | Create preview bitmaps for single slides |
CSlideRenderer | Create preview bitmaps for single slides |
CXSlideShowController | Interface to control a running slide show |
▶CXSortableGridData | Allows to sort the data represented by a XGridDataModel |
CXSortableMutableGridDataModel | Describes a grid control data model whose data can be modified and sorted |
CXStatusbarItem | Represents an item in a status bar |
CXStorageRawAccess | This interface represents main storage functionality |
CXStringKeyMap | Maps strings to anys |
▶CXStringRepresentation | Handles string representations of property values |
CStringRepresentation | |
CXStyleSettings | Access to certain style settings within an component, such as a window, or within as a whole |
CXStyleSettingsSupplier | Access to the style settings of a component |
▶CXSubDocument | Allows operating on a sub document of an OfficeDatabaseDocument |
CDocumentDefinition | Sub document of an OfficeDatabaseDocument |
CXTabBar | UI control for the selection of views in a pane |
CXTableName | Allows to manipulate table names |
CXTableUIProvider | Used by the database application to obtain non-default user interface information and/or components for database tables |
▶CXTabPage | An interface to a control that displays a tab page |
CUnoControlTabPage | TabPage control |
▶CXTabPageContainer | An interface to a control that displays tab pages |
CUnoControlTabPageContainer | TabPageContainer control |
▶CXTabPageModel | XTabPageModel interface |
CUnoControlTabPageModel | Standard model of a XTabPageModel |
▶CXTextMarkup | Functionality to markup text |
CXFlatParagraph | Functionality to .. |
CXTheme | Theme interface |
CXToolkitRobot | Allows injection of keyboard and mouse events |
CXToolPanel | Describes the basic interface to be implemented by a tool panel |
▶CXTransferableSupplier | |
CController | Abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer |
CXTransferableTextSupplier | |
▶CXTreeNode | An instance implementing this interface represents the model data for an entry in a XTreeDataModel |
▶CXMutableTreeNode | Represents a mutable tree node as used by the MutableTreeDataModel |
CMutableTreeNode | Represents an editable tree node as used by the MutableTreeDataModel |
CXUIObject | |
▶CXUITest | |
CUITest | |
CXUndoAction | Single (undoable) action on a document |
▶CXUndoManagerSupplier | Access to an XUndoManager |
COfficeDocument | Abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document |
▶CXUpdate | |
CUpdate | |
▶CXUpdateInformationProvider | Objects implementing this interface provide access to the xml root of one or more update information files for a given set of URLs |
CUpdateInformationProvider | Implementations of this service provide access to the root element of one or more update information files for a given sets of URLs |
CXVBACompatibility | |
▶CXVBAEventProcessor | Executes VBA event handlers |
CVBAEventProcessor | |
CVBASpreadsheetEventProcessor | |
CVBATextEventProcessor | |
▶CXVBAMacroResolver | Converts VBA macro names to script URLs and vice versa |
CVBAMacroResolver | |
CXVBAModuleInfo | |
CXVeto | Information about a veto which has been raised against an operation |
▶CXVndSunStarExpandUrl | Absolute “” URLs |
CXVndSunStarExpandUrlReference | Absolute “” URL references |
▶CXVndSunStarPkgUrlReferenceFactory | Creates “” URL references |
CVndSunStarPkgUrlReferenceFactory | Creates “” URL references |
CXWizardController | Interface of a client-provided controller of a custom Wizard |
CZipEntry | Used to represent a ZIP file entry |