LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CAccessibleRelationAn AccessibleRelation object defines a one-to-many relation
 CAccessibleTableModelChangeThis structure lets an event give access to a change of a table model
 CActionTriggerDescribes a trigger for an (user inter-)action
 CActionTriggerSeparatorDescribes a separator entry
 CAffineMatrix2DThis structure defines a 2 by 3 affine matrix
 CAffineMatrix3DThis structure defines a 3 by 4 affine matrix
 CAliasProgrammaticPairEntry from a component which implements the XLocalizedAliases
 CAllPermissionThe AllPermission is a permission that implies all other permissions
 CAmbiguous< T >A value of a given type that can be ambiguous
 CAnimationAttributesThis structure contains attributes needed to run an animation
 CARGBColorARGB color quad
 CArrayWrapperAllows a UNO sequence that is passed between different language boundaries to indicate it prefers to be represented as a multidimensional array with 0 or 1 based indices
 CAtomClassRequestUsed to describe which atoms the user wants to know about
 CAtomDescriptionString and the corresponding registered atom
 CAttributeA struct to keep information of an element's attribute
 CAttributeDataStore the type and value of an XML attribute inside a XNameContainer
 CBarCodeThis struct defines the attributes of a Bar Code
 CBezierPointThis is a point on a Bezier curve
 CBorderLineDescribes the line type for a single cell edge
 CBorderWidthsBorder area by offsets from each side
 CBoundaryStart and end position of a word
 CBoundVolumeThree-dimensional boundary volume with two positions
 CCalendarA calendar as returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getAllCalendars()
 CCalendar2Calendar items as returned in a sequence by XLocaleData3::getAllCalendars2()
 CCalendarItemOne entry in a calendar, for example, a day of week or a month or an era
 CCameraGeometryThree-dimensional camera
 CCaretThis structure contains the caret information
 CCellAddressCell address within a spreadsheet document
 CCellProtectionDescribes the kind of protection for a protectable cell
 CCellRangeAddressCell range address within a spreadsheet document
 CCertAltNameEntryStruct contains a single entry within a Subject Alternative Name Extension of a X509 certificate
 CCharacterPropertiesThis is a set of properties to describe the style of characters
 CCharacterPropertiesAsianThis is a set of properties to describe the style of characters in Asian texts
 CCharacterPropertiesComplexThis is a set of properties to describe the style of characters in complex texts
 CChartDataRowDescribes a single data row, specified by its name and a sequence of data points
 CChartDataValueDescribes a single data value, including the error
 CChartSeriesAddressThis structure describes a single data row, specified by its name and a sequence of data points
 CChartTableAddressSupplierThis is a helper service for access to table Address to cell ranges of the container document of a chart
 CCheckinArgumentInformation needed to checkin a document
 CClipboardFormatsList of format IDs and names which are part of the system clipboard
 CCmisPropertyCMIS property
 CCmisVersionCMIS document version
 CColorProfileICC Color profile
 CColorStopDefines a Color-Stop entry for a gradient definition
 CCommandInfoDescribes a command
 CComplexReferenceReference to a cell range
 CConnectionPropertiesProperties for a connection (session) with a specific database
 CConnectorPropertiesThis is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering connector
 CContentInfoA structure for information about contents
 CContentProviderInfoA structure for content provider information
 CContextInformationInformation about a certain stack frame
 CContextMenuExecuteEventAll information about the requested context menu
 CControlCommandDescribes a command which can be send to a generic toolbar control
 CControlEventDescribes a control event sent by extended user interface controls
 CCrossReferenceThis struct contains information describing a cross reference
 CCurrencySymbols, names, and attributes of a specific currency, returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getAllCurrencies()
 CCurrencyUNO representation of the Automation type CY, also know as CURRENCY
 CDataAccessDescriptorDescriptor for accessing basic data access objects
 CDatabaseImportDescriptorDescription of how data from an external database is imported
 CDataFlavorEach instance represents the concept of a data format as it would appear on a clipboard, or during drag and drop
 CDataPilotFieldAutoShowInfoAuto show information of a DataPilotField
 CDataPilotFieldGroupInfoGrouping information of a DataPilotField
 CDataPilotFieldLayoutInfoLayout information of a DataPilotField
 CDataPilotFieldReferenceControls how a data pilot field's results are shown in relation to a selected reference result
 CDataPilotFieldSortInfoDescribes how to sort a single DataPilotField
 CDataPilotTableHeaderDataInformation about a cell within the column or row header area of a DataPilot table
 CDataPilotTablePositionDataThis structure contains information on a cell within a DataPilot table
 CDataPilotTableResultDataInformation about a cell positioned within the result area of a DataPilot table
 CDataResultResult of one element in the data pilot data array
 CDataSettingsExtends the com::sun::star::sdbcx::Table with additional display information, sorting and filtering criteria
 CDateDate value
 CDateUNO representation of the Automation type DATE
 CDateTimeCombined date+time value
 CDateTimeRangeRange of date+time values
 CDateTimeWithTimezoneCombined date+time value with time zone
 CDateWithTimezoneDate value with time zone
 CDDEItemInfoDescribes an item of a DDE connection
 CDDELinkInfoDescribes all items of a DDE connection used in formulas
 CDecimalUNO representation of the Automation type DECIMAL
 CDefaulted< T >A value of a given type that can be defaulted
 CDeviceInfoInformation about a device
 CDirection3D3-dimensional vector
 CDispatchDescriptorDescribes a feature to be retrieved by a URL that has to be loaded into a specified frame
 CDispatchInformationInformation about a supported command
 CDispatchStatementDispatch statement from a recorded macro
 CDockingDataData returned by docking handler
 CDocumentHeaderFieldThis struct contains a name-value pair of a document header (i.e
 CDocumentIndexMarkAsianTextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex
 CDocumentSignatureInformationStatus of digital signatures in a document
 CDriverPropertyInfoDescribes the driver properties for making a connection
 CDropCapFormatThis struct describes drop caps at a paragraph object
 CElementChangeThis structure describes a single change that is part of a batch of changes
 CElementStackItemA struct to keep a startElement/endElement SAX event
 CEllipticalArcThis structure specifies an arbitrary elliptical arc
 CEmbeddedObjectDescriptorDescribes properties of an embedded object
 CEnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValueSingle AdjustmentValue
 CEnhancedCustomShapeExtrusionThis service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue []
 CEnhancedCustomShapeGeometryThis service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue []
 CEnhancedCustomShapeHandleThis service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue []
 CEnhancedCustomShapeParameterSingle value which is used with EnhancedCustomShapes
 CEnhancedCustomShapeParameterPairCoordinates used with EnhancedCustomShapes
 CEnhancedCustomShapePathThis service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue []
 CEnhancedCustomShapeTextFrameCoordinates used with EnhancedCustomShapes
 CEnhancedCustomShapeTextPathThis service may be represented by a com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue []
 CEventEvent has a source that causes an event to be fired and a trigger that defines under which condition an event should be raised and an offset if the event should be raised a defined amount of time after the event is triggered
 CEventDescriptorEvent binding for a document or a document content
 CEventObjectBase for all event objects and identifies the source of the event
 CExceptionBase of all UNO exceptions
 CExportStreamInfoInformation needed to export an object in mbx format (supplying an output stream to export into)
 CExternalLinkInfoDescribes an external link in a formula
 CExternalReferenceData structure to store information about an external reference
 CFastAttributeA struct to keep information of an element's attribute
 CFeatureStateEncapsulates the state of a FormFeature
 CFetchResultData of several rows of a ContentResultSet
 CFilePermissionThis permission represents access to a file or directory
 CFillBitmapThis structure contains all properties of a bitmap when used as FillStyle
 CFillPropertiesThis is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering an area
 CFloatingPointBitmapLayoutThis structure describes the memory layout of a bitmap having floating point color channels
 CFolderListA list of folders
 CFolderListEntryInformation about a single folder in a FolderList
 CFontDescriptorDescribes the characteristics of a font
 CFontHeightDescribes the characteristics of a font
 CFontInfoThis structure provides information about a specific font
 CFontMetricsMetrics global to the font, i.e
 CFontRequestThis structure contains all information necessary to describe a font to be queried from XCanvas
 CFootnoteSettingsAccess to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document
 CForbiddenCharactersLocale (mostly CJK) dependent characters that are forbidden at the start or end of a line
 CFormatElementOne number format code and its attributes, returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getAllFormats()
 CFormulaOpCodeMapEntryMapping from a formula name (function name, operator, ...) to the OpCode used by the formula compiler
 CFormulaPropertiesThe formula properties provide access to the properties of a formula in a formula generator
 CFormulaTokenSingle token within a formula
 CFunctionArgumentDescription of a single argument within a spreadsheet function
 CFunctionDescriptionCollects all properties used to describe a function
 CGetPropertyTolerantResultInformation being retrieved about a single property
 CGlobalTransferCommandArgumentThis struct contains information needed to transfer objects from one location to another
 CGluePointA GluePoint could be attached to a shape or to a page
 CGluePoint2This struct defines the attributes of a gluepoint
 CGoalResultResult of a goal seek operation
 CGradientDescribes a gradient between two colors
 CGraphicCropDescribes the cropping of graphic objects
 CHatchThis struct defines the appearance of a hatch
 CHomogenMatrixHomogeneous matrix by three homogeneous lines
 CHomogenMatrix3Homogeneous matrix by three homogeneous lines
 CHomogenMatrix4Homogeneous matrix by four homogeneous lines
 CHomogenMatrixLineSingle line for a HomogenMatrix
 CHomogenMatrixLine3Single line for a HomogenMatrix3
 CHomogenMatrixLine4Single line for a HomogenMatrix4
 CHoriOrientationFormatDescribes the horizontal orientation of an object
 CImplementationImplementation name details returned in a sequence by XLocaleData::getCollatorImplementations()
 CIncrementDataAn IncrementData describes how tickmarks are positioned on the scale of an axis
 CInputSourceDatasource plus some additional information for the parser
 CInsertCommandArgumentThe argument for the command "insert"
 CInsertedObjectInfoIntended to provide result of creation of an embedded object by dialog
 CIntegerBezierSegment2DThis structure contains the relevant data for a cubic Bezier curve
 CIntegerBitmapLayoutThis structure describes the memory layout of a bitmap having integer color channels
 CIntegerPoint2DThis structure defines a two-dimensional point
 CIntegerRectangle2DThis structure contains the necessary information for a two-dimensional rectangle
 CIntegerSize2DThis structure contains data representing a two-dimensional size
 CInvocationInfoThis struct is used to specify information about object members (methods or properties) accessed via XInvocation, such as names, types, or parameters
 CItemDescriptorDescribes a user interface item that is part of a user interface element
 CItemStatusDescribes a state of a property
 CJumpListItemSpecifies an item for com::sun::star::system::windows::XJumpList
 CKeyStrokeDescribes a key stroke for hotkeys etc
 CLanguageCountryInfoThe language and country identifiers and descriptive names of the loaded locale data returned by XLocaleData::getLanguageCountryInfo()
 CLayoutSizeSize used for layouting windows
 CLeftRightMarginLeft and right margin
 CLeftRightMarginScaleLeft and right margin
 CLineBreakHyphenationOptionsHyphenation options passed in calls to XBreakIterator::getLineBreak()
 CLineBreakResultsResults of method XBreakIterator::getLineBreak()
 CLineBreakUserOptionsLine break options passed in calls to XBreakIterator::getLineBreak()
 CLineDashA LineDash defines a non-continuous line
 CLineDescriptorDescribes the appearance of a line representing a single property in an ObjectInspector
 CLineNumberingPropertiesAccess to the settings of the line numbering
 CLinePropertiesThis is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering a Line
 CLineSpacingThis structure is used to specify the height of a text line
 CLinkDefines a link
 CListActionThis struct contains information needed in the notifications of a XDynamicResultSet
 CLocaleObject represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region
 CLocaleDataItemLocale specific data, for example, separators, quotation marks
 CLocalizedNameA name that is valid for a specified locale
 CLockEntryDefines the types of locks that can be used with a resource
 CLogRecordAssembles the complete information about a to-be-logged event
 CMailAttachmentA MailAttachment specifies a mail message attachment
 CMatrix2DThis structure defines a 2 by 2 matrix
 CMeasurePropertiesThis service describes a MeasureShape
 CMediaDescriptorDescribes properties of a document, regarding the relationship between the loaded document and the resource the document is loaded from / stored to
 CMediaPropertiesThis service describes the properties that are used when using the XGraphicProvider interface methods
 CMemberResultDescribes a result of a DataPilot member
 CMenuMultipleChangeExplains properties of a menu item
 CMenuSingleChangeExplains a change for a menu item
 CNamedArgumentNamed argument in a call to a method of an Automation object
 CNamedDatabaseObjectDenotes a named database object, or a named folder of database objects
 CNamedValuePair assembled from a name and a value
 CNameTokenInformation regarding named tokens
 CNativeNumberXmlAttributesAttributes describing a native number mode for a specific locale, stored in XML file format
 CNumberedSortingInfoInformation for sorting a ContentResultSet
 CNumberFormatCodeNumber format code information returned by various XNumberFormatCode methods
 CNumberFormatPropertiesProperties specifying the behavior of a NumberFormatter
 CNumberingAlignmentSpecify the alignment of a numbering level
 CNumberingLevelThese properties describe the numbering of a paragraph
 CNumberingLevelAccess to a numbering level as part of the Numbering Rules
 COpenCommandArgumentThe argument for commands like "open", "update", and "synchronize"
 COptional< T >An optional value of a given type
 CPageFootnoteInfoProperties of the footnote area of a page or a page style
 CPagePrintSettingsThese properties describe the way the XPagePrintable interface prints the page on one printer page
 CPagePropertiesDescribes the style of pages
 CPair< T, U >A tuple, or pair
 CParagraphPropertiesDescribes the style of paragraphs
 CParagraphPropertiesAsianSettings for the style of paragraphs with complex text layout
 CParagraphPropertiesComplexSettings for the style of paragraphs with complex text layout
 CParagraphTargetEvent has a source that causes an event to be fired and a trigger that defines under which condition an event should be raised and an offset if the event should be raised a defined amount of time after the event is triggered
 CParamInfoProvides information about a formal parameter of a method
 CParaUserDefinedAttributesSupplierA component that supports this service preserves XML attributes, unknown by its parser, that belong to the XML element representing it (the component)
 CParseResultParser results returned by XCharacterClassification::parseAnyToken() and XCharacterClassification::parsePredefinedToken()
 CPivotTableFieldEntryPivot table field entry data
 CPoint2-dimensional point using the Cartesian coordinate system
 CPolyPolygonBezierCoordsCoordinates for a poly polygon Bezier
 CPolyPolygonBezierDescriptorThis service describes a polypolygonbezier
 CPolyPolygonDescriptorThis service describes a poly-polygon
 CPolyPolygonShape3DCoordinates of a 3-dimensional poly polygon
 CPosition3D3-dimensional point
 CPostCommandArgumentThe argument for the command "post"
 CPrinterDescriptorDescribes a printer by specifying the queue name and some settings
 CPrintOptionsDescribes the options for print jobs
 CPrintSettingsThese properties describe the printing of the content of a text document
 CPrintSettingsAccess to the settings for printing documents
 CProofreadingResultHolds the results from proofreading a sentence
 CPropertyThis structure describes a property
 CPropertyCategoryDescriptorDescribes a category of properties
 CPropertyCommandArgumentThe argument for the "addProperty" command
 CPropertyInfoThis structure contains all the information related to a property
 CPropertyPutArgumentValue that is used as argument in a "property put&quot operation on an Automation object
 CPropertyValueProperty value
 CProtocolPropertyString/value pair
 CRangeSelectionArgumentsArguments for starting the range selection
 CRealBezierSegment2DThis structure contains the relevant data for a cubic Bezier curve
 CRealPoint2DThis structure defines a two-dimensional point
 CRealRectangle2DThis structure contains the necessary information for a two-dimensional rectangle
 CRealRectangle3DThis structure contains the necessary information for a three-dimensional cube
 CRealSize2DThis structure contains data representing a two-dimensional size
 CRecipientInfoAll information needed to send a message using one send protocol
 CRectangleRectangular area by position and size
 CRelativePositionDetermines a position of an object relative to a size defined by other means
 CRelativeSizeGives a position relative to some size defined by other means
 CRenderDescriptorDescribes the options for Render jobs
 CRenderOptionsDescribes the options for Render jobs
 CRenderStateThis structure contains information passed to each XCanvas render operation
 CRevisionTagInformation that describes a revision of something
 CRGBColorRGB color triplet
 CRotationDescriptorThis abstract service specifies the general characteristics of an optional rotation and shearing for a Shape
 CRuleDescribes a rule that can be applies to a number of objects
 CRuleSetDescribes a set of Rules
 CRuleTermDescribes a term
 CRuntimePermissionThis permission grants runtime access to some named functionality
 CScannerContextScanner context is an identifier for a specific scanner device
 CScriptEventDescriptorDescribes an effect, especially a script to be executed, for a certain event given by the listener type and the name of the event method
 CSearchCommandArgumentThe argument for the command "search"
 CSearchCriteriumCriterion describing how an object must match some rules that specify (part of) a search
 CSearchInfoInformation needed to (recursively) search an object
 CSectionFileLinkDescribes the link for a text section
 CSelectionNumerical range
 CSendInfoInformation related to a send protocol
 CSendMediaTypesList of Internet media types (like "text/plain" and "text/html"), that are related to a send protocol
 CSetPropertyTolerantFailedInformation about a single property failed to be set
 CShadowFormatDescribes the settings of a cell shadow
 CShadowPropertiesThis is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering a shadow
 CShapeThis service is supported from all shapes inside a PresentationDocument
 CSimpleFontMetricDescribes the general metrics of a certain font
 CSingleProofreadingErrorHolds a single error found by the proofreader
 CSingleReferenceReference to a single cell
 CSize2-dimensional size of an area using width and height
 CSocketPermissionThis permission represents access to a network via sockets
 CSolverConstraintUsed to specify a constraint for a solver model
 CSortDescriptor2Gives access to the properties of a sort descriptor
 CSortFieldDescribes a single field in a sort descriptor
 CSortingInfoSorting info
 CStackableDiagramHelper service for stackable chart types (e.g., charts in which the data rows may be displayed stacked on each other or in percent relation)
 CStandardDiagramCreationParametersParameters that may be passed to XChartTypeTemplate::createDiagramByDataSource()
 CStatementRDF statement, or triple
 CStringContextCollection of string-related arguments used on all canvas text interfaces
 CStringPairPair of two strings
 CStrokeAttributesThis structure contains all attributes required for path stroking
 CSubTotalColumnDescribes how a single data column is treated when creating subtotals
 CSymbolProperties that are used for DataSeries that display symbols
 CSystemDependentXWindowSystem dependent XWindow
 CTabBarButtonDescriptor of a tab bar button
 CTableBorderStyle settings of the border lines of all cells in a cell range
 CTableBorder2Style settings of the border lines of all cells in a cell range
 CTableBorderDistancesDistance settings of the border lines of all cells in a cell range
 CTableColumnSeparatorThe width of the cells of a text table is defined by the position of the separator between neighboring cells
 CTableFilterFieldDescribes a single condition in a filter descriptor
 CTableFilterField2Describes a single condition in a filter descriptor
 CTablePageBreakDataDescribes a page break in a spreadsheet
 CTableSortFieldDescribes how to sort a single field (row/column) in a tables sort descriptor
 CTabStopThis structure is used to specify a single tabulator stop
 CTargetPropertiesProperties of an animated target
 CTemplateAssociation between a style name and a value
 CTemplateIdentifierHolds the data needed to identify a template
 CTextColumnDefines a single text column
 CTextConversionResultText conversion result to be used with XTextConversion
 CTextHitThis structure contains hit information for XTextLayout
 CTextMarkupDescriptorA descriptor for a single text markup
 CTextPageStylePage style for a text document
 CTextRangeContentPropertiesDescribes the structural properties to retrieve text contents
 CTextSegmentThis structure describes a text segment that is embedded in a larger portion of text
 CTextureContains all information needed to define a texture
 CTextUserDefinedAttributesSupplierA component that supports this service preserves XML attributes, unknown by its parser, that belong to the XML element representing it (the component)
 CTimeTime value
 CTimeIncrementA TimeIncrement describes how tickmarks are positioned on the scale of a date-time axis
 CTimeIntervalDescribes an interval on a date-axis
 CTimeWithTimezoneCombined time value with time zone
 CTransferInfoInformation needed to transfer objects from one location to another
 CTransferResultInformation about a transfer activity
 CUikSpecifies a universal interface key (globally unique)
 CUnoControlDialogElementSet of properties to describe the model of an UnoControl which is embedded in a UnoControlDialogModel
 CUpdateInformationEntryObjects of this type are used as elements of the enumeration returned by XUpdateInformationProvider
 CUpperLowerMarginUpper and lower margin
 CUpperLowerMarginScaleUpper and lower margin
 CURLStructure of a Uniform Resource Locator
 CUserDefinedAttributesSupplierA component that supports this service preserves XML attributes, unknown by its parser, that belong to the XML element representing it (the component)
 CVerbDescribes a command that can be send to an OLE object
 CVerbDescriptorDescribes a verb
 CVertOrientationFormatDescribes the vertical orientation of an object
 CViewStateThis structure contains information considered the view state
 CVisibilityDescribes the visibility state of a property
 CVisualRepresentationCan contain a graphical representation in an arbitrary format
 CWelcomeDynamicResultSetStructThis struct is to be contained in the first notification of an XDynamicResultSet
 CWindowDescriptorDescribes a window
 CXAbortChannelUse this interface to abort a command asynchronously
 CXAccessibleTextAttributesImplement this interface to give access to the attributes of a text
 CXAlterViewImplements the possibility to alter aspects of a view's definition
 CXAnimationAllows controlling an animation
 CXAnnotationAccessThis interface gives access to the annotation for a document content
 CXAnnotationEnumerationAn enumeration for a set of annotations
 CXArrayFormulaTokensGives access to an array formula as token sequence
 CXAsyncOutputMonitorAn optional companion interface to com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream that supports scenarios where com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream::writeBytes() operates asynchronously and does not necessarily report any errors
 CXBinaryDataContainerContainer for binary data, typically an in-memory content of files
 CXCallbackInterface which can be used to call back an implementation
 CXCertificateContainerManage user certificate for temporary connections
 CXColorSpaceInformation how to interpret certain color data
 CXComplexColorComplex color interface
 CXConfigurationChangeRequestA single explicit request for a configuration change
 CXConfigurationControllerBroadcasterManage the set of registered event listeners and the event notification for a configuration controller
 CXConfigurationControllerRequestQueueThe request queue of the configuration controller handles requests for changes to the current configuration
 CXConnectionToolsEncapsulates various useful functionality around a com::sun::star::sdb::Connection
 CXContainerApproveBroadcasterAllows containers to implement a vetoing mechanism for insertion, removal, and replacement of their elements
 CXContainerApproveListenerNotified to approve changes which happen to the content of a generic container
 CXControllerManagerThe XControllerManager gives access to the controllers of the drawing framework
 CXDataAccessDescriptorFactoryAllows creating instances of the DataAccessDescriptor service
 CXDatabaseDocumentUIAccess to the user interface of a database document
 CXDatabaseRegistrationsAccess to the application-wide registered databases
 CXDataPilotDataLayoutFieldSupplierProvides access to the DataPilotField used to layout multiple data fields
 CXDateCategoriesAllows to set date values as categories
 CXDeckAccess to Deck
 CXDocumentDataSourceSimplifies the accessing of data sources and their corresponding database document
 CXDocumentEventBroadcasterAllows to be notified of events happening in an OfficeDocument, and to cause notification of such events
 CXDocumentPropertiesDocument-specific information such as the author, creation date, and user-defined fields
 CXDocumentPropertiesSupplierAccess to the XDocumentProperties instance of a document
 CXDocumentRecoveryInterface to be implemented by documents who wish to participate in the document emergency-save / recovery process
 CXDumpDump any UNOIDL value as a string
 CXEmbeddedOleObjectRepresents a marker for embedded OLE objects
 CXEmbeddedScriptsSupported by OfficeDocuments which allow to embed scripts
 CXExternalSheetCachePrimary interface for the com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalSheetCache service
 CXExternalUriReferenceTranslatorTranslates between external and internal URI references
 CXFastSAXSerializableSerializes a DOM tree by generating FastSAX events
 CXFeatureInvalidationImplements a callback for a XFormOperations instance, which is called when the state of one or more FormFeatures might have changed
 CXFilterControllerAccess to a form based filter for a database form
Information about a font mapping that took place
 CXFormControllerContextContext for a FormController
 CXFormsUIHelper1Provide several helper methods for the UI
 CXFormulaOpCodeMapperGives access to spreadsheet compiler token interns
 CXFormulaParserConverts between text and token representations of formulas
 CXFormulaTokensGives access to a formula as token sequence
 CXFrameGrabberThis interface provides an easy access to a stream images using their position in the time
 CXFunctionsSupplierFunctions supplier which are located in a report definition or a group
 CXGraphicMapperThis interface allows mapping of XGraphics for a certain string key
 CXGridControlAn interface to a control that displays a tabular data
 CXGridRowSelectionThis interfaces provides access to the selection of row for UnoControlGrid
 CXHierarchicalStorageAccessThis interface allows hierarchical access to storage tree
 CXInterfaceBase interface of all UNO interfaces
 CXItemListConvenient access to the list of items in a list box
 CXLanguageGuessingThis interface allows to guess the language of a text
 CXLockableAllows locking a component
 CXLogFormatterInterface to be used for formatting log records
 CXLoggerImplemented by a component which is able to log events
 CXLoggerPoolImplements a pool for named XLogger instances
 CXManagerCom::sun::star::media::XPlayer factory interface
 CXMarkingAccessExtends a text range by method to modify its position
 CXMessageBoxGives access to a message box
 CXMLAttributeA struct to keep information of an element's attribute
 CXModelRepresent an XForms model
 CXModuleControllerThe module controller is responsible for loading a module (ad-don, plugin, whatever the name) when it is first used
 CXMultiFormulaTokensGives access to multiple sets of formula tokens
 CXMultiTextMarkupFunctionality to apply multiple text markups in one call
 CXNodeNode that may occur in a RDF graph
 CXNumberTextThis interface allows to spell out numbers and money amounts
 CXObjectInspectorModelDescribes the model of an ObjectInspector
 CXObjectInspectorUIGrants access to certain aspects of the user interface of an object inspector
 CXObjectNamesEncapsulates functionality which you might find useful when writing a database application which deals with query and table names
 CXOptimizedStorageThis is a temporary interface that is introduced to temporarily optimize the document storing process
 CXPackageInformationProviderObjects implementing this interface provide a URL to the root of an installed package
 CXPackageManagerFactoryThe XPackageManagerFactory interface is used to obtain XPackageManager instances
 CXPackageRegistryInterface to bind a UNO package
 CXPackageTypeInfoObjects of this interface provide information about a package's type
 CXPane2An extension of the XPane interface that adds support for a) showing and hiding the windows that internally belong to the pane and b) setting the accessibility object
 CXPaneBorderPainterPaint the border around a rectangular region, typically a pane
 CXPanelAccess to Panel
 CXPlayerMultimedia stream handling interface
 CXPresenterHelperThis interface is a collection of functions that were necessary to implement larger parts of the presenter screen as extension
 CXPropertyControlDefines the interface for a single control in an ObjectInspector
 CXPropertyControlFactoryFactory for XPropertyControls
 CXPropertyControlObserverInterface for components to observer certain aspects of an XPropertyControl
 CXPublishedReflects the “published” status of a UNOIDL entity
 CXRedlineEnables creation of redlines (change tracking)
 CXRelocatableResourceAn optional interface that is implemented by resources that are relocatable to different anchors
 CXReportControlFormatFormat condition for a control
 CXRepositoryAccess to a set of named RDF graphs
 CXRepositorySupplierAccess to an RDF Repository
 CXRequestCallbackInterface which can be used to call back an implementation
 CXResourceBase interface that provides functionality shared by all resource types of the drawing framework
 CXResourceFactoryFactory and possibly cache for creating and releasing resources
 CXResourceFactoryManagerThe XResourceFactoryManager is part of the configuration controller and manages the set of registered resource factories
 CXResourceIdA resource id uses a set of URLs to unambiguously specify a resource of the drawing framework
 CXRowsChangeBroadcasterBroadcasts changes in the RowSet supplied by a component
 CXRowSetChangeBroadcasterBroadcasts changes in the RowSet supplied by a component
 CXSAXSerializableSerializes a DOM tree by generating SAX events
 CXScriptInvocationContextIndicates support for executing scripts contained in a, possibly foreign, document
 CXServiceConstructorDescriptionReflects a service constructor
 CXServiceDocumenterDocumentation for UNO services
 CXShapeEventListenerMakes it possible to register listeners, which are called whenever a document or document content event occurs
 CXShapes2Allows insertion of shapes at different positions
 CXShapes3Yet another XShapes interface, enables sorting shapes with some extra attention paid to shapes with textboxes and overall performance
 CXSidebarInterface of the sidebar that allows its elements like panels to eg request layouts
 CXSidebarPanelOptional interface of sidebar panels
 CXSlidePreviewCacheA cache of preview bitmaps for the slides of one Impress or Draw document in one size
 CXSlidePreviewCacheListenerListener for asynchronous preview creations
 CXSlideRendererCreate preview bitmaps for single slides
 CXSlideShowControllerInterface to control a running slide show
 CXSortableGridDataAllows to sort the data represented by a XGridDataModel
 CXStatusbarItemRepresents an item in a status bar
 CXStorageRawAccessThis interface represents main storage functionality
 CXStringKeyMapMaps strings to anys
 CXStringRepresentationHandles string representations of property values
 CXStyleSettingsAccess to certain style settings within an component, such as a window, or within as a whole
 CXStyleSettingsSupplierAccess to the style settings of a component
 CXSubDocumentAllows operating on a sub document of an OfficeDatabaseDocument
 CXTabBarUI control for the selection of views in a pane
 CXTableNameAllows to manipulate table names
 CXTableUIProviderUsed by the database application to obtain non-default user interface information and/or components for database tables
 CXTabPageAn interface to a control that displays a tab page
 CXTabPageContainerAn interface to a control that displays tab pages
 CXTabPageModelXTabPageModel interface
 CXTextMarkupFunctionality to markup text
 CXThemeTheme interface
 CXToolkitRobotAllows injection of keyboard and mouse events
 CXToolPanelDescribes the basic interface to be implemented by a tool panel
 CXTreeNodeAn instance implementing this interface represents the model data for an entry in a XTreeDataModel
 CXUndoActionSingle (undoable) action on a document
 CXUndoManagerSupplierAccess to an XUndoManager
 CXUpdateInformationProviderObjects implementing this interface provide access to the xml root of one or more update information files for a given set of URLs
 CXVBAEventProcessorExecutes VBA event handlers
 CXVBAMacroResolverConverts VBA macro names to script URLs and vice versa
 CXVetoInformation about a veto which has been raised against an operation
 CXVndSunStarExpandUrlAbsolute “” URLs
 CXVndSunStarPkgUrlReferenceFactoryCreates “” URL references
 CXWizardControllerInterface of a client-provided controller of a custom Wizard
 CZipEntryUsed to represent a ZIP file entry