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PopupMenuController Service Reference

provides access to a pop-up menu controller. More...


Inheritance diagram for PopupMenuController:
XPopupMenuController XInitialization XStatusListener XDispatchProvider XComponent XInterface XInterface XEventListener XInterface XInterface XInterface

Exported Interfaces

interface com::sun::star::frame::XPopupMenuController
 supports functions to initialize and update a pop-up menu controller implementation. More...
interface com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization
 provides functions to initialize a pop-up menu controller with specific data which are needed. More...
interface com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener
 used to brief the pop-up menu controller with new status information. More...
interface com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider
 used to query for commands supported by the pop-up menu controller to execute them directly. More...
interface com::sun::star::lang::XComponent
 used to dispose pop-up menu controller by the owner instance. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from XPopupMenuController
void setPopupMenu ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XPopupMenu PopupMenu)
 provides a com::sun::star::awt::XPopupMenu to a pop-up menu controller implementation. More...
void updatePopupMenu ()
 briefs the pop-up menu controller to update the contents of the provided pop-up menu to reflect the current state. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XInterface
any queryInterface ([in] type aType)
 queries for a new interface to an existing UNO object. More...
void acquire ()
 increases the reference counter by one. More...
void release ()
 decreases the reference counter by one. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XInitialization
void initialize ([in] sequence< any > aArguments) raises ( com::sun::star::uno::Exception )
 initializes the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XStatusListener
void statusChanged ([in] FeatureStateEvent State)
 is called when the status of the feature changes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XEventListener
void disposing ([in] com::sun::star::lang::EventObject Source)
 gets called when the broadcaster is about to be disposed. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XDispatchProvider
XDispatch queryDispatch ([in] com::sun::star::util::URL URL, [in] string TargetFrameName, [in] long SearchFlags)
 searches for an XDispatch for the specified URL within the specified target frame. More...
sequence< XDispatchqueryDispatches ([in] sequence< DispatchDescriptor > Requests)
 actually this method is redundant to XDispatchProvider::queryDispatch() to avoid multiple remote calls. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XComponent
void dispose ()
 The owner of an object calls this method to explicitly free all resources kept by this object and thus break cyclic references. More...
void addEventListener ([in] XEventListener xListener)
 adds an event listener to the object. More...
void removeEventListener ([in] XEventListener aListener)
 removes an event listener from the listener list. More...

Detailed Description

provides access to a pop-up menu controller.

A pop-up menu controller is used to make special functions available to users, which depend on runtime or context specific conditions.
A typical example for a pop-up menu controller can be a recent file list implementation which provides a list of latest files that a user has worked on. This list gets changes consistently during a work session.

OOo 2.0

Exported Interfaces

◆ com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider

used to query for commands supported by the pop-up menu controller to execute them directly.

A pop-up menu controller provides special functions which should be available by the normal dispatch API. This optional interface enables pop-up menu controller to be normal dispatch providers.
Po-pup menu controller functions must be specified using the following the dispatch URL scheme: "" opaque_part [ "?" query ].

OOo 2.2

◆ com::sun::star::frame::XPopupMenuController

supports functions to initialize and update a pop-up menu controller implementation.

A pop-up menu controller implementation gets initialized with a com::sun::star::awt::XPopupMenu object. This assures that a pop-up menu controller can be implemented with any UNO based language.

◆ com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener

used to brief the pop-up menu controller with new status information.

A pop-up menu controller makes special functions available to users which normally depend on the state of other data. This interface is used to send this data to a controller implementation.

◆ com::sun::star::lang::XComponent

used to dispose pop-up menu controller by the owner instance.

A pop-up menu controller resides in a menu which has a limited life-time. For correct life-time handling a pop-up menu controller should support this interface.

OOo 2.2

◆ com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization

provides functions to initialize a pop-up menu controller with specific data which are needed.

This interface should not directly used. A factory service is responsible to initialize every controller correctly.

A pop-up menu controller needs at least two additional arguments provided as com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue:

  • Frame
    specifies the com::sun::star::frame::XFrame instance to which the pop-up menu controller belongs to.
  • CommandURL
    specifies which pop-up menu controller should be created.
See also

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