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com::sun::star::frame Module Reference

Desktop environment framework interfaces. More...


module  status
 various status properties.

Constant Groups

constants  CommandGroup
 provides information about a supported command
constants  DispatchResultState
 possible values for DispatchResultEvent
constants  FrameSearchFlag
 these types describe the algorithm to be used to search a frame
constants  InfobarType
 Infobar types.
constants  LayoutManagerEvents
 provides information about layout manager events
constants  UntitledNumbersConst
constants  WindowArrange
 these constants are used to specify a style of window arrangement


service  AppDispatchProvider
service  AutoRecovery
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theAutoRecovery singleton. More...
service  Bibliography
struct  BorderWidths
 specifies a border area by offsets from each side. More...
service  Components
 specifies a collection of components More...
service  ContentHandler
 special dispatcher for non visible contents, e.g. More...
service  ContentHandlerFactory
 factory to create content loader More...
struct  ControlCommand
 describes a command which can be send to a generic toolbar control. More...
struct  ControlEvent
 describes a control event sent by extended user interface controls. More...
service  Controller
 is an abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer More...
service  Desktop
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theDesktop singleton. More...
service  DesktopTask
 use the Frame service instead of this More...
service  DesktopTasks
struct  DispatchDescriptor
 describes a feature to be retrieved by a URL that has to be loaded into a specified frame More...
service  DispatchHelper
 provides an easy way to dispatch a URL using one call instead of multiple ones. More...
struct  DispatchInformation
 provides information about a supported command More...
service  DispatchProvider
 provides XDispatch objects for certain functions which are useful at the UI More...
service  DispatchRecorder
 provides functionality to record XDispatch::dispatch() requests More...
service  DispatchRecorderSupplier
 provides a DispatchRecorder More...
struct  DispatchResultEvent
 contains the result of the dispatch action, if State is set to SUCCESS More...
struct  DispatchStatement
 represents a dispatch statement from a recorded macro More...
service  DocumentTemplates
 is a service for accessing the document templates of the office and manipulate them ( add or rename or remove templates ) More...
exception  DoubleInitializationException
 This exception can be thrown in case an object is initialized second time. More...
struct  FeatureStateEvent
 This event is broadcast by a Controller whenever the state of the feature changes. More...
service  Frame
 represents the environment for a desktop component More...
struct  FrameActionEvent
 this event struct is broadcast for actions which can happen to components within frames More...
service  FrameControl
 contains a frame with a desktop component More...
service  FrameLoader
 derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment More...
service  FrameLoaderFactory
 factory to create frame loader More...
service  FramesContainer
 this is a special container which can contain frames More...
service  GlobalEventBroadcaster
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theGlobalEventBroadcaster singleton. More...
exception  IllegalArgumentIOException
 This exception can be thrown in case arguments are wrong. More...
service  LayoutManager
 controls the layout of user interface elements which are part of a frame. More...
service  MediaTypeDetectionHelper
 provides for mapping a given sequence of content identifier strings to a sequence of respective media (mime) types More...
service  ModuleManager
 can be used to identify office modules. More...
service  OfficeFrameLoader
service  PopupMenuController
 provides access to a pop-up menu controller. More...
service  PopupMenuControllerFactory
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of thePopupMenuControllerFactory singleton. More...
service  ProtocolHandler
 special dispatch provider registered for URL protocols More...
service  SessionListener
 This was created from its sole place of use, so it might be incomplete. More...
service  SessionManager
 The SessionManager service provides an interface to the session manager of the desktop. More...
service  Settings
service  StartModule
service  StatusbarController
 is an abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a status bar. More...
service  StatusbarControllerFactory
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theStatusbarControllerFactory singleton. More...
service  SynchronousFrameLoader
 derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment More...
service  Task
 represents a top level frame in the frame hierarchy with the desktop as root More...
service  TaskCreator
service  TemplateAccess
 provides a high level API to organize document templates More...
exception  TerminationVetoException
 can be thrown by a XTerminateListener to prevent the environment (e.g., desktop) from terminating More...
singleton  theAutoRecovery
 Prior to LibreOffice 4.3, this singleton was only available as a (single-instance) AutoRecovery service. More...
singleton  theDesktop
 is the environment for components which can instantiate within frames More...
singleton  theGlobalEventBroadcaster
 This singleton offers the document event functionality that can be found at any com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument, but it does it for all existing documents. More...
singleton  thePopupMenuControllerFactory
 specifies a factory that creates instances of registered popup menu controller. More...
singleton  theStatusbarControllerFactory
 specifies a factory that creates instances of registered status bar controller. More...
singleton  theToolbarControllerFactory
 specifies a factory that creates instances of registered toolbar controller. More...
singleton  theUICommandDescription
 a singleton which provides information about user interface commands of modules. More...
struct  TitleChangedEvent
 Contains the information about a changed title. More...
service  ToolbarController
 is an abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar. More...
service  ToolbarControllerFactory
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theToolbarControllerFactory singleton. More...
service  TransientDocumentsDocumentContentFactory
 specifies a factory for com::sun::star::ucb::TransientDocumentsDocumentContents. More...
service  UICommandDescription
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theUICommandDescription singleton. More...
exception  UnknownModuleException
 This exception can be thrown in case an office module could not be classified or does not have a valid configuration. More...
interface  XAppDispatchProvider
interface  XBorderResizeListener
 allows to listen to border resize events of a controller. More...
interface  XBrowseHistoryRegistry
interface  XComponentLoader
 this is a simple interface to load components by a URL into a frame environment More...
interface  XComponentRegistry
interface  XConfigManager
interface  XController
 With this interface, components viewed in a Frame can serve events (by supplying dispatches). More...
interface  XController2
 extends the XController interface More...
interface  XControllerBorder
 allows to retrieve information about controller's border. More...
interface  XControlNotificationListener
 Must be implemented by dispatch objects which want to get notifications about control events. More...
interface  XDesktop
 This is the main interface of a desktop service. More...
interface  XDesktop2
interface  XDesktopTask
 use XFrame instead of this More...
interface  XDispatch
 serves state information of objects which can be connected to controls (e.g. More...
interface  XDispatchHelper
 provides an easy way to dispatch functions useful at UI level. More...
interface  XDispatchInformationProvider
 provides information about supported commands More...
interface  XDispatchProvider
 provides XDispatch interfaces for certain functions which are useful at the UI. More...
interface  XDispatchProviderInterception
 makes it possible to register an XDispatchProvider which intercepts all requests of XDispatch to this instance. More...
interface  XDispatchProviderInterceptor
 makes it possible to intercept request of XDispatch. More...
interface  XDispatchRecorder
 provides recording functionality of dispatches More...
interface  XDispatchRecorderSupplier
 provides access to the record mechanism of dispatches More...
interface  XDispatchResultListener
 listener for results of XNotifyingDispatch::dispatchWithNotification() More...
interface  XDocumentTemplates
 provides a high level API to organize document templates More...
interface  XExtendedFilterDetection
 use com::sun::star::document::XExtendedFilterDetection instead of this More...
interface  XFilterDetect
 use com::sun::star::document::XExtendedFilterDetection instead of this More...
interface  XFrame
 a frame object can be considered to be an "anchor" object where a component can be attached to. More...
interface  XFrame2
interface  XFrameActionListener
 has to be provided if an object wants to receive events when several things happen to components within frames of the desktop frame tree. More...
interface  XFrameLoader
 load components into a frame More...
interface  XFrameLoaderQuery
 use service FrameLoaderFactory instead of this More...
interface  XFrames
 manages and creates frames. More...
interface  XFrameSetModel
 use XModel instead of this More...
interface  XFramesSupplier
 provides access to sub frames of current one More...
interface  XGlobalEventBroadcaster
 Provides the unified interface of theGlobalEventBroadcaster singleton. More...
interface  XInfobarProvider
 Allows to add Infobars to a frame. More...
interface  XInterceptorInfo
 makes it possible to get information about a registered interceptor and is used by frame interceptor mechanism to perform interception. More...
interface  XLayoutManager
 central interface to query for, create, destroy and manipulate user interface elements which are bound to a layout manager. More...
interface  XLayoutManager2
 Unified interface for LayoutManager service. More...
interface  XLayoutManagerEventBroadcaster
 makes it possible to receive events from a layout manager. More...
interface  XLayoutManagerListener
 makes it possible to receive events from a layout manager. More...
interface  XLoadable
 offers a simple way to initialize a component or load it from a URL. More...
interface  XLoaderFactory
 Unified service interface for FrameLoaderFactory and ContentHandlerFactory. More...
interface  XLoadEventListener
 is used to receive callbacks from an asynchronous frame loader. More...
interface  XMenuBarAcceptor
 provides function to update a menu bar for inplace editing. More...
interface  XMenuBarMergingAcceptor
 provides functions to set and remove a merged menu bar for inplace editing. More...
interface  XModel
 represents a component which is created from a URL and arguments. More...
interface  XModel2
 extends interface XModel. More...
interface  XModel3
 extends interface XModel2 with optimised read access getArgs(). More...
interface  XModule
 can be used to overrule identification of office modules. More...
interface  XModuleManager
 can be used to identify office modules. More...
interface  XModuleManager2
 This interface provides a merged single interface for the ModuleManager service to implement. More...
interface  XNotifyingDispatch
 dispatch with guaranteed notify (instead of XDispatch) More...
interface  XPopupMenuController
 provides data to a pop-up menu controller implementation to fill and update a pop-up menu dynamically. More...
interface  XRecordableDispatch
 extends an existing XDispatch implementation with functionality for dispatch recording More...
interface  XSessionManagerClient
 Connect to a session manager to get information about pending desktop shutdown. More...
interface  XSessionManagerListener
interface  XSessionManagerListener2
interface  XStatusbarController
 interface to be implemented by a component offering a more complex user interface to users within a status bar. More...
interface  XStatusListener
 makes it possible to receive events when the state of a feature changes. More...
interface  XStorable
 offers a simple way to store a component to a URL. More...
interface  XStorable2
 extends XStorable. More...
interface  XSubToolbarController
 special interface to support sub-toolbars in a controller implementation. More...
interface  XSynchronousDispatch
 additional interfaces for dispatch objects: allow to execute with return value More...
interface  XSynchronousFrameLoader
 loads a resource into a Frame. More...
interface  XTask
 use XFrame instead of this one More...
interface  XTasksSupplier
 use XFramesSupplier instead of that More...
interface  XTerminateListener
 has to be provided if an object wants to receive an event when the master environment (e.g., desktop) is terminated. More...
interface  XTerminateListener2
 extend interface XTerminateListener so a listener will be informed in case termination process was canceled by other reasons. More...
interface  XTitle
 an interface representing an entity with a modifiable title. More...
interface  XTitleChangeBroadcaster
 Allows to register for title changed events. More...
interface  XTitleChangeListener
 Allows to receive notifications when the frame title changes. More...
interface  XToolbarController
 is an abstract service for a component which offers a more complex user interface to users within a toolbar. More...
interface  XToolbarControllerListener
 is used to notify a toolbar controller about events More...
interface  XTransientDocumentsDocumentContentFactory
 specifies a factory for com::sun::star::ucb::TransientDocumentsDocumentContents. More...
interface  XTransientDocumentsDocumentContentIdentifierFactory
 a factory for identifiers of com::sun::star::ucb::TransientDocumentsDocumentContents. More...
interface  XUIControllerFactory
 a factory to create User Interface controllers. More...
interface  XUIControllerRegistration
 is used to query, register and unregister user interface controller. More...
interface  XUntitledNumbers
 knows all currently used and all free numbers for using with untitled but counted objects. More...
interface  XUrlList
interface  XWindowArranger


enum  FrameAction {
 these are the events which can happen to the components in frames of the desktop More...

Detailed Description

Desktop environment framework interfaces.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FrameAction

enum FrameAction

these are the events which can happen to the components in frames of the desktop

Interest listener can get information about loaded/reloaded or unloaded components into a Frame.

See also

an event of this kind is broadcast whenever a component is attached to a frame

This is almost the same as the instantiation of the component within that frame. The component is attached to the frame immediately before this event is broadcast.

See also

an event of this kind is broadcast whenever a component is detaching from a frame

This is quite the same as the destruction of the component which was in that frame. At the moment when the event is broadcast the component is still attached to the frame but in the next moment it won't.

See also

an event of this kind is broadcast whenever a component is attached to a new model.

In this case the component remains the same but operates on a new model component.


an event of this kind is broadcast whenever a component gets activated

Activations are broadcast from the top component which was not active before, down to the inner most component.

See also

an event of this kind is broadcasted immediately before the component is deactivated

Deactivations are broadcast from the innermost component which does not stay active up to the outer most component which does not stay active.

See also

an event of this kind is broadcast whenever a component changes its internal context (i.e., the selection).

If the activation status within a frame changes, this counts as a context change too.

See also

an event of this kind is broadcast by an active frame when it is getting UI control (tool control).

See also

an event of this kind is broadcast by an active frame when it is losing UI control (tool control).

See also