LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
Unified interface for LayoutManager service. More...
Exported Interfaces | |
interface | ::com::sun::star::frame::XLayoutManager |
central interface to query for, create, destroy and manipulate user interface elements which are bound to a frame. More... | |
interface | ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrameActionListener |
notification interface to receive status information about the state of the connected frame. More... | |
interface | ::com::sun::star::ui::XUIConfigurationListener |
notification interface to receive change messages of user interface elements which are part of the layout manager. More... | |
interface | ::com::sun::star::frame::XMenuBarMergingAcceptor |
provides functions to merge menus for inplace editing of components inside More... | |
interface | ::com::sun::star::frame::XLayoutManagerEventBroadcaster |
registers listeners that want to receive layout manager events. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void | attachFrame ([in] com::sun::star::frame::XFrame Frame) |
attaches a com::sun::star::frame::XFrame to a layout manager. More... | |
void | reset () |
resets the layout manager and remove all of its internal user interface elements. More... | |
com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle | getCurrentDockingArea () |
provides the current docking area size of the layout manager. More... | |
com::sun::star::ui::XDockingAreaAcceptor | getDockingAreaAcceptor () |
retrieves the current docking area acceptor that controls the border space of the frame's container window. More... | |
void | setDockingAreaAcceptor ([in] com::sun::star::ui::XDockingAreaAcceptor xDockingAreaAcceptor) |
sets a docking area acceptor that controls the border space of the frame's container window. More... | |
void | createElement ([in] string ResourceURL) |
creates a new user interface element. More... | |
void | destroyElement ([in] string ResourceURL) |
destroys a user interface element. More... | |
boolean | requestElement ([in] string ResourceURL) |
request to make a user interface element visible if it is not in hidden state. More... | |
com::sun::star::ui::XUIElement | getElement ([in] string ResourceURL) |
retrieves a user interface element which has been created before. More... | |
sequence< com::sun::star::ui::XUIElement > | getElements () |
retrieves all user interface elements which are currently instantiated. More... | |
boolean | showElement ([in] string ResourceURL) |
shows a user interface element. More... | |
boolean | hideElement ([in] string ResourceURL) |
hides a user interface element. More... | |
boolean | dockWindow ([in] string ResourceURL, [in] com::sun::star::ui::DockingArea DockingArea, [in] com::sun::star::awt::Point Pos) |
docks a window based user interface element to a specified docking area. More... | |
boolean | dockAllWindows ([in] short nElementType) |
docks all windows which are member of the provided user interface element type. More... | |
boolean | floatWindow ([in] string ResourceURL) |
forces a window based user interface element to float. More... | |
boolean | lockWindow ([in] string ResourceURL) |
locks a window based user interface element if it's in a docked state. More... | |
boolean | unlockWindow ([in] string ResourceURL) |
unlocks a window based user interface element if it's in a docked state. More... | |
void | setElementSize ([in] string ResourceURL, [in] com::sun::star::awt::Size Size) |
sets a new size for a window based user interface element. More... | |
void | setElementPos ([in] string ResourceURL, [in] com::sun::star::awt::Point Pos) |
sets a new position for a window based user interface element. More... | |
void | setElementPosSize ([in] string ResourceURL, [in] com::sun::star::awt::Point Pos, [in] com::sun::star::awt::Size Size) |
sets a new position and size for a window based user interface element. More... | |
boolean | isElementVisible ([in] string ResourceURL) |
retrieves the current visibility state of a window based user interface element. More... | |
boolean | isElementFloating ([in] string ResourceURL) |
retrieves the current floating state of a window based user interface element. More... | |
boolean | isElementDocked ([in] string ResourceURL) |
retrieves the current docking state of a window based user interface element. More... | |
boolean | isElementLocked ([in] string ResourceURL) |
retrieves the current lock state of a window based user interface element. More... | |
com::sun::star::awt::Size | getElementSize ([in] string ResourceURL) |
retrieves the current size of a window based user interface element. More... | |
com::sun::star::awt::Point | getElementPos ([in] string ResourceURL) |
retrieves the current pixel position of a window based user interface element. More... | |
void | lock () |
prohibit all layout updates until unlock is called again. More... | |
void | unlock () |
permit layout updates again. More... | |
void | doLayout () |
forces a complete new layouting of all user interface elements. More... | |
void | setVisible ([in] boolean Visible) |
sets the layout manager to invisible state and hides all user interface elements. More... | |
boolean | isVisible () |
retrieves the visibility state of a layout manager. More... | |
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any | queryInterface ([in] type aType) |
queries for a new interface to an existing UNO object. More... | |
void | acquire () |
increases the reference counter by one. More... | |
void | release () |
decreases the reference counter by one. More... | |
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void | frameAction ([in] FrameActionEvent Action) |
is called whenever any action occurs to a component within a frame. More... | |
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void | disposing ([in] com::sun::star::lang::EventObject Source) |
gets called when the broadcaster is about to be disposed. More... | |
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void | elementInserted ([in] ::com::sun::star::ui::ConfigurationEvent Event) |
is invoked when a configuration has inserted an user interface element. More... | |
void | elementRemoved ([in] ::com::sun::star::ui::ConfigurationEvent Event) |
is invoked when a configuration has removed an user interface element. More... | |
void | elementReplaced ([in] ::com::sun::star::ui::ConfigurationEvent Event) |
is invoked when a configuration has replaced an user interface element. More... | |
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boolean | setMergedMenuBar ([in] ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess xMergedMenuBar) |
allows to set a merged menu bar. More... | |
void | removeMergedMenuBar () |
removes a previously set merged menu bar and sets a previously created menu bar back. More... | |
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void | addLayoutManagerEventListener ([in] XLayoutManagerListener aLayoutManagerListener) |
adds a layout manager event listener to the object's listener list. More... | |
void | removeLayoutManagerEventListener ([in] XLayoutManagerListener aLayoutManagerListener) |
removes a layout manager event listener from the object's listener list. More... | |
Unified interface for LayoutManager service.
interface ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrameActionListener |
notification interface to receive status information about the state of the connected frame.
E.g., you can receive events of instantiation/destruction and activation/deactivation of a frame.
interface ::com::sun::star::frame::XLayoutManager |
central interface to query for, create, destroy and manipulate user interface elements which are bound to a frame.
registers listeners that want to receive layout manager events.
interface ::com::sun::star::frame::XMenuBarMergingAcceptor |
provides functions to merge menus for inplace editing of components inside
interface ::com::sun::star::ui::XUIConfigurationListener |
notification interface to receive change messages of user interface elements which are part of the layout manager.
E.g., you can receive events of insertion/replacing and removing of settings data of user interface elements.