LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 NstarModule com::sun::star is the root module of the UNO API
 NaccessibilityUNO Accessibility API
 NanimationsInterfaces for SMIL animations
 NauthSecurity and authenticates interfaces
 NawtJava AWT-like user interface toolkit interface specifications for UNO
 NbeansJava beans-like property access and introspection
 NbridgeInterfaces for building bridges to other component models
 NchartCharting diagram interfaces
 Nchart2New implementation of Charting diagram interfaces
 NconfigurationAccess to the tree of configuration data
 NconnectionData exchange interfaces for inter-process communication
 NcontainerInterfaces for collections and containers
 NcuiCommon user interface elements
 NdatatransferClipboard and Drag&Drop interfaces
 NdeploymentInterfaces for extension management
 NdocumentOffice document related interfaces
 NdrawingDrawing and shape specific interfaces
 NembedInterfaces related to embedded objects, both native UNO and OLE
 NformInterfaces for managing forms and controls
 NformulaInterfaces for mathematical formulas
 NframeDesktop environment framework interfaces
 NgalleryInterfaces for galleries of images and media objects
 NgeometryInterfaces and data types to deal with basic geometric entities
 NgraphicInterfaces for graphic handling
 Ni18nInterface for internationalization
 NimageInterfaces for HTML image maps
 NinspectionInterfaces for inspecting UNO objects via property handlers
 NioGeneral input/output interfaces
 NjavaJava to UNO connectivity interfaces
 NlangGeneral UNO concepts like factories etc
 NldapLightweight directory access protocol (LDAP)
 Nlinguistic2Spell checker, hyphenation and thesaurus interfaces
 NloaderComponent implementation loader interfaces
 NloggingLogging of events
 NmailInterfaces for Email connectivity
 NmediaMedia type interfaces
 NmozillaInterfaces for Mozilla integration
 NofficeOffice document content related interfaces
 NpackagesPackage file format interfaces
 NpresentationPresentation specific interfaces
 NqaInterfaces for QA and automated tests
 NrdfRDF (Resource Description Framework) and metadata interfaces
 NreflectionRuntime object inspection / core reflection interfaces
 NregistryInterfaces to access registration databases
 NrenderingInterfaces and data structures for rendering
 NreportInterfaces for reports generated from data sources
 NresourceInterfaces to access (UI) resource files
 NscannerInterfaces for scanner control
 NscriptScripting language bindings
 NsdbBasic interfaces for database access
 NsdbcDatabase component interfaces
 NsdbcxHigh-level database component interfaces
 NsecurityInterface for authorisation and authentication
 NsetupSetup specific interfaces
 NsheetSpreadsheet specific interfaces
 NsmarttagsAllows to put smart tags in document content
 NstyleFormatting and layout style and style sheet interfaces
 NsvgInterfaces for import/export of Scalable Vector Format
 NsystemHost operating system integration interfaces
 NtableTable specific interfaces (for text and spreadsheet)
 NtaskTask management interfaces
 NtextText specific interfaces
 NucbUniversal Content Broker interfaces
 NuiDialogs and other UI elements
 NunoBasic UNO interfaces
 NuriURI processing
 NutilMiscellaneous interfaces for sorting, connecting objects etc
 NviewDocument view specific interfaces (e.g. selection access and printing)
 NxformsInterfaces for XForms (XML-based forms) implementation
 NxmlXML related interfaces
 NxsdW3C XML Schema-2 data type related interfaces
 CXModifyThe interface used for modifying the package database
 CXQueryThe interface used for querying the package database