LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
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com::sun::star::awt::Key Constant Group Referencepublished

These values are used to specify distinct physical keys, plus some special values used by the macOS implementation. More...


const short NUM0 = 256
const short NUM1 = 257
const short NUM2 = 258
const short NUM3 = 259
const short NUM4 = 260
const short NUM5 = 261
const short NUM6 = 262
const short NUM7 = 263
const short NUM8 = 264
const short NUM9 = 265
const short A = 512
const short B = 513
const short C = 514
const short D = 515
const short E = 516
const short F = 517
const short G = 518
const short H = 519
const short I = 520
const short J = 521
const short K = 522
const short L = 523
const short M = 524
const short N = 525
const short O = 526
const short P = 527
const short Q = 528
const short R = 529
const short S = 530
const short T = 531
const short U = 532
const short V = 533
const short W = 534
const short X = 535
const short Y = 536
const short Z = 537
const short F1 = 768
const short F2 = 769
const short F3 = 770
const short F4 = 771
const short F5 = 772
const short F6 = 773
const short F7 = 774
const short F8 = 775
const short F9 = 776
const short F10 = 777
const short F11 = 778
const short F12 = 779
const short F13 = 780
const short F14 = 781
const short F15 = 782
const short F16 = 783
const short F17 = 784
const short F18 = 785
const short F19 = 786
const short F20 = 787
const short F21 = 788
const short F22 = 789
const short F23 = 790
const short F24 = 791
const short F25 = 792
const short F26 = 793
const short DOWN = 1024
const short UP = 1025
const short LEFT = 1026
const short RIGHT = 1027
const short HOME = 1028
const short END = 1029
const short PAGEUP = 1030
const short PAGEDOWN = 1031
const short RETURN = 1280
const short ESCAPE = 1281
const short TAB = 1282
const short BACKSPACE = 1283
const short SPACE = 1284
const short INSERT = 1285
const short DELETE = 1286
const short ADD = 1287
const short SUBTRACT = 1288
const short MULTIPLY = 1289
const short DIVIDE = 1290
const short POINT = 1291
const short COMMA = 1292
const short LESS = 1293
const short GREATER = 1294
const short EQUAL = 1295
const short OPEN = 1296
const short CUT = 1297
const short COPY = 1298
const short PASTE = 1299
const short UNDO = 1300
const short REPEAT = 1301
const short FIND = 1302
const short PROPERTIES = 1303
const short FRONT = 1304
const short CONTEXTMENU = 1305
const short HELP = 1306
const short MENU = 1307
const short HANGUL_HANJA = 1308
const short DECIMAL = 1309
const short TILDE = 1310
const short QUOTELEFT = 1311
const short CAPSLOCK = 1312
const short NUMLOCK = 1313
const short SCROLLLOCK = 1314
const short DELETE_TO_BEGIN_OF_LINE = 1536
const short DELETE_TO_END_OF_LINE = 1537
const short BRACKETLEFT = 1315
const short BRACKETRIGHT = 1316
const short SEMICOLON = 1317
const short QUOTERIGHT = 1318
const short RIGHTCURLYBRACKET = 1319
const short COLON = 1320
const short NUMBERSIGN = 191
const short XF86FORWARD = 167
const short XF86BACK = 166
const short DELETE_TO_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1539
 The following values don't correspond to physical keys on any keyboard but are used in the macOS implementation of VCL. More...
const short DELETE_WORD_BACKWARD = 1540
const short DELETE_WORD_FORWARD = 1541
const short INSERT_LINEBREAK = 1542
const short INSERT_PARAGRAPH = 1543
const short MOVE_WORD_BACKWARD = 1544
const short MOVE_WORD_FORWARD = 1545
const short MOVE_TO_BEGIN_OF_LINE = 1546
const short MOVE_TO_END_OF_LINE = 1547
const short MOVE_TO_BEGIN_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1548
const short MOVE_TO_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1549
const short SELECT_BACKWARD = 1550
const short SELECT_FORWARD = 1551
const short SELECT_WORD_BACKWARD = 1552
const short SELECT_WORD_FORWARD = 1553
const short SELECT_WORD = 1554
const short SELECT_LINE = 1555
const short SELECT_PARAGRAPH = 1556
const short SELECT_ALL = 1557
const short SELECT_TO_BEGIN_OF_LINE = 1558
const short SELECT_TO_END_OF_LINE = 1559
const short MOVE_TO_BEGIN_OF_DOCUMENT = 1560
const short MOVE_TO_END_OF_DOCUMENT = 1561
const short SELECT_TO_BEGIN_OF_DOCUMENT = 1562
const short SELECT_TO_END_OF_DOCUMENT = 1563
const short SELECT_TO_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1565

Detailed Description

These values are used to specify distinct physical keys, plus some special values used by the macOS implementation.

Noting that these numbers are simply allocated here, and not taken from any specification.

Variable Documentation

◆ A

const short A = 512


const short ADD = 1287

◆ B

const short B = 513


const short BACKSPACE = 1283


const short BRACKETLEFT = 1315


const short BRACKETRIGHT = 1316

◆ C

const short C = 514


const short CAPSLOCK = 1312


const short COLON = 1320
LibreOffice 7.6


const short COMMA = 1292


const short CONTEXTMENU = 1305


const short COPY = 1298


const short CUT = 1297

◆ D

const short D = 515


const short DECIMAL = 1309


const short DELETE = 1286


const short DELETE_TO_BEGIN_OF_LINE = 1536




const short DELETE_TO_END_OF_LINE = 1537


const short DELETE_TO_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1539

The following values don't correspond to physical keys on any keyboard but are used in the macOS implementation of VCL.

They correspond to some of the action messages of the NSResponder abstract class.


const short DELETE_WORD_BACKWARD = 1540


const short DELETE_WORD_FORWARD = 1541


const short DIVIDE = 1290


const short DOWN = 1024

◆ E

const short E = 516


const short END = 1029


const short EQUAL = 1295


const short ESCAPE = 1281

◆ F

const short F = 517

◆ F1

const short F1 = 768

◆ F10

const short F10 = 777

◆ F11

const short F11 = 778

◆ F12

const short F12 = 779

◆ F13

const short F13 = 780

◆ F14

const short F14 = 781

◆ F15

const short F15 = 782

◆ F16

const short F16 = 783

◆ F17

const short F17 = 784

◆ F18

const short F18 = 785

◆ F19

const short F19 = 786

◆ F2

const short F2 = 769

◆ F20

const short F20 = 787

◆ F21

const short F21 = 788

◆ F22

const short F22 = 789

◆ F23

const short F23 = 790

◆ F24

const short F24 = 791

◆ F25

const short F25 = 792

◆ F26

const short F26 = 793

◆ F3

const short F3 = 770

◆ F4

const short F4 = 771

◆ F5

const short F5 = 772

◆ F6

const short F6 = 773

◆ F7

const short F7 = 774

◆ F8

const short F8 = 775

◆ F9

const short F9 = 776


const short FIND = 1302


const short FRONT = 1304

◆ G

const short G = 518


const short GREATER = 1294

◆ H

const short H = 519


const short HANGUL_HANJA = 1308


const short HELP = 1306


const short HOME = 1028

◆ I

const short I = 520


const short INSERT = 1285


const short INSERT_LINEBREAK = 1542


const short INSERT_PARAGRAPH = 1543

◆ J

const short J = 521

◆ K

const short K = 522

◆ L

const short L = 523


const short LEFT = 1026


const short LESS = 1293

◆ M

const short M = 524


const short MENU = 1307


const short MOVE_TO_BEGIN_OF_DOCUMENT = 1560


const short MOVE_TO_BEGIN_OF_LINE = 1546


const short MOVE_TO_BEGIN_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1548


const short MOVE_TO_END_OF_DOCUMENT = 1561


const short MOVE_TO_END_OF_LINE = 1547


const short MOVE_TO_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1549


const short MOVE_WORD_BACKWARD = 1544


const short MOVE_WORD_FORWARD = 1545


const short MULTIPLY = 1289

◆ N

const short N = 525

◆ NUM0

const short NUM0 = 256

◆ NUM1

const short NUM1 = 257

◆ NUM2

const short NUM2 = 258

◆ NUM3

const short NUM3 = 259

◆ NUM4

const short NUM4 = 260

◆ NUM5

const short NUM5 = 261

◆ NUM6

const short NUM6 = 262

◆ NUM7

const short NUM7 = 263

◆ NUM8

const short NUM8 = 264

◆ NUM9

const short NUM9 = 265


const short NUMBERSIGN = 191


const short NUMLOCK = 1313

◆ O

const short O = 526


const short OPEN = 1296

◆ P

const short P = 527


const short PAGEDOWN = 1031


const short PAGEUP = 1030


const short PASTE = 1299


const short POINT = 1291


const short PROPERTIES = 1303

◆ Q

const short Q = 528


const short QUOTELEFT = 1311


const short QUOTERIGHT = 1318
LibreOffice 4.3

◆ R

const short R = 529


const short REPEAT = 1301


const short RETURN = 1280


const short RIGHT = 1027


const short RIGHTCURLYBRACKET = 1319
LibreOffice 7.5

◆ S

const short S = 530


const short SCROLLLOCK = 1314


const short SELECT_ALL = 1557


const short SELECT_BACKWARD = 1550


const short SELECT_FORWARD = 1551


const short SELECT_LINE = 1555


const short SELECT_PARAGRAPH = 1556


const short SELECT_TO_BEGIN_OF_DOCUMENT = 1562


const short SELECT_TO_BEGIN_OF_LINE = 1558




const short SELECT_TO_END_OF_DOCUMENT = 1563


const short SELECT_TO_END_OF_LINE = 1559


const short SELECT_TO_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 1565


const short SELECT_WORD = 1554


const short SELECT_WORD_BACKWARD = 1552


const short SELECT_WORD_FORWARD = 1553


const short SEMICOLON = 1317


const short SPACE = 1284


const short SUBTRACT = 1288

◆ T

const short T = 531


const short TAB = 1282


const short TILDE = 1310

◆ U

const short U = 532


const short UNDO = 1300

◆ UP

const short UP = 1025

◆ V

const short V = 533

◆ W

const short W = 534

◆ X

const short X = 535


const short XF86BACK = 166


const short XF86FORWARD = 167

◆ Y

const short Y = 536

◆ Z

const short Z = 537