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com::sun::star::awt Module Reference

Java AWT-like user interface toolkit interface specifications for UNO. More...


module  grid
 grid control.
module  tab
 tab pages.
module  tree
 hierarchical (tree) control.

Constant Groups

constants  CharSet
 These values are used to specify the characters which are available in a font and their codes.
constants  Command
 these values specify the different command types available.
constants  DeviceCapability
 defines which capabilities a device supports.
constants  FieldUnit
 specifies attributes for the MetricField map units.
constants  FocusChangeReason
 A combination of these values can be used to specify the reason for a focus change.
constants  FontEmphasisMark
 These values are used to specify the kind of emphasis mark.
constants  FontFamily
 These values are used to specify the general kind of font.
constants  FontPitch
 These values are used to specify whether the width of a character is fixed or variable.
constants  FontRelief
 These values are used to specify the kind of relief.
constants  FontStrikeout
 These values are used to specify the kind of strikeout.
constants  FontType
 These values are used to specify the technology of the font representation.
constants  FontUnderline
 These values are used to specify the kind of underlining.
constants  FontWeight
 These values are used to specify whether a font is thin or bold.
constants  FontWidth
 These values are used to specify the width of the characters of a font.
constants  ImageAlign
 specifies the alignment of an image.
constants  ImageDrawMode
 defines modes how an image is drawn onto a device
constants  ImagePosition
 specifies the position of an image, relative to another object
constants  ImageScaleMode
 defines modes how an image displayed in a given area should be scaled to fit this area
constants  ImageStatus
 These values are used to specify to which degree an image is available.
constants  InvalidateStyle
 specifies how to invalidate windows.
constants  Key
 These values are used to specify distinct physical keys, plus some special values used by the macOS implementation.
constants  KeyFunction
 These values are used to specify logical key functions.
constants  KeyGroup
 These values are used to specify functional groups of keys.
constants  KeyModifier
 These values are used to specify which modifier keys are pressed.
constants  LineEndFormat
 These values are used to specify which line end format should be used in strings.
constants  MenuItemStyle
 These values are used to specify the properties of a menu item.
constants  MessageBoxButtons
 defines constants for the possible message box button combinations.
constants  MessageBoxResults
 These constants are used to specify a result of executing a XMessageBox.
constants  MouseButton
 These values are used to specify which keys on the mouse are pressed.
constants  MouseWheelBehavior
 describes the scroll behavior of the mouse wheel for a control
constants  PopupMenuDirection
 These values are used to specify the direction in which a pop-up menu will grow.
constants  PosSize
 These constants are used to flag the parameters of a rectangle.
constants  ScrollBarOrientation
 These constants are used to specify the orientation of a scroll bar.
constants  Style
 specifies the style of a window.
constants  SystemPointer
 specifies the shape of a mouse pointer.
constants  TextAlign
 specifies the alignment of text.
constants  VclWindowPeerAttribute
 specifies attributes for the VCL window implementation.
constants  VisualEffect
 These values are used to specify the visual effect of controls.
constants  WindowAttribute
 These values are used to specify the decorations of a window.


service  AccessibleButton
 specifies accessibility support for a button. More...
service  AccessibleCheckBox
 specifies accessibility support for a check box. More...
service  AccessibleComboBox
 specifies accessibility support for a combo box. More...
service  AccessibleDropDownComboBox
 specifies accessibility support for a dropdown combo box. More...
service  AccessibleDropDownListBox
 specifies accessibility support for a dropdown list box. More...
service  AccessibleEdit
 specifies accessibility support for an edit. More...
service  AccessibleFixedText
 specifies accessibility support for a fixed text. More...
service  AccessibleIconChoiceControl
 specifies accessibility support for an icon choice control. More...
service  AccessibleIconChoiceControlEntry
 specifies accessibility support for an icon choice control entry. More...
service  AccessibleList
 Accessible lists are used by combo boxes as container for the list items. More...
service  AccessibleListBox
 specifies accessibility support for a list box. More...
service  AccessibleListBoxList
 Accessible list box lists are used by list boxes as container for the list items. More...
service  AccessibleListItem
 specifies accessibility support for a list item. More...
service  AccessibleMenu
 specifies accessibility support for a menu. More...
service  AccessibleMenuBar
 specifies accessibility support for a menu bar. More...
service  AccessibleMenuItem
 specifies accessibility support for a menu item. More...
service  AccessibleMenuSeparator
 specifies accessibility support for a menu separator. More...
service  AccessiblePopupMenu
 specifies accessibility support for a pop-up menu. More...
service  AccessibleRadioButton
 specifies accessibility support for a radio button. More...
service  AccessibleScrollBar
 specifies accessibility support for a scroll bar. More...
service  AccessibleStatusBar
 specifies accessibility support for a status bar. More...
service  AccessibleStatusBarItem
 specifies accessibility support for a status bar item. More...
service  AccessibleTabBar
 specifies accessibility support for a tabbar. More...
service  AccessibleTabBarPage
 specifies accessibility support for a tabbar page. More...
service  AccessibleTabBarPageList
 specifies accessibility support for a tabbar page list. More...
service  AccessibleTabControl
 specifies accessibility support for a tab control. More...
service  AccessibleTabPage
 specifies accessibility support for a tab page. More...
service  AccessibleTextField
 Text fields are like edit fields as described by the AccessibleEdit service but without the ability to edit the text. More...
service  AccessibleToolBox
 specifies accessibility support for a tool box. More...
service  AccessibleToolBoxItem
 specifies accessibility support for a tool box item. More...
service  AccessibleTreeListBox
 specifies accessibility support for a tree list box. More...
service  AccessibleTreeListBoxEntry
 specifies accessibility support for a treelistbox entry. More...
service  AccessibleWindow
 specifies accessibility support for a window. More...
struct  ActionEvent
 a semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occurred. More...
struct  AdjustmentEvent
 adjustment event emitted by adjustable objects. More...
service  AnimatedImagesControl
 is the default control used for an AnimatedImagesControlModel, displayed a series of images. More...
service  AnimatedImagesControlModel
 describes the model for a control displaying a series of images More...
service  AsyncCallback
 An implementation which uses the message queue to call the callback implementation asynchronously. More...
struct  ColorStop
 defines a Color-Stop entry for a gradient definition More...
service  ContainerWindowProvider
 specifies a provider for container windows implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XWindow interface. More...
struct  DeviceInfo
 contains information about a device. More...
service  DialogProvider
 Specifies a provider for dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface. More...
service  DialogProvider2
 specifies a provider for dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface. More...
struct  DockingData
 data returned by docking handler More...
struct  DockingEvent
 specifies a docking event. More...
struct  EndDockingEvent
 specifies an end docking event. More...
struct  EndPopupModeEvent
 specifies an end pop-up mode event. More...
struct  EnhancedMouseEvent
 specifies an event from the mouse. More...
struct  FocusEvent
 specifies a keyboard focus event. More...
struct  FontDescriptor
 describes the characteristics of a font. More...
struct  Gradient
 Describes a gradient between two colors. More...
struct  Gradient2
 This struct extends the Gradient definition by adding a sequence of ColorStops to allow definition of multi-color gradients. More...
struct  InputEvent
 the root event class for all component-level input events. More...
struct  ItemEvent
 specifies an event occurred to an item of a menu, a list box etc. More...
struct  ItemListEvent
 is the event broadcasted by a XListItems implementation for changes in its item list. More...
struct  KeyEvent
 specifies a key event. More...
struct  KeyStroke
 Describes a key stroke for hotkeys etc. More...
service  MenuBar
 describes a menu for top-level windows. More...
struct  MenuEvent
 specifies a menu event. More...
struct  MouseEvent
 specifies an event from the mouse. More...
struct  PaintEvent
 specifies the paint event for a component. More...
struct  Point
 specifies a 2-dimensional point using the Cartesian coordinate system. More...
service  Pointer
service  PopupMenu
 describes a popup menu which is a recursive container for commands More...
exception  PrinterException
 fired if a resource cannot be locked. More...
service  PrinterServer
 mechanism to discover and manage printers More...
struct  Rectangle
 specifies a rectangular area by position and size. More...
service  RoadmapItem
struct  Selection
 specifies a numerical range. More...
struct  SimpleFontMetric
 describes the general metrics of a certain font. More...
struct  Size
 specifies the 2-dimensional size of an area using width and height. More...
struct  SpinEvent
 specifies a spin button event. More...
service  SpinningProgressControlModel
 is a specialization of the AnimatedImagesControlModel. More...
struct  SystemDependentXWindow
 specifies a system dependent XWindow. More...
service  TabController
 specifies a standard tab controller. More...
service  TabControllerModel
 specifies a standard tab controller model. More...
struct  TextEvent
 specifies a text event. More...
service  Toolkit
 describes a toolkit that creates windows on a screen. More...
service  UnoControl
 specifies an abstract control. More...
service  UnoControlButton
 specifies a button control. More...
service  UnoControlButtonModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlButton. More...
service  UnoControlCheckBox
 specifies a check box control. More...
service  UnoControlCheckBoxModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlCheckBox. More...
service  UnoControlComboBox
 specifies a combo box control. More...
service  UnoControlComboBoxModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlComboBox. More...
service  UnoControlContainer
 specifies an abstract control which contains other controls. More...
service  UnoControlContainerModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlContainer. More...
service  UnoControlCurrencyField
 specifies a currency field control. More...
service  UnoControlCurrencyFieldModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlCurrencyField. More...
service  UnoControlDateField
 specifies a date field control. More...
service  UnoControlDateFieldModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlDateField. More...
service  UnoControlDialog
 specifies a dialog control. More...
service  UnoControlDialogElement
 specifies a set of properties to describe the model of an UnoControl which is embedded in a UnoControlDialogModel. More...
service  UnoControlDialogModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlDialog. More...
service  UnoControlDialogModelProvider
 specifies a service to load a dialog model and allows to access the control models inside More...
service  UnoControlEdit
 specifies an edit control. More...
service  UnoControlEditModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlEdit. More...
service  UnoControlFileControl
 specifies a file control. More...
service  UnoControlFileControlModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlFileControl. More...
service  UnoControlFixedHyperlink
 specifies a control for displaying fixed hyperlink. More...
service  UnoControlFixedHyperlinkModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlFixedHyperlink. More...
service  UnoControlFixedLine
 specifies a fixed line control. More...
service  UnoControlFixedLineModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlFixedLine. More...
service  UnoControlFixedText
 specifies a control for displaying fixed text. More...
service  UnoControlFixedTextModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlFixedText. More...
service  UnoControlFormattedField
 specifies a formatted field control. More...
service  UnoControlFormattedFieldModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlFormattedField . More...
service  UnoControlGroupBox
 specifies a group box control. More...
service  UnoControlGroupBoxModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlGroupBox. More...
service  UnoControlImageControl
 specifies a control for displaying an image. More...
service  UnoControlImageControlModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlImageControl. More...
service  UnoControlListBox
 specifies a list box control. More...
service  UnoControlListBoxModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlListBox. More...
service  UnoControlModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design. More...
service  UnoControlNumericField
 specifies a numeric field control. More...
service  UnoControlNumericFieldModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlNumericField. More...
service  UnoControlPatternField
 specifies a pattern field control. More...
service  UnoControlPatternFieldModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlPatternField. More...
service  UnoControlProgressBar
 specifies a progress bar control. More...
service  UnoControlProgressBarModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlProgressBar. More...
service  UnoControlRadioButton
 specifies a radio button control. More...
service  UnoControlRadioButtonModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlRadioButton. More...
service  UnoControlRoadmap
 specifies a Roadmap control. More...
service  UnoControlRoadmapModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlContainer. More...
service  UnoControlScrollBar
 specifies a scroll bar control. More...
service  UnoControlScrollBarModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlScrollBar. More...
service  UnoControlSpinButton
 specifies a spin button control. More...
service  UnoControlSpinButtonModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlSpinButton. More...
service  UnoControlTimeField
 specifies a time field control. More...
service  UnoControlTimeFieldModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControlTimeField. More...
struct  VclContainerEvent
 specifies a container event. More...
struct  WindowDescriptor
 describes a window. More...
struct  WindowEvent
 specifies a window event. More...
interface  XActionListener
 makes it possible to receive action events. More...
interface  XActivateListener
 makes it possible to receive activate events. More...
interface  XAdjustmentListener
 makes it possible to receive adjustment events. More...
interface  XAnimatedImages
 allows administrating a set of images, to be displayed as animated seres. More...
interface  XAnimation
 allows controlling an animation. More...
interface  XBitmap
 provides a bitmap in the Microsoft DIB format. More...
interface  XButton
 makes it possible to set the label of a button and to register for action events. More...
interface  XCallback
 specifies an interface which can be used to call back an implementation More...
interface  XCheckBox
 gives access to the state of a check box and makes it possible to register for events. More...
interface  XComboBox
 gives access to the items of a combo box and makes it possible to register item and action event listeners. More...
interface  XContainerWindowEventHandler
 Handles events fired by windows represented by a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow interface. More...
interface  XContainerWindowProvider
 provides container windows implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XWindow interface. More...
interface  XControl
 identifies a control. More...
interface  XControlContainer
 Provides access to the controls within an UnoControlContainer. More...
interface  XControlModel
 identifies a control model. More...
interface  XCurrencyField
 gives access to the value and formatting of a currency field. More...
interface  XDataTransferProviderAccess
 This interface extends the XToolkit interface with clipboard and drag-and-drop support. More...
interface  XDateField
 gives access to the value and settings of a date field. More...
interface  XDevice
 provides information about a graphical output device and offers a factory for the graphics which provides write operations on the device. More...
interface  XDialog
 makes it possible to show and hide a dialog and gives access to the title of the dialog. More...
interface  XDialog2
 Makes it possible to end a dialog and set a help id. More...
interface  XDialogEventHandler
 Handles events fired by dialogs represented by a com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface. More...
interface  XDialogProvider
 provides dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface. More...
interface  XDialogProvider2
 provides dialogs implementing the com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface. More...
interface  XDisplayBitmap
 specifies an object as a bitmap for which data is formatted for a specific output device. More...
interface  XDisplayConnection
 This interface should be implemented by toolkits that want to give access to their internal message handling loop. More...
interface  XDockableWindow
 specifies the docking interface for a window component. More...
interface  XDockableWindowListener
 makes it possible to receive docking events. More...
interface  XEnhancedMouseClickHandler
 makes it possible to receive enhanced events from the mouse. More...
interface  XEventHandler
 This interface can be implemented by clients that need access to the toolkits window message loop. More...
interface  XExtendedToolkit
 The XExtendedToolkit is an extension of the com::sun::star::awt::XToolkit interface. More...
interface  XFileDialog
 gives access to a file dialog. More...
interface  XFixedHyperlink
 gives access to the text and formatting of a fixed hyperlink field. More...
interface  XFixedText
 gives access to the text and formatting of a fixed text field. More...
interface  XFocusListener
 makes it possible to receive keyboard focus events. More...
interface  XFont
 describes a font on a specific device. More...
interface  XFont2
 extends the XFont interface and provides additional information for a font. More...
interface  XFontMappingUse
This interface extends the XToolkit interface with support for tracking how requested fonts are mapped to actual fonts when laying out text. More...
struct  XFontMappingUseItem
Information about a font mapping that took place. More...
interface  XGraphics
 provides the basic output operation of a device. More...
interface  XGraphics2
 provides the basic output operation of a device. More...
interface  XImageButton
 makes it possible to register for action events of an image button and sets the action command. More...
interface  XImageConsumer
 specifies a data sink for an image. More...
interface  XImageProducer
 specifies a source for an image. More...
interface  XInfoPrinter
 represents an information printer. More...
interface  XItemEventBroadcaster
 registers item listeners at controls like the com::sun::star::awt::Roadmap More...
interface  XItemList
 provides convenient access to the list of items in a list box More...
interface  XItemListener
 makes it possible to receive events from a component when the state of an item changes. More...
interface  XItemListListener
 describes a listener for changes in an item list More...
interface  XKeyHandler
 This key handler is similar to com::sun::star::awt::XKeyListener but allows the consumption of key events. More...
interface  XKeyListener
 makes it possible to receive keyboard events. More...
interface  XLayoutConstrains
 specifies the layout constraints for a surrounding container. More...
interface  XListBox
 gives access to the items of a list box and makes it possible to register item and action event listeners. More...
interface  XMenu
 specifies a simple menu. More...
interface  XMenuBar
 identifies a menu bar. More...
interface  XMenuListener
 makes it possible to receive menu events on a window. More...
interface  XMessageBox
 gives access to a message box. More...
interface  XMessageBoxFactory
 specifies a factory interface for creating message boxes. More...
interface  XMetricField
 gives access to the value and formatting of a metric field. More...
interface  XMouseClickHandler
 makes it possible to receive events from the mouse in a certain window. More...
interface  XMouseListener
 makes it possible to receive events from the mouse in a certain window. More...
interface  XMouseMotionHandler
 makes it possible to receive mouse motion events on a window. More...
interface  XMouseMotionListener
 makes it possible to receive mouse motion events on a window. More...
interface  XNumericField
 gives access to the value and formatting of a numeric field. More...
interface  XPaintListener
 makes it possible to receive paint events. More...
interface  XPatternField
 gives access to the value and formatting of a pattern field. More...
interface  XPointer
 gives access to the type of mouse pointer. More...
interface  XPopupMenu
 controls a pop-up menu. More...
interface  XPrinter
 represents a virtual printer. More...
interface  XPrinterPropertySet
 represents an extended property set for printer properties. More...
interface  XPrinterServer
 manages several printers on one machine. More...
interface  XPrinterServer2
 extends printer server interface More...
interface  XProgressBar
 gives access to the value and settings of a progress bar. More...
interface  XProgressMonitor
 gives access to the text of a progress monitor. More...
interface  XRadioButton
 gives access to the state of a radio button and makes it possible to register item event listeners. More...
interface  XRegion
 manages multiple rectangles which make up a region. More...
interface  XRequestCallback
 specifies an interface which can be used to call back an implementation More...
interface  XReschedule
 The XReschedule interface can be used to give control to the main thread to allow events processing. More...
interface  XScrollBar
 gives access to the value and settings of a scroll bar and makes it possible to register adjustment event listeners. More...
interface  XSimpleTabController
 specifies the basic operations for a tab controller, but does not require XControl as type of tabs. More...
interface  XSpinField
 gives access to the value of a spin field and makes it possible to register for spin events. More...
interface  XSpinListener
 makes it possible to receive spin events. More...
interface  XSpinValue
 gives access to the value and settings of a control which is associated with a spinnable value. More...
interface  XStyleChangeListener
 to be implemented by components which wish to be notified about changes in the style of a component More...
interface  XStyleSettings
 provides access to certain style settings within an component, such as a window, or within as a whole. More...
interface  XStyleSettingsSupplier
 provides access to the style settings of a component More...
interface  XSystemChildFactory
 specifies a factory interface for creating system child windows. More...
interface  XSystemDependentMenuPeer
 provides access to the system dependent implementation of the window. More...
interface  XSystemDependentWindowPeer
 provides access to the system dependent implementation of the window. More...
interface  XTabController
 specifies the basic operations for a tab controller. More...
interface  XTabControllerModel
 specifies the basic operations for a tab controller model. More...
interface  XTabListener
 such listener will be informed if tab's was inserted/removed from an XSimpleTabController instance or if the properties of a tab was changed. More...
interface  XTextArea
 gives access to the text in a control. More...
interface  XTextComponent
 gives access to the text of a component and makes it possible to register event listeners. More...
interface  XTextEditField
 is used for password fields. More...
interface  XTextLayoutConstrains
 specifies the layout constraints for a text field. More...
interface  XTextListener
 makes it possible to receive text change events. More...
interface  XTimeField
 gives access to the value and settings of a time field. More...
interface  XToggleButton
 is supported by buttons which can be toggled between a "pressed" and an "unpressed" state More...
interface  XToolkit
 specifies a factory interface for the window toolkit. More...
interface  XToolkit2
 Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement. More...
interface  XToolkit3
 Provides a unified interface for the new-style service Toolkit to implement. More...
interface  XToolkitExperimental
 Work in progress, don't use unless you know what you are doing. More...
interface  XToolkitRobot
 Allows injection of keyboard and mouse events. More...
interface  XTopWindow
 manages the functionality specific for a top window. More...
interface  XTopWindow2
 extends XTopWindow with additional functionality More...
interface  XTopWindowListener
 makes it possible to receive window events. More...
interface  XUnitConversion
 allows converting between different measurement units More...
interface  XUnoControlContainer
 gives access to the tab controllers of a UnoControlContainer. More...
interface  XUnoControlDialog
 The interface for the UnoControlDialog service. More...
interface  XUserInputInterception
 Interface to add handlers for key and mouse events. More...
interface  XVclContainer
 represents a VCL container window. More...
interface  XVclContainerListener
 makes it possible to receive container events. More...
interface  XVclContainerPeer
 gives access to the VCL container window implementation. More...
interface  XVclWindowPeer
 gives access to the VCL window implementation. More...
interface  XView
 makes it possible to attach an output device to the object. More...
interface  XWindow
 specifies the basic operations for a window component. More...
interface  XWindow2
 specifies some extended operations for a window component. More...
interface  XWindowListener
 makes it possible to receive window events. More...
interface  XWindowListener2
 allows receive window-related events, additional to the ones received by an XWindowListener More...
interface  XWindowPeer
 gives access to the actual window implementation on the device. More...


typedef sequence< com::sun::star::awt::ColorStopColorStopSequence


 specifies the adjustment type. More...
enum  FontSlant {
 used to specify the slant of a font. More...
enum  GradientStyle {
 specify the style of color dispersion. More...
enum  MenuItemType {
 specifies the type of a menu item, as returned by com::sun::star::awt::XMenu::getItemType(). More...
enum  MessageBoxType {
 specifies the type of a XMessageBox. More...
enum  PushButtonType { STANDARD, OK, CANCEL, HELP }
 specifies the default actions of a button. More...
enum  RasterOperation {
 These values are used to specify the binary pixel-operation applied when pixels are written to the device. More...
 specifies the class of a window. More...

Detailed Description

Java AWT-like user interface toolkit interface specifications for UNO.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ColorStopSequence

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AdjustmentType

enum AdjustmentType

specifies the adjustment type.


adjustment is originated by a line jump.

A line jump can, for example, be caused by a click on one of the pointer buttons.


adjustment is originated by a page jump.

A page jump can, for example, be caused by a click in the background area of the scrollbar (neither one of the pointer buttons, nor the thumb).


adjustment is originated by dragging the thumb.

◆ FontSlant

enum FontSlant

used to specify the slant of a font.


specifies a font without slant.


specifies an oblique font (slant not designed into the font).


specifies an italic font (slant designed into the font).


specifies a font with an unknown slant.

specifies that the menu item type is unknown.


specifies a reverse oblique font (slant not designed into the font).


specifies a reverse italic font (slant designed into the font).

◆ GradientStyle

enum GradientStyle

specify the style of color dispersion.


specifies a linear gradient.


specifies an axial gradient.


specifies a radial gradient.


specifies an elliptical gradient.


specifies a gradient in the shape of a square.


specifies a gradient in the shape of a rectangle.

◆ MenuItemType

enum MenuItemType

specifies the type of a menu item, as returned by com::sun::star::awt::XMenu::getItemType().


specifies a font with an unknown slant.

specifies that the menu item type is unknown.


specifies that the menu item has a text.


specifies that the menu item has an image.


specifies that the menu item has a text and an image.


specifies that the menu item is a separator.

◆ MessageBoxType

enum MessageBoxType

specifies the type of a XMessageBox.

LibreOffice 4.2

A normal message box.


A message box to inform the user about a certain event.


A message to warn the user about a certain problem.


A message box to provide an error message to the user.


A message box to query information from the user.

◆ PushButtonType

enum PushButtonType

specifies the default actions of a button.


acts like a standard push button.


acts like an OK button.


acts like a cancel button.


acts like a help button.

◆ RasterOperation

enum RasterOperation

These values are used to specify the binary pixel-operation applied when pixels are written to the device.


sets all pixel as written in the output operation.


uses the pixel written as one and the current pixel as the other operator of an exclusive or-operation.


All bits which are affected by this operation are set to 0.


All bits which are affected by this operation are set to 1.


All bits which are affected by this operation are inverted.

◆ WindowClass

enum WindowClass

specifies the class of a window.


specifies a top level window on the desktop.

It is also a container.


is a modal top level window on the desktop.

It is also a container.


is a container that may contain other components.

It is not a top window.


is the simplest window.

It can be a container.