LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
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ImageControl Service Referencepublished

describes a control used for displaying images stored in a database. More...


Inheritance diagram for ImageControl:
UnoControlImageControl XBoundControl UnoControl XLayoutConstrains XInterface XComponent XControl XWindow XView XAccessible XInterface XInterface XComponent XComponent XInterface XInterface XInterface XInterface

Included Services

service com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlImageControl
- Included Services inherited from UnoControlImageControl
service com::sun::star::awt::UnoControl

Exported Interfaces

interface com::sun::star::form::XBoundControl
- Exported Interfaces inherited from UnoControlImageControl
interface com::sun::star::awt::XLayoutConstrains
- Exported Interfaces inherited from UnoControl
interface com::sun::star::lang::XComponent
interface com::sun::star::awt::XControl
interface com::sun::star::awt::XWindow
interface com::sun::star::awt::XView
interface com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible
 provides access to the accessible context associated with this object. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from XComponent
void dispose ()
 The owner of an object calls this method to explicitly free all resources kept by this object and thus break cyclic references. More...
void addEventListener ([in] XEventListener xListener)
 adds an event listener to the object. More...
void removeEventListener ([in] XEventListener aListener)
 removes an event listener from the listener list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XInterface
any queryInterface ([in] type aType)
 queries for a new interface to an existing UNO object. More...
void acquire ()
 increases the reference counter by one. More...
void release ()
 decreases the reference counter by one. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XControl
void setContext ([in] com::sun::star::uno::XInterface Context)
 sets the context of the control. More...
com::sun::star::uno::XInterface getContext ()
 gets the context of the control. More...
void createPeer ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XToolkit Toolkit, [in] com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer Parent)
 creates a "child" window on the screen. More...
com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer getPeer ()
 returns the peer which was previously created or set. More...
boolean setModel ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XControlModel Model)
 sets a model for the control. More...
com::sun::star::awt::XControlModel getModel ()
 returns the model for this control. More...
com::sun::star::awt::XView getView ()
 returns the view of this control. More...
void setDesignMode ([in] boolean bOn)
 sets the design mode for use in a design editor. More...
boolean isDesignMode ()
 returns TRUE if the control is in design mode, FALSE otherwise. More...
boolean isTransparent ()
 returns TRUE if the control is transparent, FALSE otherwise. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XWindow
void setPosSize ([in] long X, [in] long Y, [in] long Width, [in] long Height, [in] short Flags)
 sets the outer bounds of the window. More...
com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle getPosSize ()
 returns the outer bounds of the window. More...
void setVisible ([in] boolean Visible)
 shows or hides the window depending on the parameter. More...
void setEnable ([in] boolean Enable)
 enables or disables the window depending on the parameter. More...
void setFocus ()
 sets the focus to the window. More...
void addWindowListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XWindowListener xListener)
 adds a window listener to the object. More...
void removeWindowListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XWindowListener xListener)
 removes the specified window listener from the listener list. More...
void addFocusListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XFocusListener xListener)
 adds a focus listener to the object. More...
void removeFocusListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XFocusListener xListener)
 removes the specified focus listener from the listener list. More...
void addKeyListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XKeyListener xListener)
 adds a key listener to the object. More...
void removeKeyListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XKeyListener xListener)
 removes the specified key listener from the listener list. More...
void addMouseListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XMouseListener xListener)
 adds a mouse listener to the object. More...
void removeMouseListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XMouseListener xListener)
 removes the specified mouse listener from the listener list. More...
void addMouseMotionListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XMouseMotionListener xListener)
 adds a mouse motion listener to the object. More...
void removeMouseMotionListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XMouseMotionListener xListener)
 removes the specified mouse motion listener from the listener list. More...
void addPaintListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XPaintListener xListener)
 adds a paint listener to the object. More...
void removePaintListener ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XPaintListener xListener)
 removes the specified paint listener from the listener list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XView
boolean setGraphics ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XGraphics aDevice)
 sets the output device. More...
com::sun::star::awt::XGraphics getGraphics ()
 returns the output device which was set using the method XView::setGraphics(). More...
com::sun::star::awt::Size getSize ()
 returns the size of the object in device units. More...
void draw ([in] long nX, [in] long nY)
 draws the object at the specified position. More...
void setZoom ([in] float fZoomX, [in] float fZoomY)
 sets the zoom factor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XLayoutConstrains
com::sun::star::awt::Size getMinimumSize ()
 returns the minimum size for this component. More...
com::sun::star::awt::Size getPreferredSize ()
 returns the preferred size for this component. More...
com::sun::star::awt::Size calcAdjustedSize ([in] com::sun::star::awt::Size aNewSize)
 calculates the adjusted size for a given maximum size. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XBoundControl
boolean getLock ()
 determines whether the input is currently locked or not. More...
void setLock ([in] boolean bLock)
 is used for altering the current lock state of the component. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XAccessible
XAccessibleContext getAccessibleContext ()
 Returns the AccessibleContext associated with this object. More...

Detailed Description

describes a control used for displaying images stored in a database.

The model of the control has to support the com::sun::star::form::component::DatabaseImageControl service.

If the model of the control is valid bound to a database field, the control allows to select an image (browsing the file system) upon double clicking into it, and forwards the URL of the chosen image to the ImageURL property of its model.

See also

Exported Interfaces

◆ com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlImageControl

Exported Interfaces

◆ com::sun::star::form::XBoundControl

The documentation for this service was generated from the following file: