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ChartDocumentWrapper Service Reference

A component that implements the com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument service and is initialized with a com::sun::star::chart2::ChartDocument via the com::sun::star::uno::XAggregation interface. More...


Inheritance diagram for ChartDocumentWrapper:
ChartDocument XAggregation UserDefinedAttributesSupplier XChartDocument XPropertySet XDrawPageSupplier XInterface XModel XInterface XInterface XComponent XInterface

Included Services

service ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument
 This service will be available for a ChartDocument (of namespace chart2) through this wrapper. More...
- Included Services inherited from ChartDocument
service ::com::sun::star::xml::UserDefinedAttributesSupplier
 If a ChartDocument may be stored as XML file, this service should be supported in order to preserve unparsed XML attributes. More...

Exported Interfaces

interface ::com::sun::star::uno::XAggregation
 provides the possibility to forward requests to a ChartDocument. More...
- Exported Interfaces inherited from ChartDocument
interface ::com::sun::star::chart::XChartDocument
interface ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet
interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPageSupplier

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from XChartDocument
com::sun::star::drawing::XShape getTitle ()
com::sun::star::drawing::XShape getSubTitle ()
com::sun::star::drawing::XShape getLegend ()
com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet getArea ()
com::sun::star::chart::XDiagram getDiagram ()
void setDiagram ([in] com::sun::star::chart::XDiagram xDiagram)
 sets the diagram for the chart document. More...
com::sun::star::chart::XChartData getData ()
void attachData ([in] com::sun::star::chart::XChartData xData)
 attaches data to the chart. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XModel
boolean attachResource ([in] string URL, [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > Arguments)
 informs a model about its resource description. More...
string getURL ()
 provides information about the location of this model More...
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValuegetArgs ()
 provides read access on currently representation of the com::sun::star::document::MediaDescriptor of this model which describes the model and its state More...
void connectController ([in] XController Controller)
 is called whenever a new controller is created for this model. More...
void disconnectController ([in] XController Controller)
 is called whenever an existing controller should be deregistered at this model. More...
void lockControllers ()
 suspends some notifications to the controllers which are used for display updates. More...
void unlockControllers ()
 resumes the notifications which were suspended by XModel::lockControllers(). More...
boolean hasControllersLocked ()
 determines if there is at least one lock remaining. More...
XController getCurrentController ()
 provides access to the controller which currently controls this model More...
void setCurrentController ([in] XController Controller) raises ( com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException )
 sets a registered controller as the current controller. More...
com::sun::star::uno::XInterface getCurrentSelection ()
 provides read access on current selection on controller More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XComponent
void dispose ()
 The owner of an object calls this method to explicitly free all resources kept by this object and thus break cyclic references. More...
void addEventListener ([in] XEventListener xListener)
 adds an event listener to the object. More...
void removeEventListener ([in] XEventListener aListener)
 removes an event listener from the listener list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XInterface
any queryInterface ([in] type aType)
 queries for a new interface to an existing UNO object. More...
void acquire ()
 increases the reference counter by one. More...
void release ()
 decreases the reference counter by one. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XPropertySet
com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo getPropertySetInfo ()
void setPropertyValue ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] any aValue) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException, com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 sets the value of the property with the specified name. More...
any getPropertyValue ([in] string PropertyName) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
void addPropertyChangeListener ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener xListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 adds an XPropertyChangeListener to the specified property. More...
void removePropertyChangeListener ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 removes an XPropertyChangeListener from the listener list. More...
void addVetoableChangeListener ([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 adds an XVetoableChangeListener to the specified property with the name PropertyName. More...
void removeVetoableChangeListener ([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 removes an XVetoableChangeListener from the listener list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XAggregation
void setDelegator ([in] com::sun::star::uno::XInterface pDelegator)
 sets the object to which all calls to the method XInterface::queryInterface() have to be forwarded. More...
any queryAggregation ([in] type aType)
 is similar to XInterface::queryInterface(), but it is to be processed directly without being forwarded to the delegator. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from ChartDocument
boolean HasMainTitle
 determines if the main title is shown or hidden. More...
boolean HasSubTitle
 determines if the subtitle is shown or hidden. More...
boolean HasLegend
 determines if the legend is shown or hidden. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XChartDocument
com::sun::star::drawing::XShape getTitle ()
com::sun::star::drawing::XShape getSubTitle ()
com::sun::star::drawing::XShape getLegend ()
com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet getArea ()
com::sun::star::chart::XDiagram getDiagram ()
void setDiagram ([in] com::sun::star::chart::XDiagram xDiagram)
 sets the diagram for the chart document. More...
com::sun::star::chart::XChartData getData ()
void attachData ([in] com::sun::star::chart::XChartData xData)
 attaches data to the chart. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XModel
boolean attachResource ([in] string URL, [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > Arguments)
 informs a model about its resource description. More...
string getURL ()
 provides information about the location of this model More...
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValuegetArgs ()
 provides read access on currently representation of the com::sun::star::document::MediaDescriptor of this model which describes the model and its state More...
void connectController ([in] XController Controller)
 is called whenever a new controller is created for this model. More...
void disconnectController ([in] XController Controller)
 is called whenever an existing controller should be deregistered at this model. More...
void lockControllers ()
 suspends some notifications to the controllers which are used for display updates. More...
void unlockControllers ()
 resumes the notifications which were suspended by XModel::lockControllers(). More...
boolean hasControllersLocked ()
 determines if there is at least one lock remaining. More...
XController getCurrentController ()
 provides access to the controller which currently controls this model More...
void setCurrentController ([in] XController Controller) raises ( com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException )
 sets a registered controller as the current controller. More...
com::sun::star::uno::XInterface getCurrentSelection ()
 provides read access on current selection on controller More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XComponent
void dispose ()
 The owner of an object calls this method to explicitly free all resources kept by this object and thus break cyclic references. More...
void addEventListener ([in] XEventListener xListener)
 adds an event listener to the object. More...
void removeEventListener ([in] XEventListener aListener)
 removes an event listener from the listener list. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XInterface
any queryInterface ([in] type aType)
 queries for a new interface to an existing UNO object. More...
void acquire ()
 increases the reference counter by one. More...
void release ()
 decreases the reference counter by one. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XPropertySet
com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo getPropertySetInfo ()
void setPropertyValue ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] any aValue) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException, com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 sets the value of the property with the specified name. More...
any getPropertyValue ([in] string PropertyName) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
void addPropertyChangeListener ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener xListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 adds an XPropertyChangeListener to the specified property. More...
void removePropertyChangeListener ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 removes an XPropertyChangeListener from the listener list. More...
void addVetoableChangeListener ([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 adds an XVetoableChangeListener to the specified property with the name PropertyName. More...
void removeVetoableChangeListener ([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException )
 removes an XVetoableChangeListener from the listener list. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XDrawPageSupplier
com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage getDrawPage ()
 returns the DrawPage. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from UserDefinedAttributesSupplier
::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer UserDefinedAttributes
 This container holds the AttributeData elements that represent uninterpreted XML attributes. More...

Detailed Description

A component that implements the com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument service and is initialized with a com::sun::star::chart2::ChartDocument via the com::sun::star::uno::XAggregation interface.

Exported Interfaces

◆ ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument

This service will be available for a ChartDocument (of namespace chart2) through this wrapper.

Exported Interfaces

◆ ::com::sun::star::uno::XAggregation

provides the possibility to forward requests to a ChartDocument.

The documentation for this service was generated from the following file: