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com::sun::star::text Module Reference

Text specific interfaces. More...


module  fieldmaster
 text field masters.
module  textfield
 text fields.

Constant Groups

constants  AuthorDisplayFormat
 These constants are used to specify which parts of an author name are displayed in a field.
constants  BibliographyDataField
 These values define parts of bibliographic data.
constants  BibliographyDataType
 These values define the type of bibliographic data like book, journal, magazine, etc.
constants  ChapterFormat
 These constants define the display format of the chapter number in a chapter text field.
constants  CharacterCompressionType
 These constants define character compression in Asian text.
constants  ColumnSeparatorStyle
constants  ControlCharacter
 These constants are the codes for inserting control characters using XSimpleText::insertControlCharacter() interface.
constants  DateDisplayFormat
 This constants define how a date field is formatted before it is displayed.
constants  DocumentStatistic
 These constants are used to specify the type of a document statistic field.
constants  FilenameDisplayFormat
 These constants are used to specify which parts of a URL are displayed in a field.
constants  FontEmphasis
 Determines the type and position of an emphasis mark in Asian texts.
constants  FontRelief
 Determines the relief type of a font.
constants  FootnoteNumbering
 These constants are used to specify the footnote numbering.
constants  HoriOrientation
 These enumeration values specify the horizontal orientation.
constants  LabelFollow
 These enumeration values specify character following the list label.
constants  MailMergeType
 Defines the possible output types/devices for mail merge.
constants  ParagraphVertAlign
 These enumeration values are used to specify the vertical alignment of paragraphs.
constants  PlaceholderType
 These constants define how the place-holder text fields act in a document.
constants  PositionAndSpaceMode
 These enumeration values specify the position and space mode for a numbering level.
constants  PositionLayoutDir
 These values specify the layout direction, in which the position attributes of a shape are given.
constants  ReferenceFieldPart
 These constants define how the reference position is displayed in reference text fields.
constants  ReferenceFieldSource
 These constants define the type of the source of a reference field.
constants  RelOrientation
 These values define the reference position of relative orientations.
constants  RubyPosition
 These constants define the position of ruby text.
constants  SetVariableType
 These constants define the type of a variable text field.
constants  SizeType
 The height value of objects like text frames or table rows may be interpreted in different ways.
constants  TemplateDisplayFormat
 These constants are used to specify which information about a template is displayed in a field.
constants  TextGridMode
 this set of constants describes different modes for text grids
constants  TextMarkupType
 Constants to specify the type of text markup.
constants  TimeDisplayFormat
 These constants define how a time field is formatted before it is displayed.
constants  UserDataPart
 These constants define which part of the user data is displayed in a user data text field (service "")
constants  UserFieldFormat
 These constants describe how the content of a user text field is formatted.
constants  VertOrientation
 These enumeration values are used to specify the vertical orientation.
constants  WrapInfluenceOnPosition
 These values specify the influence of the wrapping style of a floating screen object when it's positioned.
constants  WritingMode2
 this set of constants describes different writing directions


service  AccessibleEndnoteView
 The accessible view of endnotes. More...
service  AccessibleFootnoteView
 The accessible view of footnotes. More...
service  AccessibleHeaderFooterView
 The accessible view of headers and footers. More...
service  AccessiblePageView
 The accessible view of pages. More...
service  AccessibleParagraphView
 The accessible view of a paragraph fragment. More...
service  AccessibleTextDocumentPageView
 The accessible page preview of a text document. More...
service  AccessibleTextDocumentView
 The accessible view of a text document. More...
service  AccessibleTextEmbeddedObject
 The accessible view of an inactive embedded object. More...
service  AccessibleTextFrameView
 The accessible view of text frames. More...
service  AccessibleTextGraphicObject
 The accessible view of graphics. More...
service  AutoTextContainer
 provides access to groups of text blocks. More...
service  AutoTextEntry
 provides access to a text block in a group of an AutoTextContainer. More...
service  AutoTextGroup
 provides access to text blocks in a group. More...
service  BaseFrame
 specifies the base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects More...
service  BaseFrameProperties
 specifies the properties that are provided by all text frames, graphic objects, embedded objects and frame styles. More...
service  BaseIndex
 specifies the basic service of different indexes within a document. More...
service  BaseIndexMark
 is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry. More...
service  Bibliography
 specifies service of bibliography within a text document. More...
service  Bookmark
 A bookmark is a TextContent, which is like a jump target or a label. More...
service  Bookmarks
 This service specifies a collection of Bookmarks. More...
service  Cell
 represents a single cell within a text table. More...
service  CellProperties
 service that holds all cell properties of a text table cell in a text document. More...
service  CellRange
 area of cells within a text table. More...
service  ChainedTextFrame
 extends a TextFrame which shares the same Text with other ChainedTextFrame instances that will make the text flow through the chained frames. More...
service  ChapterNumberingRule
 describes the rules for chapter numbering in a text document. More...
service  ContentControl
 This service specifies a content control with properties in a TextDocument. More...
service  ContentIndex
 specifies service of content indexes within a document. More...
service  ContentIndexMark
 is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a ContentIndex. More...
service  DefaultNumberingProvider
 provides access to language dependent numbering types and supports formatting of those numberings. More...
service  Defaults
 provides default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties. More...
service  DependentTextField
 is a TextField which is not specified by itself, but dependent on a TextFieldMaster. More...
service  DocumentIndex
 specifies service of content indexes within a document. More...
service  DocumentIndexes
 provides access to all indexes in a document. More...
service  DocumentIndexLevelFormat
 This service provides access to the structure of the levels of document indexes. More...
service  DocumentIndexMark
 is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex. More...
service  DocumentIndexMarkAsian
 is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex. More...
service  DocumentIndexParagraphStyles
 provides access to the names of paragraph styles that are included in content indexes of user defined indexes. More...
service  DocumentSettings
 describes properties that apply to the whole text document. More...
service  Endnote
 This service specifies an endnote in a TextDocument. More...
service  EndnoteSettings
 provides access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document. More...
service  Footnote
 This service specifies a footnote or an endnote in a TextDocument. More...
service  Footnotes
 provides access to the footnotes or endnotes of a (text) document. More...
service  FootnoteSettings
 provides access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document. More...
service  GenericTextDocument
 A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs. More...
service  GlobalDocument
 Specify the document service of the global text module. More...
service  GlobalSettings
 specifies a service that provides access to the settings of a text module. More...
struct  GraphicCrop
 describes the cropping of graphic objects. More...
struct  HoriOrientationFormat
 describes the horizontal orientation of an object. More...
service  IllustrationsIndex
 specifies service of illustration indexes within a document. More...
service  InContentMetadata
 is a TextContent that can be used to attach RDF metadata to a range of text. More...
exception  InvalidTextContentException
 is thrown whenever a method gets a TextContent as an actual argument when the text content cannot be used for that operation. More...
service  LineBreak
 This service specifies a line break with properties in a TextDocument. More...
service  LineNumberingProperties
 provides access to the settings of the line numbering. More...
service  MailMerge
 Gives access to mail merge functionality. More...
struct  MailMergeEvent
 represents a mail merge event. More...
service  ModuleDispatcher
service  NumberingLevel
 provides access to a numbering level as part of the Numbering Rules. More...
service  NumberingRules
 provides access to the numbering rules. More...
service  NumberingStyle
 specifies a style sheet numberings within a com::sun::star::text::Text. More...
service  ObjectIndex
 specifies service of object indexes within a document. More...
service  PageFootnoteInfo
 specifies the properties of the footnote area of a page or a page style. More...
service  PagePrintSettings
 These properties describe the way the XPagePrintable interface prints the page on one printer page. More...
service  Paragraph
 is a piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties). More...
service  ParagraphEnumeration
 provides access to the paragraphs of an XText interface. More...
service  PrintSettings
 These properties describe the printing of the content of a text document. More...
service  RedlinePortion
 A RedlinePortion is a TextPortion that marks a change that has been recorded by the change tracking. More...
service  ReferenceMark
 is used for cross references in text documents. More...
service  ReferenceMarks
 provides access to the reference marks in a document. More...
struct  SectionFileLink
 describes the link for a text section. More...
service  Shape
 specifies the service of shapes in a text document More...
service  TableColumns
 represents a collection of all columns of a table. More...
struct  TableColumnSeparator
 The width of the cells of a text table is defined by the position of the separator between neighboring cells. More...
service  TableIndex
 specifies service of table indexes within a document. More...
service  TableRows
 represents a collection of all rows of a text table. More...
service  Text
 is an independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs. More...
struct  TextColumn
 defines a single text column. More...
service  TextColumns
 provides access to columns in text (e.g., in TextFrames ). More...
service  TextContent
 is an object which can be anchored in a text, like instances of TextFrame or TextField. More...
service  TextContentCollection
 Objects of this type are collections of text contents of the same type. More...
service  TextCursor
 A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object. More...
service  TextDocument
 Specify the document service of the text module. More...
service  TextDocumentView
 specifies the view of a TextDocument. More...
service  TextEmbeddedObject
 provides access to the properties and methods of an embedded object. More...
service  TextEmbeddedObjects
 provides access to all embedded objects in a document. More...
service  TextField
 A TextField is a TextContent which fades its textual representation into the text range to which it is anchored. More...
service  TextFieldEnumeration
 This interface creates an enumeration of all text fields within a text document. More...
service  TextFieldMaster
 A TextFieldMaster specifies important data for its DependentTextFields. More...
service  TextFieldMasters
 This is a collection of instances of TextFieldMaster, defined in a context (e.g. More...
service  TextFields
 This is a collection of TextField instances. More...
service  TextFrame
 specifies a rectangular shape which contains a Text object and is attached to a piece of surrounding Text. More...
service  TextFrames
 This is the collection of all TextFrame instances within a context (e.g. More...
service  TextGraphicObject
 specifies a graphic which can be embedded in Text. More...
service  TextGraphicObjects
 This is the collection of all TextGraphicObject instances within a context (e.g. More...
service  TextLayoutCursor
 A TextLayoutCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a layout of a Text object. More...
struct  TextMarkupDescriptor
 A descriptor for a single text markup. More...
service  TextPageStyle
 represents a page style for a text document. More...
service  TextPortion
 A TextPortion is a piece of text within a paragraph that does not contain changes of its attributes inside. More...
service  TextPortionEnumeration
 This interface creates an enumeration of paragraph within a text document. More...
struct  TextPosition
service  TextRange
 points to a sequence of characters within a Text. More...
service  TextRangeContentProperties
 describes the structural properties to retrieve text contents. More...
service  TextRanges
 provides a container for XTextRange objects. More...
struct  TextRangeSelection
service  TextSection
 A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text. More...
service  TextSections
 provides access to the text sections in a text document. More...
service  TextSortable
 provides an interface for sorting. More...
service  TextSortDescriptor
 describes sort criteria for sorting text. More...
service  TextSortDescriptor2
 describes sort criteria for sorting paragraphs or table contents in a text document. More...
service  TextTable
 is a table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text. More...
service  TextTableCursor
 specifies a cursor in text tables. More...
service  TextTableRow
 specifies the properties of a text table row. More...
service  TextTables
 provides access to all tables in a document. More...
service  TextViewCursor
 A TextViewCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a view of a Text object. More...
service  UserDefinedIndex
 specifies service of user defined indexes within a document. More...
service  UserIndex
 specifies service of user defined indexes within a document. More...
service  UserIndexMark
 is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a UserIndex. More...
struct  VertOrientationFormat
 describes the vertical orientation of an object. More...
service  ViewSettings
 provides access to the settings of the controller of a text document. More...
service  WebDocument
 Specify the document service of the web module. More...
interface  XAutoTextContainer
 handles blocks of AutoTextEntry. More...
interface  XAutoTextContainer2
interface  XAutoTextEntry
 identifies an autotext entry. More...
interface  XAutoTextGroup
 The interface provide methods to insert, rename and delete autotext entries from the current autotext group. More...
interface  XBookmarkInsertTool
 offers an easy way to insert bookmarks by name. More...
interface  XBookmarksSupplier
 provides access to the collection of all bookmarks within this text container. More...
interface  XChapterNumberingSupplier
 contains the settings of the chapter numbering in a text document. More...
interface  XContentControlsSupplier
 makes it possible to access the content controls within the context (e.g. More...
interface  XDefaultNumberingProvider
 provides access to default com::sun::star::text::NumberingRules according to a given locale information. More...
interface  XDependentTextField
 makes it possible to attach this TextField to a TextFieldMaster. More...
interface  XDocumentIndex
 This is the main interface for a document index. More...
interface  XDocumentIndexesSupplier
 gives access to the collection of document indexes. More...
interface  XDocumentIndexMark
 gives access to the mark of a document index entry. More...
interface  XEndnotesSettingsSupplier
 makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings within the context (e.g. More...
interface  XEndnotesSupplier
 makes it possible to access the endnotes within the context (e.g. More...
interface  XFlatParagraph
 provides functionality to ... More...
interface  XFlatParagraphIterator
 provides functionality to ... More...
interface  XFlatParagraphIteratorProvider
 provides functionality to ... More...
interface  XFootnote
 specifies a footnote within a Text. More...
interface  XFootnotesSettingsSupplier
 makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings with the context (e.g. More...
interface  XFootnotesSupplier
 makes it possible to access the footnotes within the context (e.g. More...
interface  XFormField
interface  XLineNumberingProperties
 contains the settings of the line numbering in a text document. More...
interface  XMailMergeBroadcaster
 allows for adding/removing of mail merge event listeners. More...
interface  XMailMergeListener
 used to notify listeners about mail merge events. More...
interface  XMarkingAccess
 extends a text range by method to modify its position. More...
interface  XMultiTextMarkup
 provides functionality to apply multiple text markups in one call. More...
interface  XNumberingFormatter
 supports the formatting of numberings in various language environments. More...
interface  XNumberingRulesSupplier
 This interface enables the object to handle numbering rules. More...
interface  XNumberingTypeInfo
 provides access to the numbering types that are supported by a component. More...
interface  XPageCursor
 makes it possible to perform cursor movements between pages. More...
interface  XPagePrintable
 Print several pages on one printer page. More...
interface  XParagraphAppend
 allows inserting and appending paragraphs. More...
interface  XParagraphCursor
 makes it possible to move paragraph by paragraph. More...
interface  XPasteBroadcaster
 allows for adding/removing of paste event listeners. More...
interface  XPasteListener
 used to notify listeners about paste events. More...
interface  XRedline
 enables creation of redlines (change tracking). More...
interface  XReferenceMarksSupplier
 provides access to the reference marks within this context (i.e. More...
interface  XRelativeTextContentInsert
 makes it possible to insert new text contents before or after existing text contents. More...
interface  XRelativeTextContentRemove
 makes it possible to remove text contents before or after existing text contents. More...
interface  XRubySelection
 This interface enables the object to handle list of ruby lines (aka Furigana lines). More...
interface  XSentenceCursor
 makes it possible to perform cursor movements through sentences. More...
interface  XSimpleText
 is the main interface for a distinct text unit, i.e. More...
interface  XText
 extends a XSimpleText by the capability of inserting XTextContents. More...
interface  XTextAppend
 is a meta-interface for manipulating and inserting text. More...
interface  XTextAppendAndConvert
 merges the functions of XTextAppend, XTextContentAppend and XTextConvert. More...
interface  XTextColumns
 manages columns within the object. More...
interface  XTextContent
 enables objects to be inserted into a text and to provide their location in a text once they are inserted into it. More...
interface  XTextContentAppend
 allows inserting and appending text content. More...
interface  XTextConvert
 allows converting selections of text to frames or tables. More...
interface  XTextCopy
 enables a text object to copy attributed text from another text object. More...
interface  XTextCursor
 extends a text range by method to modify its position. More...
interface  XTextDocument
 is the main interface of a text document. More...
interface  XTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier
 provides the collection of all embedded objects within this context (i.e. More...
interface  XTextField
 is the base interface for all text fields. More...
interface  XTextFieldsSupplier
 makes it possible to access the text fields used in this context (e.g. More...
interface  XTextFrame
 provides access to the Text of a TextFrame. More...
interface  XTextFramesSupplier
 makes it possible to access the TextFrame instances in this context (e.g. More...
interface  XTextGraphicObjectsSupplier
 provides access to the collection of all embedded and linked graphics within this context (i.e. More...
interface  XTextMarkup
 provides functionality to markup text. More...
interface  XTextPortionAppend
 allows inserting and appending formatted text portions. More...
interface  XTextRange
 describes the object's position in a text. More...
interface  XTextRangeCompare
 compares the positions of two TextRanges within a Text. More...
interface  XTextRangeMover
 makes it possible to move a text range (e.g. More...
interface  XTextSection
 provide special data of a TextSection. More...
interface  XTextSectionsSupplier
 manages the text sections within the context (i.e. More...
interface  XTextShapesSupplier
 provides the collection of com::sun::star::drawing::TextShapes. More...
interface  XTextTable
 manages a text table. More...
interface  XTextTableCursor
 The TextTableCursor provide methods to navigate through the table structure, to merge and split cells. More...
interface  XTextTablesSupplier
 enables the object to handle text tables. More...
interface  XTextViewCursor
 describes a cursor in a text document's view. More...
interface  XTextViewCursorSupplier
 supplies access to the cursor in the view. More...
interface  XTextViewTextRangeSupplier
 supplies access to a document model position at a view-dependent pixel position. More...
interface  XWordCursor
 makes it possible to move a cursor word by word. More...


typedef sequence< TextColumnTextColumnSequence


enum  HorizontalAdjust { LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT }
 enumeration values define the horizontal adjustments of objects. More...
enum  NotePrintMode { NOT, ONLY, DOC_END, PAGE_END }
 enumeration values are used to define the printing of notes in a document. More...
enum  PageNumberType { PREV, CURRENT, NEXT }
 determines which page number is displayed in a page number text field. More...
enum  RubyAdjust {
 These enumeration values describe the adjustment of ruby text. More...
enum  TextContentAnchorType {
 specify how the text content is attached to its surrounding text. More...
enum  WrapTextMode {
 enumeration values specify the text wrap around objects in a text. More...
enum  WritingMode { LR_TB, RL_TB, TB_RL }
 this enum covers the different writing directions More...

Detailed Description

Text specific interfaces.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TextColumnSequence

typedef sequence<TextColumn> TextColumnSequence

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HorizontalAdjust

enum HorizontalAdjust

enumeration values define the horizontal adjustments of objects.


the object is left adjusted.

text flows to the left side of the object.

adjusted to the left.


the object is adjusted to the center.

centric adjusted.


the object is right adjusted.

text flows to the right side of the object.

adjusted to the right.

◆ NotePrintMode

enum NotePrintMode

enumeration values are used to define the printing of notes in a document.


Notes are not printed.


Only notes are printed.


Notes are collected at the end of the document.


Notes are collected at the end of a page and printed on an inserted page.

◆ PageNumberType

enum PageNumberType

determines which page number is displayed in a page number text field.


The number of the previous page is displayed if there is any, otherwise the field is empty.


The number of the current page is displayed.


The number of the next page is displayed if there is any, otherwise the field is empty.

◆ RubyAdjust

enum RubyAdjust

These enumeration values describe the adjustment of ruby text.


the object is left adjusted.

text flows to the left side of the object.

adjusted to the left.


the object is adjusted to the center.

centric adjusted.


the object is right adjusted.

text flows to the right side of the object.

adjusted to the right.


adjusted to both borders / stretched


adjusted to both borders except for a small indent on both sides

◆ TextContentAnchorType

enum TextContentAnchorType

specify how the text content is attached to its surrounding text.


The anchor of the object is set at the top left position of the paragraph.


The object is anchored instead of a character.

The size of the object influences the height of the text line.


The object is anchored to the page.

The position does not change if the content of the document is changed.


The object is anchored to a text frame.


The object is anchored to a character.

The position of the object changes if the position of this character is changed.

◆ WrapTextMode

enum WrapTextMode

enumeration values specify the text wrap around objects in a text.


text does not flow around the object.


text flow ignores the object.


text flow ignores the object: errant spelling deprecated in version 5.4


text flows to the left and right of the object.


text flow depends on the situation.

The text formatting decides the best way.


the object is left adjusted.

text flows to the left side of the object.

adjusted to the left.


the object is right adjusted.

text flows to the right side of the object.

adjusted to the right.

◆ WritingMode

enum WritingMode

this enum covers the different writing directions

Use WritingMode2 instead

text within lines is written left-to-right.

lines and blocks are placed top-to-bottom.

Typically, this is the writing mode for normal "alphabetic" text.


text within a line are written right-to-left.

Lines and blocks are placed top-to-bottom.

Typically, this writing mode is used in Arabic and Hebrew text.


text within a line is written top-to-bottom.

Lines and blocks are placed right-to-left.

Typically, this writing mode is used in Chinese and Japanese text.