service | AccessibleEndnoteView |
| The accessible view of endnotes. More...
service | AccessibleFootnoteView |
| The accessible view of footnotes. More...
service | AccessibleHeaderFooterView |
| The accessible view of headers and footers. More...
service | AccessiblePageView |
| The accessible view of pages. More...
service | AccessibleParagraphView |
| The accessible view of a paragraph fragment. More...
service | AccessibleTextDocumentPageView |
| The accessible page preview of a text document. More...
service | AccessibleTextDocumentView |
| The accessible view of a text document. More...
service | AccessibleTextEmbeddedObject |
| The accessible view of an inactive embedded object. More...
service | AccessibleTextFrameView |
| The accessible view of text frames. More...
service | AccessibleTextGraphicObject |
| The accessible view of graphics. More...
service | AutoTextContainer |
| provides access to groups of text blocks. More...
service | AutoTextEntry |
| provides access to a text block in a group of an AutoTextContainer. More...
service | AutoTextGroup |
| provides access to text blocks in a group. More...
service | BaseFrame |
| specifies the base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects More...
service | BaseFrameProperties |
| specifies the properties that are provided by all text frames, graphic objects, embedded objects and frame styles. More...
service | BaseIndex |
| specifies the basic service of different indexes within a document. More...
service | BaseIndexMark |
| is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry. More...
service | Bibliography |
| specifies service of bibliography within a text document. More...
service | Bookmark |
| A bookmark is a TextContent, which is like a jump target or a label. More...
service | Bookmarks |
| This service specifies a collection of Bookmarks. More...
service | Cell |
| represents a single cell within a text table. More...
service | CellProperties |
| service that holds all cell properties of a text table cell in a text document. More...
service | CellRange |
| area of cells within a text table. More...
service | ChainedTextFrame |
| extends a TextFrame which shares the same Text with other ChainedTextFrame instances that will make the text flow through the chained frames. More...
service | ChapterNumberingRule |
| describes the rules for chapter numbering in a text document. More...
service | ContentControl |
| This service specifies a content control with properties in a TextDocument. More...
service | ContentIndex |
| specifies service of content indexes within a document. More...
service | ContentIndexMark |
| is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a ContentIndex. More...
service | DefaultNumberingProvider |
| provides access to language dependent numbering types and supports formatting of those numberings. More...
service | Defaults |
| provides default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties. More...
service | DependentTextField |
| is a TextField which is not specified by itself, but dependent on a TextFieldMaster. More...
service | DocumentIndex |
| specifies service of content indexes within a document. More...
service | DocumentIndexes |
| provides access to all indexes in a document. More...
service | DocumentIndexLevelFormat |
| This service provides access to the structure of the levels of document indexes. More...
service | DocumentIndexMark |
| is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex. More...
service | DocumentIndexMarkAsian |
| is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex. More...
service | DocumentIndexParagraphStyles |
| provides access to the names of paragraph styles that are included in content indexes of user defined indexes. More...
service | DocumentSettings |
| describes properties that apply to the whole text document. More...
service | Endnote |
| This service specifies an endnote in a TextDocument. More...
service | EndnoteSettings |
| provides access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document. More...
service | Footnote |
| This service specifies a footnote or an endnote in a TextDocument. More...
service | Footnotes |
| provides access to the footnotes or endnotes of a (text) document. More...
service | FootnoteSettings |
| provides access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document. More...
service | GenericTextDocument |
| A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs. More...
service | GlobalDocument |
| Specify the document service of the global text module. More...
service | GlobalSettings |
| specifies a service that provides access to the settings of a text module. More...
struct | GraphicCrop |
| describes the cropping of graphic objects. More...
struct | HoriOrientationFormat |
| describes the horizontal orientation of an object. More...
service | IllustrationsIndex |
| specifies service of illustration indexes within a document. More...
service | InContentMetadata |
| is a TextContent that can be used to attach RDF metadata to a range of text. More...
exception | InvalidTextContentException |
| is thrown whenever a method gets a TextContent as an actual argument when the text content cannot be used for that operation. More...
service | LineBreak |
| This service specifies a line break with properties in a TextDocument. More...
service | LineNumberingProperties |
| provides access to the settings of the line numbering. More...
service | MailMerge |
| Gives access to mail merge functionality. More...
struct | MailMergeEvent |
| represents a mail merge event. More...
service | ModuleDispatcher |
service | NumberingLevel |
| provides access to a numbering level as part of the Numbering Rules. More...
service | NumberingRules |
| provides access to the numbering rules. More...
service | NumberingStyle |
| specifies a style sheet numberings within a com::sun::star::text::Text. More...
service | ObjectIndex |
| specifies service of object indexes within a document. More...
service | PageFootnoteInfo |
| specifies the properties of the footnote area of a page or a page style. More...
service | PagePrintSettings |
| These properties describe the way the XPagePrintable interface prints the page on one printer page. More...
service | Paragraph |
| is a piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties). More...
service | ParagraphEnumeration |
| provides access to the paragraphs of an XText interface. More...
service | PrintSettings |
| These properties describe the printing of the content of a text document. More...
service | RedlinePortion |
| A RedlinePortion is a TextPortion that marks a change that has been recorded by the change tracking. More...
service | ReferenceMark |
| is used for cross references in text documents. More...
service | ReferenceMarks |
| provides access to the reference marks in a document. More...
struct | SectionFileLink |
| describes the link for a text section. More...
service | Shape |
| specifies the service of shapes in a text document More...
service | TableColumns |
| represents a collection of all columns of a table. More...
struct | TableColumnSeparator |
| The width of the cells of a text table is defined by the position of the separator between neighboring cells. More...
service | TableIndex |
| specifies service of table indexes within a document. More...
service | TableRows |
| represents a collection of all rows of a text table. More...
service | Text |
| is an independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs. More...
struct | TextColumn |
| defines a single text column. More...
service | TextColumns |
| provides access to columns in text (e.g., in TextFrames ). More...
service | TextContent |
| is an object which can be anchored in a text, like instances of TextFrame or TextField. More...
service | TextContentCollection |
| Objects of this type are collections of text contents of the same type. More...
service | TextCursor |
| A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object. More...
service | TextDocument |
| Specify the document service of the text module. More...
service | TextDocumentView |
| specifies the view of a TextDocument. More...
service | TextEmbeddedObject |
| provides access to the properties and methods of an embedded object. More...
service | TextEmbeddedObjects |
| provides access to all embedded objects in a document. More...
service | TextField |
| A TextField is a TextContent which fades its textual representation into the text range to which it is anchored. More...
service | TextFieldEnumeration |
| This interface creates an enumeration of all text fields within a text document. More...
service | TextFieldMaster |
| A TextFieldMaster specifies important data for its DependentTextFields. More...
service | TextFieldMasters |
| This is a collection of instances of TextFieldMaster, defined in a context (e.g. More...
service | TextFields |
| This is a collection of TextField instances. More...
service | TextFrame |
| specifies a rectangular shape which contains a Text object and is attached to a piece of surrounding Text. More...
service | TextFrames |
| This is the collection of all TextFrame instances within a context (e.g. More...
service | TextGraphicObject |
| specifies a graphic which can be embedded in Text. More...
service | TextGraphicObjects |
| This is the collection of all TextGraphicObject instances within a context (e.g. More...
service | TextLayoutCursor |
| A TextLayoutCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a layout of a Text object. More...
struct | TextMarkupDescriptor |
| A descriptor for a single text markup. More...
service | TextPageStyle |
| represents a page style for a text document. More...
service | TextPortion |
| A TextPortion is a piece of text within a paragraph that does not contain changes of its attributes inside. More...
service | TextPortionEnumeration |
| This interface creates an enumeration of paragraph within a text document. More...
struct | TextPosition |
service | TextRange |
| points to a sequence of characters within a Text. More...
service | TextRangeContentProperties |
| describes the structural properties to retrieve text contents. More...
service | TextRanges |
| provides a container for XTextRange objects. More...
struct | TextRangeSelection |
service | TextSection |
| A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text. More...
service | TextSections |
| provides access to the text sections in a text document. More...
service | TextSortable |
| provides an interface for sorting. More...
service | TextSortDescriptor |
| describes sort criteria for sorting text. More...
service | TextSortDescriptor2 |
| describes sort criteria for sorting paragraphs or table contents in a text document. More...
service | TextTable |
| is a table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text. More...
service | TextTableCursor |
| specifies a cursor in text tables. More...
service | TextTableRow |
| specifies the properties of a text table row. More...
service | TextTables |
| provides access to all tables in a document. More...
service | TextViewCursor |
| A TextViewCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a view of a Text object. More...
service | UserDefinedIndex |
| specifies service of user defined indexes within a document. More...
service | UserIndex |
| specifies service of user defined indexes within a document. More...
service | UserIndexMark |
| is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a UserIndex. More...
struct | VertOrientationFormat |
| describes the vertical orientation of an object. More...
service | ViewSettings |
| provides access to the settings of the controller of a text document. More...
service | WebDocument |
| Specify the document service of the web module. More...
interface | XAutoTextContainer |
| handles blocks of AutoTextEntry. More...
interface | XAutoTextContainer2 |
interface | XAutoTextEntry |
| identifies an autotext entry. More...
interface | XAutoTextGroup |
| The interface provide methods to insert, rename and delete autotext entries from the current autotext group. More...
interface | XBookmarkInsertTool |
| offers an easy way to insert bookmarks by name. More...
interface | XBookmarksSupplier |
| provides access to the collection of all bookmarks within this text container. More...
interface | XChapterNumberingSupplier |
| contains the settings of the chapter numbering in a text document. More...
interface | XContentControlsSupplier |
| makes it possible to access the content controls within the context (e.g. More...
interface | XDefaultNumberingProvider |
| provides access to default com::sun::star::text::NumberingRules according to a given locale information. More...
interface | XDependentTextField |
| makes it possible to attach this TextField to a TextFieldMaster. More...
interface | XDocumentIndex |
| This is the main interface for a document index. More...
interface | XDocumentIndexesSupplier |
| gives access to the collection of document indexes. More...
interface | XDocumentIndexMark |
| gives access to the mark of a document index entry. More...
interface | XEndnotesSettingsSupplier |
| makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings within the context (e.g. More...
interface | XEndnotesSupplier |
| makes it possible to access the endnotes within the context (e.g. More...
interface | XFlatParagraph |
| provides functionality to ... More...
interface | XFlatParagraphIterator |
| provides functionality to ... More...
interface | XFlatParagraphIteratorProvider |
| provides functionality to ... More...
interface | XFootnote |
| specifies a footnote within a Text. More...
interface | XFootnotesSettingsSupplier |
| makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings with the context (e.g. More...
interface | XFootnotesSupplier |
| makes it possible to access the footnotes within the context (e.g. More...
interface | XFormField |
interface | XLineNumberingProperties |
| contains the settings of the line numbering in a text document. More...
interface | XMailMergeBroadcaster |
| allows for adding/removing of mail merge event listeners. More...
interface | XMailMergeListener |
| used to notify listeners about mail merge events. More...
interface | XMarkingAccess |
| extends a text range by method to modify its position. More...
interface | XMultiTextMarkup |
| provides functionality to apply multiple text markups in one call. More...
interface | XNumberingFormatter |
| supports the formatting of numberings in various language environments. More...
interface | XNumberingRulesSupplier |
| This interface enables the object to handle numbering rules. More...
interface | XNumberingTypeInfo |
| provides access to the numbering types that are supported by a component. More...
interface | XPageCursor |
| makes it possible to perform cursor movements between pages. More...
interface | XPagePrintable |
| Print several pages on one printer page. More...
interface | XParagraphAppend |
| allows inserting and appending paragraphs. More...
interface | XParagraphCursor |
| makes it possible to move paragraph by paragraph. More...
interface | XPasteBroadcaster |
| allows for adding/removing of paste event listeners. More...
interface | XPasteListener |
| used to notify listeners about paste events. More...
interface | XRedline |
| enables creation of redlines (change tracking). More...
interface | XReferenceMarksSupplier |
| provides access to the reference marks within this context (i.e. More...
interface | XRelativeTextContentInsert |
| makes it possible to insert new text contents before or after existing text contents. More...
interface | XRelativeTextContentRemove |
| makes it possible to remove text contents before or after existing text contents. More...
interface | XRubySelection |
| This interface enables the object to handle list of ruby lines (aka Furigana lines). More...
interface | XSentenceCursor |
| makes it possible to perform cursor movements through sentences. More...
interface | XSimpleText |
| is the main interface for a distinct text unit, i.e. More...
interface | XText |
| extends a XSimpleText by the capability of inserting XTextContents. More...
interface | XTextAppend |
| is a meta-interface for manipulating and inserting text. More...
interface | XTextAppendAndConvert |
| merges the functions of XTextAppend, XTextContentAppend and XTextConvert. More...
interface | XTextColumns |
| manages columns within the object. More...
interface | XTextContent |
| enables objects to be inserted into a text and to provide their location in a text once they are inserted into it. More...
interface | XTextContentAppend |
| allows inserting and appending text content. More...
interface | XTextConvert |
| allows converting selections of text to frames or tables. More...
interface | XTextCopy |
| enables a text object to copy attributed text from another text object. More...
interface | XTextCursor |
| extends a text range by method to modify its position. More...
interface | XTextDocument |
| is the main interface of a text document. More...
interface | XTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier |
| provides the collection of all embedded objects within this context (i.e. More...
interface | XTextField |
| is the base interface for all text fields. More...
interface | XTextFieldsSupplier |
| makes it possible to access the text fields used in this context (e.g. More...
interface | XTextFrame |
| provides access to the Text of a TextFrame. More...
interface | XTextFramesSupplier |
| makes it possible to access the TextFrame instances in this context (e.g. More...
interface | XTextGraphicObjectsSupplier |
| provides access to the collection of all embedded and linked graphics within this context (i.e. More...
interface | XTextMarkup |
| provides functionality to markup text. More...
interface | XTextPortionAppend |
| allows inserting and appending formatted text portions. More...
interface | XTextRange |
| describes the object's position in a text. More...
interface | XTextRangeCompare |
| compares the positions of two TextRanges within a Text. More...
interface | XTextRangeMover |
| makes it possible to move a text range (e.g. More...
interface | XTextSection |
| provide special data of a TextSection. More...
interface | XTextSectionsSupplier |
| manages the text sections within the context (i.e. More...
interface | XTextShapesSupplier |
| provides the collection of com::sun::star::drawing::TextShapes. More...
interface | XTextTable |
| manages a text table. More...
interface | XTextTableCursor |
| The TextTableCursor provide methods to navigate through the table structure, to merge and split cells. More...
interface | XTextTablesSupplier |
| enables the object to handle text tables. More...
interface | XTextViewCursor |
| describes a cursor in a text document's view. More...
interface | XTextViewCursorSupplier |
| supplies access to the cursor in the view. More...
interface | XTextViewTextRangeSupplier |
| supplies access to a document model position at a view-dependent pixel position. More...
interface | XWordCursor |
| makes it possible to move a cursor word by word. More...