provides access to the settings of the line numbering.
provides access to the settings of the line numbering.
- Developers Guide
- Text Documents - Line Numbering and Outline Numbering - Line Numbering
◆ CharStyleName
The name of the character style that is used for the line number.
◆ CountEmptyLines
, empty lines are counted.
◆ CountLinesInFrames
boolean CountLinesInFrames |
property |
, lines in frames are included in counting.
◆ Distance
specifies the distance between the line number and the start or end of the text area.
◆ Interval
Line numbers are shown on every Intervalth line.
◆ IsOn
, line numbering is used.
◆ NumberingType
specifies the type of the numbering.
◆ NumberPosition
specifies the position of the line number (constant LineNumberPositions left/right/inside/outside).
◆ RestartAtEachPage
boolean RestartAtEachPage |
optionalproperty |
specifies if the line numbering should start from the beginning at each page.
If set to FALSE
the line numbering will be continuous.
- Since
- OOo 2.0
◆ SeparatorInterval
The line separator is shown every SeparatorIntervalth line.
◆ SeparatorText
specifies the string that is used for the line separator.
The documentation for this service was generated from the following file: