LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
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com::sun::star::document Module Reference

Office document related interfaces. More...

Constant Groups

constants  LinkUpdateModes
constants  MacroExecMode
 Specify whether a macro can be executed.
constants  PrinterIndependentLayout
 specifies whether the document printer metric is used.
constants  RedlineDisplayType
 specifies which changes in a document are displayed.
constants  UpdateDocMode
 Specify the way a document can be updated.


exception  AmbigousFilterRequest
 should be used for interaction to handle states of ambiguous filter detection More...
exception  BrokenPackageRequest
 Is used for interaction handle in case package is broken. More...
exception  ChangedByOthersRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to query user decision in case the document being saved was already stored by another user during the editing. More...
struct  CmisProperty
 specifies a CMIS property. More...
struct  CmisVersion
 specifies a CMIS document version. More...
exception  CorruptedFilterConfigurationException
 This exception is thrown in case the global filter configuration does not exists or contains corrupted data. More...
struct  DocumentEvent
 describes an event happening in an OfficeDocument More...
service  DocumentProperties
 provides document-specific information such as the author, creation date, and user-defined fields. More...
service  DocumentRevisionListPersistence
 interface to maintain a list of document revisions More...
exception  EmptyUndoStackException
 is raised when an operation is attemption at an XUndoManager which requires a non-empty stack of undo actions, and this requirement is not fulfilled. More...
service  EventDescriptor
 specifies an event binding for a document or a document content More...
struct  EventObject
 is thrown on document and document content events More...
service  Events
 is a collection of all events supported by a document or content of a document More...
exception  ExoticFileLoadException
 An exception used to notify loading of an exotic file format. More...
service  ExportFilter
 filter for exports More...
service  ExtendedTypeDetection
 describes a class of service which will be used for deep TypeDetection in a generic way More...
service  ExtendedTypeDetectionFactory
 factory to create extended type detection components. More...
service  FilterAdapter
service  FilterConfigRefresh
service  FilterFactory
 factory to create filter components. More...
exception  FilterOptionsRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to get filter options. More...
service  GraphicStorageHandler
 Default implementation of XGraphicStorageHandler. More...
service  HeaderFooterSettings
 describes properties that control the formatting of headers and footers for documents that do not allow individual settings for individual parts like pages or slides. More...
service  ImportFilter
 filter for imports More...
service  IndexedPropertyValues
service  LinkTarget
 This service is implemented by objects inside a document object model that can be the target of a link inside a document. More...
service  LinkTargets
 This service gives access to a collection of names that are child links of the parent object that supplied this service. More...
exception  LockedDocumentRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding locked document. More...
exception  LockedOnSavingRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding locked document on saving. More...
exception  LockFileCorruptRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to query user's decision when the lock file is corrupt. More...
exception  LockFileIgnoreRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding storing to a location where no lock file can be created. More...
service  MediaDescriptor
 describes properties of a document, regarding the relationship between the loaded document and the resource the document is loaded from / stored to. More...
service  NamedPropertyValues
exception  NoSuchFilterRequest
 should be used for interaction to handle states of unknown filter during detection More...
service  OfficeDocument
 abstract service which specifies a storable and printable document More...
service  OleEmbeddedServerRegistration
 registers embedded server for StarOffice documents More...
service  OOXMLDocumentPropertiesImporter
 allows to import document properties from OOXML format More...
exception  OwnLockOnDocumentRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding locked document. More...
service  PDFDialog
 This service is for a PDFDialog. More...
exception  ReloadEditableRequest
 Is used for interaction handle to query user decision regarding reloading a document that was recently made editable. More...
service  Settings
 describes properties that apply to the whole document of any application. More...
service  TypeDetection
 encapsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data. More...
exception  UndoContextNotClosedException
 is thrown when an operation is attempted at an XUndoManager which requires all undo contexts to be closed, but this requirement is not fulfilled. More...
exception  UndoFailedException
 thrown when reverting to re-applying an undoable action fails. More...
struct  UndoManagerEvent
 is an event sent by an XUndoManager implementation when the Undo/Redo stacks of the manager are modified. More...
interface  XActionLockable
 makes it possible to prevent object internal updates for a certain period to be able to quickly change multiple parts of the objects, where the updates would invalidate each other, anyway. More...
interface  XBinaryStreamResolver
interface  XCmisDocument
 The document can provide access to CMIS properties and versions through this interface. More...
interface  XCodeNameQuery
interface  XCompatWriterDocProperties
interface  XDocumentEventBroadcaster
 allows to be notified of events happening in an OfficeDocument, and to cause notification of such events. More...
interface  XDocumentEventListener
 allows to be notified of events happening in an OfficeDocument More...
interface  XDocumentInsertable
 Makes it possible to import a document from a given URL into this document. More...
interface  XDocumentLanguages
interface  XDocumentProperties
 provides document-specific information such as the author, creation date, and user-defined fields. More...
interface  XDocumentProperties2
 Extends XDocumentProperties interface to provide additional attributes. More...
interface  XDocumentPropertiesSupplier
 provides access to the XDocumentProperties instance of a document. More...
interface  XDocumentRecovery
 is the interface to be implemented by documents who wish to participate in the document emergency-save / recovery process. More...
interface  XDocumentRecovery2
 An optional interface to be implemented by documents that wish to participate in the document emergency-save / recovery process. More...
interface  XDocumentRevisionListPersistence
 interface to load or store a list of document revisions from or to a document using the packed XML file format More...
interface  XDocumentSubStorageSupplier
 through this interface documents can provide access to their substorages More...
interface  XEmbeddedObjectResolver
 this interface converts embedded object URLs from one URL space to another. More...
interface  XEmbeddedObjectSupplier
 represents something that provides an embedded object. More...
interface  XEmbeddedObjectSupplier2
 represents something that provides an embedded object. More...
interface  XEmbeddedScripts
 is supported by OfficeDocuments which allow to embed scripts More...
interface  XEventBroadcaster
 makes it possible to register listeners which are called whenever a document event (see EventObject) occurs More...
interface  XEventListener
 makes it possible to register listeners, which are called whenever a document or document content event occurs More...
interface  XEventsSupplier
 gives access to a list of URLs bound to events of this object More...
interface  XExporter
 makes it possible to connect a document with an ExportFilter More...
interface  XExtendedFilterDetection
 provides a "deep" filter detection More...
interface  XFilter
 interface to filter documents More...
interface  XFilterAdapter
 This is an interface that can be used to link a filter to the FilterAdapter. More...
interface  XGraphicObjectResolver
 this interface converts graphic object URLs from one URL space to another. More...
interface  XGraphicStorageHandler
 interface for loading, saving and serializing of XGraphic objects to a document storage More...
interface  XImporter
 makes it possible to connect a document with an ImportFilter More...
interface  XInteractionFilterOptions
 A continuation to return filter options from interaction helper. More...
interface  XInteractionFilterSelect
 continuation used by interaction mechanism at filter detection during loading documents More...
interface  XLinkTargetSupplier
 interface is supplied by objects inside a document object model that have children that can be the target of a link inside a document. More...
interface  XMimeTypeInfo
 provides information regarding which MIME types are supported by a filter. More...
service  XMLBasicExporter
 Filter for exporting Basic macros to the file format. More...
service  XMLOasisBasicExporter
 Filter for exporting Basic macros to the OASIS Open Office file format. More...
interface  XOOXMLDocumentPropertiesImporter
 allows to import the document properties from OOXML format More...
interface  XRedlinesSupplier
 provides access to a container of the redline objects of the document. More...
interface  XScriptInvocationContext
 indicates support for executing scripts contained in a, possibly foreign, document. More...
interface  XShapeEventBroadcaster
 Used to link a listener to a specific shape. More...
interface  XShapeEventListener
 makes it possible to register listeners, which are called whenever a document or document content event occurs More...
interface  XStorageBasedDocument
 allows to initialize document with a storage, to store document to a storage, and to set document to be based on provided storage. More...
interface  XStorageChangeListener
 allows to be notified when a document is switched to a new storage. More...
interface  XTypeDetection
 support "flat" and "deep" type detection of a given document More...
interface  XUndoAction
 represents a single (undoable) action on a document More...
interface  XUndoManager
 provides access to the undo/redo stacks of a document More...
interface  XUndoManagerListener
 implemented by components which want to be notified of changes in the Undo/Redo stacks of an Undo manager. More...
interface  XUndoManagerSupplier
 provides access to an XUndoManager. More...
interface  XVbaMethodParameter
interface  XViewDataSupplier
 gives access to some properties describing all open views to a document More...
interface  XXMLBasicExporter
 Provides unified interface for XMLOasisBasicExporter and XMLBasicExporter services. More...

Detailed Description

Office document related interfaces.