double | Offset |
| this property handles the style. More...
long | Color |
| points to a style that also supports this service (but not this property) that is used as default, if the PropertyState of a property is DEFAULT_VALUE . More...
short | Transparency |
| This is the main transparency value of a data point. More...
::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle | FillStyle |
| This enumeration selects the style with which the area will be filled. More...
::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient | TransparencyGradient |
| This describes the transparency of the fill area as a gradient. More...
::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient | Gradient |
::com::sun::star::drawing::Hatch | Hatch |
string | TransparencyGradientName |
string | GradientName |
string | HatchName |
string | FillBitmapName |
boolean | FillBackground |
| If TRUE , fills the background of a hatch with the color given in the Color property. More...
long | BorderColor |
| Is used for borders around filled objects. More...
::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle | BorderStyle |
| Is used for borders around filled objects. More...
long | BorderWidth |
| Is used for borders around filled objects. More...
::com::sun::star::drawing::LineDash | BorderDash |
| Is used for borders around filled objects. More...
string | BorderDashName |
| The name of a dash that can be found in the com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer "com.sun.star.drawing.LineDashTable", that can be created via the com::sun::star::uno::XMultiServiceFactory of the ChartDocument. More...
short | BorderTransparency |
| Is used for borders around filled objects. More...
::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle | LineStyle |
long | LineWidth |
| Is only used for line-chart types. More...
::com::sun::star::drawing::LineDash | LineDash |
| Is only used for line-chart types. More...
string | LineDashName |
| The name of a dash that can be found in the com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer "com.sun.star.drawing.LineDashTable", that can be created via the com::sun::star::uno::XMultiServiceFactory of the ChartDocument. More...
short | FillBitmapOffsetX |
| This is the horizontal offset where the tile starts. More...
short | FillBitmapOffsetY |
| This is the vertical offset where the tile starts. More...
short | FillBitmapPositionOffsetX |
| Every second line of tiles is moved the given percent of the width of the bitmap. More...
short | FillBitmapPositionOffsetY |
| Every second row of tiles is moved the given percent of the width of the bitmap. More...
com::sun::star::drawing::RectanglePoint | FillBitmapRectanglePoint |
| The RectanglePoint specifies the position inside of the bitmap to use as the top left position for rendering. More...
boolean | FillBitmapLogicalSize |
| specifies if the size is given in percentage or as an absolute value. More...
long | FillBitmapSizeX |
| This is the width of the tile for filling. More...
long | FillBitmapSizeY |
| This is the height of the tile for filling. More...
com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode | FillBitmapMode |
| this enum selects how an area is filled with a single bitmap. More...
Symbol | Symbol |
double | Offset |
| describes a value by which a data point is moved from its default position in percent of the maximum allowed distance. More...
long | Geometry3D |
| describes the geometry of a 3 dimensional data point. More...
DataPointLabel | Label |
sequence< XDataPointCustomLabelField > | CustomLabelFields |
| specifies a text with possible fields that is used as a data point label, if set then Label property is ignored More...
string | LabelSeparator |
| specifies a string that is used to separate the parts of a data label (caption) More...
boolean | TextWordWrap |
| specifies if the text of a data label (caption) must be wrapped More...
long | NumberFormat |
| specifies a number format for the display of the value in the data label More...
long | PercentageNumberFormat |
| specifies a number format for the display of the percentage value in the data label More...
long | LabelPlacement |
| specifies a relative position for the data label More...
com::sun::star::awt::Size | ReferencePageSize |
| The size of the page at the moment when the font size for data labels was set. More...
com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet | ErrorBarX |
| If void, no error bars are shown for the data point in x-direction. More...
com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet | ErrorBarY |
| If void, no error bars are shown for the data point in y-direction. More...
boolean | ShowErrorBox |
| In case ErrorBarX and ErrorBarY both are set, and error bars are shown, a box spanning all error-indicators is rendered. More...
short | PercentDiagonal |
| A value between 0 and 100 indicating the percentage how round an edge should be. More...
::com::sun::star::chart2::RelativePosition | CustomLabelPosition |
| Custom position on the page associated to the CUSTOM label placement. More...
FillStyle | FillStyle |
| This enumeration selects the style the area will be filled with. More...
com::sun::star::util::Color | FillColor |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::SOLID, this is the color used. More...
short | FillTransparence |
| This is the transparence of the filled area. More...
string | FillTransparenceGradientName |
| If a gradient is used for transparency, this is the name of the used transparence gradient style or it is empty. More...
com::sun::star::awt::Gradient | FillTransparenceGradient |
| This describes the transparency of the fill area as a gradient. More...
string | FillGradientName |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::GRADIENT, this is the name of the used fill gradient style. More...
com::sun::star::awt::Gradient | FillGradient |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::GRADIENT, this describes the gradient used. More...
string | FillHatchName |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::HATCH, this is the name of the used fill hatch style. More...
Hatch | FillHatch |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::HATCH, this describes the hatch used. More...
boolean | FillBackground |
| if this is TRUE , the transparent background of a hatch filled area is drawn in the current background color. More...
string | FillBitmapName |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::BITMAP, this is the name of the used fill bitmap style. More...
com::sun::star::awt::XBitmap | FillBitmap |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::BITMAP, this is the bitmap used. More...
string | FillBitmapURL |
| If the property FillStyle is set to FillStyle::BITMAP, this is a URL to the bitmap used. More...
short | FillBitmapPositionOffsetX |
| This is the horizontal offset where the tile starts. More...
short | FillBitmapPositionOffsetY |
| This is the vertical offset where the tile starts. More...
short | FillBitmapOffsetX |
| Every second line of tiles is moved the given percent of the width of the bitmap. More...
short | FillBitmapOffsetY |
| Every second row of tiles is moved the given percent of the height of the bitmap. More...
RectanglePoint | FillBitmapRectanglePoint |
| The RectanglePoint specifies the position inside of the bitmap to use as the top left position for rendering. More...
boolean | FillBitmapLogicalSize |
| specifies if the size is given in percentage or as an absolute value. More...
long | FillBitmapSizeX |
| This is the width of the tile for filling. More...
long | FillBitmapSizeY |
| This is the height of the tile for filling. More...
BitmapMode | FillBitmapMode |
| this enum selects how an area is filled with a single bitmap. More...
boolean | FillBitmapStretch |
| if set, the fill bitmap is stretched to fill the area of the shape. More...
boolean | FillBitmapTile |
| if set, the fill bitmap is repeated to fill the area of the shape. More...
com::sun::star::text::GraphicCrop | GraphicCrop |
| contains the cropping of the object. More...
boolean | FillUseSlideBackground |
| If this is TRUE , and FillStyle is FillStyle::NONE: The area displays the slide background. More...
string | CharFontName |
| This property specifies the name of the font style. More...
string | CharFontStyleName |
| This property contains the name of the font style. More...
short | CharFontFamily |
| This property contains font family. More...
short | CharFontCharSet |
| This property contains the text encoding of the font. More...
short | CharFontPitch |
| This property contains the font pitch. More...
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharColor |
| This property contains the value of the text color. More...
short | CharEscapement |
| specifies the percentage by which to raise/lower superscript/subscript characters. More...
float | CharHeight |
| This value contains the height of the characters in point. More...
short | CharUnderline |
| This property contains the value for the character underline. More...
float | CharWeight |
| This property contains the value of the font weight. More...
com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant | CharPosture |
| This property contains the value of the posture of the document. More...
boolean | CharAutoKerning |
| This optional property determines whether the kerning tables from the current font are used. More...
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharBackColor |
| This optional property contains the text background color. More...
long | CharShadingValue |
| This optional property contains the text shading value. More...
boolean | CharBackTransparent |
| This property determines if the text background color is set to transparent. More...
short | CharCaseMap |
| This optional property contains the value of the case-mapping of the text for formatting and displaying. More...
boolean | CharCrossedOut |
| This property is TRUE if the characters are crossed out. More...
boolean | CharFlash |
| If this optional property is TRUE , then the characters are flashing. More...
short | CharStrikeout |
| This property determines the type of the strike out of the character. More...
boolean | CharWordMode |
| If this property is TRUE , the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces. More...
short | CharKerning |
| This optional property contains the value of the kerning of the characters. More...
com::sun::star::lang::Locale | CharLocale |
| This property contains the value of the locale. More...
boolean | CharKeepTogether |
| This optional property marks a range of characters to prevent it from being broken into two lines. More...
boolean | CharNoLineBreak |
| This optional property marks a range of characters to ignore a line break in this area. More...
boolean | CharShadowed |
| This optional property specifies if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect. More...
short | CharFontType |
| This optional property specifies the fundamental technology of the font. More...
string | CharStyleName |
| This optional property specifies the name of the style of the font. More...
boolean | CharContoured |
| This optional property specifies if the characters are formatted and displayed with a contour effect. More...
boolean | CharCombineIsOn |
| This optional property determines whether text is formatted in two lines. More...
string | CharCombinePrefix |
| This optional property contains the prefix (usually parenthesis) before text that is formatted in two lines. More...
string | CharCombineSuffix |
| This optional property contains the suffix (usually parenthesis) after text that is formatted in two lines. More...
short | CharEmphasis |
| This optional property contains the font emphasis value. More...
short | CharRelief |
| This optional property contains the relief style of the characters. More...
string | RubyText |
| This optional property contains the text that is set as ruby. More...
short | RubyAdjust |
| This optional property determines the adjustment of the ruby . More...
string | RubyCharStyleName |
| This optional property contains the name of the character style that is applied to RubyText. More...
boolean | RubyIsAbove |
| This optional property determines whether the ruby text is printed above/left or below/right of the text. More...
short | CharRotation |
| This optional property determines the rotation of a character in tenths of a degree. More...
boolean | CharRotationIsFitToLine |
| This optional property determines whether the text formatting tries to fit rotated text into the surrounded line height. More...
short | CharScaleWidth |
| This optional property determines the percentage value for scaling the width of characters. More...
string | HyperLinkURL |
| This optional property contains the URL of a hyperlink. More...
string | HyperLinkTarget |
| This optional property contains the name of the target for a hyperlink. More...
string | HyperLinkName |
| This optional property contains the name of the hyperlink. More...
string | VisitedCharStyleName |
| This optional property contains the character style name for visited hyperlinks. More...
string | UnvisitedCharStyleName |
| This optional property contains the character style name for unvisited hyperlinks. More...
byte | CharEscapementHeight |
| This is the relative height used for subscript or superscript characters in units of percent. More...
boolean | CharNoHyphenation |
| This optional property determines if the word can be hyphenated at the character by automatic hyphenation. More...
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharUnderlineColor |
| This property contains the color of the underline for the characters. More...
boolean | CharUnderlineHasColor |
| This property specifies if the property CharUnderlineColor is used for an underline. More...
sequence< string > | CharStyleNames |
| This optional property specifies the names of the all styles applied to the font. More...
boolean | CharHidden |
| If this optional property is TRUE , then the characters are invisible. More...
com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer | TextUserDefinedAttributes |
| This property stores XML attributes. More...
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharLeftBorder |
| This property contains the left border of the object. More...
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharRightBorder |
| This property contains the right border of the object. More...
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharTopBorder |
| This property contains the top border of the object. More...
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharBottomBorder |
| This property contains the bottom border of the object. More...
long | CharBorderDistance |
| This property contains the distance from the border to the object. More...
long | CharLeftBorderDistance |
| This property contains the distance from the left border to the object. More...
long | CharRightBorderDistance |
| This property contains the distance from the right border to the object. More...
long | CharTopBorderDistance |
| This property contains the distance from the top border to the object. More...
long | CharBottomBorderDistance |
| This property contains the distance from the bottom border to the object. More...
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat | CharShadowFormat |
| Determines the type, color, and width of the shadow. More...
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharHighlight |
| Determines the color of the highlight. More...
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > | CharInteropGrabBag |
| Grab bag of character properties, used as a string-any map for interim interop purposes. More...
short | RubyPosition |
| This optional property determines the position of the ruby . More...
short | CharTransparence |
| This is the transparency of the character text. More...
short | CharColorTheme |
| If available, keeps the color theme index, so that the character can be re-colored easily based on a theme. More...
short | CharColorTintOrShade |
| Tint or shade of the character color. More...