service | CoreReflection |
| This service is the implementation of the reflection API. More...
singleton | Dump |
| Dump any UNOIDL value as a string. More...
exception | InvalidTypeNameException |
| thrown in case that a certain type name does exist, but does not meet some other criteria. More...
exception | InvocationTargetException |
| This exception denotes a checked exception (wrapping an originating exception) and may be thrown upon using invocation API. More...
exception | NoSuchTypeNameException |
| thrown in case that a certain type name does not exist. More...
struct | ParamInfo |
| Provides information about a formal parameter of a method. More...
service | ProxyFactory |
| Service to create proxy objects acting on behalf of a given target object. More...
singleton | theCoreReflection |
service | TypeDescriptionManager |
| This service manages type descriptions and acts as a central access point to every type description. More...
service | TypeDescriptionProvider |
| This service provides type descriptions, i.e. More...
interface | XArrayTypeDescription |
| Deprecated, UNOIDL does not have an array concept. More...
interface | XCompoundTypeDescription |
| Reflects a compound type, i.e. More...
interface | XConstantsTypeDescription |
| Reflects a constants group. More...
interface | XConstantTypeDescription |
| Reflects a constant. More...
interface | XDump |
| Dump any UNOIDL value as a string. More...
interface | XEnumTypeDescription |
| Reflects an enum type. More...
interface | XIdlArray |
| Reflects an IDL sequence and provides dynamic access to instances of that sequence. More...
interface | XIdlClass |
| Provides information reflecting a UNO type. More...
interface | XIdlClassProvider |
| Deprecated interface. More...
interface | XIdlField |
| Deprecated. More...
interface | XIdlField2 |
| Reflects an IDL interface attribute, enum or compound type (i.e. More...
interface | XIdlMember |
| Base interface for XIdlField2s and XIdlMethods. More...
interface | XIdlMethod |
| Reflects an IDL interface method. More...
interface | XIdlReflection |
| Interface to reflect types. More...
interface | XIndirectTypeDescription |
| Reflects a typedef or sequence type. More...
interface | XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription |
| Reflects an interface attribute type. More...
interface | XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2 |
| Reflects an interface attribute, supporting extended attributes that are bound or raise exceptions. More...
interface | XInterfaceMemberTypeDescription |
| Base interface for reflected interface members. More...
interface | XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription |
| Reflects an interface method type. More...
interface | XInterfaceTypeDescription |
| Reflects an interface type. More...
interface | XInterfaceTypeDescription2 |
| Reflects an interface type, supporting multiple inheritance. More...
interface | XMethodParameter |
| Reflects a method parameter. More...
interface | XModuleTypeDescription |
| Reflects a module. More...
interface | XParameter |
| Reflects a parameter of an interface method or a service constructor. More...
interface | XPropertyTypeDescription |
| Reflects a property. More...
interface | XProxyFactory |
| Factory interface to produce proxy objects. More...
interface | XPublished |
| Reflects the “published” status of a UNOIDL entity. More...
interface | XServiceConstructorDescription |
| Reflects a service constructor. More...
interface | XServiceTypeDescription |
| Reflects a service. More...
interface | XServiceTypeDescription2 |
| Reflects a service, supporting single-interface–based services. More...
interface | XSingletonTypeDescription |
| Reflects a singleton. More...
interface | XSingletonTypeDescription2 |
| Reflects a singleton, supporting interface-based singletons. More...
interface | XStructTypeDescription |
| Reflects a struct type, supporting polymorphic struct types. More...
interface | XTypeDescription |
| Reflects a UNOIDL entity. More...
interface | XTypeDescriptionEnumeration |
| Defines an enumeration for type descriptions. More...
interface | XTypeDescriptionEnumerationAccess |
| Defines an interface for creating enumerations for type descriptions. More...
interface | XUnionTypeDescription |
| Deprecated, UNOIDL does not have a union concept. More...