LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
describes the style of pages. More...
Public Attributes | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | BackColor |
contains the background color of the page. More... | |
string | BackGraphicURL |
contains the URL of the background graphic. More... | |
string | BackGraphicFilter |
contains the filter name of the background graphic. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation | BackGraphicLocation |
determines the location of the background graphic. More... | |
boolean | BackTransparent |
determines if the background color is transparent. More... | |
long | LeftMargin |
determines the left margin of the page. More... | |
long | RightMargin |
determines the right margin of the page. More... | |
long | TopMargin |
determines the top margin of the page. More... | |
long | BottomMargin |
determines the bottom margin of the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | LeftBorder |
determines the style of the left border line of the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | RightBorder |
determines the style of the right border line of the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | TopBorder |
determines the style of the top border line of the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | BottomBorder |
determines the style of the bottom border line of the page. More... | |
long | LeftBorderDistance |
determines the left border distance of the page. More... | |
long | RightBorderDistance |
determines the right border distance of the page. More... | |
long | TopBorderDistance |
determines the top border distance of the page. More... | |
long | BottomBorderDistance |
determines the bottom border distance of the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat | ShadowFormat |
determines the shadow of the page. More... | |
boolean | IsLandscape |
determines if the page format is landscape. More... | |
short | NumberingType |
determines the default numbering type for this page. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::PageStyleLayout | PageStyleLayout |
determines the layout of the page. More... | |
string | PrinterPaperTray |
contains the name of a paper tray of the selected printer. More... | |
boolean | RegisterModeActive |
determines if the register mode is active on that page. More... | |
string | RegisterParagraphStyle |
contains the name of the paragraph style that is used as reference of the register mode. More... | |
com::sun::star::awt::Size | Size |
contains the paper size of the page. More... | |
long | Width |
contains the width of the page. More... | |
long | Height |
contains the height of the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::text::XTextColumns | TextColumns |
contains the column settings of the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer | UserDefinedAttributes |
contains user defined attributes. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | HeaderBackColor |
contains the color of the background of the header. More... | |
string | HeaderBackGraphicURL |
contains the URL of the background graphic of the header. More... | |
string | HeaderBackGraphicFilter |
contains the filter name of the background graphic of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation | HeaderBackGraphicLocation |
determines the location of the background graphic of the header. More... | |
long | HeaderLeftMargin |
contains the left margin of the header. More... | |
long | HeaderRightMargin |
contains the right margin of the header. More... | |
boolean | HeaderBackTransparent |
determines if the background color of the header is transparent. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | HeaderLeftBorder |
determines the style of the left border line of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | HeaderRightBorder |
determines the style of the right border line of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | HeaderTopBorder |
determines the style of the top border line of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | HeaderBottomBorder |
determines the style of the bottom border line of the header. More... | |
long | HeaderLeftBorderDistance |
determines the left border distance of the header. More... | |
long | HeaderRightBorderDistance |
determines the right border distance of the header. More... | |
long | HeaderTopBorderDistance |
determines the top border distance of the header. More... | |
long | HeaderBottomBorderDistance |
determines the bottom border distance of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat | HeaderShadowFormat |
determines the shadow of the header. More... | |
long | HeaderBodyDistance |
determines the distance between the header and the body text area. More... | |
boolean | HeaderIsShared |
determines if the header content on left and right pages is the same. More... | |
boolean | FirstIsShared |
determines if the header/footer content on the first page and remaining pages is the same. More... | |
long | HeaderHeight |
contains the height of the header. More... | |
boolean | HeaderIsDynamicHeight |
determines if the height of the header depends on the content. More... | |
boolean | HeaderIsOn |
determines if a header is used on the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::text::XText | HeaderText |
contains the interface to the text of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::text::XText | HeaderTextLeft |
contains the interface to the text of the header of left pages. More... | |
com::sun::star::text::XText | HeaderTextRight |
contains the interface to the text of the header of right pages. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | FooterBackColor |
contains the color of the background of the footer. More... | |
string | FooterBackGraphicURL |
contains the URL of the background graphic in the footer. More... | |
string | FooterBackGraphicFilter |
contains the filter name of the background graphic in the footer. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation | FooterBackGraphicLocation |
determines the location of the background graphic in the footer. More... | |
long | FooterLeftMargin |
determines the left margin of the footer. More... | |
long | FooterRightMargin |
determines the right margin of the footer. More... | |
boolean | FooterBackTransparent |
determines if the background of the footer is transparent. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | FooterLeftBorder |
contains the style of the left border line of the footer. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | FooterRightBorder |
contains the style of the right border line of the footer. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | FooterTopBorder |
contains the style of the top border line of the footer. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | FooterBottomBorder |
contains the style of the bottom border line of the footer. More... | |
long | FooterLeftBorderDistance |
contains the left border distance of the footer. More... | |
long | FooterRightBorderDistance |
contains the right border distance of the footer. More... | |
long | FooterTopBorderDistance |
contains the top border distance of the footer. More... | |
long | FooterBottomBorderDistance |
contains the bottom border distance of the footer. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat | FooterShadowFormat |
determines the shadow of the footer. More... | |
long | FooterBodyDistance |
determines the distance between the footer and the body text area. More... | |
boolean | FooterIsDynamicHeight |
determines if the height of the footer depends on the content. More... | |
boolean | FooterIsShared |
determines if the footer content on left and right pages is the same. More... | |
long | FooterHeight |
determines the height of the footer. More... | |
boolean | FooterIsOn |
determines if a footer is used on the page. More... | |
com::sun::star::text::XText | FooterText |
contains the interface to the text of the footer. More... | |
com::sun::star::text::XText | FooterTextLeft |
contains the interface to the text of the footer of a left page. More... | |
com::sun::star::text::XText | FooterTextRight |
contains the interface to the text of the footer of a right page. More... | |
long | FootnoteHeight |
contains the maximum height of the footnote area. More... | |
short | FootnoteLineWeight |
contains the weight of the separator line between the text and the footnote area. More... | |
short | FootnoteLineStyle |
contains the style of the separator line between the text and the footnote area. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | FootnoteLineColor |
contains the color of the separator line between the text and the footnote area. More... | |
byte | FootnoteLineRelativeWidth |
contains the relative width of the separator line between the text and the footnote area. More... | |
short | FootnoteLineAdjust |
contains the adjustment of the separator line between the text and the footnote area. More... | |
long | FootnoteLineTextDistance |
contains the distance between the text and the separator line between the text and the footnote area. More... | |
long | FootnoteLineDistance |
contains the distance between the footnote area and the separator line between the text and the footnote area. More... | |
short | WritingMode |
contains the writing direction, as represented by the com::sun::star::text::WritingMode2 constants More... | |
short | GridMode |
contains the mode of the text grid (none, lines, ...), as represented by com::sun::star::text::TextGridMode constants More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | GridColor |
contains the display color of the text grid More... | |
short | GridLines |
contains the number of lines in the text grid More... | |
long | GridBaseHeight |
contains the height of the base text line inside the text grid More... | |
long | GridRubyHeight |
contains the height of the ruby text line inside the text grid More... | |
boolean | GridRubyBelow |
determines whether the text grid's ruby line is located below or above the base line More... | |
boolean | GridPrint |
determines whether the text grid lines are printed More... | |
boolean | GridDisplay |
determines whether the text grid lines are visible or not More... | |
boolean | HeaderDynamicSpacing |
determines whether to use dynamic spacing in header or not. More... | |
boolean | FooterDynamicSpacing |
determines whether to use dynamic spacing in footer or not. More... | |
long | BorderDistance |
determines the distance of all borders of the page. More... | |
long | FooterBorderDistance |
contains the distance of all borders of the footer. More... | |
long | HeaderBorderDistance |
determines the distance of all borders of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic | BackGraphic |
contains the graphic of the background. More... | |
com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic | HeaderBackGraphic |
contains the graphic of the background of the header. More... | |
com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic | FooterBackGraphic |
contains the graphic of the background of the footer. More... | |
long | GutterMargin |
determines the gutter margin of the page. More... | |
boolean | BackgroundFullSize |
does the background cover the full page or only inside the margins? More... | |
boolean | RtlGutter |
specifies that the page gutter shall be placed on the right side of the page. More... | |
describes the style of pages.
property |
contains the background color of the page.
optionalproperty |
contains the graphic of the background.
property |
contains the filter name of the background graphic.
property |
determines the location of the background graphic.
property |
contains the URL of the background graphic.
Note the new behaviour since it this was deprecated: This property can only be set and only external URLs are supported (no more scheme). When an URL is set, then it will load the graphic and set the BackGraphic property.
optionalproperty |
does the background cover the full page or only inside the margins?
property |
determines if the background color is transparent.
If this property is set to TRUE
, PageStyle::BackColor will not be used.
property |
determines the distance of all borders of the page.
property |
determines the style of the bottom border line of the page.
property |
determines the bottom border distance of the page.
property |
determines the bottom margin of the page.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
determines if the header/footer content on the first page and remaining pages is the same.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the color of the background of the footer.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the graphic of the background of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the filter name of the background graphic in the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the location of the background graphic in the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the URL of the background graphic in the footer.
Note the new behaviour since it this was deprecated: This property can only be set and only external URLs are supported (no more scheme). When an URL is set, then it will load the graphic and set the FooterBackGraphic property.
propertymaybevoid |
determines if the background of the footer is transparent.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the distance between the footer and the body text area.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the distance of all borders of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the style of the bottom border line of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the bottom border distance of the footer.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
determines whether to use dynamic spacing in footer or not.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the height of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
determines if the height of the footer depends on the content.
property |
determines if a footer is used on the page.
propertymaybevoid |
determines if the footer content on left and right pages is the same.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the style of the left border line of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the left border distance of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the left margin of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the style of the right border line of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the right border distance of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the right margin of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the shadow of the footer.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the interface to the text of the footer.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the interface to the text of the footer of a left page.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the interface to the text of the footer of a right page.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the style of the top border line of the footer.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the top border distance of the footer.
optionalproperty |
contains the maximum height of the footnote area.
If set to zero then the height of the current page is used as limit.
optionalproperty |
contains the adjustment of the separator line between the text and the footnote area.
optionalproperty |
contains the color of the separator line between the text and the footnote area.
optionalproperty |
contains the distance between the footnote area and the separator line between the text and the footnote area.
optionalproperty |
contains the relative width of the separator line between the text and the footnote area.
optionalproperty |
contains the style of the separator line between the text and the footnote area.
optionalproperty |
contains the distance between the text and the separator line between the text and the footnote area.
optionalproperty |
contains the weight of the separator line between the text and the footnote area.
optionalproperty |
contains the height of the base text line inside the text grid
optionalproperty |
contains the display color of the text grid
optionalproperty |
determines whether the text grid lines are visible or not
optionalproperty |
contains the number of lines in the text grid
optionalproperty |
contains the mode of the text grid (none, lines, ...), as represented by com::sun::star::text::TextGridMode constants
optionalproperty |
determines whether the text grid lines are printed
optionalproperty |
determines whether the text grid's ruby line is located below or above the base line
optionalproperty |
contains the height of the ruby text line inside the text grid
optionalproperty |
determines the gutter margin of the page.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the color of the background of the header.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the graphic of the background of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the filter name of the background graphic of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the location of the background graphic of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the URL of the background graphic of the header.
Note the new behaviour since it this was deprecated: This property can only be set and only external URLs are supported (no more scheme). When an URL is set, then it will load the graphic and set the HeaderBackGraphic property.
propertymaybevoid |
determines if the background color of the header is transparent.
If this property is set to TRUE
, PageStyle::HeaderBackColor will not be used.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the distance between the header and the body text area.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the distance of all borders of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the style of the bottom border line of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the bottom border distance of the header.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
determines whether to use dynamic spacing in header or not.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the height of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines if the height of the header depends on the content.
property |
determines if a header is used on the page.
propertymaybevoid |
determines if the header content on left and right pages is the same.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the style of the left border line of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the left border distance of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the left margin of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the style of the right border line of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the right border distance of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
contains the right margin of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the shadow of the header.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the interface to the text of the header.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the interface to the text of the header of left pages.
optionalpropertymaybevoid |
contains the interface to the text of the header of right pages.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the style of the top border line of the header.
propertymaybevoid |
determines the top border distance of the header.
property |
contains the height of the page.
property |
determines if the page format is landscape.
property |
determines the style of the left border line of the page.
property |
determines the left border distance of the page.
property |
determines the left margin of the page.
property |
determines the default numbering type for this page.
determines the layout of the page.
property |
contains the name of a paper tray of the selected printer.
optionalproperty |
determines if the register mode is active on that page.
optionalproperty |
contains the name of the paragraph style that is used as reference of the register mode.
property |
determines the style of the right border line of the page.
property |
determines the right border distance of the page.
property |
determines the right margin of the page.
optionalproperty |
specifies that the page gutter shall be placed on the right side of the page.
property |
determines the shadow of the page.
property |
contains the paper size of the page.
optionalproperty |
contains the column settings of the page.
property |
determines the style of the top border line of the page.
property |
determines the top border distance of the page.
property |
determines the top margin of the page.
property |
contains user defined attributes.
This com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer supports the service com::sun::star::xml::AttributeContainer.
property |
contains the width of the page.
optionalproperty |
contains the writing direction, as represented by the com::sun::star::text::WritingMode2 constants