LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
contains the properties of a table cell style. More...
Included Services | |
service | com::sun::star::table::CellProperties |
contributes cell specific properties. More... | |
service | com::sun::star::style::CellStyle |
is the base service for table cells. More... | |
service | com::sun::star::style::CharacterProperties |
contributes properties for character formatting of Western text. More... | |
service | com::sun::star::style::CharacterPropertiesAsian |
contributes properties for character formatting of Asian text. More... | |
service | com::sun::star::style::CharacterPropertiesComplex |
contributes properties for character formatting of Complex text. More... | |
service | com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties |
contributes properties for paragraph formatting. More... | |
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service | com::sun::star::style::Style |
provides common functionality for styles. More... | |
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service | com::sun::star::xml::UserDefinedAttributesSupplier |
contains user defined attributes. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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interface | com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet |
published service PropertySet More... | |
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interface | com::sun::star::style::XStyle |
interface | com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet |
interface | com::sun::star::beans::XMultiPropertySet |
interface | com::sun::star::beans::XMultiPropertyStates |
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com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo | getPropertySetInfo () |
void | setPropertyValue ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] any aValue) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException, com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
sets the value of the property with the specified name. More... | |
any | getPropertyValue ([in] string PropertyName) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
void | addPropertyChangeListener ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener xListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
adds an XPropertyChangeListener to the specified property. More... | |
void | removePropertyChangeListener ([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
removes an XPropertyChangeListener from the listener list. More... | |
void | addVetoableChangeListener ([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
adds an XVetoableChangeListener to the specified property with the name PropertyName. More... | |
void | removeVetoableChangeListener ([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
removes an XVetoableChangeListener from the listener list. More... | |
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any | queryInterface ([in] type aType) |
queries for a new interface to an existing UNO object. More... | |
void | acquire () |
increases the reference counter by one. More... | |
void | release () |
decreases the reference counter by one. More... | |
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boolean | isUserDefined () |
identifies a style as defined by the user. More... | |
boolean | isInUse () |
string | getParentStyle () |
void | setParentStyle ([in] string aParentStyle) raises ( com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException ) |
sets the name of the parent style. More... | |
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string | getName () |
void | setName ([in] string aName) |
sets the programmatic name of the object. More... | |
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string | CellStyle |
contains the name of the style of the cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | CellBackColor |
contains the cell background color. More... | |
boolean | IsCellBackgroundTransparent |
is TRUE , if the cell background is transparent. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::CellHoriJustify | HoriJustify |
contains the horizontal alignment of the cell contents. More... | |
long | VertJustify |
contains the vertical alignment of the cell contents. More... | |
boolean | IsTextWrapped |
is TRUE , if text in the cells will be wrapped automatically at the right border. More... | |
short | ParaIndent |
defines the indentation of the cell contents (in 1/100 mm). More... | |
com::sun::star::table::CellOrientation | Orientation |
contains the orientation of the cell contents. More... | |
long | RotateAngle |
defines how much the content of cells is rotated (in 1/100 degrees). More... | |
long | RotateReference |
defines at which edge rotated cells are aligned. More... | |
boolean | AsianVerticalMode |
selects Asian character orientation in vertical orientation. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::TableBorder | TableBorder |
contains a description of the cell or cell range border. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | TopBorder |
contains a description of the top border line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | BottomBorder |
contains a description of the bottom border line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | LeftBorder |
contains a description of the left border line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | RightBorder |
contains a description of the right border line of each cell. More... | |
long | NumberFormat |
contains the index of the number format that is used in the cells. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat | ShadowFormat |
contains a description of the shadow. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::CellProtection | CellProtection |
contains a description of the cell protection. More... | |
com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer | UserDefinedAttributes |
stores additional attributes. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | DiagonalTLBR |
contains a description of the top left to bottom right diagonal line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | DiagonalBLTR |
contains a description of the bottom left to top right diagonal line of each cell. More... | |
boolean | ShrinkToFit |
is TRUE , if the cell content will be shrunk to fit in the cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::TableBorder2 | TableBorder2 |
contains a description of the cell or cell range border. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | TopBorder2 |
contains a description of the top border line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | BottomBorder2 |
contains a description of the bottom border line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | LeftBorder2 |
contains a description of the left border line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | RightBorder2 |
contains a description of the right border line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | DiagonalTLBR2 |
contains a description of the top left to bottom right diagonal line of each cell. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | DiagonalBLTR2 |
contains a description of the bottom left to top right diagonal line of each cell. More... | |
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > | CellInteropGrabBag |
Grab bag of cell properties, used as a string-any map for interim interop purposes. More... | |
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boolean | IsPhysical |
determines if a style is physically created. More... | |
string | FollowStyle |
contains the name of the style that is applied to the next paragraph. More... | |
string | DisplayName |
contains the name of the style as it is displayed in the user interface. More... | |
string | IsAutoUpdate |
determines if a style is automatically updated, if the properties of an object that the style is applied to are changed. More... | |
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > | ParaStyleConditions |
defines the context and styles for conditional paragraphs. More... | |
boolean | Hidden |
Flag indicating whether to hide the style in the UI. More... | |
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > | StyleInteropGrabBag |
Grab bag of style properties, used as a string-any map for interim interop purposes. More... | |
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string | CharFontName |
This property specifies the name of the font style. More... | |
string | CharFontStyleName |
This property contains the name of the font style. More... | |
short | CharFontFamily |
This property contains font family. More... | |
short | CharFontCharSet |
This property contains the text encoding of the font. More... | |
short | CharFontPitch |
This property contains the font pitch. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharColor |
This property contains the value of the text color. More... | |
short | CharEscapement |
specifies the percentage by which to raise/lower superscript/subscript characters. More... | |
float | CharHeight |
This value contains the height of the characters in point. More... | |
short | CharUnderline |
This property contains the value for the character underline. More... | |
float | CharWeight |
This property contains the value of the font weight. More... | |
com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant | CharPosture |
This property contains the value of the posture of the document. More... | |
boolean | CharAutoKerning |
This optional property determines whether the kerning tables from the current font are used. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharBackColor |
This optional property contains the text background color. More... | |
long | CharShadingValue |
This optional property contains the text shading value. More... | |
boolean | CharBackTransparent |
This property determines if the text background color is set to transparent. More... | |
short | CharCaseMap |
This optional property contains the value of the case-mapping of the text for formatting and displaying. More... | |
boolean | CharCrossedOut |
This property is TRUE if the characters are crossed out. More... | |
boolean | CharFlash |
If this optional property is TRUE , then the characters are flashing. More... | |
short | CharStrikeout |
This property determines the type of the strike out of the character. More... | |
boolean | CharWordMode |
If this property is TRUE , the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces. More... | |
short | CharKerning |
This optional property contains the value of the kerning of the characters. More... | |
com::sun::star::lang::Locale | CharLocale |
This property contains the value of the locale. More... | |
boolean | CharKeepTogether |
This optional property marks a range of characters to prevent it from being broken into two lines. More... | |
boolean | CharNoLineBreak |
This optional property marks a range of characters to ignore a line break in this area. More... | |
boolean | CharShadowed |
This optional property specifies if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect. More... | |
short | CharFontType |
This optional property specifies the fundamental technology of the font. More... | |
string | CharStyleName |
This optional property specifies the name of the style of the font. More... | |
boolean | CharContoured |
This optional property specifies if the characters are formatted and displayed with a contour effect. More... | |
boolean | CharCombineIsOn |
This optional property determines whether text is formatted in two lines. More... | |
string | CharCombinePrefix |
This optional property contains the prefix (usually parenthesis) before text that is formatted in two lines. More... | |
string | CharCombineSuffix |
This optional property contains the suffix (usually parenthesis) after text that is formatted in two lines. More... | |
short | CharEmphasis |
This optional property contains the font emphasis value. More... | |
short | CharRelief |
This optional property contains the relief style of the characters. More... | |
string | RubyText |
This optional property contains the text that is set as ruby. More... | |
short | RubyAdjust |
This optional property determines the adjustment of the ruby . More... | |
string | RubyCharStyleName |
This optional property contains the name of the character style that is applied to RubyText. More... | |
boolean | RubyIsAbove |
This optional property determines whether the ruby text is printed above/left or below/right of the text. More... | |
short | CharRotation |
This optional property determines the rotation of a character in tenths of a degree. More... | |
boolean | CharRotationIsFitToLine |
This optional property determines whether the text formatting tries to fit rotated text into the surrounded line height. More... | |
short | CharScaleWidth |
This optional property determines the percentage value for scaling the width of characters. More... | |
string | HyperLinkURL |
This optional property contains the URL of a hyperlink. More... | |
string | HyperLinkTarget |
This optional property contains the name of the target for a hyperlink. More... | |
string | HyperLinkName |
This optional property contains the name of the hyperlink. More... | |
string | VisitedCharStyleName |
This optional property contains the character style name for visited hyperlinks. More... | |
string | UnvisitedCharStyleName |
This optional property contains the character style name for unvisited hyperlinks. More... | |
byte | CharEscapementHeight |
This is the relative height used for subscript or superscript characters in units of percent. More... | |
boolean | CharNoHyphenation |
This optional property determines if the word can be hyphenated at the character by automatic hyphenation. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharUnderlineColor |
This property contains the color of the underline for the characters. More... | |
boolean | CharUnderlineHasColor |
This property specifies if the property CharUnderlineColor is used for an underline. More... | |
sequence< string > | CharStyleNames |
This optional property specifies the names of the all styles applied to the font. More... | |
boolean | CharHidden |
If this optional property is TRUE , then the characters are invisible. More... | |
com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer | TextUserDefinedAttributes |
This property stores XML attributes. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharLeftBorder |
This property contains the left border of the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharRightBorder |
This property contains the right border of the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharTopBorder |
This property contains the top border of the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 | CharBottomBorder |
This property contains the bottom border of the object. More... | |
long | CharBorderDistance |
This property contains the distance from the border to the object. More... | |
long | CharLeftBorderDistance |
This property contains the distance from the left border to the object. More... | |
long | CharRightBorderDistance |
This property contains the distance from the right border to the object. More... | |
long | CharTopBorderDistance |
This property contains the distance from the top border to the object. More... | |
long | CharBottomBorderDistance |
This property contains the distance from the bottom border to the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat | CharShadowFormat |
Determines the type, color, and width of the shadow. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | CharHighlight |
Determines the color of the highlight. More... | |
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > | CharInteropGrabBag |
Grab bag of character properties, used as a string-any map for interim interop purposes. More... | |
short | RubyPosition |
This optional property determines the position of the ruby . More... | |
short | CharTransparence |
This is the transparency of the character text. More... | |
short | CharColorTheme |
If available, keeps the color theme index, so that the character can be re-colored easily based on a theme. More... | |
short | CharColorTintOrShade |
Tint or shade of the character color. More... | |
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float | CharHeightAsian |
This value contains the height of the characters in point. More... | |
float | CharWeightAsian |
This property contains the value of the font weight. More... | |
string | CharFontNameAsian |
This property specifies the name of the font style. More... | |
string | CharFontStyleNameAsian |
This property contains the name of the font style. More... | |
short | CharFontFamilyAsian |
This property contains font family as specified in . More... | |
short | CharFontCharSetAsian |
This property contains the text encoding of the font as specified in More... | |
short | CharFontPitchAsian |
This property contains the font pitch as specified in More... | |
com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant | CharPostureAsian |
This property contains the value of the posture of the document. More... | |
com::sun::star::lang::Locale | CharLocaleAsian |
contains the value of the locale. More... | |
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float | CharHeightComplex |
This value contains the height of the characters in point. More... | |
float | CharWeightComplex |
This property contains the value of the font weight. More... | |
string | CharFontNameComplex |
This property specifies the name of the font style. More... | |
string | CharFontStyleNameComplex |
This property contains the name of the font style. More... | |
short | CharFontFamilyComplex |
This property contains font family as specified in . More... | |
short | CharFontCharSetComplex |
This property contains the text encoding of the font as specified in More... | |
short | CharFontPitchComplex |
This property contains the font pitch as specified in More... | |
com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant | CharPostureComplex |
This property contains the value of the posture of the document. More... | |
com::sun::star::lang::Locale | CharLocaleComplex |
contains the value of the locale. More... | |
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com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust | ParaAdjust |
determines the adjustment of a paragraph. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::LineSpacing | ParaLineSpacing |
contains the type of the line spacing of a paragraph. More... | |
com::sun::star::util::Color | ParaBackColor |
contains the paragraph background color. More... | |
boolean | ParaBackTransparent |
This value is TRUE if the paragraph background color is set to transparent. More... | |
string | ParaBackGraphicURL |
contains the value of a link for the background graphic of a paragraph. More... | |
string | ParaBackGraphicFilter |
contains the name of the graphic filter for the background graphic of a paragraph. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation | ParaBackGraphicLocation |
contains the value for the position of a background graphic. More... | |
short | ParaLastLineAdjust |
determines the adjustment of the last line. More... | |
boolean | ParaExpandSingleWord |
determines if single words are stretched. More... | |
long | ParaLeftMargin |
determines the left margin of the paragraph in 100th mm. More... | |
long | ParaRightMargin |
determines the right margin of the paragraph in 100th mm. More... | |
long | ParaTopMargin |
determines the top margin of the paragraph in 100th mm. More... | |
long | ParaBottomMargin |
determines the bottom margin of the paragraph in 100th mm. More... | |
boolean | ParaContextMargin |
determines if contextual spacing is used. More... | |
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > | ParaInteropGrabBag |
Grab bag of paragraph properties, used as a string-any map for interim interop purposes. More... | |
boolean | ParaLineNumberCount |
determines if the paragraph is included in the line numbering. More... | |
long | ParaLineNumberStartValue |
contains the start value for the line numbering. More... | |
string | PageDescName |
If this property is set, it creates a page break before the paragraph it belongs to and assigns the value as the name of the new page style sheet to use. More... | |
short | PageNumberOffset |
If a page break property is set at a paragraph, this property contains the new value for the page number. More... | |
boolean | ParaRegisterModeActive |
determines if the register mode is applied to a paragraph. More... | |
sequence< com::sun::star::style::TabStop > | ParaTabStops |
specifies the positions and kinds of the tab stops within this paragraph. More... | |
string | ParaStyleName |
contains the name of the current paragraph style. More... | |
string | PageStyleName |
contains the name of the current page style. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::DropCapFormat | DropCapFormat |
specifies whether the first characters of the paragraph are displayed in capital letters and how they are formatted. More... | |
boolean | DropCapWholeWord |
specifies if the property DropCapFormat is applied to the whole first word. More... | |
boolean | ParaKeepTogether |
Setting this property to TRUE prevents page or column breaks between this and the following paragraph. More... | |
boolean | ParaSplit |
Setting this property to FALSE prevents the paragraph from getting split into two pages or columns. More... | |
short | NumberingLevel |
specifies the numbering level of the paragraph. More... | |
com::sun::star::container::XIndexReplace | NumberingRules |
contains the numbering rules applied to this paragraph. More... | |
short | NumberingStartValue |
specifies the start value for numbering if a new numbering starts at this paragraph. More... | |
boolean | ParaIsNumberingRestart |
determines if the numbering rules restart, counting at the current paragraph. More... | |
string | NumberingStyleName |
specifies the name of the style for the numbering. More... | |
byte | ParaOrphans |
specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have to be at bottom of a page if the paragraph is spread over more than one page. More... | |
byte | ParaWidows |
specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have to be at top of a page if the paragraph is spread over more than one page. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat | ParaShadowFormat |
determines the type, color, and size of the shadow. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | LeftBorder |
contains the left border of the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | RightBorder |
contains the right border of the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | TopBorder |
contains the top border of the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine | BottomBorder |
contains the bottom border of the object. More... | |
long | BorderDistance |
contains the distance from the border to the object. More... | |
long | LeftBorderDistance |
contains the distance from the left border to the object. More... | |
long | RightBorderDistance |
contains the distance from the right border to the object. More... | |
long | TopBorderDistance |
contains the distance from the top border to the object. More... | |
long | BottomBorderDistance |
contains the distance from the bottom border to the object. More... | |
com::sun::star::style::BreakType | BreakType |
determines the type of break that is applied at the beginning of the table. More... | |
string | DropCapCharStyleName |
specifies the character style name for drop caps. More... | |
long | ParaFirstLineIndent |
specifies the indent for the first line. More... | |
boolean | ParaIsAutoFirstLineIndent |
determines if the first line should be indented automatically. More... | |
boolean | ParaIsHyphenation |
specifies if automatic hyphenation is applied. More... | |
short | ParaHyphenationMaxHyphens |
specifies the maximum number of consecutive hyphens. More... | |
short | ParaHyphenationMaxLeadingChars |
specifies the minimum number of characters to remain before the hyphen character (when hyphenation is applied). More... | |
short | ParaHyphenationMaxTrailingChars |
specifies the minimum number of characters to remain after the hyphen character (when hyphenation is applied). More... | |
short | ParaVertAlignment |
specifies the vertical alignment of a paragraph. More... | |
com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer | ParaUserDefinedAttributes |
this property stores xml attributes. More... | |
boolean | NumberingIsNumber |
returns FALSE if the paragraph is part of a numbering, but has no numbering label. More... | |
boolean | ParaIsConnectBorder |
the property determines if borders set at a paragraph are merged with the next paragraph. More... | |
string | ListId |
specifies the id of the list to which the paragraph belongs More... | |
short | OutlineLevel |
specifies the outline level to which the paragraph belongs More... | |
com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic | ParaBackGraphic |
contains the graphic for the background of a paragraph. More... | |
boolean | ContinueingPreviousSubTree |
specifies that a child node of a parent node that is not counted is continuing the numbering of parent's previous node's sub tree. More... | |
string | ListLabelString |
allows reading the generated numbering list label. More... | |
boolean | ParaHyphenationNoCaps |
Specifies whether words written in CAPS will be hyphenated. More... | |
boolean | ParaHyphenationNoLastWord |
Specifies whether last word of paragraph will be hyphenated. More... | |
short | ParaHyphenationMinWordLength |
specifies the minimum word length in characters, when hyphenation is applied. More... | |
long | ParaHyphenationZone |
specifies the hyphenation zone, i.e. More... | |
long | SortedTextId |
contains a paragraph identifier within the actual text, which also shows the position of the paragraph relative to the other paragraphs of the same text, i.e. More... | |
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boolean | isUserDefined () |
identifies a style as defined by the user. More... | |
boolean | isInUse () |
string | getParentStyle () |
void | setParentStyle ([in] string aParentStyle) raises ( com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException ) |
sets the name of the parent style. More... | |
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string | getName () |
void | setName ([in] string aName) |
sets the programmatic name of the object. More... | |
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com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo | getPropertySetInfo () |
void | setPropertyValues ([in] sequence< string > aPropertyNames, [in] sequence< any > aValues) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException, com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
sets the values to the properties with the specified names. More... | |
sequence< any > | getPropertyValues ([in] sequence< string > aPropertyNames) |
void | addPropertiesChangeListener ([in] sequence< string > aPropertyNames, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeListener xListener) |
adds an XPropertiesChangeListener to the specified property with the specified names. More... | |
void | removePropertiesChangeListener ([in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeListener xListener) |
removes an XPropertiesChangeListener from the listener list. More... | |
void | firePropertiesChangeEvent ([in] sequence< string > aPropertyNames, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeListener xListener) |
fires a sequence of PropertyChangeEvents to the specified listener. More... | |
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sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState > | getPropertyStates ([in] sequence< string > aPropertyName) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException ) |
void | setAllPropertiesToDefault () |
sets all properties to their default values. More... | |
void | setPropertiesToDefault ([in] sequence< string > aPropertyNames) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException ) |
sets the specified properties to their default values. More... | |
sequence< any > | getPropertyDefaults ([in] sequence< string > aPropertyNames) raises ( com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException ) |
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::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer | UserDefinedAttributes |
This container holds the AttributeData elements that represent uninterpreted XML attributes. More... | |
contains the properties of a table cell style.
This service extends the service com::sun::star::style::CellStyle with spreadsheet specific properties.
service com::sun::star::style::CellStyle |
is the base service for table cells.
contributes properties for character formatting of Western text.
contributes properties for character formatting of Asian text.
contributes properties for character formatting of Complex text.
contributes properties for paragraph formatting.
contributes cell specific properties.