LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
Exported Interfaces | Public Attributes | List of all members
XFrame2 Interface Referencepublished


Inheritance diagram for XFrame2:
XDispatchProvider XDispatchInformationProvider XDispatchProviderInterception XFramesSupplier XStatusIndicatorFactory XInterface XInterface XInterface XFrame XInterface XComponent XInterface Frame

Exported Interfaces

interface XDispatchProvider
 provides access to dispatchers for the frame. More...
interface XDispatchInformationProvider
 provides information about supported commands More...
interface XDispatchProviderInterception
 supports interception mechanism for dispatched URLs More...
interface XFramesSupplier
 Provides access to sub frames within this frame, and via its XFrame sub-interface: Allows the component to be loaded and accessed within the frame; it is the main connection to the environment of the component. More...
interface com::sun::star::task::XStatusIndicatorFactory
 supplies access to com::sun::star::task::XStatusIndicator objects for the component within the frame to show progresses More...

Public Attributes

com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer UserDefinedAttributes
 contains user defined attributes. More...
string Title
 if possible it sets/gets the UI title on/from the frame container window More...
XDispatchRecorderSupplier DispatchRecorderSupplier
 provides access to the dispatch recorder of the frame More...
com::sun::star::uno::XInterface LayoutManager
 Provides access to the LayoutManager of the frame. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from XDispatchProvider
XDispatch queryDispatch ([in] com::sun::star::util::URL URL, [in] string TargetFrameName, [in] long SearchFlags)
 searches for an XDispatch for the specified URL within the specified target frame. More...
sequence< XDispatchqueryDispatches ([in] sequence< DispatchDescriptor > Requests)
 actually this method is redundant to XDispatchProvider::queryDispatch() to avoid multiple remote calls. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XInterface
any queryInterface ([in] type aType)
 queries for a new interface to an existing UNO object. More...
void acquire ()
 increases the reference counter by one. More...
void release ()
 decreases the reference counter by one. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XDispatchInformationProvider
sequence< short > getSupportedCommandGroups ()
 returns all supported command groups. More...
sequence< DispatchInformationgetConfigurableDispatchInformation ([in] short CommandGroup)
 returns additional information about supported commands of a given command group. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XDispatchProviderInterception
void registerDispatchProviderInterceptor ([in] XDispatchProviderInterceptor Interceptor)
 registers an XDispatchProviderInterceptor, which will become the first interceptor in the chain of registered interceptors. More...
void releaseDispatchProviderInterceptor ([in] XDispatchProviderInterceptor Interceptor)
 removes an XDispatchProviderInterceptor which was previously registered More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XFramesSupplier
XFrames getFrames ()
 provides access to this container and to all other XFramesSupplier which are available from this node of frame tree More...
XFrame getActiveFrame ()
 gets the current active frame of this container (not of any other available supplier) More...
void setActiveFrame ([in] XFrame Frame)
 is called on activation of a direct sub-frame. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XFrame
void initialize ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XWindow xWindow)
 is called to initialize the frame within a window - the container window. More...
com::sun::star::awt::XWindow getContainerWindow ()
 provides access to the container window of the frame. More...
void setCreator ([in] XFramesSupplier Creator)
 sets the frame container that created this frame. More...
XFramesSupplier getCreator ()
 provides access to the creator (parent) of this frame More...
string getName ()
 access to the name property of this frame More...
void setName ([in] string aName)
 sets the name of the frame. More...
XFrame findFrame ([in] string aTargetFrameName, [in] long nSearchFlags)
 searches for a frame with the specified name. More...
boolean isTop ()
 determines if the frame is a top frame. More...
void activate ()
 activates this frame and thus the component within. More...
void deactivate ()
 is called by the creator frame when another sub-frame gets activated. More...
boolean isActive ()
 determines if the frame is active. More...
boolean setComponent ([in] com::sun::star::awt::XWindow xComponentWindow, [in] XController xController)
 sets a new component into the frame or release an existing one from a frame. More...
com::sun::star::awt::XWindow getComponentWindow ()
 provides access to the component window More...
XController getController ()
 provides access to the controller More...
void contextChanged ()
 notifies the frame that the context of the controller within this frame changed (i.e. More...
void addFrameActionListener ([in]XFrameActionListener xListener)
 registers an event listener, which will be called when certain things happen to the components within this frame or within sub-frames of this frame. More...
void removeFrameActionListener ([in] XFrameActionListener xListener)
 unregisters an event listener More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XComponent
void dispose ()
 The owner of an object calls this method to explicitly free all resources kept by this object and thus break cyclic references. More...
void addEventListener ([in] XEventListener xListener)
 adds an event listener to the object. More...
void removeEventListener ([in] XEventListener aListener)
 removes an event listener from the listener list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XStatusIndicatorFactory
com::sun::star::task::XStatusIndicator createStatusIndicator ()
 create a new status indicator instance More...

Detailed Description

LibreOffice 4.1

Exported Interfaces

◆ com::sun::star::task::XStatusIndicatorFactory

supplies access to com::sun::star::task::XStatusIndicator objects for the component within the frame to show progresses

◆ XDispatchInformationProvider

provides information about supported commands

OOo 2.0

◆ XDispatchProvider

interface XDispatchProvider

provides access to dispatchers for the frame.

What kind of URLs a frame accepts in the calls to XDispatchProvider::queryDispatch(), and how the returned dispatcher handles dispatches is completely implementation dependent (though of course the restrictions of XDispatchProvider must be met). Frame implementations may (optionally) support special targets in the call to XDispatchProvider::queryDispatch(). Such special targets are passed as target frame name. They may, in addition, require special frame search flags (see FrameSearchFlag), or, in opposite, limit the set of allowed flags.
Common special targets include:

  • _blank
    is used to create a new frame when dispatching the URL.
  • _default
    is used to recycle empty or create a new frame when dispatching the URL.
  • _self
    forces the frame to dispatch the URL into itself. ("" means the same)
  • _parent
    dispatches the URL into the parent frame.
  • _top
    dispatches the URL into the top level frame, the frame where this is invoked belongs to.
See also

◆ XDispatchProviderInterception

supports interception mechanism for dispatched URLs

Registered objects can intercept, suppress or reroute dispatched URLs. If they support another interface too (XInterceptorInfo) it's possible to perform it by directly calling of right interceptor without using list of all registered ones.

◆ XFramesSupplier

interface XFramesSupplier

Provides access to sub frames within this frame, and via its XFrame sub-interface: Allows the component to be loaded and accessed within the frame; it is the main connection to the environment of the component.

Member Data Documentation

◆ DispatchRecorderSupplier

provides access to the dispatch recorder of the frame

Such recorder can be used to record dispatch requests. The supplier contains a dispatch recorder and provide the functionality to use it for any dispatch object from outside which supports the interface XDispatch. A supplier is available only, if recording was enabled. That means: if someone wishes to enable recoding on a frame he must set a supplier with a recorder object inside of it. Every user of dispatches has to check then if such supplier is available at this frame property. If value of this property is NULL he must call XDispatch::dispatch() on the original dispatch object. If it's a valid value he must use the supplier by calling his method XDispatchRecorderSupplier::dispatchAndRecord() with the original dispatch object as argument.

It's not recommended to cache an already gotten supplier. Because there exist no possibility to check for enabled/disabled recording then.

OOo 1.1.2

◆ LayoutManager

Provides access to the LayoutManager of the frame.

This is actually of type XLayoutManager, but this API is still experimental (unpublished).

◆ Title

string Title

if possible it sets/gets the UI title on/from the frame container window

It depends from the type of the frame container window. If it is a system task window all will be OK. Otherwise the title can't be set. Setting/getting of the pure value of this property must be possible in every case. Only showing on the UI can be fail.

◆ UserDefinedAttributes

com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer UserDefinedAttributes

contains user defined attributes.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: