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com::sun::star::table::BorderLineStyle Constant Group Reference


const short NONE = 0x7FFF
 No border line. More...
const short SOLID = 0
 Solid border line. More...
const short DOTTED = 1
 Dotted border line. More...
const short DASHED = 2
 Dashed border line. More...
const short DOUBLE = 3
 Double border line. More...
const short THINTHICK_SMALLGAP = 4
 Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a small gap. More...
 Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a medium gap. More...
const short THINTHICK_LARGEGAP = 6
 Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a large gap. More...
const short THICKTHIN_SMALLGAP = 7
 Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a small gap. More...
 Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a medium gap. More...
const short THICKTHIN_LARGEGAP = 9
 Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a large gap. More...
const short EMBOSSED = 10
 3D embossed border line. More...
const short ENGRAVED = 11
 3D engraved border line. More...
const short OUTSET = 12
 Outset border line. More...
const short INSET = 13
 Inset border line. More...
const short FINE_DASHED = 14
 Finely dashed border line. More...
const short DOUBLE_THIN = 15
 Double border line consisting of two fixed thin lines separated by a variable gap. More...
const short DASH_DOT = 16
 Line consisting of a repetition of one dash and one dot. More...
const short DASH_DOT_DOT = 17
 Line consisting of a repetition of one dash and 2 dots. More...
const short BORDER_LINE_STYLE_MAX = 17
 Maximum valid border line style value. More...

Variable Documentation


const short BORDER_LINE_STYLE_MAX = 17

Maximum valid border line style value.


const short DASH_DOT = 16

Line consisting of a repetition of one dash and one dot.


const short DASH_DOT_DOT = 17

Line consisting of a repetition of one dash and 2 dots.


const short DASHED = 2

Dashed border line.


const short DOTTED = 1

Dotted border line.


const short DOUBLE = 3

Double border line.

Widths of the lines and the gap are all equal, and vary equally with the total width.


const short DOUBLE_THIN = 15

Double border line consisting of two fixed thin lines separated by a variable gap.


const short EMBOSSED = 10

3D embossed border line.


const short ENGRAVED = 11

3D engraved border line.


const short FINE_DASHED = 14

Finely dashed border line.


const short INSET = 13

Inset border line.


const short NONE = 0x7FFF

No border line.


const short OUTSET = 12

Outset border line.


const short SOLID = 0

Solid border line.


const short THICKTHIN_LARGEGAP = 9

Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a large gap.



Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a medium gap.


const short THICKTHIN_SMALLGAP = 7

Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a small gap.


const short THINTHICK_LARGEGAP = 6

Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a large gap.



Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a medium gap.


const short THINTHICK_SMALLGAP = 4

Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a small gap.