LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
com::sun::star::sheet::FilterOperator2 Constant Group Referencepublished

specifies the type of a single condition in a filter descriptor. More...


const long EMPTY = 0
 selects empty entries. More...
const long NOT_EMPTY = 1
 selects non-empty entries. More...
const long EQUAL = 2
 value has to be equal to the specified value. More...
const long NOT_EQUAL = 3
 value must not be equal to the specified value. More...
const long GREATER = 4
 value has to be greater than the specified value. More...
const long GREATER_EQUAL = 5
 value has to be greater than or equal to the specified value. More...
const long LESS = 6
 value has to be less than the specified value. More...
const long LESS_EQUAL = 7
 value has to be less than or equal to the specified value. More...
const long TOP_VALUES = 8
 selects a specified number of entries with the greatest values. More...
const long TOP_PERCENT = 9
 selects a specified percentage of entries with the greatest values. More...
const long BOTTOM_VALUES = 10
 selects a specified number of entries with the lowest values. More...
const long BOTTOM_PERCENT = 11
 selects a specified percentage of entries with the lowest values. More...
const long CONTAINS = 12
 selects contains entries. More...
const long DOES_NOT_CONTAIN = 13
 selects does-not-contain entries. More...
const long BEGINS_WITH = 14
 selects begins-with entries. More...
const long DOES_NOT_BEGIN_WITH = 15
 selects does-not-begin-with entries. More...
const long ENDS_WITH = 16
 selects ends-with entries. More...
const long DOES_NOT_END_WITH = 17
 selects does-not-end-with entries. More...

Detailed Description

specifies the type of a single condition in a filter descriptor.

This constants group extends the FilterOperator enum by additional filter operators.

OOo 3.2

Variable Documentation


const long BEGINS_WITH = 14

selects begins-with entries.


const long BOTTOM_PERCENT = 11

selects a specified percentage of entries with the lowest values.


const long BOTTOM_VALUES = 10

selects a specified number of entries with the lowest values.


const long CONTAINS = 12

selects contains entries.


const long DOES_NOT_BEGIN_WITH = 15

selects does-not-begin-with entries.


const long DOES_NOT_CONTAIN = 13

selects does-not-contain entries.


const long DOES_NOT_END_WITH = 17

selects does-not-end-with entries.


const long EMPTY = 0

selects empty entries.


const long ENDS_WITH = 16

selects ends-with entries.


const long EQUAL = 2

value has to be equal to the specified value.


const long GREATER = 4

value has to be greater than the specified value.


const long GREATER_EQUAL = 5

value has to be greater than or equal to the specified value.


const long LESS = 6

value has to be less than the specified value.


const long LESS_EQUAL = 7

value has to be less than or equal to the specified value.


const long NOT_EMPTY = 1

selects non-empty entries.


const long NOT_EQUAL = 3

value must not be equal to the specified value.


const long TOP_PERCENT = 9

selects a specified percentage of entries with the greatest values.


const long TOP_VALUES = 8

selects a specified number of entries with the greatest values.