21 module
com { module sun { module star { module animations {
30 constants AnimationRestart
const short WHEN_NOT_ACTIVE
The element can only be restarted when it is not active (i.e.
Definition: AnimationRestart.idl:51
Definition: Ambiguous.idl:20
const short ALWAYS
The element can be restarted at any time.
Definition: AnimationRestart.idl:46
const short DEFAULT
The restart behavior for the element is determined by the value of the XTiming::RestartDefault attrib...
Definition: AnimationRestart.idl:35
const short INHERIT
Specifies that the value of this attribute (and of the restart behavior) are inherited from the XTimi...
Definition: AnimationRestart.idl:42
const short NEVER
The element cannot be restarted for the remainder of the current simple duration of the parent time c...
Definition: AnimationRestart.idl:56