const long | SHORT_DAY = 1 |
| Day of month, one or two digits, no leading zero. More...
const long | LONG_DAY = 2 |
| Day of month, two digits, with leading zero. More...
const long | SHORT_DAY_NAME = 3 |
| Day of week, abbreviated name. More...
const long | LONG_DAY_NAME = 4 |
| Day of week, full name. More...
const long | SHORT_MONTH = 5 |
| Month of year, one or two digits, no leading zero. More...
const long | LONG_MONTH = 6 |
| Month of year, with leading zero. More...
const long | SHORT_MONTH_NAME = 7 |
| Abbreviated month name. More...
const long | LONG_MONTH_NAME = 8 |
| Full month name. More...
const long | SHORT_YEAR = 9 |
| Year, two digits. More...
const long | LONG_YEAR = 10 |
| Year, four digits. More...
const long | SHORT_ERA = 11 |
| Abbreviated era name, for example, BC or AD. More...
const long | LONG_ERA = 12 |
| Full era name, for example, "Before Christ" or "Anno Dominus". More...
const long | SHORT_YEAR_AND_ERA = 13 |
| Combined short year and era, order depends on locale/calendar. More...
const long | LONG_YEAR_AND_ERA = 14 |
| Combined full year and era, order depends on locale/calendar. More...
const long | SHORT_QUARTER = 15 |
| Short quarter, for example, "Q1". More...
const long | LONG_QUARTER = 16 |
| Long quarter, for example, "1st quarter". More...
const long | SHORT_GENITIVE_MONTH_NAME = 17 |
| Abbreviated possessive genitive case month name. More...
const long | LONG_GENITIVE_MONTH_NAME = 18 |
| Full possessive genitive case month name. More...
const long | NARROW_GENITIVE_MONTH_NAME = 19 |
| Narrow possessive genitive case month name. More...
const long | SHORT_PARTITIVE_MONTH_NAME = 20 |
| Abbreviated partitive case month name. More...
const long | LONG_PARTITIVE_MONTH_NAME = 21 |
| Full partitive case month name. More...
| Narrow partitive case month name. More...
const long | NARROW_DAY_NAME = 23 |
| Day of week, narrow name. More...
const long | NARROW_MONTH_NAME = 24 |
| Narrow month name. More...