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const long | ONE_SINGLE_CHAR = 0x00000001 |
| One single character like ! # ; : $ et al. More...
const long | BOOLEAN = 0x00000002 |
| A Boolean operator like <, >, <>, =, <=, >=. More...
const long | IDENTNAME = 0x00000004 |
| A name matching the conditions passed. More...
const long | SINGLE_QUOTE_NAME = 0x00000008 |
| "A single-quoted name matching the conditions passed ( 'na\'me' )." "Dequoted name in ParseResult::DequotedNameOrString ( na'me )." More...
const long | DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING = 0x00000010 |
| A double-quoted string ( "str\"i""ng" ). More...
const long | ASC_NUMBER = 0x00000020 |
| A number where all digits are ASCII characters. More...
const long | UNI_NUMBER = 0x00000040 |
| A number where at least some digits are Unicode (and maybe ASCII) characters. More...
const long | MISSING_QUOTE = 0x40000000 |
| Set (ored) if SINGLE_QUOTE_NAME or DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING has no closing quote. More...
| Any ASCII or Unicode number. More...