20 module
com { module sun { module star { module style {
178 [optional, property] sequence<com::sun::star::style::TabStop>
long BottomBorderDistance
contains the distance from the bottom border to the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:294
long ParaLeftMargin
determines the left margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:89
boolean ParaHyphenationNoCaps
Specifies whether words written in CAPS will be hyphenated.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:401
This structure is used to specify the height of a text line.
Definition: LineSpacing.idl:26
string ParaBackGraphicURL
contains the value of a link for the background graphic of a paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:58
long BorderDistance
contains the distance from the border to the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:278
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine LeftBorder
contains the left border of the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:262
This is the generic interface for supporting the replacement of indexed elements. ...
Definition: XIndexReplace.idl:28
sequence< com::sun::star::style::TabStop > ParaTabStops
specifies the positions and kinds of the tab stops within this paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:178
boolean ParaRegisterModeActive
determines if the register mode is applied to a paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:172
string ParaStyleName
contains the name of the current paragraph style.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:183
boolean ParaIsAutoFirstLineIndent
determines if the first line should be indented automatically.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:311
string DropCapCharStyleName
specifies the character style name for drop caps.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:303
byte ParaWidows
specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have to be at top of a page if the paragr...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:255
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine RightBorder
contains the right border of the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:266
boolean ParaIsHyphenation
specifies if automatic hyphenation is applied.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:315
boolean ParaContextMargin
determines if contextual spacing is used.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:129
short NumberingStartValue
specifies the start value for numbering if a new numbering starts at this paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:231
long LeftBorderDistance
contains the distance from the left border to the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:282
byte ParaOrphans
specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have to be at bottom of a page if the par...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:249
com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust ParaAdjust
determines the adjustment of a paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:29
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine TopBorder
contains the top border of the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:270
Definition: Ambiguous.idl:20
describes the style of paragraphs.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:24
short ParaHyphenationMinWordLength
specifies the minimum word length in characters, when hyphenation is applied.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:414
com::sun::star::style::LineSpacing ParaLineSpacing
contains the type of the line spacing of a paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:34
com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer ParaUserDefinedAttributes
this property stores xml attributes.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:344
long RightBorderDistance
contains the distance from the right border to the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:286
com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat ParaShadowFormat
determines the type, color, and size of the shadow.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:259
These enumeration values are used to specify if and how a page or column break is applied...
Definition: BreakType.idl:27
This interface acts as a container for the loaded graphic.
Definition: XGraphic.idl:37
long ParaTopMargin
determines the top margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:106
These enumeration values are used to specify the location of a graphic object within its surroundings...
Definition: GraphicLocation.idl:27
long SortedTextId
contains a paragraph identifier within the actual text, which also shows the position of the paragrap...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:430
short ParaHyphenationMaxTrailingChars
specifies the minimum number of characters to remain after the hyphen character (when hyphenation is ...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:331
boolean ParaKeepTogether
Setting this property to TRUE prevents page or column breaks between this and the following paragraph...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:211
boolean ParaIsNumberingRestart
determines if the numbering rules restart, counting at the current paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:235
boolean DropCapWholeWord
specifies if the property DropCapFormat is applied to the whole first word.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:201
com::sun::star::container::XIndexReplace NumberingRules
contains the numbering rules applied to this paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:226
short ParaVertAlignment
specifies the vertical alignment of a paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:337
These enumeration values describe the formatting of a text paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphAdjust.idl:26
string ListLabelString
allows reading the generated numbering list label.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:394
com::sun::star::style::BreakType BreakType
determines the type of break that is applied at the beginning of the table.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:299
string NumberingStyleName
specifies the name of the style for the numbering.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:243
long ParaHyphenationZone
specifies the hyphenation zone, i.e.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:421
This is the generic interface for supporting the insertion and removal of named elements.
Definition: XNameContainer.idl:28
boolean ParaLineNumberCount
determines if the paragraph is included in the line numbering.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:144
boolean ParaIsConnectBorder
the property determines if borders set at a paragraph are merged with the next paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:359
com::sun::star::util::Color ParaBackColor
contains the paragraph background color.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:39
com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic ParaBackGraphic
contains the graphic for the background of a paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:379
boolean ContinueingPreviousSubTree
specifies that a child node of a parent node that is not counted is continuing the numbering of paren...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:388
boolean NumberingIsNumber
returns FALSE if the paragraph is part of a numbering, but has no numbering label.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:353
com::sun::star::table::BorderLine BottomBorder
contains the bottom border of the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:274
long ParaBottomMargin
determines the bottom margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:120
com::sun::star::style::DropCapFormat DropCapFormat
specifies whether the first characters of the paragraph are displayed in capital letters and how they...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:195
com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation ParaBackGraphicLocation
contains the value for the position of a background graphic.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:69
long ParaLineNumberStartValue
contains the start value for the line numbering.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:149
long ParaRightMargin
determines the right margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:94
short ParaHyphenationMaxLeadingChars
specifies the minimum number of characters to remain before the hyphen character (when hyphenation is...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:325
string PageStyleName
contains the name of the current page style.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:188
boolean ParaHyphenationNoLastWord
Specifies whether last word of paragraph will be hyphenated.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:408
long TopBorderDistance
contains the distance from the top border to the object.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:290
string ParaBackGraphicFilter
contains the name of the graphic filter for the background graphic of a paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:62
string ListId
specifies the id of the list to which the paragraph belongs
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:364
long Color
describes an RGB color value with an optional alpha channel.
Definition: Color.idl:34
long ParaFirstLineIndent
specifies the indent for the first line.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:307
string PageDescName
If this property is set, it creates a page break before the paragraph it belongs to and assigns the v...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:156
short OutlineLevel
specifies the outline level to which the paragraph belongs
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:373
describes the line type for a single cell edge.
Definition: BorderLine.idl:26
short NumberingLevel
specifies the numbering level of the paragraph.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:222
boolean ParaExpandSingleWord
determines if single words are stretched.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:84
short ParaLastLineAdjust
determines the adjustment of the last line.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:76
boolean ParaBackTransparent
This value is TRUE if the paragraph background color is set to transparent.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:45
short ParaHyphenationMaxHyphens
specifies the maximum number of consecutive hyphens.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:319
short PageNumberOffset
If a page break property is set at a paragraph, this property contains the new value for the page num...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:161
sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > ParaInteropGrabBag
Grab bag of paragraph properties, used as a string-any map for interim interop purposes.
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:139
boolean ParaSplit
Setting this property to FALSE prevents the paragraph from getting split into two pages or columns...
Definition: ParagraphProperties.idl:217