21 module
com { module sun { module star { module sheet {
represents a date value.
Definition: Date.idl:28
boolean CalcAsShown
specifies whether calculations are performed with the rounded values displayed in cells (set to TRUE)...
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:92
boolean RecordChanges
specifies whether changes record is enabled.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:202
boolean LookUpLabels
specifies whether column or row labels are looked up from anywhere on the sheet.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:113
com::sun::star::awt::XDevice ReferenceDevice
contains the reference device used for formatting the document.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:193
provides information about a graphical output device and offers a factory for the graphics which prov...
Definition: XDevice.idl:33
boolean HasDrawPages
If this property is set the document has DrawPages.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:138
boolean IsUndoEnabled
specifies whether the undo command is enabled.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:167
Definition: Ambiguous.idl:20
boolean IsRecordChangesProtected
specifies whether changes record is protected.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:208
com::sun::star::lang::Locale CharLocaleComplex
contains the standard document language for Complex text.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:153
com::sun::star::i18n::XForbiddenCharacters ForbiddenCharacters
contains the interface XForbiddenCharacters.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:128
object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
Definition: Locale.idl:33
long IterationCount
specifies how many iterations are carried out.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:50
double IterationEpsilon
specifies the point at which a change in results will stop the iteration.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:64
boolean SpellOnline
enables online spell checking.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:102
boolean MatchWholeCell
specifies whether filter criteria must match entire cell contents.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:97
short StandardDecimals
specifies the number of decimals in the default number format.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:69
com::sun::star::lang::Locale CharLocale
contains the standard document language for Western text.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:143
short DefaultTabStop
specifies the width of default tabulators.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:79
boolean RegularExpressions
specifies whether regular expressions in formulas are enabled, e.g., for functions which look up spre...
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:123
boolean IgnoreCase
specifies whether upper and lower cases are treated as equal when comparing cells.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:85
boolean IsLoaded
specifies whether the document data are already loaded.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:160
com::sun::star::util::Date NullDate
specifies the date that is represented by the value zero.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:74
boolean IsAdjustHeightEnabled
specifies whether the automatic adjustment of the row height is enabled.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:179
contributes properties to control the configuration which is global for all views of a spreadsheet do...
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:31
com::sun::star::lang::Locale CharLocaleAsian
contains the standard document language for Asian text.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:148
provides information about and access to the properties from an implementation.
Definition: XPropertySet.idl:45
boolean IsExecuteLinkEnabled
specifies whether the automatic execution of links is enabled.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:186
boolean IsIterationEnabled
enables iterated calculation of circular references.
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:37
boolean Wildcards
specifies whether wildcards in formulas are enabled, e.g., for functions which look up spreadsheet co...
Definition: SpreadsheetDocumentSettings.idl:220
provides access to forbidden character settings in a document.
Definition: XForbiddenCharacters.idl:32