22 module
com { module sun { module star { module table {
string CollatorAlgorithm
the algorithm used by the collator when comparing/sorting text.
Definition: TableSortField.idl:74
boolean IsAscending
TRUE if data are sorted in ascending order, FALSE if in descending order.
Definition: TableSortField.idl:40
long Field
index of the row or column in the table to be sorted; 0-based.
Definition: TableSortField.idl:35
Definition: Ambiguous.idl:20
object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
Definition: Locale.idl:33
com::sun::star::table::TableSortFieldType FieldType
type of contents in the field.
Definition: TableSortField.idl:54
boolean IsCaseSensitive
specifies if the case of letters is important when comparing entries.
Definition: TableSortField.idl:44
enumeration used to specify the type of contents in a sort field (row/column) of a table...
Definition: TableSortFieldType.idl:30
com::sun::star::lang::Locale CollatorLocale
the locale used by the collator when comparing/sorting text.
Definition: TableSortField.idl:64
describes how to sort a single field (row/column) in a tables sort descriptor.
Definition: TableSortField.idl:31