LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
This is the complete list of members for CallableStatement, including all inherited members.
acquire() | XInterface | protected |
addBatch() | XPreparedBatchExecution | protected |
addEventListener([in] XEventListener xListener) | XComponent | protected |
addPropertyChangeListener([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener xListener) | XPropertySet | |
addVetoableChangeListener([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) | XPropertySet | |
cancel() | XCancellable | protected |
clearBatch() | XPreparedBatchExecution | protected |
clearParameters() | XParameters | |
clearWarnings() | XWarningsSupplier | |
close() | XCloseable | |
com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet | PreparedStatement | |
com::sun::star::lang::XComponent | PreparedStatement | optional |
com::sun::star::util::XCancellable | PreparedStatement | optional |
CursorName | PreparedStatement | property |
dispose() | XComponent | protected |
execute() | XPreparedStatement | |
executeBatch() | XPreparedBatchExecution | protected |
executeQuery() | XPreparedStatement | |
executeUpdate() | XPreparedStatement | |
FetchDirection | PreparedStatement | property |
FetchSize | PreparedStatement | property |
getArray([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getBinaryStream([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getBlob([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getBoolean([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getByte([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getBytes([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getCharacterStream([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getClob([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getConnection() | XPreparedStatement | |
getDate([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getDouble([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getFloat([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getInt([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getLong([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getMetaData() | XResultSetMetaDataSupplier | |
getMoreResults() | XMultipleResults | |
getObject([in]long columnIndex, [in]com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess typeMap) | XRow | |
getPropertySetInfo() | XPropertySet | |
getPropertyValue([in] string PropertyName) | XPropertySet | |
getRef([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getResultSet() | XMultipleResults | |
getShort([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getString([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getTime([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getTimestamp([in]long columnIndex) | XRow | |
getUpdateCount() | XMultipleResults | |
getWarnings() | XWarningsSupplier | |
MaxFieldSize | PreparedStatement | property |
MaxRows | PreparedStatement | property |
PreparedStatement | CallableStatement | |
queryInterface([in] type aType) | XInterface | protected |
QueryTimeOut | PreparedStatement | property |
registerNumericOutParameter([in]long parameterIndex, [in]long sqlType, [in]long scale) | XOutParameters | |
registerOutParameter([in]long parameterIndex, [in]long sqlType, [in]string typeName) | XOutParameters | |
release() | XInterface | protected |
removeEventListener([in] XEventListener aListener) | XComponent | protected |
removePropertyChangeListener([in] string aPropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener aListener) | XPropertySet | |
removeVetoableChangeListener([in] string PropertyName, [in] com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener aListener) | XPropertySet | |
ResultSetConcurrency | PreparedStatement | property |
ResultSetType | PreparedStatement | property |
setArray([in]long parameterIndex, [in]XArray x) | XParameters | |
setBinaryStream([in]long parameterIndex, [in]com::sun::star::io::XInputStream x, [in]long length) | XParameters | |
setBlob([in]long parameterIndex, [in]XBlob x) | XParameters | |
setBoolean([in]long parameterIndex, [in]boolean x) | XParameters | |
setByte([in]long parameterIndex, [in]byte x) | XParameters | |
setBytes([in]long parameterIndex, [in]sequence< byte > x) | XParameters | |
setCharacterStream([in]long parameterIndex, [in]com::sun::star::io::XInputStream x, [in]long length) | XParameters | |
setClob([in]long parameterIndex, [in]XClob x) | XParameters | |
setDate([in]long parameterIndex, [in]com::sun::star::util::Date x) | XParameters | |
setDouble([in]long parameterIndex, [in]double x) | XParameters | |
setFloat([in]long parameterIndex, [in]float x) | XParameters | |
setInt([in]long parameterIndex, [in]long x) | XParameters | |
setLong([in]long parameterIndex, [in]hyper x) | XParameters | |
setNull([in]long parameterIndex, [in]long sqlType) | XParameters | |
setObject([in]long parameterIndex, [in]any x) | XParameters | |
setObjectNull([in]long parameterIndex, [in]long sqlType, [in]string typeName) | XParameters | |
setObjectWithInfo([in]long parameterIndex, [in]any x, [in]long targetSqlType, [in]long scale) | XParameters | |
setPropertyValue([in] string aPropertyName, [in] any aValue) | XPropertySet | |
setRef([in]long parameterIndex, [in]XRef x) | XParameters | |
setShort([in]long parameterIndex, [in]short x) | XParameters | |
setString([in]long parameterIndex, [in]string x) | XParameters | |
setTime([in]long parameterIndex, [in]com::sun::star::util::Time x) | XParameters | |
setTimestamp([in]long parameterIndex, [in]com::sun::star::util::DateTime x) | XParameters | |
wasNull() | XRow | |
XCloseable | PreparedStatement | |
XMultipleResults | PreparedStatement | |
XOutParameters | CallableStatement | |
XParameters | PreparedStatement | |
XPreparedBatchExecution | PreparedStatement | optional |
XPreparedStatement | PreparedStatement | |
XResultSetMetaDataSupplier | PreparedStatement | |
XRow | CallableStatement | |
XWarningsSupplier | PreparedStatement |