LibreOffice 24.2 SDK API Reference
Todo List
Member com::sun::star::ucb::ListActionType::INSERTED
... further description of allowed contents for ListAction::ActionInfo is needed
Member com::sun::star::ucb::ListActionType::PROPERTIES_CHANGED
... further description of allowed contents for ListAction::ActionInfo is needed
Member DataSequence::Role
use proper number format instead of a transient key.
Member ListAction::ListActionType

com::sun::star::chart2::Symbol Member Symbol::Size use a structure using doubles instead of longs

com::sun::star::chart2::XChartDocument Member XChartDocument::getFirstDiagram () allow more than one diagram

com::sun::star::chart2::XChartDocument Member XChartDocument::setFirstDiagram ([in] XDiagram xDiagram) allow more than one diagram

com::sun::star::chart2::XChartTypeTemplate Member XChartTypeTemplate::applyStyle ([in] XDataSeries xSeries, [in] long nChartTypeGroupIndex, [in] long nSeriesIndex, [in] long nSeriesCount) In the future, this should only change the "Style" property and no hard attributes.