const hyper | INVALID = 0 |
| Indicates an invalid state. More...
const hyper | ACTIVE = 1 |
| Indicates a window is currently the active window. More...
const hyper | ARMED = 2 |
| Indicates that the object is armed. More...
const hyper | BUSY = 4 |
| Indicates the current object is busy. More...
const hyper | CHECKED = 8 |
| Indicates this object is currently checked. More...
const hyper | DEFUNC = 16 |
| User interface object corresponding to this object no longer exists. More...
const hyper | EDITABLE = 32 |
| Indicates the user can change the contents of this object. More...
const hyper | ENABLED = 64 |
| Indicates this object is enabled. More...
const hyper | EXPANDABLE = 128 |
| Indicates this object allows progressive disclosure of its children. More...
const hyper | EXPANDED = 256 |
| Indicates this object is expanded. More...
const hyper | FOCUSABLE = 512 |
| Object can accept the keyboard focus. More...
const hyper | FOCUSED = 1024 |
| Indicates this object currently has the keyboard focus. More...
const hyper | HORIZONTAL = 2048 |
| Indicates the orientation of this object is horizontal. More...
const hyper | ICONIFIED = 4096 |
| Indicates this object is minimized and is represented only by an icon. More...
const hyper | INDETERMINATE = 8192 |
| Sometimes UI elements can have a state indeterminate. More...
const hyper | MANAGES_DESCENDANTS = 16384 |
| Indicates the most (all) children are transient and it is not necessary to add listener to the children. More...
const hyper | MODAL = 32768 |
| Object is modal. More...
const hyper | MULTI_LINE = 65536 |
| Indicates this (text) object can contain multiple lines of text. More...
const hyper | MULTI_SELECTABLE = 131072 |
| More than one child may be selected at the same time. More...
const hyper | OPAQUE = 262144 |
| Indicates this object paints every pixel within its rectangular region. More...
const hyper | PRESSED = 524288 |
| Indicates this object is currently pressed. More...
const hyper | RESIZABLE = 1048576 |
| Indicates the size of this object is not fixed. More...
const hyper | SELECTABLE = 2097152 |
| Object is selectable. More...
const hyper | SELECTED = 4194304 |
| Object is selected. More...
const hyper | SENSITIVE = 8388608 |
| Indicates this object is sensitive. More...
const hyper | SHOWING = 16777216 |
| Object is displayed on the screen. More...
const hyper | SINGLE_LINE = 33554432 |
| Indicates this (text) object can contain only a single line of text. More...
const hyper | STALE = 67108864 |
| Object information is stale and might not be up to date. More...
const hyper | TRANSIENT = 134217728 |
| Indicates this object is transient. More...
const hyper | VERTICAL = 268435456 |
| Indicates the orientation of this object is vertical. More...
const hyper | VISIBLE = 536870912 |
| Object wants to be displayed on the screen. More...
const hyper | MOVEABLE = 1073741824 |
| Indicates the position of the object is not fixed. More...
const hyper | DEFAULT = 2147483648 |
| Indicates the object is the default button in a window. More...
const hyper | OFFSCREEN = 4294967296 |
| Indicates the object is outside of the screen area. More...
const hyper | COLLAPSE = 8589934592 |
| Indicates that the object is collapsed. More...
const hyper | CHECKABLE = 17179869184 |
| Indicates this object is checkable, i.e. More...