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generated_idl_chapter_refs.idl File Reference

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interface  XCharacterClassification
 Character classification (upper, lower, digit, letter, number, ...) and generic Unicode enabled parser. More...
interface  XComponentContext
 Component context to be passed to a component via com::sun::star::lang::XSingleComponentFactory. More...
interface  XMultiServiceFactory
 Allows creating instances specified by a string name. More...
interface  XMultiComponentFactory
 Factory interface for creating component instances giving a context from which to retrieve deployment values. More...
service  ServiceManager
 Provides a collection of implementations for services. More...
interface  XNumberFormatCode
 Access number format codes defined in locale data. More...
exception  Exception
 the base of all UNO exceptions More...
exception  RuntimeException
 This exception or a subclass can occur at every interface method. More...
interface  XChartDataArray
 gives access to data represented as an array of rows. More...
interface  XChartData
 manages the data of the chart. More...
service  ChartDataArray
 must be supported by each data source for charts, where you want to access the values directly. More...
service  ChartData
 must be supported by every component that wants to provide data for a chart More...
interface  XBreakIterator
 contains the base routines for iteration in Unicode string. More...
interface  XNamedRanges
 provides access to the members in a collection of named ranges and to insert and remove them. More...
struct  EventObject
 is thrown on document and document content events More...
interface  XEventBroadcaster
 makes it possible to register listeners which are called whenever a document event (see EventObject) occurs More...
struct  EventObject
 specifies the base for all event objects and identifies the source of the event. More...
service  Events
 is a collection of all events supported by a document or content of a document More...
service  ConfigurationUpdateAccess
 provides modifying access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy. More...
service  ConfigurationProvider
 manages one, or more, complete sets of configuration data and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to a subset of the configuration. More...
interface  XChangesBatch
 this interface enables applying a set of changes in one batch transaction. More...
interface  XComponentLoader
 this is a simple interface to load components by a URL into a frame environment More...
interface  XRedlinesSupplier
 provides access to a container of the redline objects of the document. More...
interface  XCalendar
 Access to locale specific calendar systems. More...
interface  XCellRangesQuery
 provides methods to query for cell ranges with specific contents. More...
interface  XFormulaQuery
 provides methods to query cells for dependencies in formulas. More...
service  SheetRangesQuery
 provides interfaces to find cells with specific properties. More...
interface  XColumnRowRange
 provides methods to access the collections of columns and rows of a cell range. More...
service  PathSettings
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of thePathSettings singleton. More...
interface  XComponent
 allows to explicitly free resources and break cyclic references. More...
interface  XInterface
 base interface of all UNO interfaces More...
interface  XWeak
 the server-side interface to a weak object. More...
interface  XToolkit
 specifies a factory interface for the window toolkit. More...
service  Toolkit
 describes a toolkit that creates windows on a screen. More...
interface  XWindowPeer
 gives access to the actual window implementation on the device. More...
service  TextEmbeddedObject
 provides access to the properties and methods of an embedded object. More...
service  BaseFrame
 specifies the base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects More...
service  Shape
 specifies the service of shapes in a text document More...
service  TextGraphicObject
 specifies a graphic which can be embedded in Text. More...
service  TextFrame
 specifies a rectangular shape which contains a Text object and is attached to a piece of surrounding Text. More...
interface  XRowSetApproveBroadcaster
 provides the possibility of reviving an event before changing the content of a row set. More...
interface  XUnoUrlResolver
 allows to resolve an object using the uno-url. More...
exception  DisposedException
 This exception occurs if the object behind this interface has been disposed before and can't uphold its method specification anymore. More...
service  UnoUrlResolver
 provides the ability to access remote processes, resolving them by a UNO url. More...
interface  XContentCreator
 A creator for new (persistent) contents, like file system folders. More...
service  ImportFilter
 describes an import filter for XML-based file formats. More...
service  ExportFilter
 describes an export filter for XML-based file formats. More...
interface  XDocumentHandler
 receives notification of general document events. More...
service  XMLImportFilter
 describes an import filter for XML-based file formats. More...
service  ProtocolHandler
 special dispatch provider registered for URL protocols More...
interface  XDispatchProvider
 provides XDispatch interfaces for certain functions which are useful at the UI. More...
interface  XPropertySet
 provides information about and access to the properties from an implementation. More...
interface  XStorable
 offers a simple way to store a component to a URL. More...
interface  XContent
 specifies a content with a type and an identifier, which is able to manage listeners for events that are related to contents. More...
service  Content
 A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider. More...
interface  XChild
 provides access to the parent of the object. More...
interface  XPropertyContainer
 makes it possible to add and remove properties to or from an object. More...
interface  XCommandProcessor2
 An improved version of a com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandProcessor that helps avoid ever-increasing resource consumption. More...
interface  XCommandProcessor
 defines a processor for synchronous commands, which are executed in a specific execution environment. More...
service  Frame
 represents the environment for a desktop component More...
interface  XFrame
 a frame object can be considered to be an "anchor" object where a component can be attached to. More...
interface  XViewDataSupplier
 gives access to some properties describing all open views to a document More...
interface  XContentProvider
 a content provider which creates and manages XContents. More...
interface  XContentIdentifierFactory
 A factory for content identifiers. More...
interface  XTextConversion
 Method to convert text from one type to another. More...
service  Dim3DDiagram
 is a service for diagrams that support the capability to render themselves as three-dimensional diagrams as well as two-dimensional ones. More...
service  Chart3DBarProperties
 Specifies all the properties for the graphic object of a data point in a three-dimensional bar diagram. More...
service  Controller
 is an abstract service for a component which offers a deeper integration of desktop components than a com::sun::star::awt::XWindow can offer More...
service  DataSourceBrowser
 implements a component which allows browsing the data sources registered on the system. More...
service  TextDocumentView
 specifies the view of a TextDocument. More...
service  DrawingDocumentDrawView
 This component integrates a view to a DrawPages or MasterPage from a DrawingDocument. More...
service  SpreadsheetView
 represents a view of a spreadsheet document. More...
interface  XTextContent
 enables objects to be inserted into a text and to provide their location in a text once they are inserted into it. More...
interface  XArrayFormulaRange
 provides handling of array formulas in a cell range. More...
service  UnoControlModel
 specifies the standard model of a UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design. More...
service  UnoControl
 specifies an abstract control. More...
service  SystemClipboard
 The system clipboard service builds a bridge to the OS specific clipboard interfaces. More...
interface  XClipboard
service  ControlShape
 This service is for a Shape which contains a control. More...
service  Driver
 extends the service com::sun::star::sdbc::Driver by beans for data definition. More...
interface  XRefreshable
 is supported by objects with data that can be refreshed from a data source. More...
interface  XLocaleData
 Access locale specific data as it is defined in XML locale data files compiled into the binary data libraries liblocaledata*.so respectively localedata*.dll. More...
interface  XLinkTargetSupplier
 interface is supplied by objects inside a document object model that have children that can be the target of a link inside a document. More...
service  RecentFunctions
 contains the list of recently used spreadsheet functions. More...
interface  XPooledConnection
 defines a pooled connection which can share an unused connection. More...
service  ConnectionPool
 is the basic service for pooling SDBC connections. More...
interface  XListEntrySink
 specifies support for indirect manipulation of a string list More...
interface  XListEntrySource
 specifies a source of string list entries More...
interface  XMultipleOperation
 provides a method to apply a Multiple Operations Table to the cell range. More...
interface  XAsyncJob
 specifies a job which must be executed asynchronously More...
interface  XJob
 specifies a job which is to be executed synchronously More...
service  Job
 Represent a synchronous job, which can be executed by the global theJobExecutor instance. More...
service  AsyncJob
 Represent an asynchronous job, which can be executed by the global theJobExecutor instance. More...
service  GlobalSheetSettings
 contributes properties to access the settings for all spreadsheets of a spreadsheet document. More...
interface  XLoadable
 provides functionality to implement objects which may be loaded. More...
interface  XLoadListener
 receives load-related events from a loadable object. More...
interface  XCommandPreparation
 is used for preparation of commands. More...
service  DataAwareControlModel
 is an abstract service for specialized FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source. More...
service  QueryDefinition
 is a stored definition of a SQL "Select statement". More...
service  GroupShape
 This service is for a group of Shapes. More...
service  ShapeCollection
 This service describes a generic container to manage collections of Shape. More...
interface  XShapeGrouper
 specifies the group/ungroup functionality. More...
interface  XShapeCombiner
 specifies the combine/split functionality. More...
service  SpreadsheetViewSettings
 contains settings which are specific to each view of a spreadsheet More...
interface  XAreaLink
 provides methods to change the settings of a linked cell range. More...
interface  XAreaLinks
 provides access via index to a collection of area links and inserting and removing area links. More...
interface  XPropertyState
 makes it possible to query information about the state of one or more properties. More...
interface  XPropertySetInfo
 specifies a set of properties. More...
interface  XFastPropertySet
 provides a fast way of accessing and changing property values. More...
interface  XMultiPropertySet
 provides access to multiple properties with a single call. More...
interface  XLayerManager
 This interface makes it possible to access and manage the Layers of a document. More...
service  TextDocument
 Specify the document service of the text module. More...
interface  XScenarios
 provides access via name to the scenarios in a collection and inserting and removing scenarios. More...
service  PrintOptions
 describes the options for print jobs. More...
service  PrinterDescriptor
 describes a printer by specifying the queue name and some settings. More...
interface  XPrintable
 offers printing functionality. More...
interface  XNumberFormatTypes
 represents functions to get specific, predefined number formats. More...
interface  XNumberFormatter
 represents a number formatter. More...
interface  XNumberFormatPreviewer
 represents a number formatter which can preview number formats without inserting them. More...
interface  XNumberFormats
 provides access to multiple NumberFormats. More...
service  NumberFormats
 specifies a container of number formats. More...
service  NumberFormatter
 represents an object which can format numbers and strings. More...
interface  XNumberFormatsSupplier
 supplies the collection of NumberFormats (for example, in a document) and the settings belonging to these formats. More...
service  TextCursor
 A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object. More...
interface  XFramesSupplier
 provides access to sub frames of current one More...
service  TableValidation
 represents the data validation settings for a cell or cell range. More...
interface  XIndexEntrySupplier
 supplies information on index entries to generate a "table of alphabetical index" for a given locale. More...
interface  XSheetCellCursor
 provides advanced methods to control the position of a cursor in a spreadsheet. More...
service  SheetFilterDescriptor
 represents a description of how a cell range is to be filtered. More...
interface  XSheetFilterableEx
 represents something from which criteria for filtering can be read. More...
interface  XSheetFilterable
 represents something that can be filtered using an XSheetFilterDescriptor. More...
service  SheetCell
 represents a single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document. More...
service  SheetCellRanges
 represents a collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document. More...
service  SheetCellRange
 represents a rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document. More...
service  Spreadsheet
 represents a complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document. More...
service  TableColumn
 represents a special cell range containing all cells of a single specific column in a table or spreadsheet. More...
service  TableRow
 represents a special cell range containing all cells of a single specific row in a table or spreadsheet. More...
service  DataPilotTables
 represents a collection of data pilot tables. More...
service  TableCellStyle
 contains the properties of a table cell style. More...
service  SearchDescriptor
 describes what and how to search within a container. More...
interface  XReplaceable
 makes it possible to replace strings in a text described by a SearchDescriptor. More...
interface  XSearchable
 enables the object to look for specified contents of the object (in particular, for a text range which contains a specific string pattern). More...
interface  XResultSetMetaData
 can be used to find out about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet. More...
service  AutoTextGroup
 provides access to text blocks in a group. More...
service  AutoTextContainer
 provides access to groups of text blocks. More...
service  AutoTextEntry
 provides access to a text block in a group of an AutoTextContainer. More...
service  TextSection
 A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text. More...
service  FilterFactory
 factory to create filter components. More...
service  TypeDetection
 encapsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data. More...
service  SynchronousFrameLoader
 derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment More...
service  ExtendedTypeDetection
 describes a class of service which will be used for deep TypeDetection in a generic way More...
service  ImportFilter
 filter for imports More...
service  FrameLoader
 derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment More...
service  ExportFilter
 filter for exports More...
service  SpreadsheetDocument
 represents a model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets. More...
service  Spreadsheets
 represents the collection of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document. More...
service  IndexColumn
 adds a property to determine the sort order of the column values within the index. More...
service  Column
 describes the common properties of a database column. More...
service  KeyColumn
adds a property to specify the referenced column. More...
interface  XWindow
 specifies the basic operations for a window component. More...
interface  XTopWindow
 manages the functionality specific for a top window. More...
service  TextProperties
 This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering the text area inside a shape. More...
service  FillProperties
 This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering an area. More...
service  LineProperties
 This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering a Line. More...
service  DataPilotSource
 represents a data pilot source. More...
interface  XEventsSupplier
 gives access to a list of URLs bound to events of this object More...
interface  XRowSetListener
 is used for receiving "cursorMoved", "rowChanged", and "rowSetChanged" events posted by, for example, a row set. More...
interface  XRowSetApproveListener
 is used for approving the moving and changing of row set actions. More...
service  FormControlModel
 specifies a control model within a form. More...
interface  XContentProviderManager
 makes it possible to query/register/deregister content providers. More...
interface  XModel
 represents a component which is created from a URL and arguments. More...
service  GenericDrawPage
 This abstract service is implemented by every page of a DrawingDocument. More...
service  CustomPresentationAccess
 This is a container for custom presentations. More...
interface  XCustomPresentationSupplier
 must be supported to provide access to customized presentations of a presentation document. More...
service  StockDiagram
 specifies a diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes. More...
interface  XFrames
 manages and creates frames. More...
service  DataPilotDescriptor
 represents the description of the layout of a data pilot table. More...
service  DataPilotField
 represents a single field in a data pilot table. More...
interface  XRangeSelectionChangeListener
 allows notification when the selected range is changed. More...
interface  XRangeSelection
 allows to let the user to select a cell range. More...
service  RangeSelectionArguments
 contains the arguments for starting the range selection. More...
service  PageProperties
 describes the style of pages. More...
service  TextColumns
 provides access to columns in text (e.g., in TextFrames ). More...
service  DataSource
 is a factory to establish database connections. More...
interface  XServiceInfo
 Provides information regarding the implementation: which services are implemented and the name of the implementation. More...
interface  XOutParameters
 is used to register Out-Parameters for stored procedures. More...
interface  XStatusIndicatorFactory
 provides multiple, probably parallel running, status indicator objects More...
interface  XEventListener
 base interface for all event listeners interfaces. More...
interface  XContentEnumerationAccess
 allows access to the collections of all content types within the object. More...
interface  XEnumerationAccess
 used to enumerate objects in a container which contains objects. More...
service  Paragraph
 is a piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties). More...
service  TextPortion
 A TextPortion is a piece of text within a paragraph that does not contain changes of its attributes inside. More...
service  DatabaseRange
 represents a database range in a spreadsheet document. More...
service  DatabaseRanges
 represents a collection of database ranges in a spreadsheet document. More...
interface  XCloseListener
 makes it possible to receive events when an object is called for closing More...
interface  XCloseable
 makes it possible to release any objects in an ordered manner by using a two-step mechanism More...
interface  XBoundComponent
 specifies a (form) component which is bound to a data source. More...
service  Statement
 is used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it. More...
service  Connection
 extends the com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database. More...
struct  TablePageBreakData
 describes a page break in a spreadsheet. More...
interface  XSheetPageBreak
 provides access to page breaks in a sheet. More...
interface  XDocumentIndexMark
 gives access to the mark of a document index entry. More...
service  BaseIndexMark
 is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry. More...
service  RotationDescriptor
 This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of an optional rotation and shearing for a Shape. More...
service  GroupDescriptor
 is used to create a new group in a database. More...
interface  XDatabaseMetaData
 provides comprehensive information about the database as a whole. More...
interface  XSimpleText
 is the main interface for a distinct text unit, i.e. More...
interface  XModifiable
 makes the modify state of the object accessible. More...
service  PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor
 This service describes a polypolygonbezier. More...
interface  XInputSequenceChecker
 contains the routine to check Thai input sequence checking More...
interface  XExtendedIndexEntrySupplier
 This interface provides information for creating "Table of Index". More...
service  Factory
 makes it possible to create COM objects as UNO objects. More...
service  BridgeSupplier
 maps UNO types to oleautomation types and vice versa. More...
service  ApplicationRegistration
 registers UNO objects as COM objects. More...
service  ConfigurationAccess
 provides read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy. More...
service  DataPilotSourceDimensions
 represents the collection of dimensions in a data pilot source. More...
service  TextField
 A TextField is a TextContent which fades its textual representation into the text range to which it is anchored. More...
interface  XTextField
 is the base interface for all text fields. More...
service  TextContent
 is an object which can be anchored in a text, like instances of TextFrame or TextField. More...
interface  XText
 extends a XSimpleText by the capability of inserting XTextContents. More...
interface  XInitialization
 initializes an object directly after its creation. More...
service  RowSet
 is a client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a row set reader, who mustn't support SQL. More...
interface  XSelectionSupplier
 makes it possible to access and change the selection in a view. More...
service  DatabaseImportDescriptor
 represents a description of how data from an external database is imported. More...
interface  XVolatileResult
 provides methods to handle a volatile function result. More...
service  SQLQueryComposer
 represents a tool for composing SQL select statements. More...
interface  XCellRangeAddressable
 represents a cell which can be addressed with a com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress. More...
interface  XNativeNumberSupplier
 Methods to convert between strings of ASCII Arabic digits and native numeral strings. More...
interface  XDataSource
 is used for establishing connections via a factory which is identified by its name. More...
service  Acceptor
 allows to accept connection attempts from another process. More...
interface  XBridgeFactory
 factory to create interprocess bridges. More...
service  Connector
 allows to establish a connection to another process. More...
interface  XConnector
 allows to actively establish an interprocess connection. More...
service  BridgeFactory
 allows to create new or access existing interprocess bridges. More...
interface  XAcceptor
 allows to passively accept connection attempts from other processes. More...
service  Connection
 represents a connection (session) with a specific database. More...
service  Bookmark
 A bookmark is a TextContent, which is like a jump target or a label. More...
interface  XExtendedCalendar
 This interface provides access to locale specific calendar systems. More...
service  TableColumns
 represents a collection of all columns of a table or spreadsheet. More...
service  TableRows
 represents a collection of all rows of a table or spreadsheet. More...
interface  XUser
 allows for changing a users password. More...
exception  CannotConvertException
 This exception is thrown to indicate that a type conversion can not be performed. More...
exception  InvocationTargetException
 This exception denotes a checked exception (wrapping an originating exception) and may be thrown upon using invocation API. More...
service  Desktop
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theDesktop singleton. More...
interface  XValidatable
 specifies support for validating a component More...
interface  XSheetConditionalEntries
 provides methods to add and remove conditions of a conditional format. More...
service  TableConditionalFormat
 represents a collection of conditional formatting settings for a cell or cell range. More...
struct  ContentInfo
 A structure for information about contents. More...
interface  XSheetOutline
 provides methods to access the outlines of a sheet. More...
service  Driver
 is the service that every driver class must implement. More...
service  SheetLink
 represents a sheet link. More...
service  SheetLinks
 represents a collection of sheet links. More...
interface  XSheetLinkable
 enables a sheet to refer to another sheet in a different document. More...
service  DataPilotSourceLevel
 represents a level in a data pilot source hierarchy. More...
interface  XCellSeries
 provides methods to fill out a cell range automatically with values based on a start value, step count and fill mode. More...
interface  XRelativeTextContentInsert
 makes it possible to insert new text contents before or after existing text contents. More...
interface  XBindableValue
 specifies support for being bound to an external value More...
interface  XValueBinding
 specifies a binding to a value which can be read and written. More...
service  Form
 This service specifies a form which is a group of FormComponents. More...
interface  XProtectable
 makes it possible to protect objects from modifications. More...
interface  XActionLockable
 makes it possible to prevent object internal updates for a certain period to be able to quickly change multiple parts of the objects, where the updates would invalidate each other, anyway. More...
service  HTMLForm
 This service specifies the special kind of Forms for HTML documents. More...
interface  XSheetCellRange
 provides access to the spreadsheet that contains a cell range. More...
interface  XCellRange
 provides access to the cells or to sub-ranges of a cell range. More...
interface  XForm
 identifies a FormComponent as being a (sub-) form. More...
interface  XTabControllerModel
 specifies the basic operations for a tab controller model. More...
interface  XMergeable
 represents a range of cells that can be merged. More...
interface  XSheetOperation
 provides methods to execute operations on a cell range or ranges. More...
service  FormComponents
 specifies the capabilities of a collection of FormComponents. More...
interface  XCompatibilityNames
 gives access to the sequence of compatibility names for an Addin function. More...
interface  XPagePrintable
 Print several pages on one printer page. More...
interface  XContextMenuInterception
 This interface enables an object to get interceptors registered that change context menus or prevent them from being executed. More...
struct  OpenCommandArgument2
 The argument for commands like "open", "update", and "synchronize". More...
service  DynamicResultSet
 provides read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet. More...
interface  XFilter
 interface to filter documents More...
interface  XNameContainer
 This is the generic interface for supporting the insertion and removal of named elements. More...
interface  XIndexAccess
 provides access to the elements of a collection through an index. More...
interface  XNameAccess
 is used to access named objects within a container. More...
interface  XIndexContainer
 This is the generic interface for supporting the insertion and removal of indexed elements. More...
service  SharedLibrary
 Allows to access a native component stored in a shared library. More...
service  DriverManager
interface  XPresentation
 With this interface you can control any object that implements a Presentation. More...
interface  XStyleFamiliesSupplier
 This interface provides access to the style families within the container document. More...
struct  URL
 represents the structure of a Uniform Resource Locator. More...
service  BaseIndex
 specifies the basic service of different indexes within a document. More...
interface  XDocumentIndex
 This is the main interface for a document index. More...
interface  XMain
 Executing interface for executable components run by the uno executable loader. More...
interface  XRowUpdate
 is used to update data which is collected in a row. More...
service  CellFormatRanges
 represents a collection of equal-formatted cell ranges. More...
service  UserDescriptor
 is used to create a new user in a database. More...
service  DrawPage
 This is the service provided by a com::sun::star::drawing::DrawPage inside a PresentationDocument. More...
service  Hyphenator
 offers hyphenation functionality. More...
service  SpellChecker
 offers spell checking functionality. More...
service  LinguServiceManager
 offers linguistic functionality. More...
service  DictionaryList
 is the list of personal dictionaries. More...
service  LinguProperties
 the set of linguistic relevant properties. More...
service  Thesaurus
 offers thesaurus functionality. More...
service  FunctionAccess
 allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions. More...
interface  XIndent
 allows indentation of the object to be changed. More...
service  ResultSet
 extends the SDBC ResultSet by the possibility of bookmark positioning, canceling the positioning, and updating of rows. More...
service  ResultSet
 provides access to a table of data. More...
service  ResultSet
 extends the com::sun::star::sdbcx::ResultSet by a more sophisticated access to the result sets data. More...
service  XYDiagram
 a service for X/Y diagrams (Also known as scatter charts). More...
service  Diagram
 the base service for the diagram of the chart document. More...
interface  XTableChartsSupplier
 provides a method to access a collection of charts in a table or spreadsheet. More...
service  OLE2Shape
 This service is for an OLE shape. More...
service  ChartDocument
 is the service for a chart document. More...
service  TextTable
 is a table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text. More...
service  GraphicExportFilter
 a component that supports this service lets you export pages, shapes, or groups of shapes from a DrawingDocument to a file in one of the file formats supported by the component. More...
interface  XController
 With this interface, components viewed in a Frame can serve events (by supplying dispatches). More...
service  DefinitionContainer
 describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports. More...
interface  XResultSetAccess
 is the interface to create a com::sun::star::sdbc::ResultSet based on the object providing the interface. More...
interface  XDesktop
 This is the main interface of a desktop service. More...
interface  XDocumentInsertable
 Makes it possible to import a document from a given URL into this document. More...
interface  XCollator
 provides locale-sensitive collation algorithms for string comparison. More...
service  Defaults
 provides default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties. More...
service  DDELink
 represents a DDE link. More...
interface  XSheetAuditing
 provides methods to access auditing (detective) features in a spreadsheet. More...
interface  XPrintAreas
 represents a sheet which has print areas. More...
service  UniqueCellFormatRanges
 represents a collection of equal-formatted cell range collections. More...
interface  XUnoTunnel
 An interface to tunnel UNO. More...
interface  XNamed
 specifies the name of the object. More...
service  TextViewCursor
 A TextViewCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a view of a Text object. More...
service  TablePageStyle
 represents a page style for a spreadsheet. More...
interface  XDatabaseParameterListener
 allows to intercept value request for parametrized SQL statements. More...
interface  XDatabaseParameterBroadcaster
 provides the possibility of receiving an event for configuration of parameters. More...
service  TextTableCursor
 specifies a cursor in text tables. More...
service  ParagraphProperties
 describes the style of paragraphs. More...
service  CharacterPropertiesComplex
 This is a set of properties to describe the style of characters in complex texts. More...
service  CharacterPropertiesAsian
 This is a set of properties to describe the style of characters in Asian texts. More...
service  CharacterProperties
 This is a set of properties to describe the style of characters. More...
service  DrawPage
 This service specifies a page for the actual draw pages to contain the drawings. More...
service  PropertySet
 This is a generic service which should be supported by all services which have properties. More...
service  URLTransformer
 helps to split up a string containing a URL into its structural parts and assembles the parts into a single string. More...
interface  XRubySelection
 This interface enables the object to handle list of ruby lines (aka Furigana lines). More...
interface  XDrawPagesSupplier
 must be supported to provide access to a multi-page drawing-layer. More...
service  Shape
 This abstract service specifies the general characteristics of all Shapes. More...
service  UniversalContentBroker
 is a one-instance service that provides access to a set of Contents via ContentProviders. More...
interface  XDispatchProviderInterceptor
 makes it possible to intercept request of XDispatch. More...
struct  SubTotalColumn
 describes how a single data column is treated when creating subtotals. More...
service  SubTotalDescriptor
 represents a description of how subtotals are created. More...
service  SubTotalField
 represents a single field in a subtotal descriptor. More...
interface  XSubTotalCalculatable
 contains methods to handle a subtotal descriptor. More...
service  DataPilotSourceMember
 represents a member in a data pilot source level. More...
service  Column
 describes the common properties of a database column. More...
service  Table
 extends the service com::sun::star::sdbcx::Table with additional display information, sorting, and filtering criteria. More...
service  DatabaseDefinition
 could be used as an extension for performing data definition tasks on databases, and to control the access rights on database objects. More...
interface  XAggregation
 Objects which implement this interface can become aggregates of a delegator. More...
interface  XTypeProvider
 interface to get information about the types (usually interface types) supported by an object. More...
interface  XResultSet
 provides the navigation on a table of data. More...
service  CoreReflection
 This service is the implementation of the reflection API. More...
service  Converter
 This service provides a widening converter converting from one type to another, if possible. More...
service  InvocationAdapterFactory
 Provides functionality to create an adapter that supports (a) special interface type(s) and maps calls to the interface's methods to an invocation interface. More...
interface  XIntrospection
 allows the inspection of an object's properties and methods. More...
interface  XTypeDescription
 Reflects a UNOIDL entity. More...
service  Invocation
 factory service that allows construction of Invocation objects. More...
service  Introspection
 A legacy (single-instance) service variant of theIntrospection singleton. More...
interface  XCellAddressable
 represents a cell which can be addressed with a com::sun::star::table::CellAddress. More...
service  LineNumberingProperties
 provides access to the settings of the line numbering. More...
service  ChartPieSegmentProperties
 specifies all the properties for the graphic object of a pie segment. More...
service  AddIn
 is the base for AddIn services that supply functions which can be called by other components. More...
interface  XImplementationLoader
 handles activation (loading) of a UNO component. More...
struct  Command
 contains a command. More...
service  MediaDescriptor
 describes properties of a document, regarding the relationship between the loaded document and the resource the document is loaded from / stored to. More...
service  JobExecutor
 A legacy (single-instance) service-variant of theJobExecutor singleton. More...
service  DatabaseContext
 is the context for accessing datasource. More...
service  Text
 is an independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs. More...
interface  XReportDocumentsSupplier
 provides the access to a container of database reports. More...
interface  XFormDocumentsSupplier
 provides the access to a container of database forms. More...
interface  XDocumentPropertiesSupplier
 provides access to the XDocumentProperties instance of a document. More...
interface  XDrawPages
 gives access to a container of DrawPages or MasterPages. More...
interface  XDrawPageDuplicator
 makes it possible to duplicate pages within the same document. More...
service  TableAutoFormatField
 represents a field in an AutoFormat. More...
service  TableAutoFormat
 represents an AutoFormat, containing exactly 16 AutoFormat fields. More...
interface  XAutoFormattable
 provides a method to apply TableAutoFormats to a cell range. More...
interface  XRow
 is used to access data which is collected in a row. More...
service  Cells
 represents a collection of used cells in a spreadsheet document. More...
interface  XCellRangeData
 allows to get and set an array of data from a cell range. More...
service  FormComponent
 specifies a component which can be part of a form. More...
service  LabelRanges
 represents a collection of label ranges in a spreadsheet document. More...
service  CellAnnotation
 represents a cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell. More...
interface  XSheetAnnotation
 provides methods to query data of the annotation and to show and hide it. More...
interface  XSheetAnnotationAnchor
 provides access to a cell annotation attached to a spreadsheet cell. More...
service  Footnote
 This service specifies a footnote or an endnote in a TextDocument. More...
interface  XUsedAreaCursor
 provides methods to find the used area of the entire sheet. More...
interface  XDatabaseRanges
 provides functions to manage a collection of database ranges. More...
service  Shape
 this service is supported from all shapes inside a PresentationDocument. More...
interface  XSortable
 makes it possible to sort the contents of this object. More...
service  Style
 This service specifies a single style sheet. More...
service  StyleFamilies
 This service contains the collection of style families within the container document. More...
interface  XStyle
 specifies a template for a style (aka style sheet). More...
service  StyleFamily
 This service is a container of style sheets of the same style family. More...
service  FunctionDescriptions
 represents a collection of function descriptions for all built-in functions as well as add-in functions available in the spreadsheet application. More...
service  FunctionDescription
 collects all properties used to describe a function. More...
service  SingleSelectQueryComposer
 represents a service for composing a single select statement. More...
service  SheetSortDescriptor2
 a description of how a cell range is to be sorted. More...
interface  XTransliteration
 Character conversions like case folding or Hiragana to Katakana. More...
service  ReferenceMark
 is used for cross references in text documents. More...
service  SpreadsheetViewPane
 represents a single pane in a view of a spreadsheet document. More...
interface  XConsolidatable
 provides methods to consolidate ranges in a spreadsheet document. More...
interface  XConsolidationDescriptor
 provides access to the settings of a consolidation descriptor. More...


module  com
module  com::sun
module  com::sun::star
 the module com::sun::star is the root module of the UNO API.
module  com::sun::star::i18n
 Interface for internationalization.
module  com::sun::star::uno
 Basic UNO interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::lang
 General UNO concepts like factories etc.
module  com::sun::star::chart
 Charting diagram interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::sheet
 Spreadsheet specific interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::document
 Office document related interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::configuration
 Access to the tree of configuration data.
module  com::sun::star::util
 Miscellaneous interfaces for sorting, connecting objects etc.
module  com::sun::star::frame
 Desktop environment framework interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::table
 Table specific interfaces (for text and spreadsheet).
module  com::sun::star::awt
 Java AWT-like user interface toolkit interface specifications for UNO.
module  com::sun::star::text
 Text specific interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::sdb
 Basic interfaces for database access.
module  com::sun::star::bridge
 Interfaces for building bridges to other component models.
module  com::sun::star::ucb
 Universal Content Broker interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::xml
 XML related interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::xml::sax
 SAX interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::beans
 Java beans-like property access and introspection.
module  com::sun::star::container
 Interfaces for collections and containers.
module  com::sun::star::drawing
 Drawing and shape specific interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::datatransfer
 Clipboard and Drag&Drop interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard
 Clipboard specific interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::sdbcx
 High-level database component interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::sdbc
 Database component interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::form
 Interfaces for managing forms and controls.
module  com::sun::star::form::binding
 collects functionality for binding form controls to external data sources.
module  com::sun::star::task
 Task management interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::view
 Document view specific interfaces (e.g. selection access and printing).
module  com::sun::star::presentation
 Presentation specific interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::style
 Formatting and layout style and style sheet interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::bridge::oleautomation
 interfaces for UNO bridge to OLE automation.
module  com::sun::star::text::fieldmaster
 text field masters.
module  com::sun::star::connection
 Data exchange interfaces for inter-process communication.
module  com::sun::star::script
 Scripting language bindings.
module  com::sun::star::reflection
 Runtime object inspection / core reflection interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::form::validation
 collects functionality to validate form components by help of external validator instances
module  com::sun::star::form::component
 collects form control model descriptions
module  com::sun::star::ui
 Dialogs and other UI elements.
module  com::sun::star::loader
 Component implementation loader interfaces.
module  com::sun::star::linguistic2
 Spell checker, hyphenation and thesaurus interfaces.

Constant Groups

constants  com::sun::star::sdb::CommandType
 indicates the type of a command.
constants  com::sun::star::sdbcx::KeyType
 determines the type of a key.
constants  com::sun::star::text::ControlCharacter
 These constants are the codes for inserting control characters using XSimpleText::insertControlCharacter() interface.
constants  com::sun::star::frame::FrameSearchFlag
 these types describe the algorithm to be used to search a frame
constants  com::sun::star::sdbc::TransactionIsolation
 distinguishes different possible transaction isolation levels.